Compare Population Pyramids booklet

Section 4: Compare and contrast the population structure of an MEDC with an LEDC:
 a population pyramid for an MEDC showing an aged dependent population;
 a population pyramid for an LEDC showing a youth dependent population;
What is a Population Pyramid?
You will be using Wider World to take notes about the different population structures and how
the different shapes of population pyramid indicate development within a country.
A population pyramid helps us to understand what is happening to the birth rate, death rate and
life expectancy of people in a particular country. It helps us to get a flavour about what is
happening to the people within a country.
Note taking Task
Write down the title ‘Population pyramids/ Population Structure’
Take notes from Page 2 in this booklet about the key features of population
There is a strong link between the shape of Population pyramids and the
Demographic Transition Model. Make sure that you have a clear diagram and
labels that highlight the key features of each of the 4 stages of a Population
Pyramid (Page 2 or Page 3 top)
Section 4: GCSE Population Pyramids/ Structure
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Section 4: GCSE Population Pyramids/ Structure
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Draw your own Population Pyramid
It is unlikely that you will ever have to draw out a full Population structure during an exam as it
would take up too much time – however, a common question is for you to complete drawing
one. To help you understand how to construct a population pyramid – I am going to ask you to
draw out a population pyramid for Ballymena Borough Council area for 2001 (the last census).
1. You will need a piece of graph paper to help you complete this task.
2. The figures are on Page 4 of this booklet. We are going to be using the raw figures
for the 5 year intervals (0-4, 5-9, 10-14 etc).
3. Don’t forget that we are going to be using the Males and Females on each side of the
graph so ignore the ‘All persons’ column
4. Now it is just a case of trying to find a scale that you think uses as much of the graph
paper as possible and plot the information carefully
5. Take care with your ruler as you rule the lines. Maybe colour the Male bars blue and
the Female bars red so that you can tell the difference
6. Make sure that you put appropriate labels on your graph and add a title at the top.
Section 4: GCSE Population Pyramids/ Structure
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Section 4: GCSE Population Pyramids/ Structure
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Comparing Two Population Pyramids
This first Population pyramid is one for the UK in 1994 (an MEDC with a clear aged
This pyramid is said to be at Stage of the DTM. The pyramid has steep sides. This is because
very few people are dieing and any children that are born will survive until they are at least 65
years old, if not older. It is noticeable in this country that the pyramid does NOT have a wide
base because people are having fewer children. In addition there is an increasing number of
people who live beyond 65 – this is because hospital services are good and people live longer
(have a longer life expectancy).
Section 4: GCSE Population Pyramids/ Structure
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This second Population pyramid is one for the Kenya in 1994 (an LEDC with a clear
youthful population)
The Population pyramid for Kenya is probably at Stage 2 in the Demographic Transition Model.
This pyramid is defined by its triangular shape – there is a very wide base which progressively
becomes smaller with each age group. This shows that there are many children being born but
they do not all survive and there is still a strong death rate. As a result, due to poor hospitals,
medical care and famine, many people die at an early age and life expectancies are low. Few
people manage to reach the age of 65.
Note taking Tasks
1. You need some very good detailed notes about each of these population pyramids.
2. Draw a sketch of the population pyramid for the UK and label it and take notes. Use
the notes on Stage 4 of the DTM to explain why the Birth Rate and Death Rate are
3. Draw a sketch of the population pyramid for Kenya and label it and take notes. Use
the notes on Stage 2 of the DTM to explain why the Birth rate and Death Rate remain
high in Kenya.
Section 4: GCSE Population Pyramids/ Structure
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Practice using Population Pyramids
On the following pages there are a few questions that you need to attempt carefully so that you
practice thinking about what types of questions you could get in relation to Population.
I will give you a separate deadline for each piece of work . Please make sure that you answer
in full sentences and that you do NOT leave any part questions out – aim to have an answer for
absolutely everything.
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Section 4: GCSE Population Pyramids/ Structure
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