2014116CCMinutes - Muskingum University

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 6th, 2014: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Walter Hall Room 104
Presiding: Dr. Callaghan
Present: Baker, Daquila, Ellenberger, Hansen, Meyers, Pray K., Santas, Sharp, Tabachnick, Wagner, Wilson D.
Absent: None
1) Approved amended minutes from October 30th meeting.
2) Chair expressed appreciation for the speed with which the email vote was received for adding the MATH
18X: Precalculus course to the permanent offerings. The vote was 8-0 in support of adding the course.
3) Approved amended agenda for November 6th meeting.
4) Considered the following proposals from the Math and Computer Science department:
a) Approved (10-0-0) proposal to delete MATH 175: Trigonometry (1 credit) from the permanent
offerings. (30-Day)
b) Moved consideration of adding Math 18X: Precalculus to the Quantitative Reasoning category of the
proposed Gen Ed. Motion was made and seconded to postpone this item until after a proposal to change
the category description is considered. The substitute motion failed (3–7-0). The original motion was
again taken up, and the Committee approved the motion (6-3-1) to add Math 18x: Precalculus to the QR
category of the proposed Gen Ed.
c) Voted to split the motion on changing the title of MATH 190: Beginning Calculus (4 credits) to
Calculus I, change the prerequisites for the course, and add it to the Quantitative Reasoning category of
the proposed Gen Ed. The Committee received the changes to the title, description and prerequisites of
MATH 190. Next the Committee approved (5-4-1) the proposal to add MATH 190: Beginning Calculus
to the QR category of the proposed Gen Ed.
d) Received change to the title of MATH 200: Intermediate Calculus (4 credits) to Calculus II.
e) Moved to split the motion to change the prerequisites for MATH 225: Discrete Mathematics (4 credits)
and add this course to the Quantitative Reasoning category of the proposed Gen Ed. Received the
change to the perquisites of MATH 225. Next the Committee considered adding MATH 225 to QR
Category of the Gen Ed. The chair of the Math and Computer Science department reported that the
notation to add this course to the QR category of the proposed Gen Ed was a typo, and he requested that
the course not be added to the Quantitative Reasoning category of the proposed Gen Ed. The
Committee voted unanimously (0-10-0) against the motion to add Math 225 to the Gen Ed.
f) Received Change the title of MATH 310: Multivariate Calculus (4 credits) to Calculus III.
5) Approved (10-0-0) proposal from the Sociology department to move SOCI 101: The Sociological
Perspective from the Social Foundations category of the LAE to the Cultural Diversity category of the
proposed Gen Ed.
6) Considered proposals from the Health Science department to:
a) Approved (10-0-0) as a group the proposals to add HLSC 231: Nutrition Across the Lifespan and HLSC
315: Public Health and Epidemiology to the Health category of the proposed Gen Ed.
b) Approved (10-0-0) proposal to add HLSC 304: Statistics for the Health Sciences to the Quantitative
Reasoning category of the proposed Gen Ed.
c) After considering the proposal to add HLSC 336: Strength and Conditioning to the Scientific
Understanding category of the proposed Gen Ed, the Committee voted (8-1-1) to send the proposal back
to the Health Science department requesting a syllabus for the course along with additional information
as to how this course fits the SU category of the Gen Ed and specifically questioned whether or not the
course includes the teaching of the scientific method. General consensus that proposers needed to
supply UCC with better information in the justification section as to how a course fits a category.
7) Meeting adjourned at 5:08pm