Print On Demand/Publication Orders Log Date Received Name of Purchaser Items Ordered 09/16/02 So. Calif. Gen Soc. Betty C. Jones, Burbank, CA 4.90 11/25/02 09/25/02 6.05 11/25/02 09/25/02 12/01/02 05/20/03 Kern Co. Gen Soc. % Gary Wilcox, Bakersfield, CA Vina Spence, Sonoma, CA Sue McAllister, Lewiston, ID Fresno Gen Soc, Fresno, CA 1) Old Middleton Cemetery; 2)Grave Sites: Yankee Fork to Loon Creek; 3)Grave Sites: Stanley Area; 4)Grave Sites: Clayton to Bayhorse; 5)Reg. of Deaths Idaho Co 19071911; 6)Wendell Cem; 7)Lemhi co Death Index19071911; 8)Leesburg (Lemhi) Gold Rush Pioneers; 9)Graveyard Point (Homedale). 1)Cemetery Records late 1800 to 1941,softbound; 2)Footprints vols I, II, III; 3)Owyhee County Gleanings 1.84 2.26 5.55 10/04/02 01/09/03 07/15/03 09/04/03 Sold at Scanners Open House 10/14/03 Ilene Rounsefree, Wendell 10/01/03 The Book House, Inc. 11/13/03 01/17/04 Sally Wassmuth, Lewiston, ID Historical Genealogy Dept. Allen Co. Public Library Genealogy ACQ. Dept. 200 East Berry Street Ft. Wayne, IN 46802 Footprints Vol III 3 each of Footprints II 1-Owhyee Co Gleanings, 1-Holcombe-Doane-Henky Family History-refunded $10.50, 1-Old Middleton Cemetery, 1-Caldwell Days of 83 Dinner, 1-Autobio Anderson Cox, 1-Graves Sites:Yankee Fork to Loon Cr, 1Idaho Co Reg of Dths 1907-1911, 1-Wendell Cemetery, 1Lemhi Co Dth Index 1907-1911, 1-Leesburg Goldrush Pioneers, 1-Graveyard Point, 1-1862 Kennedy Train 3 ea-Quarterly Index, 4 ea-Owyhee Co Gleanings, 1 eaCaldwell Days of 83 Dinner, 1 ea-Autobio Anderson Cox Wendell Cemetery Monument Inscriptions –10% mbr discount Millman Newspaper Clippings 1865-1905 Old Middleton Cemetery Monument Inscriptions Owyhee County Gleenings Wendell Cemetery Monument Inscriptions 1862 Kennedy Company 1854 Trail Journal of Harvey Jones, Ada Co. Milleman Newspaper Clippings 1865-1905, Early Settlement of Lower Boise Vly; Anderson Cox, Grave Sites, Yankee Fork to Loon Creek, Leesburg Goldrush Pioneers -Lemhi Co. Pioneers 1866- 1870, Lemhi Co. Death Index 1907 – 1911, Old Middleton Cemetery, Owyhee County – Graveyard Point, People of the Yankee Fork, Pioneers Total purchase: $180.50 Postage N/a Date Mailed N/a 1.42 11/04/03 2.68 11/04/03 1.06 7.92 11/24/03 02/10/04 Invoice sent w/order Attending Caldwell Days of ’83 Dinner, Register of Deaths, Idaho County, 1907- 1911, Wendell Cemetery Monument Inscriptions, Index To Iowa Soldiers. Date Name of Received Purchaser Items Ordered 02/13/04 Owyhee County Gleanings 03/01/04 07/06/04 08/24/04 10/09/04 10/21/04 02/2005 02/14/05 03/07/05 Valerie Bailey Johnson St. George, UT Acquisitions, Family History Library, 35 NW Temple St Salt Lake UT 84150-3400 Lela Evans, Gen Associate, Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library, Lancaster, TX DAR Library, Washington DC Sold at Annual Meeting Orange Co. CA Gen Society Invoice/bill sent w/order Fresno Co Gen Soc, Fresno, CA Invoice/Bill sent w/order Mary Lou Carter Monmouth, OR Donna Morgan, Harrisburg, NC 03/11/05 Pat Packard 04/20/05 Glen A Jones, Portland, OR IGS Member-bill w/10% disc sent Carl Cason, Bothell, WA 