Academic Qualifications - Leeds University Business School

Brief Curriculum Vitae
Professor Peter Nolan
Full Name
Peter John Nolan
Work: Leeds University Business School, Maurice Keyworth Building, University of Leeds,
Leeds, LS2 9JT
Telephone: (Office) 0113 3434504
Date of Birth: 30 April 1956
Present Post
Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Leeds (appointed December
Previous Posts
Director, Future of Work Programme, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
November 1997-December 2004
1984 -1990 Lecturer in Industrial Relations, School of Industrial and Business Studies,
University of Warwick
1980 - 1984 Research Fellow, SSRC Industrial Relations Research Unit, University of
Academic Qualifications
M.Sc., Economics, Birkbeck College, University of London, 1978 - 79
B.A. Hons., Economics, Upper Second, University of East Anglia, 1975 - 78
Public Policy Positions
2001 – 2004 Steering Group of the Gender Research Forum, a tripartite venture by the
ESRC, the Women and Equality Unit, Cabinet Office and the Office of National Statistics
2001 Advisory Board of the TUC Partnership Institute
1999-2001 Advisory Committee of the Household Satellite Accounts Project, Office of
National Statistics
1998- 2004 UK member (on behalf of the OST) of the Management Committee of the EU
COST Action 13 on Labour Markets, Citizenship and Public Policy
1998- 2006 Co-Founded and Member of the Steering Committee, Employee Relations
Forum for Yorkshire and the Humber
1997 - 1999 Member of ESRC Management, Psychology, Linguistics and Education
Research College
1997 June Academic Consultant to the ESRC, Future of Work Programme Initiative
1995 - 1997 Adviser (labour market policy) to David Blunkett MP, Shadow Secretary of State
for Education and Employment
1996 - 1997 Adviser to Stephen Byers, MP, Shadow Employment Spokesman
1996 - 2006 Standing Committee for the election of the Montague Burton Chair of Industrial
Relations, University of Cambridge
1995-1998 Director, Centre for Industrial Policy and Performance, University of Leeds
(resigned following my appointment as Director of ESRC Future of Work Programme)
1991-1995 Deputy Director, Centre for Industrial Policy and Performance, University of
1988 Academics Consultant to Cyprus Central Bank with particular reference to industrial
and labour market policy
Professional Activities
2006-2011, Special Advisor, Expert Panel, Research Academy, Finland, The Future of Work
and Well Being
2003 – cont., Series Editor, The Future of Work, Palgrave MacMillan (13 Books; 10
2002 – 2006, Advisory Committee, ESRC Centre for Organisation and Innovation, University
of Sheffield
2003 – cont., Editorial Board Member of the Industrial Relations Journal
1999 – cont., Editorial Board member of the British Journal of Industrial Relations
1999 - Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
1992 - 2005 Editorial Board member of Personnel Review
External Examinerships/Appointments Committees/Refereeing Duties
i) Committees
Member of Academic Steering Group, 2007 IIRA (Europe) Manchester Conference, 3-7
Chair, Readership, Senior Lectureships, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck College,
University of London
Chair and Readerships, Business School, University of Birmingham
Reports for Chair Selection Committees, University of Newcastle, the Open University,
University of Bristol, Napier University (and many nominated reports for applicants)
Referee for the Economic and Social Research Council, the Leverhulme Trust, the Joseph
Rowntree Foundation, and the Australian Research Council
Referee for Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, MacMillan Education (now
Palgrave MacMillan), Routledge Books, Basil Blackwell, Edward Elgar and Manchester
University Press
Referee for academic journals (eg., British Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations
Journal, Human Resource Management Journal, Economic Journal, Cambridge Journal of
Economics, Manchester School, Oxford ….)
