Chapter 5: Zoonoses and Occupational Health



M. Suckow, K. Stevens, and R. Wilson, editors, 2012 . The Laboratory Rabbit, Guinea

Pig, Hamster, and Other Rodents, 1 st

edition. Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

Chapter 5 Zoonosis and Occupational Health, pp. 141-163


1. What is the mode of transmission for Hantavirus to humans? a. Horizontal transmission via aerosolization of urine, feces and saliva

2. b. c. d.

Via rodent bite

Person-to-person transmission

All of the above

Which animal biosafety level requires work involving inoculation of the

Hantavirus into P. maniculatus or other permissive species? a. Animal Biosafety level 2



5. b. c.

Animal Biosafety level 3

Animal Biosafety level 4 d. Animal Biosafety level 1

Which is the non-human host for Lassa Virus?

True or False : Infection with Lassa virus is transmitted through contact with feces and urine of infected rodents.

Which is the method to determine the prevalence of the Lassa virus in wild



9. rodent populations? a. ELISA antibody assay b. c.

PCR assay

IF assay d. Radioimmunoassay

Which species are the known reservoirs for Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis virus? a. b. c.

Mice and hamster

Mice and rats

Mice and ferrets d. Mice and rabbits

True or False: Intrauterine infections of human fetuses with Lymphocytic

Choriomeningitis can result in hydrocephalus, microencephaly, macroencephaly, intracranial calcification, mental retardation, seizures, and fetal death.

If an infection with LCMV is diagnosed in a rodent colony, what actions need to be taken? a. All animals will be euthanized b. c. d.

All animals will be treated

Only sick animals will be euthanized

All sick animals will be euthanized; clinically normal animals will be quarantined

What is the mode of transmission of rabies virus? a. b. c.

Bite of a rabid animal

Contamination of wound by saliva form an infected animal

Through direct contact of saliva with skin

d. a and b

10. Coxiella burnetti is the etiologic agent of a. Q-fever b. Hay-fever c. d.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Rickettsial Pox

11. What is the most common mode of transmission for Coxiella burnetti Infection? a. Airborne b. c. d.




12. Chronic infected animals shed Coxiell burnetti persistently in a. Feces and urine b. Urine and placenta c. d.

Placenta and feces

Wool and urine

13. An important diagnostic tool for Coxiella burnetti is a. Serology b. c. d.




14. What is the agent that causes Rickettsial pox? a. Rickettsia akari b. c.

Rickettsia rickettsii

Rickettsia asiatica d. Rickettsia rhipicephali

15. Which is the vector that transmits Rickettsial pox?

16. True or False: There are clinical signs associated with the infection of

Rickettsial pox in animals and humans causing a discrete maculopapular skin rash.

17. Which is the causative agent of the Rocky Mountain spotted fever? a. b. c. d.

Rickettsia akari

Rickettsia rickettsii

Rickettsia rhipicephali

Borrelia burgdorferi

18. Which are reservoirs for Rickettsia rickettsii ? a. Wild rodents and rabbits b. Dogs and cats c. d.


Feral pigs

19. True or False: The disease of Rocky Mountain spotted fever is asymptomatic in animals.

20. What are the most common clinical signs in humans affected by Rickettsia rickettsii ? a. Fever, headache, rash on trunk, palms and soles b. Fever, headache, diarrhea

c. Fever, headache, muscle ache d. Fever, diarrhea, skin rash

21. Which are the reservoirs for Chlamydiophila caviae ? a. Guinea pigs b. c.


Wild mice d. Ferrets

22. Among which laboratory animals besides birds occur infections of

Chlamydophyla psittaci ? a. Mice, guinea pigs, and hamsters b. Rabbits, cats, ferrets and muskrats c. d.

Ruminants, swine and frogs

All of the above

23. Bordetella bronchiseptica is diagnosed through a. b. c. d.

Bacterial cultures




24. Which is the vector which transmits Borrelia burgdorferi ? a. Deer tick b. Rabbit mite c. d.

Mouse louse

Guinea pig mite

25. What is the genus of the rabbit that presents the greatest hazard as reservoir for


26. True or False: Animals are asymptomatic for leptospirosis and carry the organism in their renal tubules for year

27. True or False: Hamsters from pet stores or from pet distributors have been demonstrated to be a potential source of infection for humans, since most rodents from high-quality commercial vendors are free of Salmonella.

28. What is the name of disease, when humans become orally infected with

Streptobacillus moniliformis ?

29. What is the name of the disease in humans, when Streptobacillus moniliformis is transmitted via a bite wound or scratch?

30. Which is the agent that causes the disease known in Japan as sodoku?

31. Yersinia pestis disease in humans presents in how many distinctive forms: a. 3 b. 2 c. d.



32. True or False: Trichophyton mentagrophytes poses relatively limited concern when using feral or random source animals, however, laboratory animals may pose a greater risk of dermatophytosis to personnel handling such animals.

33. Which are the intermediate hosts for Rodentolepis nana , the tapeworm of a hamster? a. Mites and fleas

b. c. d.

Ants and fleas

No intermediate host

Flour beetles and fleas

34. Which are the reservoirs for Cheyletiella mites? a. b. c. d.

Rabbit, cat and dog

Ferret, cat and dog

Ferret, rabbit and cat

Rabbit, cat and dog

35. Allergic reaction to animals in humans are reported with the highest incidence when working with a. Rabbits b. c. d.



Guinea pigs

36. What is the most common symptom in humans associated with allergy to animals a. b.


Dermatitis c. d.



37. Which of the following measurements help to control exposure of human




7. workers to allergens as well as to zoonosis a. Personal protective equipment b. c.

Increasing humidity in animal rooms

Use of isolation cages d.




3. d c

All of the above

Mastomys natalensis

True a a



9. a d

10. a

11. a

12. a

13. a

14. a

15. mite Liponyssoides sanguineus

16. False

17. b

18. a

19. True

20. a

21. a+b

22. d

23. a

24. a

25. Sylvilagus

26. a

27. True

28. Haverhill fever

29. Rat bite fever

30. Spirillum minus

31. a

32. True

33. d

34. a

35. b

36. a

37. d
