1 UNGLAZED POTTERY SCRAPS WASTE AS A 2 HETEROGENEOUS CATALYST FOR FENTON-LIKE 3 DECOLORIZATION OF METHYL ORANGE 4 5 Running head: Unglazed Pottery Scraps Waste as 6 a Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst 7 Natkanin Supamathanon*, Artit Ausavasukhi 8 9 10 Program in Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala 11 University of Technology Isan, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand. 12 Tel: 0-4423-3000 ext. 4313 Fax: 0-4423-3072. Email: nsupamathanon@gmail.com 13 * Corresponding author 14 15 Abstract 16 Unglazed pottery scraps waste (UPS), obtained from the pottery 17 manufacturing process, could be used as the Fenton-like catalyst for the 18 decolorization of methyl orange dye (MO) because it contains an iron active 19 species. The effect of various experimental parameters such as catalyst 20 dosage, initial pH of dye solution, initial concentration of hydrogen peroxide 21 (H2O2) and dye and reaction temperature on the decolorization efficiency of 22 the process were studied. The best performance of MO decolorization was 23 found to be 98.6% after 90 min of reaction by using 10 g/L catalyst dosage 24 and 10 mM of H2O2 at pH 3 for 60 mg/L of MO solution with a 30 C of 25 reaction temperature. Moreover, the catalyst can be reused at least three 26 times. The leaching of the Fe active species resulted in a decreasing 27 percentage of MO decolorization. 28 29 Keywords: Unglazed pottery scraps waste, Heterogeneous Fenton-like 30 catalyst, Wastewater treatment, Methyl orange 31 32 Introduction 33 Nowadays, Fenton technology is widely used for the treatment of industrial 34 wastewater containing non-biodegradable organic pollutants. Generally, the 35 homogeneous Fenton process is well known as iron(II) ions (Fe2+) reacting with 36 hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to produce hydroxyl radicals (•OH), according to Eq. 37 (1): 38 Fe 2 H 2O 2 Fe3 HO OH (1) 39 and the •OH radicals can consequently oxidize organic compounds to carbon 40 dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) (Fenton, 1894; Walling, 1975). While Fenton-like 41 reactions in which iron(III) ions (Fe3+) or other transition metal ions are utilized. 42 The homogeneous Fenton process has some disadvantages. The removal 43 or treatment of the sludge-containing iron ions at the end of the wastewater 44 treatment process required the use of expensive reagents, extensive time and 45 labor. In addition, the reaction occurs in a narrow pH range and the deactivation 2 46 of the catalyst can occur from the complexation of iron with phosphate anion and 47 intermediate oxidation products (Caudo et al., 2006; Kasiri et al., 2008). To 48 overcome these problems, heterogeneous Fenton catalysts have been investigated 49 as a potential replacement for homogeneous Fenton catalysts. Among the 50 heterogeneous solid catalysts for the Fenton process, clay has recently received 51 much attention because it is abundant in nature and inexpensive. Combined with 52 the functionality of iron, it can serve as a heterogeneous catalyst (Cheng et al., 53 2008; Garrido-Romírez et al., 2010). Moreover, clay can be used as support for 54 iron to increase the active sites which led to higher catalytic activity (Xu et al., 55 2009; Ramirez et al., 2007, 2008; Chen and Zhu, 2007; Hassan and Hameed, 56 2011a, 2011b; Platon et al., 2011; Hartmann et al., 2010; Rodriguez et al., 2010; 57 Azmi et al., 2014). 58 In Thailand, Dan Kwian pottery are well-known products of the Nakhon 59 Ratchasima Province. It has special characteristics such as shape, color and 60 toughness. Dan Kwian pottery is made of Dan Kwian clay which is commonly 61 found near the banks of the Moon River where it has been worn away or eroded, 62 creating an area of a swamp-like deposit. The most special feature is its natural 63 red color which is due to the iron oxide content present in the clay (Chimnakom, 64 1999; Rattanachan, 2007). Unglazed pottery scraps waste (UPS) is the broken of 65 goods that occurred during the pottery manufacturing process. Thus, UPS contains 66 iron species that could be used as a heterogeneous catalyst in the Fenton process 67 for wastewater treatment. With the use of UPS, reduction of the cost of 68 wastewater treatment could be achieved. 