Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C In Attendance: Agenda Review Agenda Retreat Discussion Jessica Luginbuhl, Marge Deichman, Ellen Strunin, C. Kiko Malin, Anita Siegel, Dana Harvey and Barbara BunnMcCullough Discussion/Report Discussion ensued regarding health care piece. The question was raised what BBC needs to be transformed to make healthy communities. It was suggested access and expansion, etc. It was also expressed if health care is really a good use of time for this collaborative to spend time on. There are other committees working on this issue: CCS Redesign, Board and Alex Briscoe; Chen and Carson are leading this issue. Alex Briscoe and Dr. Davis are a part of this and so many community partners bring something different to the table. Action/Outcome change headings to Healthy Kids, Healthy Economy etc. in strategies It was expressed to make sure that things are planned in parallel i.e. health care and reform, fund intent, healthy kids, families and communities, multiple vehicles, nutrition, economics and etc. We should re-name the sections “Healthy Families, Healthy Kids, Health Economy” to make it really clear that there is a health connection. We must be true to the target population and health is central. This is a day to day commitment that must continue to be done. There is a beauty recognizing the broad spectrum but we must not forget poverty on children, families and on our county must never be lost. That is why it is important to form co-ops and collaborative The concept of health in all Public Health Department policies was brought up and the objective would be to have healthy communities. The problem is BBC agenda is to bring in updates on health arena and make those connections. It was expressed that updates and a feedback loop to those planning tables should be established. The question was raised where does the group focus their energies and not lose health care delivery, etc. piece? It was suggested the focus be created around social JL/wlh 1 Agenda Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C Discussion/Report determinants of health (SDOH). It should be a solid bridge between both SDOH and health care. The task for this group is how to make SDOH actionable with power and include many voices. In addition, the group should broaden their scope in all they do and have health care lens on each strategy.. Updates Health Wealth Committee Collaborative: Children’s Hospital 70% – 80% families are on Medi-cal. This community is trying to be more engaged in economic piece. We should engage with them. Earned Income Tax Credit: can lead to huge poverty alleviating Vita program provide training. The community can go for free to have their taxes prepared. SSA sent out an email: that staff will be paid to help with Vita sites and EIC. Eastmont Mall: It was suggested it would be a great place for a Vita site Brighter Beginnings does have a Vitasite. Children’s Hospital – Dr. Staggers: There is a problem regarding access to youth who are falling through the cracks ages 18 – 22. Children’s will partnership with Ashoka Foundation. In fact, Dana’s youth staff are getting free healthcare now from this program. Eastmont – WIC: How to be a Vita Site? They would have to contact United Way to set it up but it might be too late this year. Anita will talk to Linda Franklin. The group needs to put health care strands throughout and a way to communicate these with each other. It was reiterated and a concern to some about health care strand. It was suggested to have updates on a website and Listserv which we currently do not have. The group wants to capture strategies and best practices and construct what they want to blend together and do it in an integrated fashion. Action/Outcome Anita to f/u with Linda Franklin regarding a Vitasite Announcements retreat, of course, was influenced by those there –so let’s keep in mind that the JL/wlh 2 Agenda Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C Discussion/Report minutes are a living document. Action/Outcome The BBC agenda made peace with lens for health care and we need to flesh out strategies, guidelines and realistically shepherd them forward. The start of the next meeting we need to add into the mix of associated efforts the following: Create goals for the next 1, 3, 5 years and connect those dots with groups that are working on similar strategies. It’s not what the group is going to do but how we can help nurture what’s already happening. Marge mentioned that there was tension at the retreat regarding the emergence of group leadership opposed to departmental leadership. It is natural for that type of tension which is a creative response as a call for strategies. The group will maintain connection with BBZ and Dr. Lu. Discussion ensued: At the end Dr. Lu the situation is not as clear regarding 1. health part and 2. medical