2409.26f, 10 Page 1 of 14 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK Portland, Oregon FSH 2409.26f - SEED HANDBOOK R6 Amendment No. 2409.26f-90-1 Effective July 2, 1990 POSTING NOTICE. Amendments to this handbook are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal sheet received for this handbook to see that the above amendment number is in sequence. If not, obtain intervening amendment(s) at once from the Information Center. Do not post this amendment until the missing one(s) is received and posted. After posting, place the transmittal at the front of the title and retain until the first transmittal of the next calendar year is received. The last Amendment to this handbook was R6 Amendment No. 40, April 1988 Page Code Superseded Sheets (Entire Chapter 10) 10 thru 14.26 100 Amendments Covered Page 10 thru 12--2 13--1 thru 13--2i 13--3 thru 13--6a 13--7 thru 13--8b 13--9 thru 13--14o 13--15 thru 13--18c 13--19, 13--20 13--21 thru 13--23c 13--23d thru 13--23f 13--25 thru 13--29 13--33 thru 13--39 13--41 thru 13--42e 13--43 thru 13--50f 13--51 thru 13--59 13--61 thru 13--64 13--65 thru 13--72a 13--73 thru 13--76 13--77, 13--78 13--78a thru 13--78c Amend. No 34 40 27 39 30 11 12 31 12 29 36 32 37 12 37 38 40 38 40 Date 6/86 4/88 1/85 8/87 6/85 10/82 10/82 8/85 10/82 3/85 6/86 8/85 7/86 10/82 7/86 4/87 4/88 4/87 4/88 R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 Page 13--79 thru 13--85 13--91 thru 13--96 13--99 thru 13--107n 13--111, 13--112 13--112a thru 14.12 14.12--1 thru 14.22--3 14.24--1 thru 14.24--4 14.25, 14.26 2409.26f, 10 Page 2 of 14 Amend. No 36 11 13 40 39 35 28 40 Date 6/86 10/82 2/83 4/88 8/87 6/86 3/85 4/88 New Document Name Pages 10 12 Digest: Changes Tree Seed Use Plan base, adds certification class to forest reproductive material coding for genetic tree improvement programs, and makes various editing changes. Entire Chapter 10 is replaced. New text corresponds with text located in the R6 Information Center. Amendment numbers and dates noted above are listed for historical purposes only. Remaining chapters will be added to the R6 Information Center as they are updated. /s/ John F. Butruille JOHN F. BUTRUILLE Regional Forester R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 3 of 14 FSH 2409.26f - SEED HANDBOOK R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 CHAPTER 10 - TREE SEED USE PLAN 10 - TREE SEED USE PLAN. The Tree Seed Use Plan (R6 SUPP FSM 2474.51) is used for preparing seed and cone procurement programs. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that an adequate supply of seed is maintained on inventory for the forestation of current and planned cutovers, old burns, and other unsatisfactorily stocked areas on commercial forest lands. Use form R6-FS-2400-159 for the Tree Seed Use Plan. 11 - SEED NEEDS. Forest seed needs may be listed by tree seed zone or breeding zone. Refer to Section 14 of this Chapter for codes. Following are some of the factors which should be considered when determining seed needs: 1. Periodicity of seed crops. 2. Acres that will require reforestation before next expected good seed crop as indicated by review of the 5-year Timber Sale Action Plans. 3. Status summaries of reforestation on clearcut areas and other nonstocked commercial forest land. 4. Number of plantable seedlings expected from seed lot. 5. Average number of seedlings planted per acre. 6. Experienced seeding and planting success. 7. Reforestation method (planting or seeding). 8. Reserve needed for unpredictability of seed crops and conversion of seed orchards to the next cycle of improvement. The Seed Use Plan should be on a plan base in years that includes the number of years expected between good or better seed crops plus the number of years supply of reserve seed planned. Update the Seed Use Plan periodically to ensure that only needed seed is added to the seed inventory and maintained in storage. 