Information Technology in India and the Indian Region

Special Issue of Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM)
Theme: Information Technology in India and the Indian Region
Tentative Publication Date: April 2014
Two-page proposal by authors (optional): December 15, 2012
Full paper submission deadline: July 15, 2013
Special Issue Guest Editor
Jaideep Ghosh, Ph.D.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies
K. S. Krishnan Marg, PUSA Gate, New Delhi – 110012, INDIA
Since the resurgence of growth in the globalization of IT products and services in the late 1990s, the
performance of the IT and ITES sectors in India has indeed been remarkable. The contribution of this
entire industry to India’s GDP alone has amounted close to 6.0% during the past decade. Employment
opportunities in the Indian IT sector have exceeded two millions in 2009 (NASSCOM report). The IT
industry is also the largest employer in the private sector in India (annual revenues exceeding US$ 50
billion reported by NASSCOM).
Nevertheless, over the past several years, India's leading position as a global IT player has been
neither fully steady nor sufficiently stable. Indeed, Indian IT has contended with more issues,
challenges, and non-uniformities than IT/ITES sectors in any country in the world. The sector is still
grappling with both endogenous as well as exogenous problems of diverse characteristics.
Internally, maintaining a stable growth pattern against India's existing political pluralism has been
fraught with difficulties. Externally, adapting to globally recessive conditions and slowdown in
economy, fluctuating demand and supply, and increased competitive forces has been a particularly
troublesome game for the Indian IT to play. IT Innovation has been slow and much less independent
than what was previously anticipated. In areas such as global trade, banking as well as in a number of
low tiers of the government, the lofty promises of the highly publicized e-governance implementation
have not been fulfilled.
On the brighter side, Indian IT has gained much experience over the years in rising courageously to
meet many of the challenges of changing IT demands and trends. For example, the quality of the IT
workforce has been considerably improved through focused learning and education of the working
professionals. A fraction of the Indian IT professionals have relocated to India from a number of
countries in the western world, and this trend is currently on the rise. The Government of India has
also been generally supportive of infrastructure developments and new entrepreneurship ventures in
IT-related industries in the country.
IT in India and the Indian region has a number of exciting stories to tell. These are stories with
important learning elements to enrich the experiences of researchers and practitioners in India as well
as in other countries of the world. A small sample of the learning elements from some of these stories
will be presented in this special issue. This endeavor, we believe, will lead to many more exciting
explorations and adventures in both current and new directions of research and practice in IT.
Aims and Scope
This special issue of JGITM aims to advance understanding of critical issues confronting IT in India
and the Indian region as providing a focus on addressing more general IT-related issues today by
attracting high quality manuscripts in this area. It would provide a forum for academic researchers,
policy makers and practitioners. Papers of all theoretical and methodological approaches are
welcome. Submissions that cross multiple disciplines such as economics, law, business and
management, international affairs, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies to develop theory and
provide information that could move theory and practice forward in the study of cybercrime and
cyber-security are especially encouraged. Consistent with the focus of JGITM, all submitted papers
must address global issues associated with Indian IT.
Possible contributions may include (and combine), but are not limited to, the following topics:
Maintenance of performance standards in IT through a balanced and improved labor force,
capacity utilization, etc. in India;
IT-leveraged entrepreneurship in India and SME internationalization;
Political pluralism in India and the Indian IT: Issues and challenges;
Implementation challenges in e-governance development in India (focus on global trade, banking,
Contemporary trends and issues in IT innovation, adoption, and diffusion in India;
Multilingualism in India and challenges for the Indian IT;
Cross-country comparison of IT with emphasis and focus on India;
Distributed IT applications development using dispersed workforce and virtual teams with
emphasis and focus on India;
Knowledge management practices in Indian IT service companies;
National-level measures to enhance cyber-security in India and their impact on foreign investment
and outsourcing firms, and MNCs;
Illiteracy problems in India and challenges for the Indian IT;
IT in services, R&D, education, finance, healthcare, and rural development in India;
IT roles in the development of industrial automation, control systems, etc.;
Indian IT applications in consumer devices and instrumentation (for ex., in mobile phone and
handheld devices);
IT and ICT resources in India and their current utilization for global business;
Adoption of Green IT in India;
Multicultural aspects of Indian IT.
All papers will go through a blind-review process. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three
reviewers and the guest editor. The guest editor will make acceptance recommendations to the Editor
in Chief, Dr. Prashant Palvia, who will make the final decision. If there are more qualified papers
than that can be included in the special issue, they will be published in future issues of JGITM.
The special issue will include the following:
Editorial preface to be written by the guest editor
3 or 4 referred papers
An interview with a CIO or another senior executive of a company
A book review relevant to the theme of the special issue
Important Dates
Two-page proposal by authors (optional)
December 15, 2012
Proposal Feedback to authors
Deadline for submission:
Initial decision and revisions sent to authors
Deadline for revised papers:
Notification of final acceptances:
Deadline for final versions:
Tentative Publication Date:
January 7, 2013
July 15, 2013
October 15, 2013
November 15, 2013
December 15, 2013
January 31, 2014
April, 2014
Please submit electronically, as MS-Word attachment, to the guest editor Dr. Jaideep Ghosh at Approximate size of the paper should be 25 double-spaced pages not
including references, tables, and figures.
Background of special issue editor
Jaideep Ghosh is Ramanujan Fellow Scientist of the Department of Science and Technology,
Government of India, working at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - National Institute
of Science, Technology and Development Studies (CSIR - NISTADS), New Delhi, India. Jaideep is
currently involved in the analysis of HR-related issues concerning the migration of India’s intellectual
labor force as well as in the investigation of collaboration patterns of Indian researchers in science,
management, and economics through the use of social networks. His other research projects at present
include the investigation of factors responsible for the growth and development of micro, small, and
medium entrepreneurship in India and the development of system dynamics models on innovation in
the Indian IT sector. Jaideep is an editorial board member of Journal of Global Information
Technology Management and has published articles in Journal of Global Information Technology
Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and International Journal of
Production Research. He is at present a board referee in Decision Sciences Journal, European
Journal of Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and International
Journal of Production Research. His research-related awards include a best paper award at the
Eleventh Annual Global Information Technology Management World Conference, 2010, Washington,
D. C., U.S.A. and a best track chair award at the Eleventh Annual Global Information Technology
Management World Conference, 2010, Washington, D. C., U.S.A.