7th Grade

s7th Grade
Chapter 8
Name _________________
Date __________________
Lesson 2:
1. What had occurred west of the Appalachian Mountains by the early 1800’s?
2. What two countries controlled Louisiana and New Orleans at this time?
3. Why was New Orleans important to settlers in the western region of the United
4. Why did Jefferson want to buy New Orleans from France?
5. What chain of events led to the Louisiana Purchase?
6. Why was the Louisiana Purchase important to the future of the United States?
7 What were the members of the Lewis and Clark expedition called?
8. What were challenges of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
9. What are some characteristics and skills the members needed?
10. Who was Sacagawea?
11. What did the Lewis and Clark expedition achieve?
12. How do you think the Native Americans viewed the Lewis and Clark
13. Who was Zebulon Pike and what was the purpose of his expedition?
14. Where did Pike go and what famous Landmark did he see?
7th Grade
Chapter 8
Name _________________
Date __________________
Lesson 2:
1. What had occurred west of the Appalachian Mountains by the early 1800’s?
Thousands of settlers were coming into the area and new states were being
admitted to the Union
2. What two countries controlled Louisiana and New Orleans at this time?
Spain then France
3. Why was New Orleans important to settlers in the western region of the United
It provided a major port for international and domestic trade; they could move
products to and from eastern markets
4. Why did Jefferson want to buy New Orleans from France?
Before transferring Louisiana back to the French, Spain had closed New
Orleans to American shipping, which hurt American farmers
5. What chain of events led to the Louisiana Purchase?
1800 Spain trades Louisiana to France; 1802- Spain closes New Orleans to
The United States; Jefferson sends Livingston and Monroe to France to try to
Buy New Orleans; France offers to sell all of Louisiana because of setbacks in
Haiti and a war against Great Britain 1803 - The United States buys Louisiana
for $15 million
6. Why was the Louisiana Purchase important to the future of the United States?
It doubled the size of the United States, which would benefit future western
Settlement and economic growth
7 What were the members of the Lewis and Clark expedition called?
The Corps of Discovery
8. What were challenges of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Traveling through an uncharted area, no ability to receive new supplies,
transportation difficulties, insects, fear of hostile attack from Natives
9. What are some characteristics and skills the members needed?
Courage, endurance, ability to hunt, track, survey, and make maps as
well as scientific notes and drawings
10. Who was Sacagawea?
She was a Shoshone woman who helped the Lewis and Clark expedition
along with her husband, a French fur trader
11. What did the Lewis and Clark expedition achieve?
They learned about western lands and paths, made contact with many
Native American groups, collected data about western plants and animals
12. How do you think the Native Americans viewed the Lewis and Clark
With a mix of curiosity, interest, uncertainty, and fear
13. Who was Zebulon Pike and what was the purpose of his expedition?
A young army officer, and he was to find the origin of the Red River,
which the United States claimed and it formed the western border of
Louisiana with Spain
14. Where did Pike go and what famous Landmark did he see?
To the Southwest, Spanish held lands, and he saw Pike’s Peak in the Rocky