UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE No. ............... THE PRINCE PHILIP SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM This form is to be completed by candidates applying for the Prince Philip Scholarship for entry as undergraduates to the University of Cambridge. (You must read the Application Guidelines and Notes carefully before completing this application form. Both this form and the Application Guidelines and Notes can be downloaded from the website of The Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong: The website also contains useful information about the Prince Philip Scholarship.) NAME IN CHINESE CHARACTERS ........................ AFFIX RECENT PHOTOGRAPH HERE (WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE BACK OF THE PHOTOGRAPH) (PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK CAPITALS) SURNAME .......................................... FIRST NAME ....................................... OTHER NAMES ...................................... I.D. Card/Passport # ............................. PREFERENCE COLLEGE ............................... (Write “Open” if making an open application) PROPOSED SUBJECT OF STUDY AT UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE .................................................................... CATEGORY OF APPLICANTS Please tick the appropriate box: I am a Form 6 student in secondary school in Hong Kong (ie. an “S6 Candidate”). I am applying for admission to the University of Cambridge in 2008. I am a Form 7 student in secondary school (ie. an “S7 Candidate”). I am applying for admission to the University of Cambridge in 2007. I belong to neither of the above categories (ie. an “Other Candidate”). I am applying for admission to the University of Cambridge in 2007. I *have already taken / have not taken the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations, the GCE Advanced Level Examinations or the International Baccalaureate Examinations. (*Please delete as appropriate.) NB. The final closing date for applications is 15th October, 2006 for all three categories of applicants. -1- Please print clearly in block capitals. 1. Candidate's name ............................ ............................ 2. Gender 8. (Delete as appropriate.) Male / Female 3. Full names of parents* guardians (and address different from 5) or if ............................ Age ............................ Enter date of birth using figures: Day Month ....... ....... ............................ Year ............................ ...... Occupation guardians* Age on 1st October 2006: of parents* or ....... years ....... months ............................ 4. ............................ Place and country of birth ............................ 5. (*Delete as appropriate.) Home address 9. ............................ Name and full postal address of school ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ Home telephone number ............................ ............................ Fax number Telephone number ............................ Mobile Phone number ............................ Fax number ............................ E-mail address ............................ ............................ 6. Name of Principal ............................ Residence Place residence Present school of permanent 10. Which address should be used for term-time correspondence with the candidate? ......................... Number of years in Hong Kong Correspondence address resident HOME/SCHOOL* (*Delete as appropriate.) 7. ............................ Nationality -2- 11. Schools attended since age 11 (please list in chronological order) Name of schools and grade attended 12. Date left ....................................... ............. .......... ....................................... ............. .......... ....................................... ............. .......... ....................................... ............. .......... ....................................... ............. .......... H.K. A-Levels or G.C.E. A-Levels taken or to be taken. (If taking International Baccalaureate Examinations, please give details of subjects to be taken at both Higher and Subsidiary levels.) Subjects 13. Date entered Board Year Grade .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ .................................... ......... ........ ........ H.K.C.E.E. or G.C.S.E. taken. Subject Date Grade Subject Date Grade ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... ................. ...... ...... -3- 14. Public examinations (other than those in 12 & 13 above) taken or to be taken (e.g. Associated Board Music Examinations). If already taken, give date and result of only the highest grade taken. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 15. Have you previously applied for the Prince Philip Scholarship? (If yes, please state which year and whether you were shortlisted for an interview.) ..................................................................... 16. Please list any University(ies) to which you have applied or will apply for entry in 2007 and state which, if any, have accepted you. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 17. Should you be selected for interview, please state whether you will be in Hong Kong from 30th November to 8th December 2006 for the interviews, and also on 29th November 2006 for taking the requisite written test(s) (if any is required for your proposed subject). (Please note that all applicants will be interviewed in Hong Kong except those who are currently studying in the U.K./Europe who may be required to attend interviews in Cambridge (see para 18 below)). Yes / No (state reasons) ............................................. