Gauri A. Mahajani 2105 Madison Dr. #2045 Arlington TX 76011 OBJECTIVE: Tel: (817) 275-9230 Mobile: (817) 300-3075 (preferred) E-mail: To seek a full time position in the field of Software Design, Development and Testing EDUCATION: Bachelor in Electronics Engineering – University of Pune, India, July 1998. Masters in Computer Science Engineering – University of Texas at Arlington - Grad.: May 2003 - GPA: 3.93/4.0 COURSE WORK Algorithms and Data structures Operating Systems Software Engineering Advanced Data Networking Data Mining Database System Implementation Compiler design Digital Signal Processing Database fundamentals RECENT TRAINING Currently doing certification course in VB.NET at UTA. COMPUTER SKILLS: Languages: Platforms: Database Systems: Java, C, C++, Visual Basic, SQL, SQLJ, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, ASP, Windows NT/2000, Windows 9X, UNIX, DOS 6.22 MS Access, Oracle, SQL WORK EXPERIENCE: Software Engineer at Chenault systems Database Solutions (05/2003 – till date) o Working on Access 2000, DAO and ADO o Application development using VBA. o Use of system such as [MSysIMEXSpecs] to automatically create import/export specs from existing files to reduce user intervention. o Database linking between Access and SQL. o Report design and generation. o Create SQL transactions to create, modify tables, stored procedures and views Web page designer (02/2001 – 05/2003) o Information gathering from dean of College Business, professors, staff and students. o Design, development and maintenance of College of Business, UTA website. o Design and development of a website for Health Care Administration Software Engineer at Tata InfoTech Limited (10/1998 – 10/1999) o Development of audio compression software using AC-3 audio coding data compression technique. o Understand AC-3 coding standard o Implement spectral envelope coding using C. RESEARCH: DATABASE ENABLED SKIN CANCER RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES (DESCARTES) This system will contribute to skin cancer research and prevention through automated remote screening, image data mining and education of medical professionals. Contribution: o Use of different classifiers to classify the feature set into different categories/classes. o Classifiers used are k nearest neighbor, Bayesian, decision tree classifier. o Output of classifiers is in the form of belief to each category/class. o Apply evidence combination technique to determine final diagnosis. o Results obtained indicate that combination of evidences from classifiers yields more accurate classification results than individual classifier results. GAURI MAHAJANI (817) 300-3075 (Mobile) Resume Page 1 of 2 PROJECT WORK: Flight search and reservation system. Goal: An interactive system which asks users to enter choice, check availability or make reservation. After getting required information it connects to the database and checks for the required availability. For reservation, it updates the database accordingly. Features: Language used is SQLJ. System connects oracle database using jdbc. SQL is used for database queries. Web based art exhibition and competition. Goal: A system which allows users to view and submit the different categories of art such as Paintings, Photos, Cartoons, Icons, Videos, and Music. Viewers can rate an art and the rating gets dynamically updated. Features: Database is used is Oracle. SQL is used for database queries. JSP is used to develop dynamic WebPages. System is platform and browser independent. Implementation of a Magic Square Goal: A magic square game which has one master and two move makers. Master forks two children and gives each child a chance to make a move on the magic square. Features: Semaphores and shared memory are used. Language used is C on UNIX. Deadlock Detection Algorithm using centralized approach. Goal: System which has two clients and a coordinator. When client gets request for an object it updates local wait for graph and then requests coordinator to change global wait for graph and check for any deadlocks. Coordinator finally grants the request Features: Use of Linked lists for local wait for graphs and global wait for graph. Use of RMI, threads. Depth First Search Algorithm is used for deadlock detection. Language used is JAVA on UNIX. Web Search engine Goal: Search engine has the ability to answer queries of the form “Find a page containing certain set of words connected by a chain of one or more hyperlinks to a different page containing some other set of words''. Features: Use of hash tables and linked lists Using JAVA on UNIX platform. Grammar reader and parser Goal: A parser which reads grammar rules and a set of sentences and attempts to parse the sentence. Output a parse tree indicating which grammar rules were used and how. Features: Implementation of Depth First Algorithm using JAVA on UNIX platform. Implementation of Relational join Operator Goal: Join operator implementation which reads in files containing two different relations. It then performs equality join on two relations. Features: Implementation of Sort-Merge Join algorithm using C++ on Linux. Buffer Manager Goal: Buffer Manager Implementation which allows client (a higher level program) to allocate/de-allocate pages on the disk to bring page to the buffer pool and pin and unpin the page in the buffer pool. Features: Implementation of LRU replacement policy using C++ on Linux. ACHIEVEMENTS/AWARDS: Member of Tau Beta Pi Organization Re f e r e n c e s a v a i l a b l e u p o n r e q u e s t GAURI MAHAJANI (817) 300-3075 (Mobile) willing to relocate Resume Page 2 of 2