Native Voices Final

Native Voices Final:
Personal Essay
For the final for this unit you will be writing a FORMAL Personal Essay. What does this
mean? For it to be a formal essay, it needs to have a clear introduction, a clear
conclusion, and something in-between. To make it a personal essay, you will be telling
me about yourself. What you tell me about yourself is up to you. The only catch is, you
MUST connect it to one or more of the pieces of literature we have read in this unit.
This is not as difficult as it may, at first, sound. For example, you have already written
about literature that has affected you in your P1 brainstorm. Please note you do not
HAVE to use the literature on your brainstorm, but it gives you a springboard for ideas.
This sheet MUST be turned in with the final essay.
Essay is a complete Essay is a complete
Student has not
Essay is missing
formal essay that
formal essay.
intro, conclusion or
shows consistent
Student mentions
literature into their body paragraphs (not
connections between literature in passing personal essay (but it
a formal essay).
the literature and but does not connect is complete formal
student's personal
it consistently to
their personal
Peer Review completed
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