CV - College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

August 2011
Professor of Arabic and Applied linguistics
Department of Near Eastern Studies
3131 Thayer Academic Building · Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
(734) 763-1594 · fax (734) 936-2679
B.A. (Honors) Baghdad University, 1959
M.A. University of Michigan, 1963
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1966
Contrastive Analysis of the Differences in the Prosodic Features of General American English and
Colloquial Jordanian Arabic and Their Influence on Second Language Acquisition.
Teacher, Jordanian Ministry of Education, 1950-1955; 1959-1962
Research Associate, center for Research on Language and Language Behavior, 1966-197l
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 1966-197l, Assistant Professor
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 197l-1977, Associate Professor
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 1977-Present, Professor of Arabic and
Applied Linguistics.
Train and supervise Arabic GSIs
Advise concentrators in Arabic
Direct MA program in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
Direct MA program in Arabic for Professional Purposes
Direct Arabic Flagship Program
Coordinate Arabic program in the department
Administer Arabic Placement and Exit Tests
Teach the following courses
Introduction to Arab Culture and Language
Advanced Arabic Conversation and Composition
Advanced Arabic Readings in Special Subjects
Advanced Arabic Media
Contrastive Analysis and the Teaching of Arabic
Arabic Material Development
Advanced Business Arabic I
Advanced Business Arabic II
Graduate GSI Workshop
Jordanian Ministry of Education Scholarship 1955-1959.
International Institute of Education Scholarship 1962-1963.
University of Michigan Scholarship 1963-1966.
UM, AMOCO Good Teaching Award 1984.
LS&A Excellence in Education Award, 1991, 1993.
Board Member, American Islamic College 1982-1990.
Board Member, Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America 1993-present.
President, American Association of Teachers of Arabic, 1973-1974.
Spring Faculty Profile Article in LSA Magazine, 1997.
Faculty of Arts Award, University of Kuwait, 1999.
Wayne State University & American Association of Teachers of Arabic Award, 1999.
Computerworld Honors Medallion Award in recognition of Arabic for Communication: Interactive
Multimedia Program, April 4, 2004.
Finalist Award in Media and Arts from Computerworld Honors Program for Case Study based on Arabic
for Communication: Interactive Multimedia Program, June 7, 2004.
Received CRLT grant to complete research on, “Effective Learning Strategies of Successful
Arabic Learners” in collaboration with Spencer Scoville.
Received Arabic Language Flagship grant , August 2008-Present
Received UROP grant to support two undergraduate students who are assisting
me in developing Multimedia Atlas of the Arab World, 2010-11
Received Subaward from International Institute of Education to participate in a joint research
assessment project for Arabic, Chinese, and Russian, 2010-11
Received the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Teachers of
Received the 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Teachers of
Ford Foundation Grant (to work on Arabic Syntax Project) Summer 1973
Danforth Grant (to prepare a handbook for Graduate Teaching Assistants), 1972-73
University of Michigan CRLT Grant (to prepare Programmed Course in Modern Literary Arabic
Phonology and Script), 1973-1974
U.S.O.E. Grant (to prepare Arabic Proficiency Test), Summer of 1974
University of Michigan Rackham Grant (to collect further data for Arabic Syntax Project), 1975
University of Michigan CRLT Grant (to prepare instructional Audio-Visual materials for Arabic
instruction), 1977-1978
U.S.O.E. Grant (to revise Arabic Proficiency Test) Summer of 1979
U.S.O.E. Grant (to develop an Arabic Oral Proficiency Test), 1985
U.S.O.E. Grant (to develop Arabic Proficiency-Based tests for Arabic Instruction), 1986-87
U.S.D.E. Grant (to develop a Model Arabic Language Teacher Training Program for teachers in
secondary schools and colleges), 1986-87
CRLT grant to develop "Supplementary Proficiency-Based Materials" for Elementary Arabic
Instruction," 1987-88
Fulbright-CIES Sabbatical Research Grant Award, 1988-89(To collect authentic Audio-Visual Material
for development of Advanced Arabic courses)
Fulbright-Hays Sabbatical Research Grant Award, 1988-89
Rackham Recognition Award, 1989-90
UM CRLT Grant to develop Audio-Visual Cultural Material for Arabic Instruction, 1989-90
Rackham Partnership Award to develop a new course on Arab Culture, 1989-90
U.S.D.E. Grant (to develop a new Arabic Proficiency Test), 1990-1991
U.S.D.E. Grant (to develop Advanced Standard Arabic Textbook), 1991-1993
U-M Business School & LSA Media Grants (to develop Arabic for Business and Communication)
Fulbright-Hays Award (to collect authentic textual and audiovisual materials for Advanced Business
Arabic), 1993-94
U.S.D.E. Grant (to develop Advanced Business Arabic), 1994-95
U.S.D.E. Grant Extension (to complete Advanced Business Arabic), 1995-1996
UM Language Resource Center Grant ( to develop Pilot Interactive Multimedia Application for
Business Arabic), 1998
U.S.D.E Grant to develop Interactive Multimedia Materials for Arabic Language and Culture
instruction, 1998-2001
UM Center for Advanced Research on Academic Technology grant to complete Arabic Multimedia
package, 2002-2003
U.S.D.E. Supplement grant to continue development of the Arabic Multimedia program, 2002
UM Center for Advanced Research and Academic Technologies grant to support development of the
Arabic Multimedia project, 2002-2003
UROP grants for 2 undergraduate students to provide research assistance on the Multimedia Atlas of the
Arab World, 2003-2004
CMENAS’s grant for Kari Neely to assist in updating video coursetool component of Introduction to
Arab Culture course, 2003-2004
CMENAS’s grant to support 2 students to assist in development of Two Forms of Arabic ProficiencyBased Placement/Exit Tests: Listening and Reading for Novice-Intermediate Levels, 2004-2005
LSA-ITC Faculty Grant to support 2 graduate students to assist me in Developing a Pilot Lesson to test
the feasibility of revising the technology of the recently-developed Multimedia Arabic for
Communication Program using the computer and the web, Summer 2005
CMENAS grant to support offering an intensive One-Week Teacher Training Workshop for Arabic
Teachers in Secondary/Charter Schools, Summer 2005
CMENAS grant to support development of two forms of Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit
Tests: Speaking and Writing, Fall 2005
CMENAS grant to support field testing and statistical analysis of Arabic Proficiency-Based
Placement/Exit Tests: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, Spring/Summer 2006
CMENAS grant to support development of media-based materials package in anticipation of offering an
intensive Business Arabic two-course sequence in summer 2007.
