B4 L8 102學年度第二學期高職英文 老師: 班級: 座號:______ 姓名

B4 L8 102 學年度第二學期高職英文
8. ( A ) Rosy ________ herself ________ with a raincoat so that she didn’t get wet in the
(A)covered; up
(B)kept; away
(C)carried; out
(D)turned; down
9. ( C ) Most girls like to make friends with Henry; ________, he is popular with girls.
(A)on the other hand
(B)right off the bat
(C)in other words
(D)on the contrary
10. ( C )Billy has been running his business really well and made a lot of money. ________,
he is now a wealthy man.
(A)On the contrary
(B)On the other hand
(C)In other words
(D)Once in a while
11. ( D ) Many people doubted the result of the experiment which were ________ in that
(A)read out
(B)taken out
(C)covered up
(D)carried out
12. ( B ) The company ________ an online survey to find out how people like their new
(A)picks up
(B)carries out
(C)drops out
(D)covers up
13. ( C ) Many women want to have plastic ________ to become more beautiful.
14. ( A ) In the experiment, the rabbit was ________ with some new medicine to see its
reaction to the medicine.
15. ( D ) (選出一個與劃底線的字詞意義最相近的答案)
We need a more radical and effective solution to this problem.
座號:______ 姓名:__________
一、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. __________ The man felt a great sense of ________ (achieve) after he finished the
答案: achievement
2. __________ Most boys prefer ________ (outdoors) activities like biking in a park.
答案: outdoor
3. __________ There is a close ________ (connected) between being overweight and
eating too much junk food.
答案: connection
4. __________ The fish in this river was ________ (poison) by the waste from the factory.
答案: poisoned
5. __________ By ________ (injection) Botox, you can reduce the wrinkles on your face.
答案: injecting
6. __________ Don’t go swimming in the lake. You don’t know what danger you may
________ (exposure) yourself to.
答案: expose
二、字彙與慣用語選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. ( D ) The movie star cares about her ________ very much. She hopes people have a
high opinion of her.
2. ( C ) The ________ for making a movie is not simple. It takes much time to complete
3. ( B ) This kind of mushroom (蕈) is said to be ________. Don’t touch or eat it.
4. ( C ) Exotic plants have upset the ________ of nature in this area.
5. ( C ) There is always a(n) ________ between a product’s price and quality.
6. ( A ) (選出一個與劃底線的字詞意義最相近的答案)
Ian is quite satisfied with his own appearance.
7. ( C ) We thought the sausage is spicy; ________, it is a bit sweet.
(A)first of all
(B)in other words (C)on the contrary (D)as a result
三、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. ( C ) Some people don’t think it’s true that the more one eats, ________ he or she gets.
(A)the fat
(C)the fatter
2. ( B ) ________ choices you have, the harder it is to make a decision.
(A)The many
(B)The more
3. ( A ) The better you understand the situation, ________ you can solve the problem.
(A)the more easily (B)the easily
(C)the easier
4. ( D ) I believe that the harder you study, ________ grades you will get.
(C)the best
(D)the better
5. ( A ) It seems that the older Grandma Anna grows, ________ she becomes.
(A)the more active (B)the more actively(C)the most active (D)the most actively
6. ( B ) ________ I know Tim, the more I like him.
(A)The much
(B)The more
(C)The many
(D)The most
7. ( C ) ________ the weather is, the more clothes people wear.
(A)The more
(C)The colder
8. ( C ) I would rather stay at home ________ go to the movies.
9. ( B ) Brian ________ play basketball than baseball.
10. ( A
11. ( D
12. ( A
13. ( D
14. ( B
15. ( D
16. ( B
17. ( A
18. ( C
19. ( C
20. ( C
21. ( B
22. ( B
23. ( D
24. ( A
25. ( D
26. ( B
27. ( C
28. ( D
(B)would rather
(D)prefers to
) Max would rather ________ camping with his friends than shopping with his
(C)to go
) Brad ________ cheese cakes to chocolate cakes.
) Darren prefers listening to the music ________ watching TV.
