Yearly Meeting Secretary Job description revised: Month Date Approved: Committee, Date HIRED BY: Personnel Committee with approval of Coordinating Committee (CC) REPORTS TO: Associate Coordinating Committee Clerk WORKS PRIMARILY WITH: Coordinating Committee Clerk, Associate Coordinating Committee Clerk, members of Coordinating Committee, Treasurer, and others associated with NPYM DEFINITION: NPYM Secretary provides support for the Coordinating Committee of NPYM; assists and supports CC Clerks and other officers, and performs tasks to support NPYM Annual Session. Maximum billable time: 625 hours, annually, billed and paid monthly. INITIAL TASKS - Establish or take over an office with telephone, e-mail, mailing address, file space and other work space and task accommodations to support the Yearly Meeting’s needs and facilitate accomplishment of all responsibilities. - Communicate with predecessor to acquire all stocks of supplies, files (electronic and paper), equipment and guidelines or records necessary to continue the secretarial support functions for the Yearly Meeting. - Meet (by phone or face-to-face) with Associate Coordinating Committee Clerk and establish agreements for regular communication, accomplishment of tasks, supervision, assessment and feedback, conflict resolution and other interpersonal relations needed. ONGOING TASKS - Do regular office management tasks as required and in a timely manner, including: - Receive mail, distribute it to proper person in NPYM, and/or answer it as appropriate or as requested. - Check and respond to e-mail regularly, answering it and/or distributing it as appropriate. - Take phone calls and provide information as requested. - Maintain office equipment. - Back up computer to external drive monthly. - Receive requests and maintain schedule of conference calls, as posted on website. Be sure Treasurer has viewing access for billing purposes. - Stay in regular contact with Associate CC Clerk and consult as needed. - Maintain a petty cash account, keep records and send to Treasurer on a monthly basis for reimbursement. - Coordinate with Treasurer regarding payment of regular office bills. - Keep record of hours worked and send to Treasurer, Associate CC Clerk, and Bookkeeper by the 2nd of each month so Associate CC Clerk can approve hours, the Treasurer can record the wages in the budget report and the Bookkeeper can pay the wages. - Maintain computerized databases and group emailing lists of: - Monthly Meetings (MM), Preparative Meetings (PM) and Worship Groups (WG) - NPYM officers, Junior Friends officers, Young Friends officer (use Nominating Grid) - Representatives, observers, liaisons and correspondents to other organizations (use Nominating Grid) - Standing and ad hoc committee members of NPYM - Coordinating Committee members. - Remote and Isolated Friends. - Maintain lists of committee clerks at the local level, and assist Standing Clerks in facilitating communication between Standing Committees and corresponding local Committees. - Run background checks on Children’s Program Volunteers and Staff as applications are forwarded via Children’s Program. Maintain secure files of results. Report any questionable findings to Youth Committee. - Attend Information Technology Committee meetings, usually by phone. Take notes and distribute if requested. - Forward State of Society reports to relevant Quarterly Meeting clerks as received. - Forward received Epistles to Epistle clerk, and/or Committee, for later posting at AS. - As requested by Clerks, distribute updated lists of Coordinating Committee members and NPYM position holders to Coordinating Committee members. - Maintain NPYM Events calendar online, updating it regularly to include quarterly meetings, NPYM events and other regional and national Quaker and NPYM-affiliated events of interest to Friends. - Maintain NPYM files, including Coordinating Committee and Annual Session minutes books, employment and petty cash records, & general files. - Maintain and update cross-reference files of CC and Annual Session (AS) minutes. - Store NPYM Faith & Practice copies, fill & mail orders, create invoices for billing, email copy of invoice to Treasurer, bill for books & shipping. - Arrange for printing of NPYM Faith & Practice, in conjunction with Coordinating Committee’s and Discipline Committee’s input. Provide printing estimates and options to CC when needed. Forward any F&P payments to Treasurer if Secretary happens to receive. Bring copies of F&P to CC Meetings and to AS for sale in person. (Bookstore may handle sales at AS- keep track of how many copies sold, and note payment due to Treasurer) - Maintain relationship with the Editor of Western Friend and supply requested information in a timely manner. As requested by outside organizations with which we have affiliation or liaisons, submit current list of our reps or liaisons. - Organize and send out materials from Presiding Clerk, CC Clerk, Associate CC Clerk, and Standing Clerks as requested. - In coordination with CC Clerk, plan and distribute welcome letter and package, including job description & relevant materials, to people newly approved for positions. - Attend Coordinating Committee meetings and Annual Session. Try to attend the plenary in which Coordinating Committee report is given. - Assist with preparations for Annual Session - Work with the Webkeeper to see that current information is posted on the website. Coordinate keeping a complete file of all website related information, including passwords and service providers. - As is practical, use the secretary’s email as the contact email address for service provider contacts (alternatively Treasurer’s or Webkeeper’s as appropriate). REGULAR PRE-CC MEETING TASKS - Distribute CC clerk’s letters, agenda and background materials to CC members no later than 2 weeks before the CC meeting (as sent by CC Clerk). - Assist CC Clerk as requested to organize CC meeting. REGULAR POST-CC MEETING TASKS - Work with the CC Clerk and CC Recording Clerk to distribute the post-CC meeting materials as soon as possible (within 4 weeks of the meeting). This may include: - Cover letter - CC minutes and attachments - Updated CC address list - Instructions for phone conference line - Instructions on website use. - Updated calendar - Dated information needing general distribution - Annual Session minutes in the post-AS mailing - If minutes are not available to-do list should go out within 2 weeks. - Archiving materials according to the current Archive policy, maintaining and/or forwarding specified hard copies, and coordinating with Archivist to this end. - File hard copies of CC mailings in minutes book. - Keep ongoing file of CC