3 69 In this work, we studied the decolorization of an active commercial dye, 70 methyl orange (MO), in an aqueous solution using UPS as a heterogeneous 71 catalyst in the presence of H2O2. The influence factors on MO decolorization, 72 such as the initial concentration of H2O2 and dye, catalyst dosage, temperature and 73 pH of solutions were investigated. Moreover, UPS was tested in the decolorization 74 of real textile wastewater obtained from Pak Thong Chai District, Nakhon 75 Ratchasima. 76 77 Experimental 78 Materials 79 UPS was obtained from Dan Kwian, Chokchai District, Nakhon 80 Ratchasima Province, Thailand. The UPS was ground and sieved to obtain a 81 particle size of less than 500 m. Methyl orange (C14H14N3NaO3S, Carlo Erba), 82 hydrogen peroxide (30% H2O2, QReC) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4, Merck) were of 83 the analytical reagent grade. 84 85 Catalyst characterization 86 The morphology of UPS was observed using scanning electron 87 microscopy (SEM) (SEM-JEOL-JSM5800LV). Some metal species in UPS were 88 determined by using an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) 89 spectrometer (Oxford ED2000). The crystalline structure of UPS was analyzed by 90 an X-Ray diffractometer (Bruker D2 PHASER) using CuK radiation at 40 kV 91 and 40 mA. Data were collected from 5 to 80° with a step size of 0.02. Fourier 4 92 transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra were obtained using a Perkin 93 Elmer Spectrum 100 FT-IR spectrometer. The surface area of UPS was 94 determined by N2 adsorption–desorption analysis (Micromeritics, ASAP 2010) 95 from the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method. 96 97 Catalytic activity measurements and analytical methods 98 All experiments were carried out in 125 mL-Erlenmeyer flasks with 50 mL 99 of 60 mg/L MO. The pH of the solutions was adjusted to the desired values by 100 using 3 M H2SO4 and after that UPS was added. The reactions were initiated by 101 adding a predetermined amount of H2O2 solution to the flask. The mixture 102 solution was stirred with a magnetic stirrer. After the study period, the reaction 103 mixture was centrifuged to remove the catalyst. The concentrations of MO were 104 measured using a double beam UV-vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, model UV 105 1601, Japan) at 510 nm. 106 107 108 The decolorization efficiency of MO was calculated using the following equation: Decoloriza tion efficiency (%) C0 C t 100 C0 (2) 109 where, C0 (mg/L) is the initial concentration of MO and Ct (mg/L) is the 110 concentration of MO at the time, t (min). 111 To evaluate the potential application of UPS, the decolorization of real 112 textile wastewater was tested. The wastewater sample was collected from an 113 equalization tank of an industrial textile plant located in Nakhon Ratchasima 5 114 (Thailand), showing a dark brown color associated with the mixture of several 115 classes of dyes, as well as other pollutants used in the textile process. The sample 116 was refrigerated at approximately 4 C. Before starting any testing with the 117 sample, the temperature of the sample was adjusted back to the ambient raw water 118 temperature and was used without dilution. The treated wastewater was diluted 119 10 times before detected by UV-vis spectrophotometer. 120 121 Catalyst stability and leaching test 122 The spent catalyst was reused in order to evaluate the catalytic activity 123 during successive experiments and thus to observe the possibility of reusing the 124 catalyst. The catalyst was tested in four consecutive cycles using fresh solutions at 125 the optimum condition ([MO]o = 60 mg/L, [H2O2]o = 10 mM, catalyst = 10 g/L, 126 pH = 3, reaction time = 90 min at the reaction temperature of 27 C). After each 127 experiment, the catalyst was removed by centrifugation and dried at 60 C for 2 h. 128 The leaching of iron ions in the MO solution after the oxidation with H2O2 129 was determined by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) 130 (Shimadzu AA6650). Prior to the measurements, a calibration curve was 131 constructed by using known concentrations of standard iron solutions. 