Promotion of the participation of people with visual impairments in
social and economic processes
La Paz, Bolivia.
The Action/Project
This project aims to promote the participation of people with visual impairments (VI) from the
regions of La Paz, Chuquisaca, Potosi, and Cochabamba in socio-economic and political life of Bolivia
so they may have equal opportunities and standards of living. This project will be implemented over
three years from March 2010 to March 2013
International Service Bolivia will implement the above mentioned project in conjunction with the
National Institute for the Blind (IBC). IBC was founded in 1957, by law legislating the creation of the
National Institute for the Blind as a decentralised public body, responsible for the investigation and
settling of disputes (individual and collective), relating to people with visual impairments, and to
successively coordinate public policy in order to ensure the rights of people with visual impairments
are respected. The Law also calls for the setting up of nine regional offices to carry out
administrative work, manage social benefits, and attend to the needs of people with visual
impairments in each region. These offices are not functioning to their full potential due to a lack of
technical and financial support.
In Bolivia in general, the disabled population and in particular those with a visual impairment live in
an ‘assistencialist culture’. They tend to focus their attention on the problems and power struggles
rather than finding the adequate solutions. To strengthen a partner like IBC, the most important
social actor for people with visual impairments in Bolivia underpins the efforts of the action, to
create optimum conditions and produce positive results that will support the organisation to bring
about permanent change.
The success of the project mainly depends on the compromise of the protagonists themselves,
people with visual impairments, with whom International Service has worked for over 3 years,
particularly in the region of Chuquisaca. Through the work of a volunteer in Sucre, an interinstitutional dynamic and confidence already exists among members that allows for more complex
synergies to now take place. It is the members of the IBC’s in each region that have asked for the
support and who have formulated their own expectations for this action.
To promote wider integration of people with visual impairments in socio-economic life
through the promotion of small businesses, participation in existing business networks in
Bolivia and the creation of jobs in the public sector.
To strengthen organisational, managerial and legal capacities of employees and advisors of
the Bolivian Institute for the Blind at national and regional level.
To increase knowledge and understanding on legislation regarding human rights and
disability so that more people are exercising their rights.
To promote the creation of inclusive public policies that will benefit people with visual
impairments, by raising awareness among key actors in government, civil society and the
media at national and regional level.
The Role of the Project Coordinator
The project coordinator will supervise the implementation of the project. Her/his main role will
be to monitor and follow up on the project activities and objectives through four Development
Workers who will be working with partner organisations in Bolivia; IBC National branch,
Chuquisaca, Potosí and Cochabamba. She/he will be responsible for coordination between the
four partner organisations so they are better equipped to execute their respective work plans.
In accordance with donor requirements, the project coordinator will produce the narrative and
financial reports necessary to ensure transparent management of the project. In addition,
she/he is expected to share information about the project goals achieved so that International
Service can raise awareness of its work in-country and at a global level.
Duration and Location
The position will initially be for a period of 3 years, in accordance with the duration of the
project, from the time of the signing of the contract with International Service and the European
Union. This position is based in International Service’s office in La Paz, with frequent rural and
urban travel to the partner organisations of IBC, in the regions of Potosí, Chuquisaca and
 Develop an annual work plan together with partner organisations and development
workers in accordance with the project objectives.
 Provide support in the orientation and training of development workers.
 Update when necessary the terms of reference for development workers of IBC.
 Develop and facilitate workshops between the four partner organisations in order to
create the space to share experiences and strengthen links for future progress.
Financial Management
 In coordination with International Service Bolivia and International Service Ireland, manage
the project budget and monthly accounts.
 Offer the necessary support to external auditors.
Assist in the identification of sources of funding and in the development of proposals for cofinancing.
 Develop relationships with key actors in the disability movement in Bolivia.
 Facilitate the strengthening of relationships with key government departments for the
benefit of the partner organisations involved in the project.
 Strengthen the capacity of the 4 partner organisations and development workers to work
well together.
 Promote exchange of ideas and experiences in national and international networks.
 Form and maintain good relations with donors and partners of the project.