ii) Referee for government publications
Referee for ESRC grant applications, Programme and Centre Bids, Resesarch Networks,
and Priority Themes
Doctoral Theses
Faculty of Economics, London School of Economics, Doctorate of Philosophy (January 2003)
Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge, Doctorate of Philosophy, (January
Cathie Marsh Centre, University of Manchester, Doctorate of Philosophy (December 2002)
Manchester School of Management, UMIST, Doctorate of Philosophy (December 2001)
Faculty of Economics and Politics, University of Cambridge, Doctorate of Philosophy, 1990
Department of Economics, Birkbeck College, University of London, Doctorate of Philosophy,
iii) Referee for Graduate and Undergraduate Taught Programmes
Kingston University, BA Social Sciences (economics and labour papers) 1990 - 1995
De Montfort University, BA Combined Studies Human Resource Management 1992 - 1996
University of Keele, MA Industrial Relations and ACAS Diploma, 1993 - 1996
University of Strathclyde, BA Human Resource Management, MA Industrial Relations, 1993 1997
Northern College, Economics and Labour Studies, Diploma 1995 - 1997
Public Lectures
`The Future of Work’, Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture, University of Manchester, May 2001
`Work-Life Balance and the Future of Work’ Manpower-CIPD Millennium Dome Lecture
Series, June 2001,
`Work Transformations in Historical Context’, DTI Conference Launch of 1998 Workplace
Employment Relations, RSA 1999
`Labour Markets and Work in Britain’, ESRC Second Annual Conference, Church House,
London, 1998
`The State of Labour in Britain’, Centre for Industrial Relations Annual Lecture, University of
Keele, June 1996
`Industrial Relations and Performance’, Steve Evans Memorial Lecture, University of
Warwick, January 1995
`The Past Strikes Back: Industrial Relations and Performance’, Inaugural Lecture, University
of Leeds, 1993
`Trade Unions and Productivity’, Shirley Lerner Memorial Lecture, University of Manchester,
May 1992
Supervision of Doctoral Students
ESRC funded
Janet Walsh 1986 - 1989, University of Warwick (awarded, 1989)
Jonathan Cruddas 1985 – 1988, University of Warwick (awarded 1991)
Alexandra Gray 1992 - 1996 (awarded 1997)
Robert McKenzie 1994 – 1999 (awarded 1999)
Alexander Roy 1996 – 2000 (awarded 2002)
Paul Lewis (part-time, continuing) 1990 - 1994 (awarded 1994)
Abdullah Aziz (full-time) 1993 - 1996 (awarded 1996)
Ian Clark (part-time) 1991 - 1996 (awarded 1996)
John Knell (part-time) 1992 - 1997 (awarded 1997)
Gillian Ursell (part-time) 1992 – 1997 (awarded 1997)
Mark Stuart (part-time) 1993 - 1999 (awarded 1999)
Jason Heyes (part-time) 1993 - 2000 (awarded 2002)
Chris Forde (full-time) 1994 – 1998 (awarded 1998)
David Spencer (full-time) 1994 – 1998 (awarded 1998)
Gary Slater (full-time) 1995 – 2000 (awarded 2000)
Peter Prowse (part-time) 1993 – 2000 (awarded 2000)
Richard Saundry (part-time) 1995 – 2000 (awarded 2000)
John Hogan (part-time) 2002-2006
Principal Research Areas
Employment and work futures
Industrial relations/Human resource management
Economic performance and industrial relations
Productivity and divisions of labour
Labour market analysis
Research Grants
Total: circa £1, 073,000
ESRC Awards
2003 – 2004, 100K, L212342003 Director of the Future of Work Programme
2003 February-Sept. 44K, L212342003, Director of the Future of Work Programme
2002-2003 70K, L212342003, Director of the Future of Work Programme
1998 -2002 646K, L212342003, Director of the Future of Work Programme
1998-2002 3K, Director of Future of Work Programme, to report on the `Changing Nature of
Work’ for Foresight
1998-1998 55K, Interim Contract for Director, the Future of Work Programme
1994-1996 63K, L114251030, Labour Regulation and Performance in Television and Port
Transport, (End of Award Report graded `Good’)
1992 - 1994 48K, R000233762, Performance and Industrial Relations in the British Coal
Industry: 1970 - 1990, (with K.A.O’Donnell) (End of Award Report graded `Outstanding’)
Other Awards
2004-2006 35K, `Manufacturing Matters’, Funded by a consortium of 3 trade unions (the
TGWU, the GMB and Unison)
2002-2004 44K, DTI Partnership Fund, held in conjunction with the Employee Relations
Forum, Yorkshire and the Humber
