Guidance notes - School of Psychology

Trinity College Dublin
School of Psychology & the Health Service Executive
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Applications for September 2016 Intake.
The Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psych) is a three year
(36 month) postgraduate professional training course, accredited by
the Psychological Society of Ireland as conferring eligibility to work
as a clinical psychologist. The course is based in the School of
Psychology at Trinity College Dublin and placements are undertaken
in a variety of clinical settings throughout the greater Leinster
region. The Course Selection Committee reviews all completed
applications. This Selection Committee comprises the Course Team,
Psychology Managers from the Health Service Executive as well as
representatives of Clinical Supervisors. The Course Selection
Committee provides training for any new Committee members in
the specific ratings and forms used on the Course. The following
document provides information and guidance for applicants.
Please note the application is made in two stages.
Stage 1; The College application which can be found at should be submitted online as
directed. As part of this process you will be asked to nominate an
academic and a clinical referee. Once you initiate your online college
application the two nominated referees will be contacted directly by
the system. As part of this process you will be allocated an
individual application number . To access the college application you
Go to then
Click on Postgraduate on menu to the left of the page
Click on Doctoral Programmes on menu to the left of the page
Click on School of Psychology on main menu
Click on Clinical Psychology on main menu
To apply Click on Apply Now.
Stage 2; The clinical course application form is available on the
School of Psychology web page at the college will issue
you with an individual application number and this must be included
on your clinical course application form.
A copy of the clinical course application form must be
uploaded and submitted electronically with the college
application form.
Entry Requirements and Selection Criteria
Entry Requirements
Applicants must at the time of application hold at a minimum
an upper second class honours degree in psychology.
1.1.2 The degree qualification must be such that the applicant is
eligible for Graduate Membership as defined by the
Psychological Society of Ireland.
1.1.3 As trainees are employees of the Health Service Executive
(HSE) or other approved Health Care Provider, we require that
applicants have the right to work in Ireland without
restriction. Non-EEA applicants are therefore not considered
unless they have a pre-existing right to work in Ireland for the
duration of the course and the required three years after
1.1.4 Applicants whose first language is not English or whose
previous education and examination qualifications have not
been in the English language will need to provide evidence of
English language proficiency.
1.1.5 Each applicant must demonstrate Six months full-time or
equivalent postgraduate experience within mental health,
disability or related settings (includes voluntary experience
and excludes research). This contact must involve direct
contact and provision of care to individuals who comprise the
population associated with using clinical psychology services.
(Post-Graduate is defined as the period extending from the
date of publication of degree results).
Additional Criteria
Successful applicants are offered a contract of employment as a
Trainee Clinical Psychologist with the Health Service Executive or
other approved Health Care Provider. Applicants must agree in
accepting this contract that they will undertake work in the Irish
statutory health services for a three year period following
completion of the course.
All applicants who possess the above minimum entry
requirements will be called to first round selection. Consequently
there is a short listing process which is largely determined by the
extent to which applicants can demonstrate that they can meet
additional desirable criteria. The following competencies are
rated on the basis of the evidence presented in the application
form and later at the practical assessments and interview stages.
1.2.1 Academic Ability: this is a judgement of the applicant’s
ability to cope with the intellectual demands of training. Other
competencies inform this domain and these include critical
reflection, ability to synthesise information succinctly, ability
to draw inferences from information, psychological
knowledge, ability to apply psychology theories and research
to clinical scenarios, research skills etc and these are rated in
the practical assessments and final interviews.
1.2.2 Psychological Knowledge and Skills: this is a rating based
on the applicant’s knowledge and understanding of major
theories and approaches relevant to clinical psychology and its
practice. It is also a judgement of the applicant’s ability to
apply psychological knowledge and make theory practice
links. Also relevant is the applicant’s ability to understand
ethical issues in practice and their awareness of current issues
in the profession.
1.2.3 Personal Development competencies: This is based on
evidence (shown through experience, and referee’s accounts)
which suggest attributes relevant to clinical psychology and
the applicant’s readiness to commence clinical training. These
include for example, empathy, initiative, capacity for insight
and personal awareness and reflection, efficiency, time
management, resilience and capacity for growth and
1.2.4 Research Competencies: this is a judgement based on the
applicant’s ability to cope with the research demands of
clinical psychology training and beyond. Judgements formed
at the short listing stage are based on the quality of previous
research qualifications and training as well as experience of
working in a post-graduate research assistant type role. Other
competencies also inform this domain and include issues such
as knowledge of design and analysis, ability to critically
evaluate research and awareness of ethical issues. These are
rated in the practical assessments and final interviews.
1.2.5 Clinical Competencies : this is a rating based on the quality
and extent of experience the applicant has working in a direct
care giving capacity with individuals who comprise the
population associated with using clinical psychology services.
There is also an evaluation of the comments and ratings of
1.2.6 Interpersonal Skills: This is a rating more relevant to the
practical assessment and interview stages. It involves the
applicant’s ability to listen and communicate effectively, their
ability to work in a team and the clarity and coherence of their
At present references are sought at the point of application.