Monitoring and Evaluation
 Design a monitoring and evaluation plan for the project.
 Monitor and evaluate all aspects of the project, including partner organisations and the
work of the four development workers within International Service’s ‘Impact Assessment
 Complement the development of the project baseline using International Service’s
‘Organisational Self-Assessment’ tool.
 Ensure the constant application of the organisational self-assessment tool with partner
 Accompany the Bolivia Field Director and other personnel from International Service UK
and/or Ireland on project assessments.
 Offer support to external consultants who carry out (intermediate and final) assessments.
 Write up and present reports in accordance with donor specifications.
 Ensure that development worker and partner organisation reports are submitted in time.
 Submit reports to representatives of International Service Bolivia, Ireland and UK when
Human Resources
 Offer the necessary support to development workers and partner organisations in order to
ensure work efficiency and to maintain good relations.
 Anticipate and aim to resolve potential conflicts that may arise within the project.
Communication and Documentation
 Develop a communication plan specific to the project.
 Provide appropriate material (case studies, photographs, videos, radio slots, articles etc.), to
International Service, and to relevant media and international networks.
 Share experiences with other countries where International Service works.
 Produce ‘lessons learned’ documents at the end of the project to share with partner
organisations, civil society and the institutions involved.
 Degree in Social Sciences or other related area.
 Knowledge of disability issues, particularly in the area of mainstreaming disability.
 Knowledge of project management and in particular organisational and institutional
 Knowledge and experience in public policy development.
 Knowledge on issues relating to visual impairment in developing countries, especially in
relation to isolated rural areas.
 Experience working with government projects in developing countries and/or in civil society
 Knowledge of the socio-economic and political situation in Bolivia.
 Experience in human resource management.
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel.
 Availability and desire to travel to isolated rural areas.
 Masters in International Development.
 Knowledge of the setting up and running of small enterprises.
 Knowledge of the management of projects financed by international donors such as the
European Commission.
 Experience in networking.
 Ability to work in both Spanish and English.
 Flexible and creative
 Ability to work well under pressure
 Willingness to work outside of office hours
 Ability to organise and coordinate
 Good leadership and team work skills
 Good interpersonal and communicative skills (oral and written).
Work Conditions
 Competitive salary
 Accommodation costs, if you do not own your own house
 For ex-patriate staff: Medical costs, including evacuation and personal insurance costs
 For Bolivian staff: Short-term health insurance, pension fund and benefits in accordance
with the General Labour Law.
 Travel costs
 Training costs according to the budget
 20 days’ annual holidays
 Excellent work environment
How to apply
The application form is available on the website www.internationalservice.org.uk
Completed application forms should be sent to okicullen@is-ireland.ie no later than 5pm Friday
8th October 2010.
For more information visit the website www.isbolivia.org or www.is-ireland.ie .
Implementation Strategy.
There will be a focus on 3 specific areas:
1. Work Inclusion for people with visual impairments: The activities proposed aim to generate
work opportunities through the creation of 9 small businesses; and also in the public sector,
in accordance with Supreme Decrees 27477 and 29608 which legisalate for the integration
into the workforce of disabled people in public administration .
In relation to the creation of small bsinesses, training in basic administration and marketing
will be available to all interested members of the IBC’s participating in the project. Later on,
technical capacities will be developed in specific areas of the businesses according to
approved business plans. Legal support will also be made available, along with financial
support to cover basic start-up costs and also for the integration into existing business
networks to ensure a sustainable future for the micro-enterprises.
Concerning employment in the public sector, capacity building will take place in the form of
training made available to improve work skills, in accordance with job profiles, job offers and
the capacities of people with visual impairments. One of the first activities of the project will
be to obtain information necessary to identify training requirements. In addition, we will
work with local authorities, so as to raise awareness among them on the importance of the
insertion of people with disabilities in the workforce.
