Access to EIS elsewhere on campus

Access to EIS: Statistics
Statistics which may help you to evaluate the access to EIS can be divided into: access
in the library; access elsewhere on campus; and off-campus access.
Further details about the collection of statistical data will be added via the e-measures
project. In particular, how to count the number of virtual visits.
Access to EIS in the library
Measures you might collect include:
Number of open access workstations
Number of workstation-hours per week
Queuing times for access to workstations
OPAC response times
Number of non-remote logins to the library webpages
Number of workstations more than 3 years old
Network downtime (and notice given about downtime)
You might use these measures to create the following performance indicators:
Number of library computer workstations per FTE student (broken down by
user group eg undergraduates; postgraduates)
No of PC hours available per user
Number of non-remote logins to the library webpages per FTE student
Ratio of virtual and actual visits
Access to EIS elsewhere on campus
Statistics you might collect include:
Number of networked computers on campus
Total number of network access points
Number (or percentage) of classrooms with at least one computer
Number (or percentage) of classrooms that have access to the campus
Number (or percentage) of faculty offices connected to the campus network
Number (or percentage) of admin offices connected to the campus network
Number (or percentage) of student rooms connected to the campus network
You might use these measures to create the following performance indicators:
Average number of computers per networked classroom
Average number of logons per networked classroom
Number of networked computers per FTE student
Number of network access points per FTE student
Access to EIS off campus
Statistics you might collect include:
Number of remote logins to the library webpage
Number of students owning their own PC
You might use these measures to create the following performance indicators:
Number of remote logins to the library webpages per user
Percentage of total sessions which are remote for services