Weather Photo Project Your task is to create a booklet containing photos (that you personally took) and information on different types of weather conditions. You will need to do this for 13 different weather conditions. Due Date _____________________ The 13 weather conditions need to include the following: A minimum of 5 types of clouds 1. cirrus clouds 2. stratus clouds 3. cumulonimbus clouds 4. cumulus clouds 5. cirrocumulus clouds 6. altocumulus clouds 7. nimbostratus clouds 8. altostratus clouds The other weather conditions that make up your total of 13 can be any of the following: 9. crepuscular rays 10. condensation 11. dew 12. fall streaks 13. fog 14. frost 15. front 16. lightning 17. rainbow 18. rain (needs to be falling) 19. hail 20. snow (needs to be falling) 21. sun dogs 22. sunset or sunrise (you can do one but not both) other weather conditions: get permission from teacher to include them Project requirements: 1. Booklet cover with student’s name 2. Table of contents with weather conditions in chronological order based on when photo was taken 3. Weather condition explanation 4. Weather condition photo and info 5. Weather prediction included for cloud photos Required elements of the weather condition explanation: 1. An explanation of the weather condition by describing what the weather condition looks like and how it is formed 2. An explanation of how your photo shows the weather condition Required Photo Information: (All information below has to be typed for each photo) 1. Weather condition shown 2. Date 3. Time 4. Location 5. Weather data: temperature, wind (speed and direction), cloud cover, other important information Weather Prediction for Cloud Photos (should be written in a paragraph after weather explanation): 1. What were the weather conditions (temperature, wind, precipitation) like in the hours leading up to the moment the photo of the cloud condition was taken? How did they change during that time period? 2. What would you predict would happen to the weather conditions in the hours after the moment the photo of the cloud condition was taken? Explain why you made your prediction. 3. What actually happened to the weather conditions in the hours after the moment the photo of the cloud condition was taken? Was your prediction correct? Weather Photo Project Rubric: CATEGORY 10 Required The project elements of the includes all weather required elements condition as well as explanation additional information. Booklet cover/ Table of contents Photo Photos are Information labeled with date, time, and location. Required weather data is included. Grammar and punctuation Weather Predictions for Cloud Photos Aesthetically Pleasing 8 All required elements are included in the project. 6 All but one of the required elements are included in the project. 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Several required elements are missing. 1 component is missing from a photo. 1 component is missing from more than one photo or several components missing from a photo. More than one misspelling or improper use of punctuation. More than one component missing from numerous photos. 1 component is missing from more than one cloud photo or several components missing from a cloud photo. The project is acceptably attractive though it may be messy in parts. (Written items are messy.) More than one component missing from numerous cloud photos. No misspellings or improper use of punctuation on weather explanations or picture information. Required elements are included. 1 misspelling or improper use of punctuation. The project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Typed. The project is attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. (Some items may not be typed but project looks attractive.) 1 component is missing from a cloud photo. More than 5 mistakes. The project is distractingly messy or poorly designed. It is not attractive.