2002-2004 40K, Yorkshire Forward, Employee Relations Forum to support work on
1997-1998 37K, `The impact of environment regulation on performance of the West
Yorkshire Woollen Textile Industry’, The Environment Agency, ,
1993-1994 23K, `Contracts and Competition’, University of Leeds
(ii) Edited Collections
Nolan, P, and Wood, S. (eds)., The Future of Work, Special Edition of British Journal of
Industrial Relations, vol. 41 (2), June 2003
Nolan P, (ed). The Future of Work, Special Edition, Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 35
(5), September 2004
(iii) Refereed Articles
Nolan, P. `Shaping the future: the political economy of work and employment’, Industrial
Relations Journal, vol. 35 (5), 378-388, September 2004
Nolan, P. `The changing world of work’, Journal of Health Services Research and Policy,
vol. 9 (1), 3-10, January 2004
Nolan, P and Wood, S. `Mapping the future of work’, British Journal of Industrial
Relations, vol. 41(2), 165-174, June 2003
Nolan, P. `Reconnecting with history: the ESRC Future of Work Programme’, Work,
Employment and Society, vol. 17(3), 475-482, 2003
Saundry, R, and Nolan, P. 'Regulatory change and performance in TV production', Media,
Culture and Society, vol. 20(3), 409-426, 1998
Nolan, P, Saundry, R and Sawyer, M. 'Choppy waves on air and sea', New Economy, May,
167-172, 1997
Nolan, P. 'Trade unions and productivity: issues, evidence and prospects', Employee
Relations, vol. 14(6) 3 - 19, 1992
Evans, S. Ewing, K and Nolan, P. 'Industrial relations and the British economy in the 1990s:
Mrs Thatcher legacy', Journal of Management Studies, vol. 25(5), 571 - 589, September
Nolan, P and O'Donnell, K.A., 'Flexible specialisation and UK manufacturing weakness: a
critique of Hirst and Zeitlin', Political Quarterly, vol. 62(1), 106 - 125, 1991
Nolan, P, and Marginson, P. 'Skating on thin ice? David Metcalf on trade unions and
productivity', British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 28 (2), 227 - 249, 1990
O'Donnell, K.A, and Nolan, P. 'Flexible specialisation and the Cyprus Industrial Strategy',
Cyprus Journal of Economics, vol. 2(2), 1-20, 1989
Nolan, P. 'Walking on water? Performance and industrial relations under Thatcher',
Industrial Relations Journal, vol. 20 (2), 81 - 92, 1989
Brown, W, and Nolan, P. 'Wages and labour productivity: the contribution of industrial
relations research to the understanding of pay determination', British Journal of Industrial
Relations, vol. 26(3), 339 - 361, 1998
Nolan, P, and O'Donnell, K.A. 'Taming the market economy: a critical assessment of the
GLC's experiment in restructuring for labour', Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 11
(3), 251 - 263, 1987
Nolan, P and Edwards, P.K. 'Homogenize, divide and rule: an essay on Segemented Work,
Divided Workers', Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 8(2), 197 - 215, 1984
Reprinted as: Homogenize, divide y manda:un ensayo sobre Trabajo Segmentado,
Trabajadores Dividados', Rivista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 26, 245 269, 1994
Nolan, P and Brown, W. 'Competition and workplace wage determination', Oxford Bulletin
of Economics and Statistics, ppXLV, 269 - 287, 1993
Brown, W and Nolan, P. 'The context of the next incomes policy', Policy Studies, vol. 1 (3),
138 - 144, 1980
(iv) Parts of Books
Nolan, P and Hogan, J, `Industrial Relations’, in G.Ritzer (ed)., The Blackwell Encyclopedia
of Sociology, vol. 5, Oxford: Blackwell 2007
Nolan, P, Cruddas, J and Slater, G. `The real economy not the new economy: the case for
labour market regulation’, 21-32, A Charter of Rights – Bringing Rights Home, Institute of
Employment Rights, 2004
Nolan, P and Slater, G. `The labour market: history, structure and prospects’, in P.K
Edwards, Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice, 58-80, Oxford: Blackwell 2003
Nolan, P and O’ Donnell, K. A, `Industrial relations, HRM and performance’ in P.K Edwards,
Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice, 489-512, Oxford: Blackwell, 2003
P. Nolan and Slater, G. `Employee relations and economic performance’ in G.B Atkinson,
Developments in Economics (14), Causeway Press 2003
Nolan, P. `Work’ and `The labour market’ in W.Outhwaite (ed). Modern Social Thought,
Oxford: Blackwell, 2003
