Amulet session

Amulet session
Steps for session
1. Setup
a. Syllabus: 3-ring binder, folder etc
i. Intention sheet
2. Session
(8:30) 9
Gratitude and
Comfort, safety, introduction (Syllabus for
each, ruler printed on one page) Some may
consider their intention if they arrive early.
Agenda. Arrival music: calming, sweet, light,
not meditation music, but calming.
Welcome, Agenda, then go around circle, say
name, what brings you here today, what we
want from this workshop. We suggest not
including “where we are from, what we do for
a living,” to avoid setting up situation of
judgement (one is a psychiatrist, another works
at McDonalds, feels less than thrilled about
sharing this), or changing the energy (oh, my
sister lives there. Do you know…)
Candle: light center candle with a statement of
We are grateful for gathering together
today, we thank all of those who have
made it possible for us to be here, to
share this journey of deep play, and we
are grateful for an atmosphere in which
we can welcome change into our lives,
transforming darkness into light.
Optional: Each lights their own candle from the
center candle.
Optional: Centering exercise: sit in circle,
remove glasses. Go to your heart, feel a golden
light, a spark fo light in your heart. That light
begins to grow: there is a shining light in your
heart. You can feel that light filling you with
warmth. The light begins to extend out through
your arms and out to the tips of your fingers.
Then it begins to move from your heart down
through your torso, down your legs, your
calves your ankles, your feet, and your toes.
The light continues deep into the earth so you
feel rooted and secure in this light. The light
comes back up through your body, through
your toes, your ankles, legs, torso into your
heart. It continues up from your heart up
through your shoulders, your neck, up through
your head, and becomes like a fountain of
golden light flowing down the outside of your
body and soothing your shoulders, arms, hands,
hips, legs, comes back up your feet into your
body, creating a flow of light like an energetic
circuit that brings you peace, power, love,
cleansing, and centering. You can always tap
into this flow of light that circulates love
through your center.
Now bring the light back into your heart, and
feel it growing larger and larger, until if fills
the whole room, until all our lights join, filling
this room with light, love, calm. Now our lights
begin to extend out to fill this town. The light
that is our golden center expands out, filling
this town, this state, bringing light to the people
and towns, to this country, to the world,
encircling and flowing through the world, then
it extends out into the universe, filling the
universe with light, filling it with love and
[Bring slowly back to this world, this country,
this state, this town, this room, this heart]
[Countdown from three, gently, opening eyes
on one, feeling your center, and to this
circle.][This is for anyone who has gone far
out, so it isn’t a shock to come back.
Each is now ready to make intention. Syllabus
front pocket: intention page (future tense). Take
time to write intention. After intentions are
written, pick a Tarot card and a word card. Say
what Tarot means to me, and how it relates to
my intention. Say the word, and what it means
in relation to my intention. This allows each to
think about the intention from different angles,
deepening the understanding and ownership of
the intention.
9:30 – 9:45
9:45 – 10:15
Warp loom
10:15 – 10:20 Choose colors
10:20 – 11:00 Learn to weave
11:00 – 11:50 Weaving till
After lunch
finish weaving
Cutting off
Parts of loom, relationship of loom to body and
experience. Partner with the person next to you,
to help each other put together the looms.
Center thread, warping, discuss warp, warp the
entire loom.
Get up, choose colors (chat, anticipation)
Over-under-over-under with batten, with
Leaving the tails out (easy to tuck in tails after)
[techniques from training sessions and book]
Tucking in tails: [Illustrate]
Bubble the yarn: gives yourself plenty of yarn:
not stress on your edges. Give yourself enough
space in life to let your edges naturally follow
the inner selvedge threads. [Illustrate]
NOTE: Amulet is a strip that will be folded.
Ruler will show the fold, suggest areas to put
design features.
Change music to lyrical, blossoming music.
Inspirational, opens into large space,
comforting, easy to listen to (Gabrielle Roth:
fourth zone). Keeps weavers calm.
Uninterrupted weaving, with individual help.
Don’t interrupt with stories, or because you the
leader are not busy, keep the conversation
focused. 20 minute notice
Stop weaving, move away from the loom,
gather for a meal at a different place from
where you weave, stretch. Some want to weave
through lunch, but it’s good to stop: they’ll get
tired from the concentration. Bring something
to share, organize it, leader provides soup and
coffee/tea. Suggest you do not go out for lunch,
or order lunch to be delivered at lunch time,
because of the interruption of the atmosphere of
the space.
Weaving while Leader tells or reads story. This
brings everyone back from world-stuff of
lunch, changes atpmosphere to the center.
Invite questions, check work, keep everyone on
task so they can finish on time.
(Gabrielle Roth: chaos) Remove stick or cut.
Looms are lying about, some disarray. This is
natural in the flow of weaving. The loose ends
will literally be drawn in and together, bringing
4:30 – 4:50
4:50 - 5
order again.
Lively music. Members may bring CDs. Bring
out #13 needle, may weave in the tails and
warp end threads in the neighboring row.
[Illustrate] Twist yarns (twiddling) with
partner to make twisted yarn neck band.
Attach, sew up sides with neck band, embellish
Embellish, sew on button if you use a flap
Affirmation from intention (present tense):
affirmation goes in amulet. Choose
stones/crystals with special meanings. Write
affirmation, roll or fold, place in amulet.
If some finish early, have books for them to
look at (see WAL website for updated resource
Finish work.
Plan for next meeting, discuss the next keyform
and how it relates to the amulet.
Share amulet and affirmation, share how you
will weave the amulet into your
life.Homework: weave your intention into your
life, to practice with your amulet, remembering
your intention throughout each day.
Discuss with those not finished what work they
will do to complete the amulet, revisit the
meaning of the keyform,
Thank everyone, acknowledge courage to share
intentions and to create affirmations. Hands
around each other’s waists, or holding hands in
the circle. Extinguish candle/s with
affirmations, your own closing statement.