lincv - University of Arizona

Chienjer Charles Lin
Joint Doctoral Program in Anthropology & Linguistics,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
Fax: (775) 256 8423
Joint Ph.D. Program in Anthropology and Linguistics, the University of Arizona (2001-)
Major Advisors:
Dr. Jane H. Hill (Anthropology)
Dr. Thomas G. Bever (Linguistics)
Committee for Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy (2003-2004):
Anthropology: Jane H. Hill (chair), Susan U. Philips, Norma Mendoza-Denton
Linguistics: Tom G. Bever (chair), Heidi Harley, Feng-Hsi Liu
Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Michigan State University (June-August,
Courses taken:
Chinese Syntax (J. Huang), Syntax of Tense (Stowell),
Cognitive Foundations of Language (Jackendoff), Syntactic Investigations into Aspect (Schmitt),
Morphology (Marantz), Topics in Morphology (Williams)
Linguistic Society of Taiwan Summer Camp on Formosan Syntax and Austronesian
Linguistics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei (July, 2002)
Courses taken:
Grammar of Formosan Languages (Paul Li), History & Typology of Austronesian Languages (M. Ross),
A General Survey of Formosan Languages, and lectures on language and culture.
Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara
(June-August, 2001)
Language and Prehistory (Comrie), Evolutionary Origin of Language (Charles Li),
Linguistic Theory and Language Use (Bybee), The Role of Pragmatics in Semantic Change (Traugott),
Corpus-based Studies of Language Variation (C-C. Cheng)
M.A., Linguistics, National Chengchi University (1999) (graduated with honor)
Master’s Thesis:
Multiple Senses of Mandarin Chinese Nominals: Implications for Lexical Access.
Thesis Committee:
Kathleen Ahrens (co-chair), I-Li Yang (co-chair), Chihyu Chan, Ovid Tzeng
B.A., English, cum laude (1st out of 70), National Chengchi University (1996)
Research and teaching experiences
Teaching Assistant
8/1/2003-5/31/2004 Research Associate
Research Affiliate
Language and Computers (for Dr. Sandiway Fong) Linguistics Department,
University of Arizona
Linguistic Anthropology Lab (directed by Dr. Norma Mendoza-Denton),
Anthropology Department, University of Arizona
[assistance with multi-media use in research and instruction, intern management,
Sentence Comprehension Lab (directed by Dr. Tom Bever), Linguistics/Psychology
Department, University of Arizona
[regular lab meetings, research/experiment design]
Lin_CV p. 1
Teaching Assistant
Visiting Scholar
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Instructional and Computing Lab, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, The
University of Arizona
[holding workshops, equipment maintenance, lab monitor, assisting instruction and
Department of Language Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (sponsored by
Dr. William S-Y Wang)
[lab meetings, research exchange, paper presentation at the 1st workshop on
language acquisition, change, and evolution]
Lab of Psycholinguistic Studies, National Taiwan University (directed by Dr.
Kathleen Ahrens)
[lab meetings, experiments and research]
National Science Council granted project “Sense, Ambiguity, and Polysemy:
Empirical Approaches to Delimiting Senses (II).” (NSC-88-2411-H-002-0510-M8),
directed by Dr. Kathleen Ahrens at National Taiwan University
[lab meetings, experiments and research]
National Science Council granted project “Sense, Ambiguity, and Polysemy:
Empirical Approaches to Delimiting Senses (I).” (NSC-87-2411-H-002-030-M7),
directed by Dr. Kathleen Ahrens at National Taiwan University
[lab meetings, experiments and research]
Phonetics Lab of the Graduate Program in Linguistics, National Chengchi
[holding workshops, assistance with instruction and research, equipment
National Science Council granted project “A Study of Pauses in Mandarin Speech.”
(NSC 86-2411-H-004-015), directed by Dr. I-li Yang of National Chengchi
[lab meetings, recording and transcribing speech, acoustic phonetic analysis]
Chinese Knowledge Information Processing Group, Institute of Information
Science, Academia Sinica
[lab meetings, seminars, corpus studies, Chinese linguistics, verb classification,
LING101a "Introduction to English Linguistics (Dr. Francis Weifang Zuo)",
Department of English, National Chengchi University
[assistance with in-class materials, lecturing two weekly review sessions]
LING101b "Introduction to English Linguistics (Dr. Yuen-mei Yin)", Department of
English, National Chengchi University
[assistance with in-class materials, lecturing two weekly review sessions]
Research Foci
psychosemantics (polysemy, lexical ambiguity, & lexical access)
Chinese sentence processing
syntax & semantics (resultative construction, causatives, tense and aspect)
lexical semantics (eventuality, nominalization)
formal vs. functional linguistics (grammaticalization)
tonal phonology and sentence processing (Taiwanese tone sandhi & reduplication)
macro-discourse analysis (language as a highlighting system)
Other specializations
evolutionary and biological foundations of language;
language and prehistory;
language, culture, and cognition; conceptual structure (metaphor & metonymy; language & emotion; language,
space & time; classifiers; language, music, & number);
linguistic typology & historical linguistics (Austronesian linguistics).
Mandarin (native), Southern Min/Taiwanese, English, French
Lin_CV p. 2
(in press). with Ahrens, K. How Many Meanings Does a Word Have? Meaning Estimation in Chinese and
English. Language Acquisition, Change, and Evolution. City University of Hong Kong.
