Паспорт совместного российско



Passport of joint Russian-U.S. project

1. Title

Optical Computer with Holographic Memory

2. Abstract

Intelligent optical computer based on rewritable 3D holographic memory and coherent signal converters, operational with 10




sec temporal resolution. Herewith Fourier and Fourier-Bessel coherent signal transformations and holographic memory devices based on artificial meta-materials are used. In perspective device could be considered as a quantum computer pre-prototype, where computation technology is based on quantum Q-bit data representation, and quantum operators such as quantum superposition, entanglement and interference are used for data processing.

Computer allows to resolve existing digital computation problems, significantly (up to one million times and more) reduces computational time in a number of fields, such as data mining, solution of complex unstable multidimensional computation problems, real time image processing, optimization problems in hydrodynamics, recognition problems, cryptography, meteorological data processing, complex control problems (aviation, space etc.), biomedicine, life support systems, etc.

Such computation performance is achieved by replacement of the traditional Turing machine based calculus used in modern digital computers with semantically interpretable continuous operations, performed on optical computer.

3. Description of the expected project results

Expected project result is a quantum optical computer device, core technology for its production including intellectual property, application methodology and sample applications.

Also we expect a number of side products, such as holographic data storage units, with extremely high data storage capacity, new materials, high performance optical systems and many others.

4. Novelty, description of competitive advantages of the developed technology

Classical quantum computer, which is under development in above-mentioned groups, differs from proposed approach, since quantum computer requires physical realization of quantum Q-bit, which is not achieved practically so far due to decoherence and other technical issues.

Proposed device differs from quantum computer since it does not require physical realization of quantum Q-bit, it uses rewritable 3D holographic memory for data storage and coherent signals and optics for its processing. Holographic memory technology uses materials similar with those, currently used for optical disks production (CD_RW, DVD_RW, BD_RW, etc), even though it requires faster reaction time.

Proposed device is not based on standard computational paradigm used in classical computers.

It performs continuous operations (like analog computer).

5. Expected effect of the project results

In case of success, global market is estimated in several hundred billion dollars. High performance computation devices are required in a number of daily life products, in almost every economic sector. Technology could be distributed among major global chipmakers, such as Intel,

AMD, STM, etc. Side products could revolutionize data storage systems.

6. Proposed participants of the project consortium (research, education, commercial)

Noncommercial Partnership for scientific research and social development «Analytical Agency

«New strategies». Prof.

Alexander Nikolaevich Raikov.

Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow, Russia, 117997, Profsoyuznaya 65. Prof.


Alexandrovich Novikov.

The Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Leninskij prospekt, 53, Deparment of Quantum Radiophysics, LPHP, Prof. Pozdneev Sergey Alexeevich

N.D.Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, 119991, Moscow, Leninskii prospect, 47, prof.

Andrew Semenovich Mendkovich.

Intelligent Quantum & Soft Computing R&D Group (www.qcoptimizer.com). Prof.


Victorovich Ulyanov.

Coordinator - Prof.

Alexander N. Raikov . Contact him at: 119526, Moscow, 26 Bakinskih

Komissarov, 14-100, e-mail: Alexander.N.Rraikov@gmail.com, +7 (495) 7962132.

7. Preliminary plan of project preparation and performance, main project milestones

2011 – 2012 – feasibility study, consortia organization, decision making;

2012 – 2015 active R&D phase, material for rewritable 3D holographic memory, coherent signal transformations and holographic memory devices;

2015 + holographic memory marketing;

2017+ optical computer production prototype;

2020 + quantum optical computer marketing.