12 - SEEDS PER POUND. The number of seeds per pound and the viability of each seed lot is listed on the seed inventory received from the nurseries. R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 4 of 14 It will be necessary to adjust the seed use planned needs and the amount shown on nursery seed inventories to M viable seeds and then convert the difference back to pounds to arrive at the desirable planned procurement amount. Refer to individual forest tree seed use plans for the range in seeds per pound for tree species normally used for forestation by Region 6 National Forests. Since seedling yields per pound of seed having a specified germination and number of seeds per pound will vary by seed source, nursery, and other factors, each forest should use seedling yield data provided by the Nursery Manager where the seed is or will be stored. 13 - SEED USE PLAN FOR REGION. Seed needs for genetic tree improvement programs are contained in Regional and/or Forest Tree Improvement Plans. Refer to Region 6 individual forest tree seed use plans for production plantations. The document names for each Forest are as follows: COLVILLE DESCHUTES FREMONT GIFFORD PINCHOT MALHEUR MT. BAKER-SNOQUALMIE MT. HOOD OCHOCO OKANOGAN OLYMPIC ROGUE RIVER SISKIYOU SIUSLAW UMATILLA UMPQUA WALLOWA-WHITMAN WENATCHEE WILLAMETTE WINEMA 13COL 13DES 13FRE 13GIP 13MAL 13MBS 13MTH 13OCH 13OKA 13OLY 13ROR 13SIS 13SIU 13UMA 13UMP 13WAW 13WEN 13WIL 13WIN 14 - FOREST REPRODUCTIVE MATERIAL CODING SYSTEM AND CODES 14.1 - Coding System 14.11 - Forestation Programs. A lot of forestation reproductive material may be labeled to seed zone or breeding zone. Labeling to seed zone is an interim procedure until all reproductive material can be labeled to breeding zone. R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 5 of 14 1. Labeling to Seed Zone. Identify lot by species, National Forest, seed zone, Ranger District, type of collection, elevation, year of collection, and certification class. Example: 122-01-681-02100-35-76-SIA, where: 122 = Species, ponderosa pine. 01 = National Forest, Deschutes. 681 = Zone of origin (Refer to current California, Oregon, and Washington tree seed zone maps). 02100 = Ranger District and type of collection in which: 02 = Ranger District, Crescent. 100 = Type of collection, natural stand. 35 = Elevation. 76 = Year of collection. SIA = Certification Class, source identified subclass A, added by nursery where seed is processed. 2. Identify lot by species, National Forest, breeding zone, type of collection, elevation, year of collection, and certification class. Example: 117-15-10043-500-0025-87-T, where: 117 = Species code, sugar pine. 15 = National Forest which owns lot. 10043 = Last 5 digits of breeding zone code. 500 = Type of collection, selected superior trees. 0025 = Elevation in which 00 is the lower elevation and 25 is the upper elevation. 87 = Year of collection. T = Certification class, tested class, added by nursery where seed is processed. 14.12 - Genetic Tree Improvement Programs. A lot of forest reproductive material may be labeled to breeding zone and tree number or to accession number. Labeling R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 6 of 14 to breeding zone and tree number is an interim procedure until R6GENESIS is implemented. 1. Labeling to breeding zone and tree number. Example: 117-11053-0382-80-SB, where: 117-11053 = Breeding zone code in which: 117 = Species code, Sugar pine. 11053 = Area code in which: 11 = Code for National Forest having largest amount of commercial forest land in breeding block. 05 = Code for a specific block of land, breeding block, identified in Forest Tree Improvement Plan. 3 = Code for a specified elevation band in breeding block 05 identified in Forest Tree Improvement Plan. 0382 = Tree identification number. 