Coffey, D., Nolan, P., Saundry, R. and Sawyer, M. `Regulatory change in the British
television industry: effects on productivity and competition', in S.Deakin and J. Michie (eds).,
Contracts, Cooperation and Competition: Studies in Economics, Management and
Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997
O'Donnell,K.A., and Nolan, P. 'Accounting for the productivity performance of British coal:
1895 - 1994', in P. Pearson and G. MacKerron (eds)., The UK Energy Experience: Model
or Warning? Imperial college Press, 1996
Nolan, P. 'Industrial relations and performance since 1945', in I. Beardwell (ed).,
Contemporary Industrial Relations: Critical Essays, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Nolan, P. and O'Donnell, K.A 'Industrial relations and productivity', in P. Edwards (ed).,
Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice in Britain, Oxford: Blackwell, 1995
Nolan, P and Walsh, J. 'The structure of the economy and labour market', in P. Edwards
(ed)., Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice in Britain, Oxford: Blackwell, 1995
Nolan, P., 'Trade unions and productivity', in D Coates and J. Hillard (eds)., The Decline of
the UK Economy, Harvester, 1995
Nolan, P and Harvie, D., 'Labour markets: Diversity in restructuring', in D Coates (ed).,
Economic and Industrial Performance in Europe, Edward Elgar, 1995
Nolan, P, and O'Donnell, K.A., 'Restructuracion y politica de la renovacion industrial:los
limites de la especialization flexible', in A. Pollert (ed)., Adios A La Flexibilidad? Ministerios
de Trabuco y Seguridad Social, Espana, 1994
Nolan, P., 'Trade unions and the British economy', in G.B. Atkinson (ed)., Developments in
Economics vol. 11, Causeway Press, 1995
Nolan, P., 'Labour market institutions, industrial restructuring and unemployment in Europe',
in Grieve-Smith, J. and Michie, J. (eds)., Unemployment in Europe - Policies for Growth,
61 - 71, London, Academic Press, 1994
Nolan, P., 'Fordism and post-Fordism', in P. Arestis and M. Sawyer (eds)., The Elgar
Companion to Radical Political Economy, Edward Elgar, 1994
Nolan, P., 'The past strikes back: industrial relations and UK competitiveness', in
G. Pitt (ed)., The Leeds Review, 1993
Nolan, P., `Work' and 'The Labour Market' in W. Outhwaite and T. Bottomore (eds)., The
Blackwell Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Social Thought, Oxford, Blackwell, 1992
Nolan, P., 'Securing human resources: employer strategies and the labour market', in E.
Thorne (ed)., The Challenge of the Economic Environment, Open University, 1992
Nolan, P, and O'Donnell, K.A., ' Restructuring and the politics of industrial renewal: the limits
of flexible specialisation', in Pollert, A. (ed)., Farewell to Flexibility? Questions of
Restructuring Work and Employment, 158 - 175, Oxford: Blackwell, 1991
Nolan, P., 'The productivity miracle?', in F. Green (ed)., The Restructuring of the UK
Economy, 101 - 121, Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1989
Nolan, P, and Brown, W. 'Competition and workplace wage determination', in A. Mexide
(ed)., Estructura Salarial Y Mercado, Spanish Ministry of Labour, 1986
Deaton, D, and Nolan, P., 'The nature of unemployment under technological progress', in
Bosworth, D. (ed)., The Employment Consequences of Technological Change, 52 - 65,
London: Macmillan, 1983
Nolan, P., 'The firm and labour market behaviour', in G.S. Bain (ed)., Industrial Relations in
Britain, 291 - 310, Oxford, Blackwell, 1983
(v) Short Articles
Nolan, P. (December 1999). 'Prior engagement', People Management, pp. 28-36.
(reprinted by the ICA Summer 2000, 2001,2002).
Nolan, P. (December 2000). 'The Future of Work', Times Higher Education Millennium
Magazine, pp. 30-32.
Nolan, P. (August 2000). The Director's report, ESRC Future of Work Bulletin,
No 2.
Nolan, P. (August 2000). The Director's report, ESRC Future of Work Bulletin,
No 3.
Nolan, `P. Director’s Report, ESRC Future of Work Bulletin, no 4, 2002
Nolan, (September 2001). 'Future work', The British Council Postgraduate UK, pp. 20-23.
Nolan, P. (December 2001). 'Shaping things to come', People Management, pp. 30-31.
(reprinted by the CIPD 2002).
Nolan. P. (December 2003). 'The Future of Work: Foreword', New Technology, Work and
Employment, vol. 17(3).
