Supplementary Material Laser irradiation-induced α to δ phase transformation in Bi2O3 ceramics and nanowires monitored by micro-Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies, by M. Vila, C. Díaz- (012) (122) Bi2O3 nanowires (020) (120) Intensity (arb. units) (200) (102) Guerra, and J. Piqueras (Applied Physics Letters) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 2 (degrees) This figure shows a representative XRD pattern of the grown Bi2O3 nanowires. Although only the main diffraction maxima have been indexed in the graph, all the observed peaks can be unambiguously indexed to monoclinic -Bi2O3 (JCPDS card 041-1449). 1 TEM micrograph of a Bi2O3 nanowire. The upper left inset shows a selected area diffraction pattern of the wire, revealing its single crystalline nature. The lower right inset shows a HRTEM image of the same nanostructure. The distances marked in the image, 5.35 Å and 5.25 Ǻ, respectively match the (100) and (011) interplanar spacings characteristic of the monoclinic -Bi2O3 phase. 2