132 133 Results and discussion 134 Characterization of UPS 135 From the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, the main constituents of UPS 136 are silicon oxide (SiO2), aluminium oxide (Al2O3), iron oxide (Fe2O3) and sodium 6 137 oxide (Na2O) as shown in Table 1. The X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) pattern 138 of UPS is shown in Figure 1. The main crystalline phase observed in UPS is 139 quartz (2 = 21.4, 27.1, 37.0, 39.9, 40.8, 50.6, 55.3, 60.3 and 68.5, 140 JCPDS 01-078-1256). Moreover, the presence of illite (2 = 9.2), kaolinite (2 = 141 55.3 and 60.3) and hematite (Fe2O3) (2 = 35.2, 46.3, and 55.3, ICDD PDF 142 card 33-0664) were observed with low intensity peaks. In this study, unglazed 143 pottery scraps waste contained the mineral form of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3) are so- 144 called Fenton-like catalyst. The FTIR absorption spectrum of UPS is shown in 145 Figure 2(a). The wavenumber and assignment of the vibration modes observed are 146 listed in Table 2. The main constituents of minerals in UPS were quartz with the 147 bands detected at 798, 779, 695 and 467 cm-1. Kaolinite (3699, 3620 and 1035 cm- 148 1 149 (Farmer, 1974; Gadsden, 1975; Sathya and Velraj, 2011; Azmi et al., 2014). The 150 particles have various shapes and the sizes of the particles are in the range 10-20 151 micrometer seen by SEM. The BET surface area of UPS is 13 m2/g. ) and hematite (913 and 535 cm-1) were inferred from the IR absorption bands 152 153 Catalytic activity of UPS in heterogeneous Fenton process 154 Effect of the catalyst dosage 155 The effect of the catalyst dosage on the decolorization of MO is shown in 156 Figure 3. The results indicate that MO decolorization was significantly affected by 157 the dosage of the catalyst. The higher catalyst dosage corresponded with the 158 higher active sites of Fe2+/ Fe3+ for H2O2 decomposition. This resulted in faster 159 decomposition of H2O2 which led to an increase in the number of •OH radicals 7 160 (Hassan and Hameed, 2011a). When the amount of the catalyst increased up to 161 10.0 g/L, the decolorization of MO was 99%. However, there was no apparent 162 effect on the MO oxidation rate when using 20.0 g/L of catalyst. Hence, a suitable 163 catalyst dosage for the decolorization of MO by the heterogeneous Fenton-like 164 process is 10.0 g/L. 165 166 Effect of the initial H2O2 concentration 167 Figure 4 shows MO decolorization under different H2O2 concentrations (6- 168 39 mM H2O2). The increase of the H2O2 concentration led to increasing 169 decolorization of MO due to more •OH radical generation. At the low 170 concentration of H2O2, lower decolorization efficiency was observed due to 171 insufficient •OH radical generation to catalyze the organic matter. However, it 172 should be pointed out that when the concentration of H2O2 was over 10.0 mM, the 173 removal of MO decreased slightly. This can be explained by the scavenging of 174 •OH radicals at a higher concentration of H2O2, leading to a decrease in the 175 number of •OH radicals in the solution. Hence, a dosage of 10.0 mM H2O2 can be 176 used as the optimum dosage for the decolorization of MO. 177 178 Effect of solution pH 179 The effect of the initial pH of the solution on the decolorization of MO 180 was studied at pH 3, 5 and 7 and the results are shown in Figure 5. The 181 decolorization of MO was the highest at pH 3 within 90 min. This is consistent 182 with the work of Chen et al. (2008) that proved the optimum pH of Fenton 8 183 oxidation mostly falls in the pH range of 2.5-3.5. At pH 5 and 7, the 184 decolorization efficiency of MO decreased rapidly. This could be explained by the 185 decrease of the oxidation efficiency as a result of H2O2 decomposing into 186 molecular oxygen and water, losing some of its oxidation ability. It is known that 187 the generated O2 would not be capable of efficiently oxidizing the organics in the 188 mild operating conditions used (Gou and Al-Dahhan, 2003). On the other hand, 189 the MO in acidic solution preferred the quinoid structure which undergo 190 degradation by •OH and •OOH radicals more easily than the azo structure (Panda 191 et al., 2011). 