80 = Year of collection. SB = Certification class, selected subclass B, added by Dorena Tree Improvement Center. 2. Labeling to accession number: Example: 018026-87-SB, where: 018026 = Family accession number for control crosses, or female accession number for open pollinated seed, or donor tree accession number for pollen or vegetative material. 87 = Year of collection. SB = Certification class, selected subclass B, added by Dorena Tree Improvement Center. 14.2 - Codes 14.21 - Species Codes. Use the following species codes. Identify species not assigned a code by their botanical name on the forest reproductive material identification tag. 1. Softwoods R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 Species Abies (True fir) Pacific silver fir White fir Grand fir Subalpine fir Shasta red fir Noble fir 2409.26f, 10 Page 7 of 14 Code A. amabilis A. concolor A. grandis A. lasiocarpa A. magnifica var. shastensis A. procera 011 015 017 019 021 022 Chamaecyparis (White-cedar) Port-Orford cedar C. lawsoniana Alaska cedar C. nootkatensis 041 042 Cupressus (Cypress) Modoc cypress C. bakeri 051 Juniperus (Juniper) Western juniper Rocky Mt. juniper J. occidentalis J. scopulorum 064 Larix (Larch) Subalpine larch Western larch L. lyalli L. occidentalis 072 073 066 Libocedrus (Calocedrus) Incense cedar L. decurrens 081 Picea (Spruce) Brewer spruce Engelmann spruce Sitka spruce P. breweriana P. engelmannii P. sitchensis 092 093 098 P. albicaulis P. attenuata P. contorta P. flexilis var. flexilis P. jeffreyi P. lambertiana P. monticola 101 103 108 113 116 117 119 Code P. ponderosa P. Washoensis 122 133 Pinus (Pine) Whitebark pine Knobcone pine Lodgepole pine Limber pine Jeffrey pine Sugar pine Western white pine Species Pinus (Pine) Ponderosa pine Washoe pine Pseudotsuga R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 8 of 14 Douglas-fir P. menziesii 202 Sequoia Redwood S. sempervirens 211 Taxodium Baldcypress T. distichum var. distichum 221 Taxus (Yew) Pacific yew T. brevifolia 231 Thuja (Cedar) Western redcedar T. plicata 242 Tsuga (Hemlock) Western hemlock Mountain hemlock T. heterophylla T. mertensiana 263 264 2. Hardwoods Species Code Acer (Maple) Bigleaf maple A. macrophyllum 312 Alnus (Alder) Red alder White alder Sitka alder Thinleaf alder A. rubra A. rhombifolia A. sinuata A. teniufolia 351 352 353 354 Arbutus (Madrone) Pacific madrone A. menziessii 361 Betula (Birch) Red birch Water birch Western paper birch B. fontinalis B. occidentalis B. papyrifera var. commutata 370 374 375 R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 9 of 14 Species Code Castanopsis (Chinkapin) Golden chinkapin C. chrysophylla 431 Celtis (Hackberry) Douglas hackberry C. Douglasii 463 Cornus (Dogwood) Pacific dogwood Brown dogwood Western dogwood C. nuttallii C. glabrata C. occidentalis 492 493 494 Crataegus (Hawthorn) Columbia hawthron Black hawthorn C. columbiana C. Douglasii 501 502 Fraxinus (Ash) Oregon ash F. latifolia 542 Lithocarpus (Tanoak) Tanoak L. densiflorus 631 Malus (Apple) Oregon crab apple M. fusa 661 Populus (Cottonwood) Balsam poplar Quaking aspen Black cottonwood Fremont cottonwood P. balsamifera P. tremuloides P. trichocarpa P. Fremontii 741 Quercus (Oak) Canyon live oak Oregon white oak California black oak Q. chrysolepis Q. garryana Q. kelloggii 805 815 818 Prunus (Cherry, Plum, Peach) Bitter cherry P. emarginata Klamath plum P. subcordata Chokecherry P. viginiana 764 765 763 Rhamnus (Cascara) Cascara buckthorn 851 R. purshiana 746 747 748 R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 10 of 14 Species Code Salix (Willow) Peachleaf willow Valley willow Coast willow Red willow Arroyo willow Scouler willow S. amygdaloides S. hindsiana S. hookerana S. lasiandra S. lasiolepsis S. scouleriana 921 923 924 925 926 927 Umbellularia (Myrtle) California laurel U. californica 982 14.22 - Forest and Ranger District Codes. Forest and Ranger District codes