05/31/05 People of Yankee Fork; 1854 Trail Journal of Harvey Jones; 1862 Kennedy Train, Early Settlement of Lower Boise Vly; Yankee Fork & Loon Creek Grave Sites; Graveyard Point; Milleman Newspaper Clippings 18651905 Index; Leesburg Goldrush Pioneers; Lemhi County Death Index; Middleton Cemetery, Caldwell Days of ’83; Idaho Co. Deaths; Wendell Cemetery – 1 of each 1 each of: 1880 Idaho Territorial Federal Population & Mortality Schedule, 1910 Index to Idaho Federal Census; Owyhee County Gleanings; Milleman Index 1 each Middleton Cemetery Inscription 1 Owyhee Co Gleanings $10.00; 1 Footprints I $12.50; 1 Footprints II $12.50; 1 –1910 Census Index $25.00 Total: $60.00 1 ea. Milleman Newspaper Clipping Index Total: $55.00 Holcombe-Doane-Henkey Family History: 1812-1983 LAST COPY Total: $10.50 1854 Trail Journal of Harvey H. Jones Total: $04.25 1862 Kennedy Train Total: $08.50 3 each –Yankee Fork & Loon Creek Gravesites Total $ 13.00 1 ea –Footprints Vols I, II, III 1 ea –Owyhee Co Gleanings $62.50 less 10% discount = Total: $56.25 1 ea –Footprints Vols I, II, III Total: $50.00 Postage Date Mailed 1.42 9.53 insured mail 02/24/04 04/21/04 6.94 07/24/04 1.06 N/a 08/30/04 N/a 2.26 11/15/04 1.42 02/16/05 .60 02/17/05 1.06 03/16/05 na 03/11/05 3.28 05/12/05 2.68 06/27/05 06/28/05 08/04/05 Heidi Pritcherd, Pikes Peak Library, CO Springs, CO Glen A Jones, Portland, OR IGS Member –bill w/10% disc 06/27/05 LaRain Hudson not mailed to CZ til 08/04/05 11/08/05 Annual Meeting in Craigmont Date Name of Received Purchaser 11/13/05 11/13/05 10/16/05 01/28/06 02/11/06 03/15/07 05/19/07 06/28/07 1 ea –Owyhee County Gleanings billed for $12.50 1 ea –Milleman Index, 1 ea –Milleman Microfilm $90.00 less 10% discount = Total: $81.00 1 ea –Middleton Cemetery, 1 ea –Caldwell Days of ’83 Dinner, 1 ea –Anderson Cox, 1 ea –Graveyard Point Total: $24.50 Although publications were sent to be sold, none were sold Items Ordered 1 ea –Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, 1 ea –Caldwell Days of ’83 Dinner Total: $3.00 Ann Beebe, Caldwell, ID 1 ea –Middleton Cemetery Total: $17.50 Pat Packard, Nampa, ID 3 ea –People of the Yankee Fork, 4 ea –Grave SitesYankee Fork to Loon Creek Total: $203.25 Carolann Zografos, Boise, ID 1 ea –Footprints II memb disc Total: $11.25 DAR Library, Washington, DC 1 ea –Idaho County Register of Deaths 1907-1911 Total: $3.25 Pat Packard for other people, 1 ea –1910 Census Index (20.00); 2 ea –Footprints I; 3 ea including Scanners –Footprints II; 3 ea –Footprints III Total: $157.50 Pocatello Conference 1 ea –Footprints I; 1 ea-Footprints II; 1 ea-Caldwell Days of 83; 1 ea-Autobio of Anderson Cox; 2 ea-Leesburg Goldrush Pioneers; 1 ea-1862 Kennedy Train; 26 ea-1910 Census Index @$5.00 each Total: $175.50 Carolann Zografos, Boise, ID 1 ea-1880 Idaho Territory Census memb disc Total: $40.50 Sonia Martin, Caldwell, ID 1.42 08/19/05 2.26 08/19/05 2.21 08/22/05 N/a N/a Postage Date Mailed .83 11/28/05 .83 11/28/05 N/A N/A N/A N/A 02/14/06 N/A 03/15/07 N/A N/A N/A N/A 09/15/07 DAR Library, Washington DC 11/28.07 DAR Library, Washington