Canterbury Tales

Canterbury Tales
A story about stories
Author- Geoffrey Chaucer (1343?-1400). He was a soldier, diplomat, and royal clerk. He also
plays the character of the narrator in this story.
Narrator- (Chaucer himself) - is the character that meets 20 other pilgrims at Tabard Inn and
tells us about some of them in the Prologue.
Host- (Harry Bailey)- Is the host at the Tabard Inn, a Tavern near London, where they all meet.
He is the character in this story that joins the narrator and 20 other
pilgrims as a guild and suggests the challenge of the story telling during
the pilgrimage. He is also the judge of the competition.
Thomas Becket- is the martyred saint whose shrine the characters are all going on this pilgrimage
to Canterbury to see.
***Know All the Characters in the Prologue…Use your study guide to review.***
Pilgrimage- A journey to a sacred spot usually to express religious devotion. It was
considered to be a noble way to spend ones time as well as one of the only ways
that people from all walks of life would meet and associate with one and other.
Frame Story- is just a story within a story like The Canterbury Tales.
Direct Characterization- any direct statement about a character. Ex). The Knight
followed chivalry, truth and honor.
Indirect Characterization- use action, thought and dialogue to reveal a characters
Personality. Ex). The Knight was not Gaily dressed means that he
rushed from battle to the pilgrimage and that he takes it seriously.
The Challenge- was suggested by the host of the Inn to make the pilgrimage more
entertaining. All the characters were to tell two stories on the way to
Canterbury and two stories on the way back. The one with the best
would eat at the Inn at the loser’s expense. The hose will pick the winner
of this challenge.
Martyr- any person killed as a result of or because of their faith. In this story the martyr is
Thomas Becket. His shrine is located in Canterbury and is the destination of this
The Canterbury Tales were written during the latter part of the 14th century.
The pilgrimage itself takes place some time in April.
Pilgrims, (characters), all meet at the Tabard Inn and are on there way to Canterbury to
see the shrine of the martyred Thomas Becket.
Pilgrims often traveled together in large numbers as a form of protection, company and
How Many:
*29 travelers plus the Narrator
*Only 24 of the projected 120 tales were completed by Chaucer.
*Not all the pilgrims are described by Chaucer in the Canterbury Tales.