192 193 Effect of initial MO concentration 194 The decolorization efficiency of the Fenton-like process affected by the 195 initial concentration of MO was evaluated. The results indicated that the 196 decolorization efficiency increased when the initial MO concentration increased 197 (Figure 6). This could be explained by the lifetime of •OH radicals. As the 198 lifetime of •OH radicals are very short (only a few nanoseconds), they can only 199 react where they are formed. Moreover, the increase of the quantity of MO 200 molecules per volume unit logically enhances the probability of collision between 201 organic matter and oxidizing species, leading to an increase in the decolorization 202 efficiency (Hassan and Hameed, 2011b). 203 204 Effect of temperature 9 205 The influence of the reaction temperature on the decolorization of MO was 206 investigated at 27, 30 and 50 C. The results are illustrated in Figure 7. It can be 207 seen that the decolorization efficiency increased with the temperature. This was 208 due to the higher temperature which increased the reaction rate of generating the 209 oxidizing species such as •OH radicals or high-valence iron species (Sun et al., 210 2006). In addition, high temperature can provide more energy for the reactant 211 molecules to overcome the activation energy barrier (Xu et al., 2009, 2010). 212 213 Catalyst stability and leaching test 214 Reusability of the UPS catalyst on the decolorization of MO is shown in 215 Figure 8. As expected, the decolorization efficiency was considerably high in the 216 first run followed by four gradually decreasing successive runs. MO 217 decolorization only decreased from 91 to 77 in four cycles. The reason for this 218 initial loss in activity could be attributed to the small amount of iron leached from 219 the catalyst surface. Regarding iron leaching, the concentration leached was 1.83 220 mg/L. In conclusion, the UPS catalyst exhibited higher activity for the MO 221 oxidation within three cycles of reuse. 222 223 Mechanism for MO decolorization 224 Figure 9 shows the decolorization of MO as a function of time. The results 225 showed that in the case of MO and H2O2 only, MO decolorization is the lowest 226 (20% decolorization of MO after 120 min) due to the low oxidation potential of 227 hydrogen peroxide compared to •OH radicals (Bigda, 1995). With the presence of 10 228 UPS only, about 60% decolorization of MO was achieved, which is due to the 229 adsorption of MO on the surface of UPS as evidenced by the presence of C-H 230 stretching in an IR spectrum of MO on UPS shown in Figure 2(c). When UPS and 231 H2O2 were added to the solution of MO, more than 90% of MO was decolorized in 232 120 min. The IR analysis of the UPS after use in the reaction shows no features of 233 MO (Figure 2(b)). The results suggested that the decolorization of MO should 234 occur via the catalytic reaction. The generation of •OH radicals based on the 235 presence of Fe2O3 oxide has been proposed by Ali et al. (2014) and are shown in 236 the following equations: 237 Fe 3 H 2 O 2 Fe 2 HOO H 238 Fe 2 H 2O 2 Fe 3 HO OH 239 Fe 3 HOO Fe 2 O 2 OH 240 HO dye CO 2 H 2 O Mineraliza tion products (3) (4) (5) (6) 241 The symbol represents the iron species bound to the surface of the catalyst. The 242 Fe2+ ions generated from (Eq. (3)) react with H2O2 to form •OH that 243 consequently reacts with the dye. 244 In Table 3, the decolorization efficiency of MO using several 245 heterogeneous Fenton catalysts with different systems are given. It was found that 246 UPS can serve as a potential Fenton catalyst for Mo decolorization, as compared 247 to the synthesized catalysts. UPS takes advantage of many other catalysts due to 248 its low cost and is environmentally friendly. 249 11 250 Decolorization of real textile wastewater 251 The representative UV-Vis spectra changes in the real textile wastewater 252 sample solution at various reaction times were observed and the corresponding 253 spectra are shown in Figure 10. Within 300 min of the oxidation reaction, the 254 treated dye sample was colorless and did not show significant absorbance at the 255 maximum wavelength indicating that the dye was completely removed. As is 256 evident from the results, UPS has the potential to act as a heterogeneous Fenton- 257 like catalyst which can remove dye from industrial wastewater. 