DC 12/02/07 Pat Packard for 3rd party 01/27/08 Joan Rusk, Boise 02/08/08 Cambridge Museum, Cambridge IGS Meet N Greet, KK 03/15/08 03/11/08 Glenis House Sherwood Hermon, ME 04401 2007 Gen Forum, Portland, OR 1 ea of: Milleman Newspaper Clippings Index; Bingham Co Registar of Deaths; Bonner Co Microfilm Dth Index; Old Middleton Cemetery; Pleasant Ridge Cemetery; Caldwell Days of ’83 Dinner; Early Settlement of LBV (Anderson Cox); Gravesites: Yankee Fork to Loon Creek; Lemhi Co Death Index; Leesburg Goldrush Pioneers; 1854 Harvey H Jones Journal;1862 Kennedy Train. Total: $111.75 1 ea –Wendell Cemetery Monument Inscriptions Total: $14.75 Footprints III Total: $25.00 Harvey Jones 1854 Trail Journal 10% disc; 1862 Kennedy Train 10% disc; 1920 ID US Census Index $5 Total: $16.41 Anderson Cox; 1854 Trail Journal HHJ: Kennedy Train $17.50 2 ea of Milleman Scrapbook Microfilm w/Milleman Index –85.00 each; 1 ea of Foot Prints I, II, III; 2 each 1920 ID US Census Index $5 Total: $230.00 1 –Milleman Index; 1 –Yankee Fork to Loon Creek; 1 – People of Yankee Fork; Lemhi Co Dth Index; Leesburg Goldrush Pioneers; 4 Quarterlies all 2000. (ltr suggesting value of Milleman Microfilm) $137.93 after member discount Middleton Cemetery; Wendell Cemetery; Yankee Fork to Loon Creek $36.50 6.35 10/20/07 1.65 04/07/08 N/A 12/02/07 N/A 01/27/08 1.99 N/A 04/07/08 03/15/08 8.78 03/25/08 2.13 04/07/08 Date Name of Received Purchaser Items Ordered Postage Date Mailed 03/11/08 Allen Co Public Library UPS 7.70 Tracking 04/11/08 11/15/07 Sandra Hansen, Cambridge 1.14 04/15/08 02/21/08 Land of Yankee Fork Interp Cntr 1862 Kennedy Co & Milleman Scrapbook on Microfilm $47.50 -- +cost of the shipping box = $3.06 Roster of OT Travelers, look-ups $5.00 People of the Yankee Fork $69.75 2.81 04/15/08 08/11/08 Allen Co Public Library 02/02/08 Michael J Dunn, Asbury, MO 04/28/09 Kay Stauff, Payette, ID 04/10/09 Dorothy Heller of Phoenix and Idaho Falls –requested to pick them up at the DNA Conf 05/09/09 DNA Conference sales Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Bingham Co Register of Deaths; Bonner Co Register of Deaths Bingham County Register of Deaths 1907-1909 1 each Bonner County Microfilm Death Index 1907-1909 1 each Pleasant Ridge Cemetery 1 Early Settlement of Lower Boise Valley 1 Gravesites: Yankee Fork to Loon Creek 1 Register of Deaths Idaho County 1907-1911 1 Lemhi County Death Index 1907-1911 1 Leesburg Gold Rush Pioneers 1866-1870 2 each Graveyard Point 1 1854 Trail Journal of Harvey H Jones 1 Graveyard Point, 1 each $1.25 1 ea of the following: Footprints 1, 2, 3; Bingham Co Register of Deaths, Owyhee Co Gleanings, Graveyard Point, 1854 Harvey Jones Trail Journal, 1862 Kennedy Train & 9 IGS Quarterlies that are not tracked on this tracking log. $65.00 1-1880 Census; 1- 1870 Census; 2-A Taste of Time; 1Anderson Cox; 1-1854 Harvey Jones Journal; 3- 1910 Census Indexes $85.00 Red indicates publications we are out of stock or print and were issued refunds or not billed for. 1.17 02/09/09 2.87 02/09/09 .42 05/09/09 In person 05/09/09 At conf 05/09/09