CMENAS grant to support two graduate students to assist me in
revising the newly-developed Arabic Proficiency for Novice-Intermediate High Levels
after field testing. and
developing business-oriented listening and reading authentic materials to enrich
Advanced Business Arabic instruction in summer 2007-09.
LSA/ITC two grants totaling $40,000 to support Flash Programmer and graduate student working on
revising my Arabic for Communication Interactive Multimedia Program into a web-based environment,
UM Center for International Business Education grant in the amount of $5,000 to support students
enrolled in the Advanced Business Arabic course to be taught in summer 2007.
USDE grant ($156,000) to develop Advanced Arabic Communication Media Curriculum, 2007-08.
USDE grant ($76,000) to continue development of Advanced Arabic Communication Media
Curriculum, 2008-10.
Arabic Flagship grant ($1, 168,340) to provide training to undergraduate students to reach Superior level
in Arabic and expand the Arabic curriculum to include new advanced courses in Media and content
courses to be taught in Arabic, 2008-2011
Received two UROP grants to support two undergraduate students to assist in updating the Annotated
Bibliography on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning and revision of EMSA Textbook., 2008-09
Received CMENAS grant to support two graduate students to upgrade the Intro to Arab
Culture course, 2010.
Received CRLT grant to complete research on, “Effective Learning Strategies of Successful
Arabic Learners” in collaboration with Spencer Scoville and Liana Reading
Received UROP grant to support two undergraduate students who are assisting
me in developing Multimedia Atlas of the Arab World, 2010-11.
Received UM Center for International Business Education grant in the amount of $5,000 to support
students enrolled in the Advanced Business Arabic course to be taught in summer 2011.
Received Subaward from International Institute of Education to participate in a joint research
assessment project for Arabic, Chinese, and Russian, 2010-11.
Middle East Studies Association
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
American Association of Teachers of Arabic
The Modern Language Association of America
A. International/National
President of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, 1973-1974
Chairman, Test Committee of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, 1974-1990
Board member and consultant, the American Islamic College of Chicago, 1982-1990
Board member, American Association of Teachers of Arabic, 1990-1993
Board member, Al-cArabiyya Editorial Board, 1995-2000
Member, Search Committee for the Executive Director and Director of CASA, 1999
Board Member, Center for Language Education and Research (CLEAR) at MSU,2010-present.
B. University of Michigan
Member, Language Lab Steering Committee, 1972-198l
Member, Student Relations Committee, 1973-1976, 1985-1987
Fund-Raiser to the Department of Near Eastern Studies and Center for Middle Eastern and North
African Studies, 1975-1987, 1995-present
Member, Foreign Language Instruction Committee, 1978-198l, 1985-1988
Member, University Relations Committee, 1981-1984
Member, Civil Liberties Board, 1982-1984
Member, Multicultural University Committee, 1990-1993
Member, PICAS Fellowship Committee, 1988-1990
Chair, Language Research Center Faculty Advisory Committee, 1991-1993,
Member, Rackham Pre-doctoral Fellowship Committee, 1994
Member, Center for MENAS Executive Committee, 1992-1995
Member, GSI Training and Evaluation Committee, 2003-present
Participant in the Department of State U.S Student Fulbright Program Campus
Evaluation Committee, 2010-11.
C. Departmental
Chairman and member of NES Teacher Training Committee, 1972-1985
Chairman, NES Fellowship Committee, 1973-1976
Coordinator of Faculty colloquium and Intensive Arabic classes for the 1978/1979 Summer
Program in NES
Coordinator of Summer Institute on Arabic and Islamic Studies held at The University of
Michigan, Summer 1979
Member, NES Executive Committee, 1980; 1985-1986; 1996-1997; 2002-2003; 2002-2003
Member, Arabic Islamic Studies Fund-Raising Committee 1980-1986; 1995-1997
Member, FLAS Fellowship Committee 1984-1985
Chair, NES Summer Programs Committee, 1994
Member, NES Admissions & Fellowship Committees, 1994
Member, NES Curriculum Committee, 1995, 2000-2002
Coordinator, Arabic Summer Program, 1997,1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003
Chair, Arabic Language Lecturer Search Committee 1999, 2004
Coordinator, NES GSIs,
Member, NES Arabic Search Committee, 2009
Chair, NES Curriculum Committee, Fall 2005-Present
Consultant for Arabic Programs in Public Schools in the U.S.