Applicants with unsatisfactory references are unlikely to be
offered a place on the course. The panel reserve the right to
seek additional references (e.g. from a current employer if not
submitted). Such requests will be made through the applicant.
In addition, verbal clarification may sometimes be sought in the
event of unsatisfactory or ambiguous references.
Equal Opportunities :
The University along with the Health Service Executive and other
employers of trainees have equal opportunities policies and are
concerned to implement fair selection procedures. Applications
are invited from candidates regardless of gender, marital status,
dependency, age, disability, sexual orientation, ethnic origin,
perceived religious affiliation or political opinion. Every effort will
be made to make reasonable adjustments to training
requirements for those successful applicants who have a
disability that may impact on training. Selection policies and
procedures on the Course are formally reviewed on an annual
1.5 Police Clearance
We ask all applicants who attend for interview to complete a
‘General Declaration Form’ and declare any convictions. An
enhanced police check will be carried out by the Garda Vetting
Office on behalf of the Health Service Executive. Candidates
invited to the final interview stage will be required to complete
the application for Garda Clearance. A discrepancy between what
has been declared and the subsequent Garda check could be
grounds for non-appointment. When an applicant declares a
conviction this does not automatically mean they will not be
appointed. A judgement, taking into account the nature and
context of the offense and our duty to protect the public, will be
made by the selection panel and the employer. In general we
would not consider an applicant as suitable if they have a
conviction or caution for any crime against children or a
vulnerable adult. There is no exhaustive list of offenses which
provide grounds for non-appointment and all convictions and
cautions would be carefully considered by the panel and the risks
to the public considered.
We expect to have a number of places on the course for 2016.
The majority of places are centrally funded by the Health
Service Executive. The college and course application covers
both the application for a place on the course and
employment with the HSE or another approved health care
Selected applicants are recommended to the Human Resource
Department of the Health Service Executive or another
approved health care provider for appointment as Trainee
Clinical Psychologists. The minimum salary is 32,185 Euros
(January 2011). The appointment is for three calendar years,
conditional on satisfactory progress in training. Your
employment site will be considered as follows - the University
on academic days and placement site on clinical days.
Accordingly travel expenses will not be paid for travel to these
You are being made an offer of employment by the HSE or
another approved health care provider. In accepting it you
are excluding yourself from considering offers of employment
by other regions of the HSE and other approved health care
2.4. In accepting places funded by the Health Service Executive or
other sponsors, trainees are required to sign an undertaking
that on successful completion of training, they will make
themselves available for work with the statutory provision of
direct services by the Health Service Executive or another
approved health care provider for three years (subject to the
availability of Clinical Psychology posts).
3. Screening
The Course Administrator and Course Secretary provide the
administrative support required for course selection. All
applicants submit a College application form as well as an
additional Course application form. The Course Selection
Committee consider only complete applications. Late and
incomplete applications will not be considered.
Each completed application is then scrutinised by two
members of the Selection Committee independently.
The screening panel is made up of the Course team.
Last year 173 applications were received and 144 were
shortlisted for the practical assessments round.
4. Selection Procedures
4.1 Round 1 – Written Work
Eligible candidates are invited to spend a half day at the University
undertaking a range of practical assessment exercises. Candidates
with a disability can contact the course if they require
accommodations to be made. The assessments are
Research Task 1
Research Task 2
Performance on these tasks is used to select candidates for
group task and the final interview.
Round 2(a) – Group Task
You will be asked to participate in a 30 minute group discussion
with other candidates on a topic relevant to clinical psychology.
Performance on the group task is used to select candidates for
5.2. Round 2 (b) – Interview
Approximately 36 successful applicants will be called to the
final interview.
Each interview panel comprises 3 members of the Course
Selection Committee and the interview format is broadly
competency based, with each interview lasting 45 minutes.
5.2.1.The clinical and personal suitability factors used for scoring
have been developed by the Course and are reviewed
annually by the Selection Committee. Ratings are made of
each applicant according to these factors. These include the
ability to link theory and practice and the capacity to reflect
on their own experience and learn from it. The panel look for
confirmatory and non-confirmatory evidence.
Round Two - Interview Domains
Theoretical understanding – Clinical
Formulation potential
Personal awareness
Theory/Practice understanding
Awareness and Understanding of Professional
General suitability and any other information that
the panel have become aware of during the
selection process
5.2.2.Candidates are requested to complete a Garda Clearance
Form and bring this along to their interview and are furnished
with the HSE advice regarding this and seeking Police
Clearance where they have resided outside of the Republic of
Ireland for periods of six months or more.
5.2.3.Candidates are informed of the possibility of follow up
interviews and the possibility of telephonic references being
sought of the referees listed.