(2000). With Ahrens, K. Calculating the number of senses: Implications for ambiguity advantage effect during
lexical access. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium of Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL7). (pp. 141-155). Jiayi: National Chungcheng University.
(1999). Dictionary meanings, subjects' intuition, and linguistic senses: Different versions of the same
story? Proceedings of the 1999 NCCU conference of graduate students' research (I) (國立政治大學八十七年度研究
生研究成果發表會論文集) (pp. 45-68). Taipei: National Chengchi University.
(1998). Interruptions as a reflection of solidarity and power: A study of cross- examinations in Chinese
competitive debates. Proceedings of the 1998 NCCU Graduate Students’ Conference (國立政治大學八十六年度研
究生研究成果發表會論文集) (pp. 21-40). Taipei: National Chengchi University.
(1998). Syllable duration in spontaneous speech of Mandarin. Proceedings of 1997 National Conference on
English/American Literature and Linguistics (pp. 47-64). Taipei: Crane.
(1997). Chinese word association and teaching Chinese vocabulary (中文字詞聯想研究與華語文詞彙教學
). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Teaching the Chinese Language--Applications in Teaching
(Vol. I) (第五屆世界華語文教學研討會論文集,教學應用組--上冊) (pp. 21-32). Taipei: International Association of
Chinese Teaching. [written in Chinese]
(1997). With Wei, W., and Huang, C. Mandarin pseudo-ditransitive verbs. Proceedings of the Ninth North
American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (Naccl-9), University of Victoria, Canada.
Conference Presentations
(2003). Aspect and Result: Chinese Resultative Constructions and Aspect Incorporation. Paper to be
presented at the West Coast Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), University of Arizona, Tucson, September 26-28,
(2003). Event integration in Mandarin compound verbs. Paper presented at the Linguistic Society of America
(LSA) 2003 Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA, January 2-5, 2003.
(2002). Nasal endings of Taiwan Mandarin: A production/perception perspective on language change. Paper
presented at the 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Arizona State University,
Tempe, November 7-9, 2002.
(2002). Love and lust in contemporary Chinese: Linguistic metaphors and cultural models. Paper presented
at the Fourteenth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (Naccl-14), University of Arizona, Tucson, May
15-17, 2002.
(2001). With Lee, M. The story of HEART: Evidence from ‘xin’ in Chinese. Paper presented at the 7th
International Cognitive Linguistics Conference at University of California, Santa Barbara, July 22-27, 2001. [poster]
(2001). Lexical ambiguity in relation to psychological processing and language change. Paper presented at
the 2001 Workshop on Language Acquisition and Change at City University of Hong Kong, May 31-June 1, 2001.
(1997). Chinese word association: A study of the primary responses among Taiwanese college
students. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL-6), June 19th-21st,
Leiden University, the Netherlands.
(1997). With Wei, W., and Huang, C. Mandarin pseudo-ditransitive verbs. Paper presented at the Ninth North
American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (Naccl-9), May 2nd-4th 1997, University of Victoria, Canada.
Invited Talk
(2001). Psychology of lexical ambiguity: Semantic effects during lexical access and the evolution of
language. Invited talk at Language Engineering Lab at City University of Hong Kong, April 3 & 10, 2001.
Lin_CV p. 3
(1999). Multiple Senses of Mandarin Chinese Nominals: Implications for Lexical Access. M.A. Thesis,
National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
(1999). Historical change of lexical meanings: Methodology, cognitive semantic perspective, and data
analysis (詞彙語意演變—研究方法、認知語意學觀點及個案分析). Chen Bai Nian Honorary Research Paper Award (
陳百年先生學術論文獎), National Chengchi University. [written in Chinese]
Book review
(2003) Review of Kovecses, Z., 2002, Metaphor: A Practical Introduction. To appear in vol.32 issue 4 of Language
and Society.
Professional activities
member, Linguistic Society of America (2001-present)
member, Linguistic Society of Taiwan (1999-present)
member, International Association of Chinese Linguistics (1997-present)
Janet Upjohn Stearns Foundation & Department of Anthropology, University of
Arizona Research Grant
Fulbright-Hays Study Grant for Scholarly Exchange
Fulbright-Hays Professional Enhancement Grant
Fulbright-Hays Study Grant for Scholarly Exchange
Honors and Awards
University of Arizona Tuition Fellowship
Linguistic Society of America Scholarship for 2003 Summer Institute at
Michigan State University
Graduate College Fellowship, the University of Arizona
Chao Yuan-Ren (Foundation) Scholarship for LSA 2001 Summer Institute at UC
Santa Barbara
Graduate Fellowship, National Chengchi University
Travel Award for Conference Presentation, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for
International Scholarly Exchange
Graduate Fellowship, National Chengchi University
Mr. Cong Shu-lang Scholarship
Xin-Tian-Gong Foundation Scholarship
Long-Shan-Si Foundation Scholarship
Long-Shan-Si Foundation Scholarship
Dr. Doris Brougham Scholarship (Overseas Radio & Television Inc.)
Kathleen Ahrens, Ph.D. (
Graduate Institute of Linguistics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, TAIWAN
Thomas G. Bever, Ph.D. (
Department of Linguistics,
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Jane H. Hill, Ph.D. (
Department of Anthropology,
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
Lin_CV p. 4
William S Y Wang, Ph.D. (
(Chair) Dept. of Language Engineering
City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, HONG KONG
Tel: 852-27887196
last updated: September 3, 2003
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