Honorary Consultant to Center for Muslim Contribution to Civilization in Qatar, 1987- Present
Coordinator, Great Books of Islamic Civilization translation project, 1987-Present
Board Member, Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, 1993-2001
Board Member, Virginia-Yarmouk Arabic Summer Program, 1995-present.
Member, Center for Occupationally-Specific Language Training and Internships Abroad (COLTEA),
Consultant for American Council on Education to review Arabic programs at military schools for credit
recommendation, 1990-present.
Reviewer of USDE Overseas Intensive Language Projects, 2007-present.
(Co-Author), First Level Arabic: Elementary Literary Arabic for Secondary Schools. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 1964.
(Co-Author), Word Count of Elementary Modern Literary Arabic Textbooks. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan, Center for Research on Language and Language Behavior, 1970.
(Co-Author), Elementary Modern Standard Arabic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1968.(reprinted 1982)
(Co-Author), Modern Standard Arabic. Intermediate Level. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center
for Near Eastern and North African Studies, 1974.
Handbook for Graduate Teaching Assistants and Instructional Assistants. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 1973.
(Co-Author), A Programmed Course in Modern Literary Arabic Phonology and Script. Ann Arbor:
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 1974.
(Co-Author), First Lessons in Literary Arabic. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for Near
Eastern and North African Studies, 1975.
Reading and Writing for Functional Literacy (and Manual). Arlington, Virginia: Center for Applied
Linguistics, 1975.
(Co-Author), The Saudi Reader. Arlington, Virginia: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1976.
Arabic Proficiency Test for College Level (and Manual). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan,
Department of Near Eastern Studies, 1979.
Advanced Arabic Composition Based on Literary Texts and Audio Visual Materials. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 1980.
Programmed Islamic-Arabic Reader Volume One (and Manual). Ann Arbor, Michigan: International
Book Centre, 1983.
Programmed Islamic-Arabic Reader Volume Two (and Manual). Ann Arbor, Michigan: International
Book Centre, 1983.
Annotated Bibliography of Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Ann Arbor, Michigan:
University of Michigan, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 1988.
Arabic Proficiency Test (and Manual). Washington DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1993.
Supplementary Enrichment Vocabulary to Accompany Elementary Modern Standard Arabic.
Columbus, Ohio: Greyden Press, 1994.
Standard Achievement Tests to Accompany Elementary Modern Standard Arabic. Columbus, Ohio:
Greyden Press, 1994.
Investigating Arabic. Linguistics, Pedagogical and Literary Studies in Honor of Ernest N. McCarus (coeditor). Columbus, Ohio: Greydon Press, 1994.
Advanced Standard Arabic (Through Authentic Texts) Part One. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan:
University of Michigan Press, 1994.
Advanced Standard Arabic (Through Authentic Audiovisual Materials). Part Two. Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1994.
(With C. Stansfield and D. Kenyon) Rater Training Manual to accompany Arabic Speaking Test (Form
A). Washington D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1996.
Arabic Sounds and Letters: A Beginning Programmed Course. UM Press Distribution, 1998.
Arabic Sounds and Letters. [Manual]. UM Press Distribution, 1998.
Business Arabic: Language, Culture and Communication (Intermediate Level). Ann Arbor, Michigan:
University of Michigan Press, 2000.
Advanced Business Arabic: Authentic Texts and Audiovisual Materials. Ann Arbor, Michigan:
University of Michigan Press, 2000.
Arabic Sounds and Letters: A Beginning Programmed Course. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of
Michigan Press, Revised Edition 2003.
Arabic for Communication. An Interactive Multimedia Program, 2004.
Selected Annotated Bibliography of Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Revised Edition. Ann
Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2011.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Listening Comprehension (Experimental Edition), 2005.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Reading Comprehension (Experimental Edition), 2005.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Speaking (Experimental Edition), 2006.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Writing (Experimental Edition), 2006.
Arabic Sounds and Letters, (Revised Version Combining Textbook and Manual). Ann Arbor, 2006.
Conversion of Arabic for Communication: Interactive Multimedia Program Online, 2009.Advanced
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic (Revised Edition) in collaboration with E. McCarus and P. Abboud
to be published by Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Multimedia Atlas of the Arab World (in progress)
Advanced Arabic Communication Media in collaboration with Waheed Samy (Under preparation
to be submitted to UM Press.,2011
Revised Version of Advanced Modern Standard Arabic in collaboration with E. McCarus and P.
Abboud to be published by Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Advanced Arabic Composition (Updated Edition) under preparation to be submitted to UM
Press, 2011.
Articles and Contributions to Books
"Contrastive Analysis of the Differences in the Prosodic Features of General American English and
Colloquial Jordanian Arabic and Their Influence on Second-Language Acquisition." (Ph.D.
Dissertation). Appeared in Studies in Language and Language Behavior. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan, Center for Research on Language and Language Behavior, 1968.
(Co-Author), "Programmed Materials for Teaching Arabic Script." In Proceeding of the Conference on
Language and Language Behavior, (E.M. Zale, Ed.) New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968.
"Interaction Between Prose Styles and Linguistics Developments" In Studies in Language and Language
Behavior. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for Research on Language and Language
Behavior, l97l.
"Individualized Instruction and the Teaching of Arabic Phonology and Script." Michigan Oriental
Studies in Honor of George G. Cameron. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Department of Near
Eastern Studies, l976.
"Statistical Study of Errors Made by American Students in Written Arabic." Al-'Arabiyya, Journal of
American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Vol. 9: 74-94, l976.