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 18. Applicants who are studying in England or elsewhere in Europe may be asked to attend interviews at Cambridge on Saturday,25th November 2006. Please state if you will be able to attend such interviews, and give your address, email and telephone number in the U.K. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 19. Please list all other awards, scholarships, etc. for which you have applied or are intending to apply for your University studies, stating whether these applications have been successful (if known). ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... -4- 20. Subjects studied in Form 6 but not taken as subjects for a public examination. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 21. Positions of responsibility held at school ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 22. Achievements and interests, such as: HKYAP Awards, Contests (e.g. mathematical or debating etc), hobbies, sports and games. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 23. If you have travelled abroad, please give particulars (e.g. places, dates, purposes, etc.) ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... 24. Possible future career (if known) ..................................................................... PERSONAL STATEMENT Use some or all of the space on this page (but no more) to write a short account of why you wish to study your chosen degree subject, what you hope to achieve by doing so, and why you wish to come to Cambridge to do it. If your chosen university course is different from your ‘A level’ subjects, include a short statement about the ways in which you think your ‘A level’ studies may be significant for your intended degree course. This must be written in your own hand, clearly enough to be photo-copied; it must not be typed. Signature of candidate ................................... Date ........... This page is to be completed by the candidate’s School Principal. [N.B. Please refer to the “Guidelines For Writing Reports For Candidates” printed on the reverse of this page.] CERTIFICATION BY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL To: The Prince Philip Scholarship Selection Board I certify that the information given in this form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. I enclose a confidential report by me/a teacher who has known the candidate well for the past year, that includes comments on the following points: (i) The candidate’s academic achievements, both as reflected in his/her school record to date and an assessment of the grades likely to be achieved by the candidate in his/her A-level examinations, or other equivalent examinations. (ii) The intellectual potential of the candidate for higher studies and, I particular, in his/her proposed subject of study specified in this form. (iii) The candidate’s interests and personal achievements. (iv) The qualities of the candidate’s personality and character which will enable him/her to settle into and enjoy life in a community subject to intense academic and social pressures. (v) A comparison of the candidate’s ability and character with that of other students in my School who have been awarded or offered a Prince Philip Scholarship. Signature ................................... Date ......................... ............................................. NAME OF SCHOOL PRINCIPAL (IN BLOCK LETTERS) ............................................. NAME OF SCHOOL (IN BLOCK LETTERS) UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Prince Philip Scholarship GUIDELINES FOR WRITING REPORTS FOR CANDIDATES The Selection Board would be grateful for as full a report on the candidate as possible. In writing the report, Principals may find the following a helpful guide to the aspects of the candidates’ performances and potential that the Board would expect to be covered. (i) Academic achievements · · (ii) Achievement in H.K.C.E.E. or G.C.S.E. If this does not reflect the candidate’s potential ability, then please explain. Assessment of A and AS Level grades expected (H.K.E.A., UK A Levels, International Baccalaureate Examinations, etc). If this does not reflect the candidate’s potential ability, please explain. Intellectual potential Please indicate your estimate of the candidate’s potential for higher studies in his/her proposed subject of study, with particular reference to the following: · · · · · Ability to think independently and to work on his/her own. Power of analysis. Fluency and accuracy in English. Power of expression (written and oral). Ability to present a coherent argument. Imagination, creativity, inventiveness. (iii) Interests and personal achievements · · · · · (iv) · · · · · · · · (v) Interest in and suitability for the chosen course. Interest in and motivation for academic studies. Extra-curricular activities. Breadth of interests including music, drama, sports, hobbies, etc. Concern for others, both within and outside the school, including community service, youth work, etc. Character and personality Independence, self-determination. Industry, determination, perseverance. Initiative. Reliability, sense of responsibility, etc. responsibility held. Civic awareness. Social abilities and personal relationships. Health. Personal circumstances. Positions of Suitability for life and study in Cambridge Qualities of character possessed by the candidate which indicate that he/she would both gain from and contribute to life at Cambridge. (vi) Comparison A comparison of the candidate’s abilities and character with other members of your School who have been awarded or offered the Prince Philip Scholarship in the past. Updated 04/09/2006