258 259 Conclusions 260 1. The UPS sample was successfully used as a heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for 261 the decolorization of dye wastewater containing methyl orange. 262 2. The optimal reaction condition was found to be [H2O2]o = 10 mM, [MO]o = 60 263 mg/L, an amount of UPS = 10 g/L, pH = 3 and at a temperature of 30 °C. Under 264 optimal conditions, 98.6% decolorization efficiency of MO in the aqueous 265 solution was achieved within 90 min of reaction. 266 3. The catalyst stability and leaching test showed that over 80 % decolorization of 267 methyl orange was still achieved within 90 min and after the catalyst was used for 268 3 cycles. 269 4. The UPS sample showed a high catalytic activity toward the decolorization of 270 real dye wastewater in the presence of H2O2 and in the acidic pH range. Thus, this 271 study may provide useful information for the use of waste material as catalysts in 272 the heterogeneous Fenton-like process. 12 273 Acknowledgment 274 This research work was financially supported by Rajamangala University 275 of Technology Isan (RMUTI). S. 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Position (cm-1) Position (cm-1) Assignments Assignments 3699 O-H stretching of Kaolinite 798 Si-O bending of quartz 3620 O-H stretching of Kaolinite 779 Si-O-Si stretching of quartz 3437 O-H stretching of water 695 Si-O bending of quartz 1632 O-H bending of water 535 Fe-O bend of hematite 1035 Si-O stretching of Kaolinite 467 Si-O bending of quartz 913 Fe-O-Fe bending 3620 19 376 Table 3 Comparison of decolorization efficiency of MO with different heterogeneous 377 Catalyst Fenton catalysts. [Dye]0, [H2O2]0, pH Reaction Temperature, Catalyst Decolorization References mg/L mmol/L time, C dosage, min NdFeB 20 0.6 3 efficiency, % g/L 60 20 10 97.8 Yang et al. (2014) Goethite 75 3.88 3 70 20 0.3 98.9 Wang et al. (2015) Fe2MnO4/AC-H 50 18 4 120 29 2.5 100 Nguyen et al. (2015) UPS 60 10 3 90 30 378 20 10 98.6 Present study 379 380 Figure 1. XRD pattern of UPS. 381 382 21 383 384 385 386 Figure 2. FTIR spectra of UPS (a), UPS in the Fenton process (b), UPS adsorbed with MO (c) and MO (d). 22 387 388 389 Figure 3. Effect of catalyst dosage on the decolorization of MO. 390 Reaction conditions: [MO]o = 60 mg/L; volume of MO solution = 50 mL; 391 [H2O2]o = 19 mM; pH = 3; and temperature = 27 C. 392 23 393 394 Figure 4. Effect of initial concentration of H2O2 on the decolorization of MO. 395 Reaction conditions: [MO]o = 60 mg/L; volume of MO solution = 50 mL; 396 catalyst dosage = 10 g/L; pH = 3; and temperature = 27 C. 24 397 398 Figure 5. Effect of pH on the decolorization of MO. 399 Reaction conditions: [MO]o = 60 mg/L; volume of MO solution = 50 mL; 400 catalyst dosage = 10 g/L; [H2O2]o = 10 mM; and temperature = 27 C. 25 401 402 Figure 6. Effect of initial concentration of MO on the decolorization of MO. 403 Reaction conditions: [H2O2]o = 10 mM; volume of MO solution = 50 mL; 404 catalyst dosage = 10 g/L; pH = 3; and temperature = 27 C. 26 405 406 Figure 7. Effect of temperature on the decolorization of MO. 407 Reaction conditions: [MO]o = 60 mg/L; volume of MO solution = 50 mL; 408 [H2O2]o = 10 mM; catalyst dosage = 10 g/L; pH = 3; and reaction time = 90 min. 27 409 410 Figure 8. Reusability of the UPS catalyst on the decolorization of MO. 411 Reaction conditions: [MO]o = 60 mg/L; volume of MO solution = 50 mL; 412 [H2O2]o = 10 mM; catalyst dosage = 10 g/L; pH = 3; reaction time = 90 min; 413 and temperature = 27 C. 28 414 415 Figure 9. Effect of various experimental parameters on the decolorization of MO. 416 Reaction conditions: [MO]o = 60 mg/L; volume of MO solution = 50 mL; 417 [H2O2]o = 19 mM; catalyst dosage = 4 g/L; pH = 3; and temperature = 27 C. 29 418 419 420 Figure 10. Absorption spectra of dye wastewater at different reaction times. 421 Reaction conditions: volume of dye wastewater = 50 mL; [H2O2]o = 10 mM; 422 catalyst dosage = 10 g/L; pH = 3; and temperature = 27 C. 30