2. Institutional Strengthening of the IBC regional offices: will be achieved through training of
technical personnel, with the view to improving the organisational and managerial capacities
of leaders and employees of the national IBC groups and the three regional IBC partner
groups in the project (Chuiquisaca, Potosí and Cochabamba). The self-evaluation method
designed by IS (International Service), will identify strengths and weaknesses and a training
plan will be implemented by each IBC, in accordance with the requirements of each entity.
3. Impact on Public Policy: Finally, training will take place on human rights and political
advocacy to IBC’s members on public policies, focusing on participation and the promotion
of human rights. We see this as the starting point for effective and sustainable inclusion in
the workforce. This area will take into consideration the involvement of the community as a
whole, people with visual impairments, local and national authorities in workshops, publicity
spots, written material, fairs, as well as cultural and sporting events. The objective is to
make information in relation to laws, rules, testimonies and others readily available, in
order to achieve a better understanding of the rights of disabled people from the point of
view that ‘right and duty go hand in hand’.
Planned Activities
1. The setting up and running of small businesses. Identification of key actors,
administrative and technical training for the people involved.
9 Small to Medium Businesses will be set up. They will be sustainable and will be managed
by members of the partner organisations. There will be 10-12 people involved in each
business, with the view to reducing poverty levels for those involved and for their families,
while integrating them into the workforce and economic life. They will be trained in areas
related to their specific business. Training materials will be accessible to people with visual
During the entire process of the setting up of the businesses, gender equality will be taken
into account. Some of the workshops will also provide training in relation to environmental
2. Active participation in business networks. Training on networking in business will be
The 9 SMB’s set up and managed by people with visual impairments will actively participate
in business networks in Bolivia so members can become involved in other aspects of
business life at regional and national level. The project will facilitate links between the
managers of the businesses of people with visual impairments and directors of the business
networks in order to achieve a good connection between them and active participation in
business circles.
3. Gathering of Information of existing vacancies for people with visual impairments.
Training workshops on work skills in the public sector for people with visual
impairments. To encourage and monitor the insertion into the workforce of people
with visual impairments in public bodies.
The project aims to increase by 20% the number of people with visual impairments working
in the public sector, in compliance with Law 1678 and the Supreme Decrees No. 27477 and
29608 so that people with disabilities constitute 4% of the total public sector workforce. In
order to achieve this, information will be gathered from the 4 regions of La Paz, Chuquisaca,
Potosí and Cochabamba, as well as information on positions held, occupational profiles and
job offers. In accordance with the results, the project will provide the required technical and
professional training to people with visual impairments interested in applying for job
positions available.
4. In-depth analysis of the capacities of partners. Design and implementation of training
schedule. Evaluation of the institutional progress of the IBC.
IS’s self assessment tool will be applied in order to establish the organisational, managerial
and legal capacities of the personnel who have received training in the IBC at local and
regional level. According to the results, a work plan for institutional strengthening will be
devised as well as the production of internal work tools.
5. Design of modules on human rights and legal regulations. Dissemination of case
histories at fairs, workshops, and cultural events. Training workshops on the rights of
people with visual impairments.
2,000 members of the national IBC branch will be trained and informed on human rights
issues in a series of workshops. Information will be shared on a mass scale in relation to
human rights, laws and obligations in relation to visual impairment and case studies will
show the positive experiences of people with visual impairments who are now integrated
into the workforce in Bolivian society. The material aimed at the blind population will be
produced in Braille and audio, to reach this particular audience.
6. Definition of subject matter for impact on public policy. Training leaders of the
Movement for the Blind on legal techniques. Development of inclusive public policies.
4 public policies at national and/or regional level as stated in the New Political Constitution
of the State will promote the rights of people with visual impairments. These policies will be
made known at regional and national level.
7. Indentifying allies. Development of plans and budgets together with allies.
Participation in advocacy at regional and national level.
The plan is to work with strategic allies such as the local municipalities where the IBC’s
have a role to play in the writing up of at least 9 inclusive development plans at
municipal and regional level. In order to achieve this level of incidence, the IBC’s will go
through a training process and will carry out an analysis of municipal and regional
development plans.
Finally, a social network agency will be set up in Cochabamba.