Nolan, P. Foreword’, Skills and Innovation in Modern Workplaces by Robert Taylor, Swindon:
ESRC June 2003
Nolan, P. `Foreword’, Managing Workplace Change by Robert Taylor, Swindon: ESRC,
November 2002
Nolan, P. `Foreword’, Diversity in Britain’s Labour Market by Robert Taylor, Swindon: ESRC,
September 2002
Nolan, P. `Foreword’, Britain’s World of Work – Myths and Realities by Robert Taylor,
Swindon: ESRC, July 2002
Nolan, P. `Foreword’, The Future of Work-Life Balance by Robert Taylor, Swindon ESRC,
March 2002
Nolan, P. `Foreword’, The Future of Employment Relations by Robert Taylor, Swindon:
Nolan, P. `Productivity and the Future of Work’, People Management, 30-31, December 2001
Nolan, P.`Trade unions adapt to new world of work’, Professional Management, 6-7,
November 2001
Nolan, P `Labouring under an illusion’, Times Higher Education Millennium Magazine, 30-33,
December 2000
Nolan, P. 'Trade unions and industrial productivity', Centre for Industrial Policy and
Performance, Bulletin No1, Winter 1993
Nolan, P. 'UK manufacturing in decline', Centre for Industrial Policy and Performance,
Bulletin No 2, Summer 1993
Nolan, P. 'Eurosclerosis: fixation or fact?', Centre for Industrial Policy and Performance,
Bulletin No 4, Spring 1994
Nolan, P. 'Renewal strategies for the Millennium', Centre for Industrial Policy and
Performance, Bulletin No 11, Summer 1997
Conferences and seminars (Short list from 2000)
Nolan, P. (November 2005). `Working in the Twenty First Century’, London
Nolan, P. (November 2004). `ESRC/ARO `Regional Policy: What works? Ramside Hall
Hotel, Durham
Nolan, P. (November 2004). `Work and Employment Futures’, CMPS Cabinet Office,Total
Reward Conference, Copthorne Tara Hotel, London
Nolan, P. (22 September 2004) `Flexibility and the Future of Work’, Randstad Seminar,
Nolan P (9-10 September 2004), `Shaping the Future of Work’, The Future of Work, 2nd
International Colloquium, Oulton Hall, Leeds
Nolan, P. (July 2004), `Back to the Future of Work’, Work in the Twentieth Century,
University of London, Institute for Historical Research
Nolan, P. (March 2003). `Skills, Innovation and Performance’, ESRC Skills, Innovation and
Performance Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park.
Nolan, P. (June 2003). `The Future of Work’, Plenary Paper, ESRC International Future of
Work Colloquium, RSA, London.
Nolan, P. (July 2003). `An Assessment of the Future of Work Programme’, Plenary Paper,
British Universities Industrial Relation Association, University of Leeds.
Nolan, P. (July 2003). `The Future of Work in the UK’, Unions 21 Conference, Royal
Armouries, Leeds.
Nolan, P. (July 2001). `Stress and the future of work’, Taking the Stress Out of Work, 7 th
international Stress management Conference, University of Warwick, 4-6 July.
Nolan, P. (April 2001). `The future of work: first findings’, Cabinet Office, Centre for
Management and Policy Studies Seminar, Edinburgh.
Nolan, P. (March 2001). `Employment and the future of work in the UK’, Chartered Institute
of Personnel and Development, London Branches.
Nolan, P. (March 2001). `The future of employment relations in the UK’, London Employee
Relations Forum and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Nolan, P. (March 2001). `The future of work’, Industrial Law Society, Leeds.
Nolan, P. (May 2001). `The future of work’, Norwegian Convention of Vocational Unions,
Leeds University Business Schoo
Nolan, P. (September 1999). `Understanding the changing nature of work: history and
prospects’, 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey, Launch Conference, RSA, London.
Nolan, P. (March 2000). 'The future of work', Work, Culture and Identity, British Council and
British Embassy, Stockholm.
Nolan, P. (July 2000). `Back to the future of work’, Plenary Paper 50 th Anniversary
Conference of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association, University of Warwick.
Nolan, P. (July 2000). 'The future of work in the UK: implications for the higher education
sector', Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, Longer Term Strategy Group
Conference, University of Brighton, Brighton.
Nolan, P. (October 2000). 'The future of work - implications', Reaching New Horizons
Conference, Supported by the Training and Employment Agency, Belfast.
Nolan, P. (March 2000). `The ESRC Future of Work Programme: some initial highlights’,
Henley Management Centre, Henley-upon-Thames.
Nolan, P. (March 2000). `The ESRC Future of Work Programme’, ACAS, London.
Nolan, P. (July 2000). `Work-life balance’, CIPD and Manpower Millennium Dome Seminar.
Nolan, P. (November 2000). `Adapting the employment relationship to global economic and
technical change: a comment’, Organisation Change and the Future of Work, UMIST.
Nolan, P. (September 2000). `Introduction to the ESRC Future of Work Programme’,
Innovation Seminar, Centre for Management and Policy Studies, Cabinet Office.