"Functional and Semantic Developments in Negation as Used in Modern Literary Arabic Prose after
World War II." Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 37, No. 3: 245-264, 1978.
"Experience-Based Models for Enlivening Arabic Instruction at the Elementary Level." Al-'Arabiyya,
Vol. l0 (l & 2): 18-32, l978.
"Integration of Literary Texts and Audiovisual Materials in Teaching Advanced Arabic Composition."
Al-'Arabiyya, Vol. l2 (l & 2): 5-19, l979.
"Fundamentals of Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers," (in Arabic) Al-Thaqafa Al-'Arabiyya. No.
ll, l979.
"The Concept of Ta'alluq in Jurjani's Dala?il al ?I'jaz" (in Arabic) Al- Thaqafa Al-'Arabiyya. No. 8,
"The Teaching Apprentice Program in Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan," MLA:
Volume on The Teaching Apprentice Programs Language and Literature. Eds. J. Mirollo and J.
Gibaldi, New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1981.
"Arabic Proficiency Test: Implementation and Implication" Al-'Arabiyya, Vol. 16: 85-96, 1983.
"Tadris al-Lugha al-'Arabiyya Li-Ghayr al-'Arab" (Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabs: Its Principles, Goals,
and Methods) Journal of the Language Center. Al-Ain: United Arab Emirates University, 1984.
"Al-Jurjani: A Pioneer of Grammatical and Linguistic Studies" Historiographia Linguistica XII:3: 351371, 1985.
"Successful Learning Strategies for Developing Oral Skills." (In Arabic) Al-'Arabiyya 18, 1985.
"The Role of Al-Jurjani's Concept of Ta'liq in the Development of Arabic Grammatical Theory and
Linguistic Studies." Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1986.
"A Model of Proficiency-Based Oral Achievement Testing for Elementary Arabic." Foreign Language
Annals, Vol. 19, no. 4: 321-331, 1986.
"Advanced Business Arabic: Application and Implications." The Journal of Language for International
Business, 2(2): 35-41, 1987.
"Auditory and Instrumental Analysis of Colloquial Jordanian Arabic: An Update." Journal of Arabic
Linguistics, 20, 1989. "Arabic Language Teacher Training: A Model Program." Al-'Arabiyya, 20:
23-42, 1989.
"Tadris al-'Arabiyyah fi al-Wilayat al-Muttahidah bayna al-Taqlid wa-al-Tajdid." Al-Tarbiyah, No. 92:
97-120, 1990.
"The Relation between al-Jurjani and Modern Western Linguistics," Studies in Near Eastern History and
Culture in Memory of E. Abdel-Massih. The University of Michigan, Center for Middle Eastern and
North African Studies, 1990.
"Modifying EMSA Using the ACTFL Orientation," Al-'Arabiyya 23: 49-74, 1991.
"The Experiment of Designing Instructional Arabic Materials in American Universities" (In Arabic) in
Proceedings of the First Annual Symposium of the Institute of Islamic & Arabic Sciences in
America. Fairfax, VA: IIASA Research Center, 1995.
"The Arabic Speaking Proficiency Test and its Implementation." The Teaching of Arabic as a Foreign
Language. Issues and Directions (edited by Mahmoud Al-Batal). Al-'Arabiyya Monograph Series,
2, 1995.
"An Introductory Course on Arabic Language and Culture and Its Practical Implications." Al-'Arabiyya,
30: 177-199, 1997.
"Arabic Language Testing: State of the Art." Al-'Arabiyya, 32: 161-194, 1999.
"Arabic Language Testing: The Michigan Experiment." Proceedings of the Fourth & Fifth Symposia of
the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America. Fairfax, VA: IIASA Research Center,
“Technology-Assisted Multimedia Materials for Arabic Instruction.” Arabic Language and Culture in a
Borderless World. Edited by: Lafi Al-Harbi & Hani Azer. Kuwait: Kuwait Foundation for the
Advancement of Sciences, pp. 121-125, 2000.
“Case Study based on Arabic for Communication: Interactive Multimedia Program” to be
included in 2004 Computerworld Honors Collection, 2004.
“Integrating Media into Arabic Instruction: Advantages & Challenges.” ADFL. Vol.37, no.1, fall 2005.
“Great Books of Islamic Civilization Project” in Proceedings of Ibn Hindu Conference, Center for
Muslim Contributions to Civilization, under publication 2011.
al-Nahw al-'Arabi, by A. Bakir, A. Al-Muhairi and I. Nugra. The Tunisian Publishing Company, Tunis
1974. Four volumes. In Al-Nashra, 7(2) 1974.
A Basic Course in Gulf Arabic, by Hamdi Qafisheh, Librairie Du Liban, Beirut, 1975, 482 ages. In AlNashrah, 8(1&2), 1976.
al-Miftah li-Ta'rib al-Nahw, by Mohammad al-Kassar. Damascus, Syria: al-Maktab al'Arabi li-al-I'lan,
1976, 239 pages. In Al-Nashrah, 8(1&2), 1976.
An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith, compiled by Iman Yahya ibn Sharaf ad-Din an-Nawawi and translated by
Dr. Ezzedin Ibrahim and Professor Dennis Johnson- Davies, Damascus, Syria: The Holy Koran
Publishing House, P.O. Box 2409 1976, 127 pages. In Muslim World League Journal, 4(7), 1977.
A Short Reference Grammar of Gulf Arabic, by Hamdi A. Qafisheh; Tucson, Arizona: The University of
Arizona Press, 1977, 'Arabiyya 10 (1 724 pp. In Al-&2), 1977.
