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Name ________________________________________ Date ______________ Period __________
Reinforcement Worksheet – Cell Theory, Scientists, & Cell Types
Scientists once believed living things were created from non-living material, like trash creating maggots and a
pile of clothes creating rats. This was known as spontaneous generation which is the supposed production of
living things from non-living matter. In one of several experiments, a scientist named Francesca Redi proved
that maggots came from flies that laid their eggs on meat, disproving that meat did not create maggots and flies.
The invention of the microscope in the late 1500s revealed to early scientists a whole new world of tiny
structures called cells and where they come from. Most cells are so small that they cannot be seen without a
microscope. The discoveries of scientists from the 1600s through the 1800s led to the cell theory, which is a
unifying concept of biology:
1. All living organisms are made of cells.
2. All existing cells are produced by pre-existing cells that divided to produce new cells.
3. The cell is the most basic unit of life.
All cells can be divided into two major groups: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The main differences
between the two kinds of cells are in their structure:
∙Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus defined by a membrane, while prokaryotic cells have no nucleus.
∙In eukaryotic cells, the DNA, or genetic information you get from parents, is enclosed within a
nucleus. In prokaryotic cells, the DNA is found naked in the cytoplasm, the jellylike substance
that fills both types of cells.
∙Eukaryotic cells have organelles, structures that perform jobs for a cell. Most organelles are
surrounded by membranes. Prokaryotic cells do not have organelles that are surrounded by
Prokaryotic cells make up organisms called prokaryotes. All prokaryotes are tiny and consist of single cells.
Bacteria are prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells make up eukaryotes. You are a eukaryote, as are plants and
some types of single-celled organisms. All multicellular organisms, or organisms that have many cells, are
1. What is the smallest, most basic unit of life?
2. What is the idea called spontaneous generation?
3. Why do you believe years ago intelligent persons believed in spontaneous generation? Explain
(interpret from the story).
4. Describe how the theory of spontaneous generation was disproved.
5. In the chart below tell what each scientist did to help develop the cell theory.
Contribution to Cell Theory
11. What are the three parts of the cell theory?
12. A friend tells you he read somewhere that rotting garbage can turn into maggots, which are fly
larvae, and the maggots then can grow into adult flies. What part of the cell theory could you use to
argue that these cells came from the garbage?
13. Explain what part of the cell theory would change if somebody discovered a living Martian
organism that did not have cells.