Information Sheet for County Extension Educators and 4-H Horse Project Leaders
The Oklahoma 4-H Horse Project: Hippology Program Leader Guide should be reviewed by
leaders and contestants at the beginning meeting of those interested in Hippology. Hippology is
a general horse knowledge competition that tests contestant’s knowledge on horsemanship, horse
management, horse production, horse use and horse evaluation. The broad scope of the contest
requires contestants to have a well-developed, applied knowledge of owning, raising and using
horses. The contest format for 2004 is outlined below.
Written Exam: 20%
Whereas questions may test any topic, emphasis topics for 2004 for the written test are nutrition,
anatomy, horse use, health care, and reproductive management. Questions on judging criteria for
horse show classes of halter, western pleasure, hunter under saddle, reining and western riding
may be included as part of written exam.
Visuals Exam: 40%
Slides, posters, objects and video may be used. Whereas questions may test any topic, emphasis
topics for 2004 for the visuals exam are horse breeds, horse judging, anatomy, facilities,
equipment and tack. Teams may be asked to judge a class of four horses, or identify class
performance and judging criteria via video as part of the visual exam.
Team Problem: 40%
Teams will be provided two to three ‘case study’ questions identifying a scenario requiring
expert advice. After a short time of preparation, teams will be evaluated on technical expertise
and team participation as they are orally presenting their advice. Whereas scenarios may test any
topic, emphasis topics for 2004 for the team problems are general farm management, health and
veterinary care, feeds and feeding, horse training and horse reproductive management.
Suggested Resources to Review: Successful teams will compile information from a number of
resources. Several suggested sources are provided below:
 Oklahoma 4-H Horse Project Materials: Horse Quiz Bowl Manual, Horse Judging
Guide, Horse Show Rules, HorseSmarts CD, Horse Skills Manuals.
 OSU Extension Fact Sheets (especially, Horse Topics):,
publications, horse
 OSU Horse Breeds Web page:, breeds of livestock, horse
 Horse Industry Handbook, ordering information:
 American Association of Equine Practitioners, owner education,
 The Horse, textbook by Evans and others, published by W.H. Freeman Co.
2004 State Hippology Contest
March 27, 2004
OSU Animal Science Building
Check-in at 9:00 a.m.
1. Open to Oklahoma Senior 4-H members (14 as of January 1, 2004).
2. Each county may enter one or two teams. Each team made up of three or four members.
Team competition only, no individuals. Three scores count. Full teams of four will
drop low score.
3. The top two placing teams qualify to represent Oklahoma at out-of-state Hippology
contests that restrict participation to a limited number of ‘official’ state 4-H teams. The
first place team has first option to attend any contest restricting participating to one team
per state. If not attending, the second place team may represent the state.
4. Each team must supply a minimum of one adult to assist contest management. Duties
include monitoring participants, scoring exams and tabulating results.
5. All entries must be received by entry deadline, and include a State 4-H Team
Certification Form No. 4 certifying membership and participation eligibility from County
4-H Educator.
Submit to:
Entry Form
Due by March 19, 2004
Dr. Dave Freeman, 201 Animal Science Bldg., OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078
State 4-H Team Certification Form No. 4, signed by County Extension 4-H
Contact person, name:
Contact person, address
Contact person, phone
Team Member Names (all members 14 as of January 1, 2004)
Team A
Team B
*Keep a copy of this form for your files, mail original by due date.