Al 'Arabiyya li-al-Haya: al-Kitab al-Awwal, by Nasif Mustafa and Muhyiddin Saleh. Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia: The Arabic Language Institute, Riyadh University, 1979, 208 pages. Al-'Arabiyya, 14(3&4),
A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic (Arabic-English), by Hans Wehr, ed. By J. Milton Cowan, 4th
ed. Wiesbaden, West Germany: Otto Harrossowitz, 1979, xvii+1301 pages. $115.00 in The Middle
East Journal, 38(1), 1984.
Invited review of Sanaa Azmi and Belkacem Baccouche, Conversation in Modern Standard Arabic.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984, viii and 423 pages.
Reviewed an article entitled "Pharyngeal and Emphatic Sounds in Arabic Speech Recognition" for The
Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, March 1998.
Reviewed an article entitled "Arabic Vocabulary Instruction" for Al-'Arabiyya, April 1998.
Modern Arabic: An Advanced Course for Foreign Students, by Samar Attar. Lebanon, Beirut: Librairie
du Liban Publishers, 1998, 639 pages. Al-'Arabiyya, 32, 1999.
November, 1968. Read a paper on "Suggestions for Teaching Advanced Arabic Prose", at MESA
Annual Meeting held in Chicago, Illinois.
November, 1970. Read a paper on "Negation in Modern Literary Arabic Prose After World War II", at
the MESA Seventh Meeting held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Summer, 1973. Participated in the Language Institute (taught Arabic) held at Portland State University;
Portland, Oregon.
November, 1973. Read a paper on "Individual Instruction and the Teaching of Modern Literary Arabic
Phonology", at the MESA Annual Meeting.
1973-75. Gave three talks at the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies' Brown Bag hour.
Winter 1974. Gave a lecture on "Arab Culture", at a Rotary Club Meeting in Ann Arbor.
February, 1975. Invited by University of Michigan Equal Opportunity Program to study problems
encountered by Chaldean-Arab students in the school district of the city of Detroit and participated in
making necessary recommendations.
April, 1975. Served as a consultant to Public Schools "Chaldean-Arabic Cultural Seminar," held at the
Detroit Public Schools' conference Center in Detroit. Lectured on "The Arab World: Its People and
May-September, 1975. Served as consultant to Saudi Arabic Literacy Project administered by Center for
Applied Linguistics.
December 9-27, 1975. Selected by the Center for Applied Linguistics to make a trip to Riyadh to
discuss future planning for Arabic Literacy Project and to hold an in-service teacher-training seminar for
the instructors involved in the Arabic Literacy Project.
December 28-31, 1975. Selected by the Kuwait National Council for Culture and AAUG Board of
Directors as delegate for the Kuwait conference on Issues in Education and Development of Human
Resources in the Arab World.
1976-Present. Provided consultant services on Islamic-Arabic material for World League and Islamic
April 1-9, 1977. Invited by Saudi Ministry of Education to attend conference on Education held at King
Abdulaziz University in Mecca.
March, 1978. Read a paper entitled, "An Integrated Drill Method" (in Arabic) at the Conference on
Teaching Arabic to foreigners held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
November, 1978. Chaired a panel on "Teaching Methodology" at the 1978 MESA meeting.
March 20-23, 1980. Read a paper on al-Jurjani's concept of Tacalluq (Syntagmatic Relations) at the
Conference on Arabic and Islamic Civilization held in Seville, Spain.
September, 1980. Participated as a group discussion leader in the CRLT Workshop for Teaching
November, 1980. Participated in Al-c Arabiyya Board Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with MESA
1980, Annual Meeting to discuss future expansion of the Journal.
March 23-27, 1981. Invited by American Council on Education to evaluate Defense language Institute
Arabic Program in Monterey, California and to suggest credit recommendations.
December, 1981. Gave a presentation on "Goals and Methodology of Teaching Arabic to Non-Native
Speakers", at the Language Center, UAE University.
August, 1982. Invited by the American Islamic College of Chicago to help establish an Arabic-Islamic
Studies program.
March 28, 1983. Gave a presentation on "Proficiency-Based Instruction", at NES Colloquium.
April, 1983. Invited by UAE University to coordinate and teach intensive Arabic for non-Arab students.
June 19-August 12, 1983. Invited by Portland State University to coordinate and teach intensive Arabic
November, 1984. Gave a presentation on "Innovation in Arabic Language Teaching", at Near Eastern
Studies Alumni Program.
November 20, 1984. Read a paper entitled, "Successful Teaching Strategies for Developing Oral Skills
in Literacy Arabic Language Instruction", at the MESA Annual Meeting.
December 22, 1984. Gave a presentation on "Use of Video in Arabic Language Teaching", at the Video
Workshop held at the University of Michigan Language Lab.
May 1-19, 1985. Conducted a workshop on Arabic Language Teaching for Non-Arabs at the Language
Center of International Islamic University in Malaysia.
August, 1985. Gave a presentation on "Methodology for Teaching Arabic: The Michigan Model", at the
International Seminar on the Teaching of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies held in Makkah, Saudi
November, 1985. Read a paper entitled, "A Model of Proficiency-Based Oral Achievement Testing for
Elementary Arabic", at the MESA 19th Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
January, 1986. Invited to give a presentation on "The Use of Video in Arabic Oral Testing", at U-M
Foreign Language Instruction Committee meeting.
March, 1986. Gave a presentation on "Al-Jurjani's Linguistic Views", Department of Near Eastern
Studies' Colloquium.
