IntAct COMMON ELEMENTS ac := idnumber for IntAct database shortLabel := for proteins – UniProt Ids for experiments – author-year-number (author-1st author, year-of publication, number-if multiple instances) for interactions – gene1-gene2 (not always stable, not always unique, always lowercase) fullName := full name of the object xref := crossreference to other databases name := name of external db primary id := primary id or accession number of object in external database secondary id := secondary id of object in external db crossreference type := type of the crossreference annotation := (0..n) has topic to broadly classify the annotation, and text created := date the object has been created updated := last updated date MAIN OBJECTS Experiment BioSource := biological system in which the interaction took place in the experiment identificationMethod := experimental method by which the molecules participating in the interaction have been detected (ex: mass spectrometry) method interactionMethod := experimental method by which the interaction has been detected (ex: yeast two hybrid) od interactions (1..*) Interaction interactors (2..*) CvInteractionType := description of the type of interaction (ex: association) kD := dissociation constant Interactor CvInteractorType := type of interactor as defined in PSI-MI ontology (ex: protein, DNA, small molecules) lookup/ BioSource := biological system in which the interactor is normally found (may not be the only system in which it is found) [if a polymer] sequence := amino acid sequence of the protein crc64 := the CRC64 checksum for the amino acid sequence stoichiometry := number of units of this interactor which participate in the interaction (default = 1) expressedIn := a BioSource object describing the biological system in which the protein has been expressed (ex: if a human protein has been expressed in E. coli, it would be E. coli) role := the role of the Interactor in the Interaction (ex: Y2H would have bait and prey) features := properties of the molecule that is involved in the interaction [endif] AUXILIARY OBJECTS BioSource taxId := NCBI tax id (identifies an organism) shortLabel := UniProt OS code (optional) fullName := scientific name of the species tissue := tissue type used in the experiment (optional) compartment := cellular compartment in which the interaction has been shown to occur CvObject Features