to the definitions in Word format

Tennessee Academic Vocabulary – Eighth Grade Language Arts
Curriculum Area:
Allusion (define
concept with simple
An allusion is a literary device that
stimulates ideas, associations, and
extra information in the reader's
mind with only a word or two.
Allusion means 'reference'. It relies
on the reader being able to
understand the allusion and being
familiar with all of the meaning
hidden behind the words.
An antecedent is generally the
(pronoun/antecedent noun or noun phrase to which an
anaphor refers in a co-reference,
however an antecedent also can
be a clause, especially when the
anaphor is a demonstrative.
A bias is a prejudice in a
general or specific sense,
usually in the sense for having
a preference to one particular
point of view or ideological
Clincher sentence
A paragraph ends with a
clincher/transition sentence.
• Clincher Sentences
-Similar to topic sentences.
-Form the conclusion of the
-Usually the last sentence in
the paragraph.
-Closes the paragraph.
-Names the main idea of the
-Sometimes summarizes or
names the details of the
-Is different from the topic
sentence (should use different
words than the topic
-Sometimes they start with a
concluding transition (a word
or group of words that tell the
reader that you are finishing
•Three types of Clincher
-General-summarizes only the
main idea of a paragraph, it
may make the reader think
more about the topic.
-Clueing-names the main idea
and ties the details together
with a clue word (same clue
words we used earlier in the
clueing topic sentence).
-Specific-names the main
idea, names the specific
details that were covered in
the paragraph order.
Coherent order
Pronunciation: kO-'hi(&)r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): co·hered;
1 a : to hold together firmly as parts
of the same mass b : to consist of
parts that cohere
2 a : to become united in principles,
relationships, or interests b : to be in
agreement between parts
In writing, coherent order is created
by using transitions. Coherent
literally means "to stick
together." In order for a
paragraph and even an essay to
stick together, we must use these
great words called transitions.
structure (structural
patterns in
Personal essay
Narrative or descriptive
Describing a process
Comparison and Contrast
Using Examples
Developing a definition
Evaluative Essay (Review)
Cause and Effect
Argumentative Essay
Writing about literature
Writing a research paper
A cross-reference (noun) is an
instance within a document of
referring to information
elsewhere (either within the
same work or in a separate
work). To cross-reference or
to cross-refer (verb) is to
make such connections
Pronunciation: di-'bAt
Function: noun
: a verbal argument: as a : the
discussion of a motion before a
legislature b : a regulated discussion
of a problem between two matched
Pronunciation: "der-&-'vA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 a : the formation (as by the
addition of a prefix or suffix) of a
word from another word or root b :
an act of finding out or stating how a
word was formed c : ETYMOLOGY
2 a : a point of origin : SOURCE b :
development from a source :
DESCENT c : an act or process of
Pronunciation: 'dram-&-"tIz,
'drämFunction: verb
1 : to make into a drama
2 : to present or represent in a
dramatic manner
(supportive details)
Pronunciation: i-'lab-&-"rAt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -rat·ed; -rat·ing
1 : to work out in detail : DEVELOP
<elaborate an idea>
2 : to give more details <elaborate
on a story>
A facilitator is someone who
Facilitator (role
identification/groups) skilfully helps a group of people
understand their common
objectives and plan to achieve
them without personally taking
any side of the argument.
Gerund and gerund
Gerund: a gerund is the form
of a verb, but it is not a verb.
Second, it is a noun. And
finally, it ends in "ing."
Gerund phrase - The gerund
phrase includes the gerund
and the object of the gerund
or any modifiers related to the
Infer from unstated
Infer: Pronunciation: in-'f&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): in·ferred;
1 : to arrive at as a conclusion
2 : 1GUESS 1, surmise
3 : IMPLY 2
Unstated assumptions: a fact
or statement that is taken for
granted but is not said directly
Pronunciation: 'jär-g&n, -"gän
Function: noun
1 : a mixed language used for
communication between peoples
whose native languages are
2 : the special language of a
particular activity or group <legal
3 : language that is not clear and is
full of long important-sounding
Pronunciation: 'läj-ik
Function: noun
1 : the study of the rules and tests of
sound reasoning
2 : REASONING 1; especially :
sound reasoning <no logic in that
3 : connection (as of facts or events)
in a way that seems reasonable
<the logic of a situation>
4 : the arrangement of circuit
elements (as in a computer) needed
for computation
Mnemonic device
Pronunciation: ni-'män-ik
Function: adjective
: an activity or strategy assisting or
intended to assist memory
Oral language
enunciation, rate,
and pitch)
Inflection: Pronunciation: in'flek-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : a change in the pitch or tone of a
person's voice
2 : the change in the form of a word
showing its case, gender, number,
person, tense, mood, voice, or
Enunciation: Pronunciation: E'n&n(t)-sE-"At
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
1 : to make known publicly :
2 : to pronounce clearly :
rate Main Entry: 2rate
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English rate "an
estimated or determined value,"
from early French rate (same
meaning), derived from Latin rata,
literally, "fixed, determined," from
(pro) rata (parte) "according to the
fixed proportion"
1 a : a constant ratio between two
things <a rate of exchange> b : a
price or charge set according to a
scale or standard <hotel rates> <tax
2 : a quantity, amount, or degree of
something measured in units of
something else <the unemployment
3 : a level of quality : CLASS
pitch: a : highness or lowness of
sound b : a standard frequency for
tuning instruments <the oboe
sounded the pitch>
Participial phrase
and participles
Participle: First and foremost,
a participle is the form of a
verb, but it is not a verb.
Second, it is an adjective. And
finally, it ends in "ing" or "ed"
or "en."
Participial phrase: The
participial phrase includes the
participle and the object of the
participle or any words
modified by or related to the
Persuasive writing
Ethos, logos, pathos
Ethos: speaker’s character as
it appears to the audience
Logos: logic and rationality
Pathos: appeal to emotions
Pronunciation: 'pref-&s
Function: noun
: a section that introduces a
book or a speech
Able to be trusted; when
referring to a source: Using
reliable sources assures the
reader that what is being
presented meets the
Wikipedia standards for
verifiability, originality, and
neutrality. Accurate citation
allows the reader to go to
those sources and gives
appropriate credit to the
author of the work.
Sensory detail
Details that appeal to the
Shades of meaning
Understanding the difference
between words like “softly”
and “quietly”
Synthesize: to combine often
very different ideas into an
ordered whole
Analyze: an explanation of the
nature and meaning of
a state of mental unrest that is
often accompanied by
physical signs (as perspiring)
of emotion b : a state of
unfriendliness between
individuals or groups
Thesis statement
A thesis statement in an essay
is a sentence that explicitly
identifies the purpose of the
paper or previews its main
Writing process
Prewriting – brainstorming,
graphic organizers, story
Writing – first draft; just write
Revising – changing things in
the text
Editing – checking spelling,
grammar, punctuation,
Publishing – final copy, neat,
correct format