5.2.4.The practical assessments and including group task
performance scores contribute one third to the overall total
rating with the final interview contributing the remaining two
thirds. The scores from this final interview are added to the
existing scores achieved in assessments and an overall
summed score is achieved for each candidate. The candidates
are then ranked according to their score and places are
offered to the most suitable candidates according to the
5.2.5 These offers are provisional and are subject to candidates
satisfying the Garda Clearance procedures and recruitment
with the HSE or another approved health care provider.
5.2.6 Individual requests for additional feedback will be responded
to in writing only. We will not provide feedback from our
process until the selection process has been completed by all
courses in Ireland.
The Chair of the Selection panel writes to the Director of
Psychology HSE and to the Dean of Graduate Studies
informing them of the outcome of the Selection Panel.
The Dean of Graduate Studies then writes to successful
candidates making a conditional offer of a place, subject to
satisfactory appointment and employment contract with the
HSE or another approved health care provider.
Confirmation of acceptance of the conditional offer by the
candidate is sought within one week. Contact with the HSE
National Recruitment Office in Manorhamilton and the HSE
Dublin North East Area Recruitment Unit in Kells is initiated by
the Course Administrator and liaison continues with respect to
processing forms to and from candidates including;
Recommendation For Hire Forms
Set up forms including Paypath, PPS/P45
Confirmation of Garda / Police clearance.
Arrangements for the Payment of Course Fees
6.4. Students who commit to an offer from another course cannot
reject that offer to accept an offer from our course.
Completing your Course application form
This form must be uploaded and submitted electronically. To
be accepted, the form must not be altered from its existing
format (i.e. not in landscape or double-sided).
Please ensure that you complete all aspects of the form and
append additional pages as necessary. Incomplete application
forms will not be considered.
Any inaccuracies in completing this form may result in
rejection. Therefore it is in your own interest to ensure that
the information supplied in all sections is correct.
Please ensure the email address you provide for your referees
is correct.
Candidates applying to the Course must be in possession of
an honours degree in psychology that confers eligibility for
membership of the Psychological Society of Ireland. The
degree must be at the level of 2:1 or above. Overseas
candidates need to establish eligibility for entry. Please see
the following website for guidance
Academic transcripts i.e. outline of course modules and
grades received must be included. Do not send originals
(photocopies acceptable at this stage; originals may be
required at a later date). If you are a past student of TCD you
are not required to attach course transcripts. You must
provide your TCD student number and year of entry.
All applicants to this course must be eligible for full
employment within the European Union.
Candidates must demonstrate eligibility for membership of the
Psychological Society of Ireland by the closing date of
Overseas candidates – in order to prove eligibility you may be
required to apply for membership of the Psychological Society
of Ireland. For further clarification see
7.10 Two references must be submitted with your application one
academic reference and one clinical reference. As
previously referred to, referees will be contacted by the
system when you fill in your online college application.
7.11 One reference must be from an academic psychologist familiar
with your academic and/or research competencies. The
person should hold an academic post and be involved in either
teaching you on a taught undergraduate/postgraduate course
or in supervising you as a research student (not as employers
of research assistant positions held).
7.12 The other reference should preferably be from a person
involved in a supervisory role or your line manager in a
clinical setting, ideally a psychologist, who is familiar with
your clinical competencies.
7.13 In both instances referees should complete the relevant
reference which the university will request once the relevant
referee information is supplied by the applicant.
7.14 Throughout the selection process the Selection Committee
reserve the right to contact any named supervisors or
employers that you have mentioned on your application form.
7.15 Assessments – Round 1 will take place on Tuesday 19th
January 2016. Round 2 – Group Task will take place on 22nd
February. Final interviews will be scheduled to take place
across Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th February, 2016.
7.16 Candidates should be aware of the possibility of additional
follow-up interviews following second round assessments.
7.17 Enquiries about the course may be made to the Course
Secretary, Sheila McCormack at 01 8962425, Fax: 01
8962954 or email
8. Specific guidance on completing Course Forms Sections
nos. 2 & 6.
It is important that specific details are provided as to the
number of hours per week and the overall duration of time
spent in each of the clinical settings listed. For the purpose of
calculating whole-time equivalence, the course requests that
you calculate 1 day = 7 hours and 1 week = 35 hours.
A minimum six months post-graduate full-time
experience (or its equivalent) in a clinical environment
involving direct client contact is required. You should
detail how you have achieved this minimum requirement and
having done so proceed to provide an account of experience
in excess of this minimum.
Clinical experience relates to experience gained within a
clinical environment involving direct contact with and the
provision of care to client groups that is, individuals who
comprise the population associated with using clinical
psychology services (i.e. service users and /or people in
distress or people with psychological difficulties).
Only clinical experience held at the time of application to the
course may be considered in evaluating the essential
minimum criteria of six months whole-time postgraduate
clinical experience.
Please be advised that contact with participants as part of a
research role/post does not equate with clinical experience.
Such experience should be entered in Section 3 as research
If you are combining experience from a number of settings
you must demonstrate how each individual element
contributes to the overall minimum criteria of six months fulltime work (910 hours).