home work with internal work of department. Also expressed was a disappointment in the loss of prenatal focus (both Barbara and Dr. Lu). Dr. Lu is really interested in a medical home redesign Note: Health care is the fundamental building block but it can’t do it alone. There are concerns regarding loss of medical care piece perspective and funding options. When the communities change the health care systems has to change too. The move is to work locally with clinics. Dr. Lu is the consultant on the Kresge grant and it would be a good idea to f/u with him on connection with BBZ. f/u with Dr. Lu regarding relationship between BBC and BBZ and health care focus This is a big change for health care to take. It’s not just access to coverage but appropriate utilization and prevention. There are 3 strategies from the retreat. For the BBC meeting we should give each piece a statement of purpose and ex. -How to get around this piece -Continue with this exercise JL/wlh 3 Agenda Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C Discussion/Report Then ask questions to identify players -Who sees themselves fitting in? 1. Affirmation 2. Who wants to joinWe should probably also do an Asset Map 1st around 3 focus areas The meeting at TVC focused on this – review notes March Present as draft Generate a statement of purpose for each goal area -Look at outcomes -Input that everyone gave -Aeeshah suggested we create guiding questions when we send out the document Draft – give to everyone Ownership from people Some felt Caroline was too blunt Action/Outcome Review asset map from BBC meeting at TVC in March Create guiding questions to send out with the document to all of BBC Integrate: → outcomes → strategies → summary statement → synthesize it. At BBC meeting there should be a clear report after last time 1. What happened? 2. Acknowledgement 3. Issues raised – healthcare 4. ??????? Create clear report back for BBC members Debrief time will be important Do this in breakout Make sure there is debrief time on the BBC agenda BBC Prepared for next s Dana volunteered Shunquila to help Kiko volunteered Structure: JL/wlh 4 Agenda Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C Discussion/Report 1. Weaving, debrief and report out. 2. All agree – 3 strategies and statements of purpose. 3. Begin asset mapping. Action/Outcome OR 1. Debrief and report out. 2. Agree on 3 foci 3. Weaving Breakout for weaving Send to all BBC Key questions: Write-up 3 guiding questions. JL/wlh 5 Agenda BBC Governance Structure and Processes Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C Discussion/Report Action/Outcome Singular oversight connecting 2 BBC and LSDC. SC rotation – time commitment - terms – stagger - diversity - community – groom people work with folks to get them ready Long term, internship - Anita is very committed to community leadership development. - OH Aeeshan leadership trainer for Oakland housing resident’s language to make what we’re to make what we’re doing understandable. - Deliberate body – mini grant now for community. - Residents to work together to try to improve their neighborhood. - Aeeshah just finished training 17 residents o Ways to engage o Guest speakers o Every Saturday, 5 hours for 12 weeks o Connect dots One Year Goals: Providing something to do in more sustainable Basis Focus on community: Ownership Leadership Skills SC Questions Transparency around decisions JL/wlh 6 Agenda Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C Discussion/Report Decisions How Vetted and recc to group Consensus model “informal” Criteria December full group will meet Gradients of agreement Examples for large group Action/Outcome Barbara has partnership agreement she can share Properly resourced and flexible Charter? Simple statement of partnership agreement. Horizontal model BBC – revisit organization structure? We do have an organizational chart. Is everyone clear on this? Bring suggested models transparency principles disclosure accountability staff and put together ideas role concepts To discuss at BBC Mentioned governance Who wants to participate on helping create it for us? Don’t forget focus on community We do want the SC and BBC to become an action group. Community needs to be there. JL/wlh 7 Agenda Life Course Systems Design Committee UC Berkeley Case Study Next Meeting JL/wlh Life Course Initiative-Steering Committee Meeting Notes Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Conference Room 5000 C Discussion/Report Action/Outcome Need to work on connecting the two Please try to attend the LSDC retreat on the 26th since you are the governing body Jessica presented case study idea Jessica will b/u with We could work on strategies or governance structure Berkeley and SC Group was in agreement as long as we get the one pager (promised) and or Power Point February 3 from 3-5pm – Conference Room 5000B 8