minutes on the computer hard disc, and maintain a backup electronic file. - Update cross reference of CC minutes. Maintain computer and hard copies of cross references. PRE-ANNUAL SESSION TASKS IN ADDITION TO PRE COORDINATING COMMITTEE TASKS - Beginning in early spring, assist AS Clerk in preparation for AS session in any way needed. This may involve sending out letters to Monthly Meetings and Worship groups regarding seasoning concerns, sending out letters to the Friend in Residence committee, sending out YM invitations to other Quaker organizations, or a variety of tasks. - Obtain Membership information by sending out Statistical Report forms to Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups. Coordinate timing of the mailing with MMs’ State of Society Reports in April. Request replies by mid May. Track receipt of responses, and follow up any missing. Maintain file of statistical reports and send the membership information to the Treasurer by early June. - Obtain from Monthly Meetings in April-May, updated address lists in preparation for publishing the directory. Track receipt of responses, and follow up any missing. - Put together a directory of the yearly meeting, including individuals’ information, Meetings’ information, NPYM email addresses, contact information for NPYM, and Nominating Grid. Enter updates to data into the NPYM database. Pull NPYM Membership reports from database. - Arrange for printing and making a CD version of NPYM Directory. Bring copies of directory to Annual session. Create sign-in sheet for tracking distribution of directories at AS. - In coordination with the Registrar, distribute Annual Session information and registration materials to Outreach and Visitation Committee to be sent to isolated Friends. Send registrations to any others requesting the information. - Coordinate with webkeeper to post copies of plenary reports to website. Inform CC via email, at Clerk’s request, of availability of posted reports. - Coordinate with ASPC regarding ways to assist. Coordinate with Registrar, plus Volunteer and Children’s Program Coordinators, to have relevant information in office at AS. - Determine AS office schedule. Post as appropriate prior to and during AS. - Send collected epistles to the Clerk of the Epistle Committee (if they have not been sent already). - Print a few copies of all plenary reports, for reference use, in office and at plenary meetings. - Refresh office supplies (ink!) and first aid kit. - Create and bring master list of contact info including cell phones of attenders (per report from registration website), and of active AS clerks, officers, and planners. ANNUAL SESSION - Transport office supplies to Annual Session site and set up office accordingly, including computer and printer options, plus office supplies that attenders may use (push pins! ;p) . Set up internet connections. Make the office computer and printers available for use by the Daily Bulletin Editor and others as needed. - Transport ample copies of Faith and Practice to be made available in the bookstore, and ample copies of the new NPYM Directory and CDs. - Set up informational “concierge” station –(i.e., maps, schedules, registration, volunteer, transportation, children’s program, transportation, medical emergency, contact info.) - Post office schedule, AS schedule, and Daily Bulletins outside office. - Maintain Lost & Found box, plus possible gardening items for work day. - Coordinate with bookstore for sales of F&P. - Assist any AS attenders with internet/printing/copying needs, directions, and referrals. - Assist Presiding Clerk, Epistle Clerk, and others in setting up plenary room, posting items (i.e. Epistles, plenary reports, interest group schedules, worship share lists, etc.). - As much as possible, distribute new Directory to all MMs, PMs and WGs present at CC and to Nominating Committee members and other YM officers. Track which positions have received copies. - Attend CC meeting at Annual Session. - Have a good time! - Remain available to fulfill tasks as needed by CC Clerk, Associate CC Clerk or other YM officers (such as General Arrangements, Physical Arrangements and Program Clerks). - Set up ride share board. - Break down and transport office. POST-ANNUAL SESSION TASKS - Coordinate with the CC Clerk to reserve meeting places for the next CC meeting. - Do regular post-CC meeting tasks, as outlined above. - Forward copies- as requested by Clerks- of Minutes, Proceedings, Epistles, and AS Clerk's Report along with the regular post-CC information. Coordinate with Webkeeper for posting of items to website. Coordinate with Clerk re: emailed notice that items have been posted. - Contact FWCC London, and distribute both electronic and postal mail copies of NPYM’s Epistle to FWCC’s current list of YM’s world wide. Include Epistles from all age groups. Include translation in Spanish to appropriate recipients. - Distribute updated copies of the AS and CC cross-references to the incoming CC and AS Clerks (and anyone else who requests one). - Distribute/mail Directories (hard copy or CD format) which were not distributed at Annual Session to MM's, WGs, YM officers., and CCc members. - In coordination with CC Clerk, send thank you letters to continuing officers. - Inform FWCC, AFSC, FCNL and any others of new and ongoing representatives from NPYM (they will send requests). JOB REQUIREMENTS: - Flexibility, ability to work unsupervised, ability to prioritize. - Detail oriented. - Able to lift and move up to 35 lb. - Willing to travel to Annual Session and Coordinating Committee meetings. - Knowledge of NPYM structure and organization and knowledge of other Friends organizations. - Computer knowledge: proficiency with a standard word processing program and spreadsheet program, and ability to scan documents. Database experience and Mac experience are helpful. Must also have proficiency with Adobe Acrobat and knowledge on how to do group e-mails. Basic computer troubleshooting skills are also useful. EVALUATION: 6 months and one year then Annually by the Personnel Committee. EXPENSES & TRAVEL: Reimbursement is provided for: - Office expenses, including office cell phone, internet, postage, printing and photocopying. - Mileage is paid for travel to Annual Session and Coordinating Committee meetings, at the current established federal rate. Local mileage is paid for travel for work on behalf on the Yearly Meeting. - Secretary will maintain a "petty cash" fund for office expenses to be reimbursed monthly by the Treasurer. - A fee waiver will be provided to attend the NPYM annual session. - NPYM will furnish basic office equipment and supplies necessary to carry out the expectations of the job.