Making a lifetime of difference to children in schools Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500 Email: Application Form Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills for Working with Children (Foundation) Please refer to the ‘Guidance notes’ before completing your application. Complete this form using black ink or type. If there is not enough space in any section, please attach further sheets and mark them clearly with your name. Which Level 3 Certificate Course are you applying for? Location Start Date Which Taster Day: Counselling Children Workshop did you attend? Location Date Personal details First/Given Name(s) Surname/Family Name Previous surname (if changed) Title (e.g. Mr Mrs Miss Mrs etc.) Preferred name/ Known as Address Post code Telephone number Mobile number Email address How did you hear about this course? This may be from an advert (please state which publication/place), a website (please state which), word of mouth (please give details) or other (please give details). When you are ready to take up your counselling placement with Place2Be we would like to share the information on this form with our Human Resources Department Do we have your permission to do this? Yes / No Please return your completed application form and references to: Place2Be Training, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London, EC1V 2PT. If you have any queries regarding your application please contact Place2Be Training on 020 7923 5535 or via email to Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. Relevant experience Please tell us your experience of looking after children below, remembering to tell us the ages of the children concerned. Context Brief description of duties Dates (paid employment, volunteering, parent or carer – starting with the most recent) (please remember to state whether any work was paid or voluntary) (from - to) Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. Education and training Training institution (most recent first) Course and type of qualification Dates (from - to) (if applicable) Counselling or therapy training Please note, you don’t need to have had any previous counselling or therapy training to apply for this course, but if you have it would be helpful for us to know about it. Training institution (most recent first) Course and type of qualification (if applicable) Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. Dates (from - to) Supporting statement Please answer all the supporting statement questions provided in the ‘Guidance notes’. Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. References Please give the attached reference form to two people (not relations) who will give you a personal reference. Include these references when you submit your application. Your application will not be considered complete without the inclusion of two references. Please provide the details of your two referees below, refer to the ‘Guidance notes’ provided for more information. First referee Full Name Relationship (e.g. employer, tutor, friend) Address Telephone Email address Second referee Full Name Relationship (e.g. employer, tutor, friend) Address Telephone Email address Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. Disclosure of convictions As the voluntary placement will involve access to children, the placement is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) Order 1986 and you will be required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau CRB which will show all records. Please contact us if you would like further information. Any placement offered would be conditional on the receipt of an enhanced CRB which satisfies the criteria of Place2Be. A copy of the CRB Code of Practice is available on the CRB website. * Do you have connections in your personal life with any individual (relative, household member or friend) who could present a risk to children or who has been convicted of a criminal offence which would deem them unsuitable to work with children? (Please answer Yes or No) * Have you, as an adult, had involvement with a local authority, in relation to care proceedings or child protection proceedings in your family? (Please answer Yes or No) * Have you ever been arrested, cautioned for or convicted of a criminal offence or other offence which would show in a CRB enhanced disclosure? (Please answer Yes or No) If YES, please give details and an explanation of the offence and sentence or penalty imposed (including suspended sentences, warnings etc) in a separate file marked ‘confidential’ including an explanation of how you have consequently demonstrated you are a suitable person to work directly with children. The Disability Discrimination Act What adjustments if any would be needed to assist you in carrying out this course, if accepted? Would any adjustments need to be made to the interview process to assist you in your application? YES/NO Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. If yes, please provide details: Declaration I declare that the information I have provided on this form is true and complete and that all questions relating to me have been accurately and fully answered. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading, or that I have concealed any relevant facts, my placement will be withdrawn. Signed Date Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. Guidance notes These notes talk you through the kind of information needed to complete each section of the form. If you have any questions, please call us on 0207 923 5535. Taster Day: Counselling Children Workshop To apply for the Level 3 Certificate Course you need to first attend a Taster Day. To book on the next Taster Day please refer to our training website or contact the Professional Qualifications Team on 0207 923 5558 or email Once you have attended a Taster Day the tutors will be able to assess which will be the most appropriate course for you. If you are invited to apply for the Level 3 Certificate Course you will need to complete this application form and provide two references. Successful applicants will then be invited for a one-to-one interview. Following a successful interview we will endeavour to offer you a place on the Level 3 Certificate Course of your choice. If your first choice is not available we will offer you a place on the next course running. Personal details Please complete all sections in full. Relevant experience Please outline your experience of looking after children as a parent, guardian or carer and in any paid or voluntary post. Relevant experience may include helping at a local children’s group (e.g. at a playgroup