A note regarding the structure of our liturgical ministry......... As many of you know, we no longer employ a full time Director of Music. Sadly, the cost of a full time position was more than our resources could bear. We have financial challenges (as all parishes do) and I am something of a "bottom line" type of pastor. Instead of a full time Music Director, we have partnered with the University of Oklahoma School of Organ and have employed a part time Music Intern, Nolan Riley. We are charged with the task of mentoring his considerable talents. An OU Sophomore, Nolan is from a well known OKC Catholic family and grew up at Our Lady's Cathedral. He is a student of Oliver Doberly, the well respected organist at Our Lady's. Those who know organ music tell me one can hear Oliver's influence in Nolan's work. That is a very good sign. Because Nolan is a student and because Erin Cleto, our Campus Minister, has a background in Liturgy, Erin has agreed to take on the additional role of supervising our liturgical worship. Erin holds a Masters in Sacred Liturgy from St. John's in Collegeville, MN, a well known and well respected Benedictine institution. Erin is Nolan's direct supervisor. I work with the two of them to forge a new path for our music program. Almost immediately upon my arrival as Pastor, I began thinking about the need to draw more fully from Erin's education and talents. I am grateful that she has agreed to expand her duties. Our hope is to bring more diversity to our music: Latin Chants, African American spirituals, Spanish language music, classic Catholic hymns, contemporary praise music. Ours is a vast Church that sings in many voices and in many styles. St. Thomas More needs to reflect that graced array of song. Finally, I am aware that, for some, the transition to our new music program was painful. Change is never easy and this decision was not an easy one for me. Know that the change was 'processed' with the Parish Council, the Finance Committee and the Archdiocese. I am convinced it was the right decision and I am hopeful that our music program is on the threshold of a major growth. Encourage Nolan. Compliment the cantors when they sing beautifully (and they do!). Volunteer to sing in the Schola or the 11 am choir. And, as always, be positive!