Holly Hall Academy – Geography Curriculum Document, September 2015 - 2016 Year 10 Theme 2 - Physical processes & relationships between people and environments Key Unit Focuses: 1. Weather and climate. 2. Ecosystems. 3. The issue of desertification. 4. River processes and landforms. 5. Coastal processes and coastal management. Key Unit Concepts/Words: altitude, latitude, European climate, tropical climate, frontal rainfall, relief rainfall, convectional rainfall, pressure systems, drought, tropical storms, climate zones, biomes, ecosystems, living (biotic), non-living (abiotic), nutrient stores and flows, energy flows, food webs, water cycle, sustainable management, desertification, evapotranspiration, drainage basin, geology, vegetation, land use, precipitation, hydrographs, erosion (attrition, solution, hydraulic action, corrasion), deposition, transportation (bed load, suspended load, solution), saturation of soils, deforestation, flood hazards, flood prevention Theme 1 - Challenges of living in a built environment Controlled Assessment Key Unit Focuses: 1. Variation in quality of life and access to housing. 2. Access to services and changing service provision. 3. Urbanisation. 4. Planning issues in built environments. 5. Rural change and planning issues. Key Unit Concepts/Words: tenure, formal and informal housing, socio-economic group, quality of life, standard of living, distribution, retail services, urbanisation, re-urbanisation, gentrification, Push / pull factors of migration, Social and economic impacts, greenbelt, greenfield and brownfield sites, stakeholders, sustainable communities, counterurbanisation, accessibility. Key Unit Focuses: To introduce the hypothesis for the controlled assessment. To allow students planning and research time prior to their field trip. To complete 1 day of fieldwork to conduct primary research. Key Unit Concepts/Words: Geographic enquiry, primary and secondary research, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, Evaluation, hypothesis, Knowledge & Understanding, Applications, Skills, SPaG, Specialist terms, recalls and selects, evidence, geographical principles, typical or atypical, geographical futures, reference, process and present statistical data, cartographic information, questionnaire, critically evaluate, annotate, explain, describe trends, field sketch, bi-polar survey, environmental survey, transect, flow counts, census, key questions. Additional Assessment End of year exam. and protection, coastal erosion, cliff recession, sediment transport and deposition, cost benefit analysis. Key Assessments: Practice exam question Key Unit Homeworks: 1. Research Hurricane Katrina. 2. Explain an example of sustainability. 3. Describe where the Sahel region is and the problems its climate can cause to people living there. 4. Learn Water topic key terms for test. 5. Research a UK example of how the coast is being managed. Key Assessments: Practice exam question Key Unit Homeworks: 1. Write an article on conditions in a Favela/Shanty Town. 2. Describe how you would redevelop part of Dudley. 3. Research a National Park to include location, what facilities it has, types of visitor. 4. Explain how you would create a sustainable rural community. Creative Outcomes: worth 25% Key Unit Homeworks: N/A during controlled assessment. Useful Website: Weather = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/zmy9wmn Ecosystems = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/z638q6f Rivers = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/zncqxnb Coasts = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/zxvkjxs Useful Website: Urban = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/z4mfb9q Rural = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/zgqpyrd Economic change = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/zk6vr82 Migration = http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ topics/zbjhfg8 Useful Website: http://www.wjec.co.uk/qualificati ons/geography/geographygcse/geography-b-gcse.html http://www.geography.learnonth einternet.co.uk/gcse/coursework/ coursework.html