Supplementary Table 2. Comparison of the effects of growing maize plants in aeroponics versus solid substrate (Turface-containing pots) when treated with high nitrogen (HN) or low nitrogen (LN). Shoot Traits Plant # of Height Leaves (cm) Shoot (SDW) and Root Dry Weight (RDW) SDW (g.plt-1) RDW (g.plt-1) Root: Shoot Ratio Root Traits # of Crown Roots Total Root Length (cm) Total Lateral Root Length (cm) Total Crown Root Length (cm) Specific Root Length (m.g-1) Aeroponics HN (20mM) LN (8mM) Hybrid 45.0 7.5 65.53 12.00 0.202 11.0 53216.3 47325.4 6115.6 4218.0 Inbred 22.1 6.0 30.59 11.37 0.374 10.5 19279.1 17081.1 2301.7 1689.0 Hybrid 48.0 7.7 41.50 13.63 0.332 11.0 55125.7 50910.6 4390.9 4093.0 Inbred 23.5 5.0 28.07 11.37 0.407 7.7 24433.2 23032.4 1598.1 2145.3 NS * ** * ** NS ** ** * * Hybrid 25.0 6.0 32.57 12.03 0.370 12.3 9159.5 7534.9 1724.6 759.3 Inbred 20.3 5.5 27.24 11.92 0.437 11.5 7213.6 6352.8 962.0 604.0 Hybrid 22.5 6.0 31.77 13.90 0.438 12.7 11206.0 9541.3 1766.5 802.7 Inbred 18.1 5.0 27.79 12.37 0.446 11.0 8147.3 7317.4 942.5 649.8 NS NS NS * * NS NS * NS NS Genotype x Nitrogen (G x N)a Turface pots HN (20mM) LN (8mM) Genotype x Nitrogen (G x N)a Interactions Genotype x Growth <.0001 0.0029 <.0001 Method (G x M)b Nitrogen Treatment x Growth Method 0.0765 0.6348 0.0003 (N x M)c Genotype x Nitrogen Treatment x Growth 0.7442 0.3503 0.0018 Method (G x N x M)d 0.0678 0.0674 0.6203 0.0004 0.0004 0.0002 0.0112 0.0538 0.0325 0.4405 0.0276 0.0342 0.0161 0.0345 0.9267 0.6586 0.5258 0.0475 0.0557 0.0253 0.0598 Values represented are Least Square Means from ANOVA (n=6). Root traits were analyzed using WinRHIZO at 32 days after transplanting in aeroponics or Turface substrate. NS, Non significant at p=0.05; (*) significant at p=0.05; (**) significant at p=0.01; G,Genotype; N, Nitrogen treatment; M, Growth Method (aeroponics or Turface). Hybrid =SG150, Inbred = SG200. aG X N (Genotype x Nitrogen Treatment) represents the interaction between genotypes and the nitrogen treatments when results from both growth systems are pooled. A significant interaction (p<0.05) means that each genotype responds uniquely to nitrogen for the trait described. bG X M (Genotype x Growth Method) represents the interaction between genotypes and the growth system used. A significant interaction (p<0.05) means that each genotype responds uniquely based on the growth system used for the trait described. cN x M (Nitrogen Treatment x Growth Method) represents the interaction between the nitrogen treatment and growth system used. A significant interaction (p<0.05) means that the response to nitrogen for the trait of interest is different in each growth method used. dG x N x M (Genotype x Nitrogen Treatment x Growth Method) represents the interactions between growth system, genotypes and nitrogen treatments. This is the most important value: a significant interaction (p<0.05) means that each genotype responds differently to nitrogen treatment when grown in aeroponics versus Turface, meaning that the growth method changed the outcome of the results. Note that for many critical traits (e.g. number of crown roots, total lateral root length, etc.) plants grown in aeroponics versus Turface responded consistently to nitrogen levels.