April, 1986. Read a paper on "Concept of Oral Proficiency Testing of Arabic", at the MESA Conference
held in Boston, Massachusetts.
March, 1987. Read a paper on "Arabic Language Teacher Training Program", at Michigan Migrant
Languages Education Conference, Michigan State University.
August, 1987. Invited by the American Council on Education to evaluate the Arabic Program at Defense
Language Institute in Monterey, California.
March, 1988. Invited by the American Council on Education to evaluate Arabic, Persian and Turkish
programs at DLI in Monterey, California.
April, 1988. Invited by National Center for Research to Improve Post-secondary Teaching and Learning
to review proposals for funding.
October-December, 1988. Participated in Special Arabic Language Committee to evaluate and revise
Arabic Curriculum for non-Arabs at the University of Kuwait's Language Center.
November 15, 1988. Gave a lecture on "Arabic Language Teaching in the United States between the
Old and the New" at Kuwait University.
December, 1988. Invited by the Minister of Education in Qatar to provide honorary consultation to
Center for Research on Muslim contribution to Civilization.
December 11, 1988. Gave a talk on developing scholarly cooperation between American and Arab
universities in the fields of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University.
April, 1989. Gave a presentation on the Proficiency Movement and its implication to teaching Arabic to
non-Arabs at the Center for Advanced Studies of Arabic at the American University of Cairo.
November, 1989. Gave a presentation on Technology and Arabic Language Instruction at the Language
Laboratory Steering Committee Meeting.
March, 1990. Gave a paper on "Content-Based Arabic Instruction at the Advanced Level", at the MESA
Annual Meeting held in San Antonio.
March 1991. Invited by the American Council on Education to review Arabic curriculum for credit
recommendation at the Berlitz Schools.
June, 1992. Presented a paper on "The New Taped Mediated Arabic Speaking Test", at the Symposium
on the Teaching of Arabic in the 1990's: Issues and Directions.
November, 1992. Presented a paper on "The New Arabic Proficiency Test:
Implications", at the 1992 MESA Annual Meeting.
Application and
January 23, 1993. Presented a paper entitled "an Experiment in Arabic Material Development in the
U.S.A.", at the Symposium on Teaching Arabic in the U.S.A. held at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic
Sciences in America, in Washington.
May 16-18, 1993. Conducted Training Workshop for Teachers of Arabic on the Simulated Oral
Proficiency Interview at CMENAS.
April 1-3, 1993. Conducted Training Workshop for Teachers of Arabic on the Simulated Oral
Proficiency Interview at the Conference on Languages and the Professions held at EMU.
July 2-8, 1993. Invited to participate in Training Workshop for CASA III Teachers of Arabic held at the
American University in Cairo.
August 16-28, 1993. Invited to participate in Training Workshop for Teachers of Arabic in Britain held
at Westminster College in London.
January 1-6, 1994. Conducted Training Workshop for Teachers of Arabic held in Atlanta, Georgia.
March 26-27, 1994. Invited to deliver a paper entitled "Training Teachers of Arabic. The Michigan
Model", held at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, in Washington D.C.
April 15-16, 1994. Conducted Training Workshop for Teachers of Arabic on the Simulated Oral
Proficiency Interview at EMU Thirteenth Annual Conference on Languages and Communication for
world Business and the Professions held at EMU Conference Center in Ypsilanti.
July 2-7, 1994. Invited by the director of the Virginia-Yarmouk Universities Summer Arabic Program to
conduct a training workshop for teachers of Arabic at the Language Center of Yarmouk University.
August 16-28, 1994. Conducted a training workshop for teachers of Arabic in secondary schools and
colleges at the School of African and Oriental Studies, London University.
December 28 - January 3, 1995. Conducted a workshop for teachers of Arabic in Arabic and Islamic
Community Schools in England, held in Birmingham, England.
April 7-8, 1995. Conducted a Training Workshop for Arabic Teachers on the Simulated Oral
Proficiency Interview in Arabic at EMU 14th Annual Conference on Language and Communication for
the World Business and the Professions, held at EMU Conference Center.
April 15-16, 1995. Presented a paper entitled "Modification of Arabic Language Programs to NonArabs" (In Arabic) at the Symposium on Arabic Curriculum Design, held at the Institute of Islamic and
Arabic Sciences in America.
April 28-29, 1995. Presented a paper entitled "Designing Arabic Syllabus to Non-Arabs in Arab and
Islamic Community Schools in England" at the Symposium on Designing Arabic Programs for Arab and
Islamic Community Schools in England, held at Leister Islamic Foundation in England.
August 18-21, 1995. Invited by American Council on Education to review DLI's language-proficiency
testing program for credit purposes.
August 21-September 2, 1995. Conducted a workshop for teachers of Arabic in England at the
University of Manchester, England.
November 16, 1996. Presented a paper entitled "Arabic Language Testing: The Michigan Experiment"
at the Symposium on Teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies in USA, held at the Institute of Islamic and
Arabic Sciences in America, in Washington DC.
October 3-5, 1996. Participated in a workshop to prepare a Self-Training Kit to accompany the Arabic
Proficiency Speaking Test, conducted by the Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington DC.
November 1,1997. Participated as Discussant on a panel " Instructional Materials for Teaching Arabic
to Non- Arabic Speakers" at the Fifth Annual Symposium held by the Institute of Islamic and Arabic
Sciences in America.