are as follows: Forest Code Ranger District Code Colville 21 Colville Kettle Falls Newport Republic Sullivan Lake 01 02 03 04 05 Deschutes 01 Bend Crescent Fort Rocks Sisters 01 02 03 05 Fremont 02 Bly Lakeview Paisley Silver Lake 01 02 03 04 Gifford Pinchot 03 Mount St. Helens National 01 Volcanic Monument Mt. Adams 03 Packwood 04 Randle 05 Wind River 08 Malheur 04 Bear Valley Burns Long Creek Prairie City 01 02 03 04 R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 11 of 14 Forest Code Ranger District Code Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie 05 Mt. Baker Darrington North Bend Skykomish White River 01 02 05 06 07 Mt. Hood 06 Barlow Bear Springs Clackamas Columbia Gorge Estacada Hood River Zigzag 01 02 03 04 05 06 09 Ochoco 07 Big Summit Paulina Prineville Snow Mountain Crooked River National Grasslands 01 02 03 04 05 Okanogan 08 Tonasket Twisp Winthrop 03 04 05 Olympic 09 Hood Canal Quilcene Quinault Soleduck 01 02 03 05 Rogue River 10 Applegate Ashland Butte Falls Prospect 01 02 03 06 Siskiyou 11 Chetco Galice Gold Beach Illinois Valley Powers 01 02 03 04 05 Siuslaw 12 Forest Code Hebo Mapleton Alsea Oregon Dunes NRA Waldport Ranger District 01 02 03 04 05 Code R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 12 of 14 Umatilla 14 Heppner Pomeroy North Fork John Day Walla-Walla 02 04 05 06 Umpqua 15 Cottage Grove Tiller Diamond Lake North Umpqua 01 02 03 06 Wallowa-Whitman 16 Baker Wallowa Valley Hells Canyon NRA Eagle Cap LaGrande Pine Unity 01 02 04 05 06 07 09 Wenatchee 17 Chelan Cle Elum Entiat Lake Wenatchee Leavenworth Naches 02 03 05 06 07 08 Willamette 18 Blue River Sweet Home Detroit Rigdon Lowell McKenzie Oakridge 01 03 04 05 06 07 08 Winema 20 Chemult Chiloquin Klamath 01 02 03 14.25 - Types of Collection 100 Natural stand. 200 Designated seed collection stand. 300 Seed production area. R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 13 of 14 400 Seed orchards. 500 Selected superior trees. 600 Selective breeding. 700 Other. The last two digits in the type of collection code are available for Forest use except for codes 91 to 99 which are used to identify hazard use class for sugar pine and western white pine. Hazard use class codes. 91 Seed from trees not selected for resistance. 92 Open pollinated seed from trees phenotypically selected for resistance. 93 Open pollinated seed from genetically selected trees having reduced needle lesion frequency. 94 Seed from seed production area, trees phenotypically selected for rust resistance. 95 Open pollinated seed from genetically selected trees having reduced needle lesion frequency and one or more other types of resistance. 96 Open pollinated seed from genetically selected trees whose families had 5 percent to 25 percent surviving trees at end of resistance evaluation. 97 Seed from cycle one (1) seed orchards. 98 Open pollinated seed from genetically selected trees whose families had more than 25 percent surviving trees at end of rust resistance evaluation at Dorena. 99 Seed from cycle two (2) seed orchards. 14.26 - Elevation Above Sea Level 1. Coding to Seed Zone. Code Elevation Range 05 10 Code 0-500' 500-1000' Elevation Range R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-90-1 EFFECTIVE 07/02/90 2409.26f, 10 Page 14 of 14 15 1000-1500' | v And so forth. 2. Coding to Breeding Zone. Use first two digits of lower and upper elevation. Use 00 when lower elevation is not specified and 99 when upper elevation is not specified. Examples: 1425 = 1400' to 2500' 0040 = 0000' to 4000' or below 4000' 4099 = 4000' and above 14.27 - Year of Collection. The year of collection code is the last two digits of the calendar year in which the forest reproductive material was harvested. 14.28 - Certification Class Certification Class Code Tested Select A Select B Source identified subclass A Source identified subclass B Audit class T SA SB SIA SIB AC