EA 2002

EA 2002
Origin of lake basins (from Hutchinson 1957)
Tectonic Basins (9 types)
Caspian Sea
Lake Victoria
Abert Lake OR
Lake Bikal
Lake Tahoe
Lakes associated with volcanic activity (10 types)
Crater Butte CA
Crater Lake OR
Lakes formed by landslides (3 types)
Earthquake Lake MT
Lakes formed by glacial activity (20 types)
Lakes held by ice
(Glacial lake Missoula)
(Glacial Lake Agassiz)
Glacial rock basins
Incredibly numerous in mountain west
Blue Lake
Wannacut Lake
Hot Lake
Summit Lake
Moraine and outwash dams
Convict Lake CA
Jammison Lake WA?
Drift Basins
Irregular ground moraine
Ken lake
Pattison Lake
Many in Thurston Co.
Kettles in outwash
Many in Thurston Co.
Kettles in till of continental glaciers
Thousands in "pothole country" of the northern states
Lake St. Clair Thurston Co. "Kettle Kame"
Solution Lakes (5 types)
Lakes in Karst topography, doline lakes.
Lakes due to fluviatile action (12 types)
Plunge pool lakes
Falls lake
Fluviatile dams
Lakes of mature flood plains
Oxbow lakes
Lake basins formed by wind (4 types)
Moses Lake WA
Lakes associated with shorelines (3 types)
Lakes parallel to coastal dunes OR and WA
Lakes formed by organic accumulation (3 types)
Carlisle Lakes WA?
Lakes produced by meteorite impact
Lakes produced by the complex behavior of higher organisms
Lake Berkeley MT
Lake Powell
Overhulse wetland pond