November 22, 1997. Attended the yearly meeting of Al-'Arabiyya Editorial Board held in conjunction of
the MESA Annual Conference in San Francisco.
May 23,1998. Invited to deliver a paper entitled " Teaching Arabic in Arab and Islamic Schools in
Britain and USA" at the University of Kuwait, College of Arts Symposium on Language and Culture.
November 1,1998. Delivered a paper entitled " Teaching Arabic for Islamic Purposes" at the Sixth
Annual Symposium held by the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America.
May 1 – 2, 1999. Delivered a paper entitled “Technology Assisted Multimedia Materials for Arabic
Instruction.” at the Arabic Language and Culture in an Open World Symposium held at Kuwait
November 18, 2000. Delivered a paper on “Interactive Multimedia Arabic Applications.” at the 2000
Annual MESA Conference in Orlando, Florida.
April 28, 2001. Invited to give a poster presentation on “Multimedia Arabic Project.” at The Summit
Conference on the Future of FL Teaching held in Washington, D.C.
May 12, 2001. Invited to give a poster presentation on “The Simulated Arabic Speaking Proficiency
Test.” at The Midwest Association of Language Testers Conference held at UM in Ann Arbor.
November 17, 2001. Gave a paper with demonstration on “ Arabic for Communication. Interactive
Multimedia Program.” at the 2001 Annual MESA Conference in San Francisco, California.
November 18, 2001. Represented CMENAS at the CASA luncheon meeting in San Francisco.
February 1-3,2002. Invited to attend a conference organized by USDE on “Distance Learning of the Less
Commonly Taught Languages” held in Washington, D.C.
October 10, 2002. Invited by Center for Advanced Research and Academic Technologies to give a
presentation in collaboration with Waheed Samy on the Interactive Arabic Multimedia project.
October 15, 2002. Invited to read a paper on Teacher Training in NES at a conference convened by The
Khartoum International Institute for Arabic Language. The paper was submitted and read on my
behalf at the conference.
January 17, 2003. Conducted a Testing Workshop for NES language faculty, lecturers, and GSIs.
March 17, 2003. Presented a Colloquium in collaboration with Waheed Samy titled, “Integrating
Technology into Arabic Instruction.”
April 4, 2003. Gave a poster presentation on the Arabic Multimedia Project at UROP 15th Anniversary
Conference held at the Alumni Center.
April 4, 2004. Press interview on the use of technology-assisted foreign language instruction, San
April 7, 2004. Gave a poster presentation on the Arabic Multimedia Project at UROP 16th Anniversary
Conference held at the Michigan League.
April 25, 2005. Invited to evaluate Drake University’s Second Language Acquisition Program, with
focus on the Arabic Program.
April 8, 2006. Gave a showcase poster presentation on Integrating Media into Arabic Instruction at
UROP annual meeting at UM Alumni Center.
May 7-13, 2006. Selected by UM Office of International Programs to visit the American University in
Cairo to evaluate the Arabic course offerings at the Arabic Language Unit and the Arabic
Language Institute for the benefit of UM undergraduate students who wish to study Arabic at
AUC for a semester or more.
May 13-20, 2006. Invited by the University of Qatar to deliver a lecture on Arabic Studies in American
Universities and discuss scholarly cooperation.
September 8, 2006. Gave a presentation on Arabic Language Testing at Central Academy Charter School
in Ann Arbor.
December 28,2006. Conducted a Workshop for 22 teachers of Arabic in the Detroit-Dearborn-Ann arbor
Public and Charter Schools at Riverside Academy West in Dearborn.
May 30, 2008. Participated in discussions on training teachers of Arabic in Flagship domestic and
overseas programs at the Language Flagship Conference held in Austin, Texas.
October 2-3, 2008. Participated in qualitative and quantitative language assessment discussion at the
Language Flagship Conference held in Arizona State University.
May, 2009. Participated in discussions of Arabic Flagship domestic and
overseas Programs at the Language Flagship Center, held at Alexandria University
September, 2009. Participated in “Career for Language Majors” panel held by
LSA at the Language Resource Center.
April, 2010. Invited to give a lecture on “The Contributions of Great Books of
Islamic Civilization Translation Project to Arabic and Islamic Studies in the West”
at the Center for Muslim Contribution to Civilization Conference, held at Qatar
Foundation in Doha, Qatar.
May, 2010. Invited to give a presentation in collaboration with Waheed Samy on" Advanced Arabic
Web-based Media Curriculum" at Enriching Scholarship: Teaching & Technology Collaborative
Conference, to be held at UM , May 3-7, 2010.
May 2011. Conducted Arabic Flagship Assessment Workshop at UM.
MA and Ph.D. Students
Tazeen Ayub
Mohammad Safi
Tara Beebani
Adelaide Byrum
Cheng-Wei Lin
MA Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
MA Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
MA Arabic for Professional Purposes
Ph.D Applied Linguistics
Ph.D Arabic Linguistics
August 2011
Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Arabic and Applied linguistics
Department of Near Eastern Studies
4111 Thayer Academic Building, 202 South Thayer, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 763-1594 · fax (734) 936-2679
B.A. (Honors) Baghdad University, 1959
M.A. University of Michigan, 1963
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1966
Teacher, Jordanian Ministry of Education, 1950-1955; 1959-1962
Research Associate, center for Research on Language and Language Behavior, 1966-197l
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 1966-197l, Assistant Professor
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 197l-1977, Associate Professor
Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 1977-Present, Professor of Arabic and Applied Linguistics.
International Institute of Education Scholarship 1962-1963.
