Cromford3 - Derbyshire Walking

Cromford, Upperwood and Harp Edge.
Walk Information
Walk Area:
Start Point:
Map Ref:
Post Code
5.0 miles
Cromford Wharf
SK 300 570
General Information
Pay And Display
Tea Shops:
2 Hours
OS Map:
Explorer OL24
White Peak Area
Altitude Data
262 ft (80m)
262 ft (80m)
636 ft (194m)
Altitude Profile
A shortish walk taking in some of the historic
sites of Cromford and the Derwent Valley, the
walks also has a steep climb to Harp Edge rising
through woodland from an altitude of 298ft
(91m) near Masson Mill, to 636ft (194m) in a
distance of just over a third of a mile. If you find
youself in need of refreshment along this walk
there are four tea shops to choose from; five if
you visit Awkrights Mill. The first is adjacent to
the Carpark on Cromford Wharf, The second is
in Masson Mill shopping outlet, and the third a
vegetarian cafe hidden behind a (usually open)
secret door in Scarthin Books. (This hidden first
River Derwent at Masson Mill
floor tea room very popular and can get rather
busy at lunchtimes and weekends.) Last but not
least is Tor Cafe, a former barbers shop sited at the traffic lights on the A6 at Cromford, this has the
advantage of being open earlier than any of the others.
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Cromford, Upperwood and Harp Edge.
Getting There:
Cromford is around one mile south of Matlock Bath on the A6 towards Derby. At the staggered
traffic light controlled junction on the A6 do not take the road into Cromford it's self, instead take
the Mill Lane down the side of Sir Richard Awkrights Mill. Car-parks are to be found on either side
of the at end of the Mill buildings. The car parking charges shown below relate specifically to the
car park at Cromford Wharf. Toilets are available long this route both at the car park and in
Cromford near to the pedestrian crossings.
The Walk:
From the car park exit through the gate next to the toilet
block, turn left and head back towards the road. As you
approach the exit note the fishing temple, and remains of
a 15th century Bridge Chapel between the path and
Cromford Bridge. Pass over the cattle grid and pass
through the gate opposite to St Mary's Church. Continue
along the obvious path that runs parallel to the river until
it passes through a set of stone gate posts to the A6. Turn
right and follow the footpath for a quarter of a mile to
Masson Mill. At Masson Mill use the pedestrian crossing
to cross to the other side of the A6, then continue for a
short distance towards Matlock Bath.
Leaving Masson Mill behind look for the next building
on the river side of the road (same side as the Mill), the
footpath for this walk is opposite the first of these, the
footpath sign is not immediately obvious, but is visible
from the pavement. Follow this path up the hill for just
over a third of a mile, in places the route is quite steep
and has been made into steps to aid the climb. During the
ascent the path swings to the right then turns sharp left. A
short distance after the left turn path meets another near
to a small group of white houses. At this junction look
slightly to the right for the obvious black and white sign
post to Scarthin, follow the path indicated by the sign
towards Sacrthin, Cromford and Harp Edge.
Upperwood Sign Post
The path continues to climb gently for a distance then begins to descend. Although the descent
begins quite slowly is becomes steeper for a distance as the path passes becomes rocky, this section
of the route can become quite slippery underfoot when wet, as the path flattens out the route is
joined from the left by a path up from Masson Mill. Near to this junction to the right is the entrance
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Cromford, Upperwood and Harp Edge.
to a what appears to be a cave. From the cave the path
continues forward descending more gently until it begins
to curve to the right. The curve continues until the path is
almost pointing in the direction from which the walk came.
When the path straightens out the route begins to climb
once more. Continue along the path for almost a quarter of
a mile. Shortly after the path begins a sustained decent,
follow this path until it meets another footpath running
almost parallel. Turn left and continue to descend towards
Cromford. The end of this path leads in front of a few
Mysterious Entrance
houses before meeting the A5012. Walk along the road
Towards Cromford taking care as the pavement is virtually non-existent and the A5012 can be quite
busy. Cross the road when safe to do so and continue for a short distance towards the centre of
Cromford. Just past the garage take the path to the right next to the first house, walk up the slope
across the rough ground into a housing estate. At the remains of a squeeze stile bear right until a
road is reached. Cross the road and continue down the lane ahead. At the end of this short lane of
heavily pollarded trees, cross a second road and walk down the side of the cemetery.
At this point you may be wondering why this route is heading through a housing estate and past a
cemetery. To be honest on the map it was the easiest way to get from the bottom of Scarthin to
Cromford Hill. When I next walk this route I may look for an alternative for this section of the
walk. When the path reaches the end of the cemetery near to the lytchgate, turn left and follow the
road down onto Cromford Hill. Cross the road (B5036) taking care as this is the main road from
Cromford to Wirksworth. Having safely crossed the road walk down the road to the Bell Inn. Here
turn right into North Street. North Street was built by the Arkwrights between 1776 and 1777 to
house mill workers. The attic level of each house has a number of windows to provide ample light
for "outworkers" to ply their trade. At the end of the street is Cromford School founded by Richard
Awkright in 1832 with places for up to two hundred children. On reaching the end of North Street
turn left down the side of the last cottage and keep to the left, look for a gap in the wall just beyond
a tree. This area is used for parking so the gap may not be immediately visible.
The "Bear Pit" Sluice.
This magnificent round sluice was
built as a collection point for the
drainage systems for the lead
mines at Black Rock. Built
between 1672 and 1709 the sluice
is connected the mines by a mile
long tunnel. At it's height the
slough was purchased by Sir
Richard Awkright and it's water
used to power machinery in his
nearby mill.
The “Bear Pit” Sluice
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Cromford, Upperwood and Harp Edge.
Follow the path between the backs of the houses and the garden areas. Note that each house was
thoughtfully provided with a pig sty, stone pig troughs can still be seen in some of the
garden/allotment areas. Follow the path to the circular sluice known as the “Bear Pit”. The tour of
the less well trodden and historic part of Cromford complete pass between the houses to emerge
once more onto Cromford Hill.
On reaching the road either cross at this point, or walk down to
the pedestrian crossing near Greyhound Hotel. Having crossed
the road walk down Water Lane (A5012) along the side ofthe
side of the pond to the waterwheel. Pass the waterwheel and
walk to the point where this route previously turned towards
the housing estate. This time take the narrow road to the right
and walk up onto Scarthin promenade and the wonderful
Aladdin's Cave that is Scarthin Books. The inside of Scarthin
books is narrow in places so you may wish to ask the person at
the till if they would mind looking after your rucksack if you
have one. So far they have never said no when I have asked.
From Scarthin books continue along Scarthin past the Boat Inn
to the Market Place. Turn left at the Market place and walk
down to the pedestrian crossings at the A6. My observations of
these crossing is that they are traffic controlled, and pressing
the little button has no effect other than making you feel better
whilst waiting! Having crossed the A6 walk along the footpath
away from Cromford towards Derby. Opposite Intake Lane
(off to the right) is a small gap in the wall to the left, pass
through this gap, and follow the path between the gardens until
it comes out onto a private road. Turn left then right opposite
the mill, follow the footpath and Canal feeder stream to return
The Wonderful Scarthin Books
to the car park at Cromford Wharf.
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