or at a place of worship), working with Cubs or Brownies, etc. To apply for the Level 3 Certificate Course, you need to have at least one year's experience working with, caring for or parenting primary-aged children. Education and training Please list any education or training that you have completed. You can also include any relevant short courses (lasting one day or more) where the main topic was looking after children. Counselling or therapy training Please note, you don’t need to have had any previous counselling or therapy training to apply for this course. But if you have, please use the space to tell us about it. Supporting statement Please consider the following questions and give brief answers to all of them: Why do you want to undertake this training and what do you hope to gain from the course? Why do you feel that now is the right time to begin? What skills and knowledge do you have that you have already used when looking after children? In what way does your own experience of childhood influence the way that you look after children? Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. What do you imagine it will be like for you as an adult to be in training again and learning in a group with others? Describe some activities that you engage in which promote personal development and self awareness and outline how this benefits you? References Please give the attached reference form to two people (not relations) who will give you a personal reference. Include these references when you submit your application. Your application will not be considered complete without the inclusion of two references. If you have attended a counselling course, then one reference should be from your course tutor and the other can be an employer or character reference and should have known you for at least two years. If you have lived in the UK for less than two years, we will accept one overseas reference from someone who has known you for more than two years. Disclosure of convictions Following successful completion of the course, you will have a voluntary placement that will involve access to children. This placement is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) Order 1986 and therefore you must disclose all previous criminal convictions, bind-overs and cautions. You must complete this section and list any convictions that you have. If you do not have any convictions then please state ‘No’. We will have to return your application form to you if this section is not completed. Declaration Please read the declaration and then sign and date your application. If emailing your application, please type your name (you will be asked to sign your application at interview). Ensuring equality in recruitment and selection for paid and unpaid positions At Place2Be, we actively monitor our selection process to assess whether we are achieving equality of opportunity. In order to help us with this, we ask you to complete this form voluntarily. We are still able to consider your application if you choose not to complete this form. Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. Ensuring equality in recruitment and selection for paid, unpaid positions and training courses The Equality and Human Rights Commission strongly recommend that monitoring is effectively carried out and The Place2Be fully supports this. Place2Be aims to ensure that no job applicant or worker receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, gender orientation, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origin, age, gender, gender reassignment or marital status, sexual orientation or disability. Selection criteria and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure that individuals are treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities. All workers will be given equal opportunity and access to training to enable them to progress both within and outside the organisation. This organisation is committed to a programme of action to make this policy effective and will bring it to the attention of all workers. In order to enable us to successfully monitor and assess whether equality of opportunity is being achieved, please complete this form and return it with your application form. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. As The Place2Be meets the requirements in respect of exempted questions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, applicants offered employment/placement will be subject to a criminal record check from the Criminal Records Bureau before appointment is confirmed. This will include details of cautions, reprimands or final warnings as well as convictions. Completing this form is voluntary. However, it will enable us to carry out our monitoring policy effectively. The information will be separated from your application as soon as it is received. It will not be passed on to anyone involved in short-listing or appointment to this course. ______________________________________________________________________ Course applied for__________________________________________________ Are you? □ Male □ Female Are you? □ <20 □ 21-24 □ 25-29 □ 30-34 □ 35-39 □ 40-44 □ 45-49 □ 50-54 □ 55-59 □ 60+ □ would prefer not to say ______________________________________________________________________ Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as someone with a physical or mental illness or impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out day-to-day activities. Do you consider yourself to have a disability which may affect your employment/placement? If Yes, Please provide details: What is your ethnic group? Please choose one section from (a) to (e) and then put a cross or tick in the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background (as recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality). (a) White (d) Black or Black British □ British □ Caribbean □ English □ African □ Scottish □ Any other Black □ Welsh background, please state □ Irish ______________ □ Any other White background, please state _______________________ (b) Mixed (e) Chinese or Chinese British or other ethnic group □ White and Black Caribbean □ White and Black African □ Chinese □ White and Asian □Any other, please state □ Any other Mixed background, ___________________ _______________________ (c) Asian or Asian British □ Indian □ Pakistani □ Bangladeshi □ Any other Asian background, please state Registered office address: The Place2Be, 13/14 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT Tel: 020 7923 5500. Registered charity number 1040756 (England and Wales) SC038649 (Scotland). Registered Company number 2876150.