My Life as a Hurricane - Junction Hill C

Hurricanes are one of the most destructive storms on the face of
the earth. How could such a devastating storm develop? What
makes some hurricanes more destructive than other hurricanes?
Where will the next big hurricane come ashore? Why do these storms cause some much damage?
Well, every year around April 1st, Mother Nature's weather patterns feel the need to adapt to warmer
weather, and people living in the Southern United States must roll with her changing moods. Part of
what we face comes in the form of a weather pattern known as a hurricane. These systems begin either
in the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico, and can, over time, create quite a stir to not only coastal
communities, but to many other states in its path as well. To know exactly how these systems act, we
must first know how they are "born," so to speak. A hurricane goes through its own life cycle not much
different than that of a person. To best understand this concept, we want you to take on the exciting
task of assuming the role of the storm! In being the hurricane, you will describe your life in detail from a
first-hand account! An "hurricanography", if you will.
Prepare a "Hurricanography"
You are to prepare a Power-Point presentation telling your very own hurricanography. We take the role
as eager listener, as you tell us about the ups and downs, the triumphs and tragedies, the mystery and
the mayhem of your life as a storm system!
You've created Quite a Name for Yourself!!!
Your birth will cause those on the coasts to shake in their shoes! But that's not all you've created. So
what's involved here? Here's where we'll want you to go from this point:) We want you to create a
series of slides using the directions listed below. Each slide will tell us, your audience, about each of the
stages in your glorious life cycle. The slides should give us a wide understanding of your wonderful
beginning to your dramatic end. You'll find descriptions of how each slide should be designed listed in
detail below!
Design your slide show to include 18 slides, beginning with your title page and ending with your citation
page. Use the following to help structure your slides:
o Slide 1: Title
 Should include title and member names
o Slide 2 and Slide 3
 These slides should describe your birth as a storm
o Slide 4 and Slide 5
 These slides should describe your early childhood development as it relates to a
storm becoming a tropical depression. Be sure to include your “hurricane name”.
o Slide 6 and Slide 7
 These slides should describe your teenage years as you transform into a tropical
o Slide 8 and Slide 9
 These slides should describe your early adulthood as you finally develop into a
Category 1 hurricane.
o Slide 10 and Slide 11
 These slides should describe your life as a responsible adult as you determine your
course (path) in life.
o Slide 12 and Slide 13
 These slides should describe your mid-life crisis as you begin to inflict damage and
create a lot of conflict.
o Slide 14 and Slide 15
 These slides should describe your retirement as you begin to lose strength and are
downgraded from a powerful hurricane.
o Slide 16 and Slide 17
 These slides should describe your death as a hurricane. These slides should
include how you will be remembered in history.
o Slide 18 Citation
 This slide should include all of the citations for images and informational data.
Each of these slides must include:
Location map with latitude and longitude
Description of wind speed (in miles per hour) and category ranking
Pictures or sketches that reflect an accurate representation of this stage of life
In addition, each of the "stages of life" slides" should include the following information:
Birth slide should give an explanation of your birth and why you were born it this location
Early childhood slide should describe your rate of movement and why you are gaining strength
Teenage years slide should explain why your strength is dramatically increasing
Early adulthood slide should include a scenario where you run aground and create destruction.
Being a responsible adult slide should include how you regain your strength after you run
aground and begin to stabilize.
Mid-life Crisis slide should describe how you lose your sense of direction and create your greatest
degree of destruction
Retirement slide should describe why you lose your source of energy and begin to die
Death slide describes how you will be remembered.