Spelling Activities

FUN Weekly Spelling Practise for home!
~ Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check your spelling words three times.
~ Use a dictionary to find the meaning of all of your spelling words.
~ Then choose 2 OR more activities from below. (Try and do all of the activities by the end of the term!)
Use your spelling words to
create pictures eg: an
outline of a house – instead
of drawing lines – the words
make the walls, etc.
Telephone Spelling:
Using a telephone number
pad or a calculator,
translate the letters in your
spelling words into numbers.
Jumbled Words:
Jumble up the letters in
your words and have a
friend or member of your
family try and work out
what the words are, making
sure they have the correct
Powerpoint Spelling:
Using a computer, create a
slideshow of your spelling
words with sentences and
Comic Strips:
Make your own comic strip
using your spelling word
lists OR Cut out comic
strips from a newspaper
and create your own
dialogue with as many
spelling words as possible.
Tongue Twisters:
Using the first letter of
your spelling word, make a
same letter silly sentence.
Eg: jolly Jill jumped the
Secret Agent Words:
Number the alphabet from 1
to 26, then convert your
words to a number code OR
Convert your words to
Morse Code
That’s an Order:
Put words into alphabetical
order (adapt – reverse
order, etc)
Super Sleuths:
Write a story using all of
your spelling words except
ONE! A friend or member
of your family has to
examine the story and find
the missing word!
Spelling Song/Rap:
Create a song or rap using
your spelling words and
perform it to a friend or
members of your family.
Making Words:
Use playdough, pipecleaners,
clay, snakes, matchsticks
etc to form words.
Practice makes perfect:
Find a friend or member of
the family to give you an
oral spelling test, where
you have to spell all of your
spelling words out loud.
Inside a word:
Find small words within your
spelling words. Circle all the
vowels and underline the
Word Search:
Create a word search with
all of your spelling words
and have a friend or
member of the family find
your words. Make it tricky
for them!
Say that again?:
Look up each word in a
Thesaurus . What other
words mean the same thing?
Make a list of two similar
words for each word on
your list. Eg: angry: mad and
Use old magazines or
newspapers to cut out
letters and spell all of your
words. Paste them on scrap
Sand in the hand:
At the beach or in a pit,
write your spelling words.
Check your spelling and then
write the next one.
Crossword Puzzles:
Student designs a
crossword puzzle using
words from their spelling
list. Use picture or
sentence clues for a friend
or member of your family
to solve the crossword.
Fancy writing:
Write all of your spelling
words in fancy letters, like
bubble or rainbow writing.
Acrostic poems:
Write your words vertically
down the side of a page.
Use each letter of the word
to write words or a phrase
about a related topic. Eg:
Spelling Letter:
Write a letter to a friend
or member of the family
using all of your spelling
Take a spelling word (e.g.
artist) and build your own
sentence to help you
remember its spelling. A
(Andy) R (Runs) T (Ten) I
(Inches) I (In) S (Small) T
Write your words as a
pyramid, starting with the
first letter. Eg: School
Fill in the gaps:
Have a friend or family
member write all of your
spelling words with missing
Then you must fill in the