) Lucy prefers ________ sweets to having salads.
(A)to eat
(B)to eating
) Andrew would rather play with his dog than ________ with his sister.
(C)to play
(D)to playing
) It is Judy ________ will give a report on her business trip to Japan.
) I really take pride ________ Hank’s performance.
) It is a proven fact that much exposure ________ the sun may cause skin cancer.
) My computer is out of order (故障的). Maybe I should have it ________ soon.
) In ancient Egypt, a huge belly was considered ________ a symbol of wealth.
) It is the supermodel ________ comes from Asia.
) My father is an ________ person. He only enjoys classic movies and old songs.
(B)old-fashioned (C)old-fashioning (D)old fashion
) Monica exercises regularly to make sure she stays ________.
(A)healthily as possible
(B)as healthy as possible
(C)healthy as possible
(D)as healthily as possible
) Josh was ________ to know that he got the highest grade in math in the class.
(A)to be amazing (B)amaze
) If I ________ you, I ________ do more exercise instead of starving to achieve the
ideal weight.
(A)were; would
(B)am; will
(C)was; would
(D)were; will
) Ted would rather starve to death than ________ his father for some money.
(B)to ask
) Joan is proud that it is easy for her ________ a conversation with Americans.
(B)to have
(D)in having
) ________ you climb, ________ the weather is.
(C)The higher...the colder
(D)The highest...the coldest
) Refusing to eat any fast food ________ Mary’s way of being slim.
(B)to be
29. ( A ) Please tell me ________.
(A)if you want to attend the party tonight (B)whether comes Tom tomorrow
(C)do I have to leave now
(D)whether are there any mistakes
30. ( B ) Eric prefers apples ________ oranges.
四、克漏字選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
The ideals of beauty change as time goes by. In the nineteenth century, people in
Japan considered black teeth __(1)__ attractive. Therefore, people used __(2)__ their teeth
black. In ancient Egypt, people ate a lot because they wanted to have a huge belly, __(3)__
was a symbol of wealth at that time. In Europe, __(4)__ people were considered rich and
beautiful during the Middle Ages. There were only poor people who had tanned skin because
they had to work outdoors. __(5)__, people tried to keep their skin light by covering
themselves up completely when they went outside.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) as
(B) being
(C) for
(D) to be
( 2 ) ( ) (A) dyed
(B) dyeing
(C) to dyeing
(D) to dye
( 3 ) ( ) (A) what
(B) which
(C) where
(D) it
( 4 ) ( ) (A) paled-skin
(B) paled-skinned
(C) pale-skinned
(D) pale-skin
( 5 ) ( ) (A) However
(B) Nowadays
(C) Instead
(D) Therefore
答案: ( 1 ) D ( 2 ) D ( 3 ) B ( 4 ) C ( 5 ) D
It is true that most people want to look attractive no matter what cultures or times
they are in. They agree on the ideals of beauty of their time __(1)__ try to follow the trends.
That was the reason why people in the past dyed their teeth black, ate a lot to become fat, or
covered themselves up to remain __(2)__. Nowadays, the image of ideal beauty is a skinny,
brown-skinned supermodel __(3)__ bleached white teeth. It is no wonder that many people
today try various ways to look attractive. Some people even have a poison __(4)__ into their
faces to change their appearance. They __(5)__ rather take the risk than look unattractive.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) nor
(B) or
(C) and
(D) but
( 2 ) ( ) (A) pale
(B) to being pale
(C) being pale
(D) be pale
( 3 ) ( ) (A) for
(B) with
(C) in
(D) of
( 4 ) ( ) (A) inject
(B) injected
(C) injecting
(D) to inject
( 5 ) ( ) (A) could
(B) might
(C) should
(D) would
答案: ( 1 ) C ( 2 ) A ( 3 ) B ( 4 ) B ( 5 ) D
五、整句式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. Kate would rather work than be a housewife.
答案: Kate 寧願工作也不要當一個家庭主婦。
2. Is staying as young as possible that important?
答案: 盡可能保持年輕真的那麼重要嗎?