Ocean Conservation Poster Project Adapted from National Geographic lesson “Getting the word out with photographs” A. Standards- Ocean literacy 2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth 4. The ocean makes Earth inhabitable 5. The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems 6. The ocean and humans are inextricably connected B. Performance Objectives Following completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Recognize problems and threats to the worlds oceans Apply what they have learned throughout the whole semester and look at the big picture of ocean conservation Influence others why we need to conserve the oceans Take photographs related to the ocean and surrounding ecosystems Analyze and present their results to the class C. Lesson Plan 1. Concept Exploration Play the video “Once upon a tide”- an educational ‘fairy tale” which talks about ocean conservation and the connectedness humans have to the oceans http://chge.med.harvard.edu/programs/healthyoceans/once_upon_a_tide/ 2. Concept Introduction Remind the students of all the ecosystems and associated threats to each such as overfishing, pollution, coral bleaching, habitat destruction, etc. You could include a roundtable discussion or a game which involves a food web to show them how we are all connected and if something is eliminated, the whole web starts to fall apart. We conducted a game using tennis balls. All of the students stand in a circle and a tennis ball represents a photon of energy. As 1 tennis ball is thrown in they must throw the ball to 1 specific person and they must catch it. That person throws it until everyone has caught it. Then, gradually more tennis balls are thrown in (up to 10 or so), and they must be thrown in the same order of people as the 1st ball, so if one person isn’t paying attention, the “web” gets messed up and the food web loses energy, allowing parts of it to die off. 3. Concept Application The students will apply what they have learned throughout the whole semester and the importance of conserving our oceans by presenting a poster project. The students will go out in their community and take pictures of things they think relate to our oceans and will inform others of why we should save our oceans. (See attached worksheet) Names ___________________________________ Ocean Conservation Project- Getting the word out with Photographs Throughout this semester you have learned how many different things affect our oceans and how many ecosystems and organisms are threatened in our oceans. You and a partner will go out in your community (or wherever you may be over the holiday break) and take pictures of things which will help ocean conservation. You may show the good things affecting the ocean such as a recycling bin or a healthy green salt marsh. Or you may show bad things which are affecting the ocean such as pollution or a dead bird, or you can show both!! You will present these photos on a poster in order to inform people of the benefits of conserving our oceans! You want people to look at your poster and make a difference so make it attractive and informative… Things to include: At least 5 photographs- you must take yourself Description of each photograph How does each photograph relate to conserving our oceans and why is it important for ocean conservation? -RubricCreativity Neatness- text size and color Includes all the needed info Relevance Grammar/Writing 10 pts 5 pts 20 pts 10 pts 5 pts 50pts D. Review/Evaluation The students will present their posters to the class informing why they chose the pictures they took and why it’s important for ocean conservation. This is a good review for the end of the semester so they have to apply what they have learned and creates the possibility of outreach into the community. Sources: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/18/g912/doubiletwrong.html http://chge.med.harvard.edu/programs/healthyoceans/once_upon_a_tide/home.html