University of Michigan Scholarship 1963-1966.
President, American Association of Teachers of Arabic, 1973-1974.
Board Member, American Islamic College 1982-1990.
UM, AMOCO Good Teaching Award 1984.
LS&A Excellence in Education Award, 1991, 1993.
Board Member, Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America 1993-present.
U.S.D.E. Grant (to develop Advanced Business Arabic), 1994-95
Spring Faculty Profile Article in LSA Magazine, 1997.
Faculty of Arts Award, University of Kuwait, 1999.
Wayne State University & American Association of Teachers of Arabic Award, 1999.
U.S.D.E Grant to develop Interactive Multimedia Materials for Arabic Language and Culture instruction, 1998-2001
Computer World Honors 2004 Finalist Award in Media
U.S.D.E Grant to develop Advanced Arabic Media Curriculum, 2007
Received Arabic Language Flagship grant , August 2008-Present
Received UROP grant to support two undergraduate students who are assisting
me in developing Multimedia Atlas of the Arab World, 2010-11
Received Subaward from International Institute of Education to participate in a joint research assessment project for Arabic,
Chinese, and Russian, 2010-11
Received the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Teachers of Arabic.
Received the 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Teachers of Arabic.
Selected Books
(Co-Author), First Level Arabic: Elementary Literary Arabic for Secondary Schools. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan,
Department of Near Eastern Studies, 1964.
(Co-Author), Elementary Modern Standard Arabic.. Cambridge University Press, 1968.(reprinted 1982)
(Co-Author), Modern Standard Arabic. Intermediate Level. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for Near Eastern and
North African Studies, 1974.
(Co-Author), A Programmed Course in Modern Literary Arabic Phonology and Script. Ann Arbor: Department of Near
Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, 1974.
Programmed Islamic-Arabic Reader Volume One (and Manual). Ann Arbor, Michigan: International Book Centre, 1983.
Programmed Islamic-Arabic Reader Volume Two (and Manual). Ann Arbor, Michigan: International Book Centre, 1983.
Arabic Proficiency Test (and Manual). Washington DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1993.
Investigating Arabic. Linguistics, Pedagogical and Literary Studies in Honor of Ernest N. McCarus (co-editor). Columbus,
Ohio: Greydon Press, 1994.
Advanced Standard Arabic Part One. &Two, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan: UM Press, 1994.
Arabic Sounds and Letters Ann Arbor Michigan: UM Press Distribution, 1998, revised 2006.
Intermediate/Advanced Business Arabic Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2000.
Arabic for Communication: Interactive Multimedia Program. Ann Arbor, Michigan, UM 2007.
Arabic for Communication. An Interactive Multimedia Program, 2004.
Selected Annotated Bibliography of Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Revised Edition. Ann Arbor, Michigan:
University of Michigan, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2011.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Listening Comprehension (Experimental Edition), 2005.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Reading Comprehension (Experimental Edition), 2005.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Speaking (Experimental Edition), 2006.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Writing (Experimental Edition), 2006.
Arabic Sounds and Letters, (Revised Version Combining Textbook and Manual). Ann Arbor, 2006.
Conversion of Arabic for Communication: Interactive Multimedia Program Online, 2009.Advanced
Arabic for Communication. An Interactive Multimedia Program, 2004.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Listening Comprehension (Experimental Edition), 2005.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Reading Comprehension (Experimental Edition), 2005.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Speaking (Experimental Edition), 2006.
Arabic Proficiency-Based Placement/Exit Test: Writing (Experimental Edition), 2006.
Arabic Sounds and Letters, (Revised Version Combining Textbook and Manual). Ann Arbor, 2006.
Conversion of Arabic for Communication: Interactive Multimedia Program Online, 2009.Advanced
AAdvanced Modern Standard Arabic (Revised Edition) in collaboration with E. McCarus and P. Abboud to be published by
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Selected Annotated Bibliography of Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Revised Edition. Ann Arbor, Michigan:
University of Michigan, Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2011.
Multimedia Atlas of the Arab World (in progress)
Advanced Arabic Communication Media in collaboration with Waheed Samy (Under preparation to be submitted to UM
Multimedia Atlas of the Arab World (in progress)
Selected Articles and Contributions to Books
"Statistical Study of Errors Made by American Students in Written Arabic." Al-'Arabiyya, Journal of American Association of
Teachers of Arabic, Vol. 9, l976.
"Functional and Semantic Developments in Negation as Used in Modern Literary Arabic Prose after World War II." Journal
of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1978.
"Arabic Proficiency Test: Implementation and Implication" Al-'Arabiyya, Vol. 16, 1983.
"Al-Jurjani: A Pioneer of Grammatical and Linguistic Studies" Historiographia Linguistica XII:3, 1985.
"The Role of Al-Jurjani's Concept of Ta'liq in the Development of Arabic Grammatical Theory and Linguistic Studies."
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1986.
"A Model of Proficiency-Based Oral Achievement Testing for Elementary Arabic." Foreign Language Annals, Vol. 19, no. 4,
"Advanced Business Arabic: Application and Implications." The Journal of Language for International Business, 2(2) 1987.
"Auditory and Instrumental Analysis of Colloquial Jordanian Arabic: An Update." Journal of Arabic Linguistics, 20, 1989.
"Arabic Language Teacher Training: A Model Program." Al-'Arabiyya, 20, 1989.
"The Relation between al-Jurjani and Modern Western Linguistics," Studies in Near Eastern History in Memory of E. AbdelMassih. The University of Michigan, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, 1990.
"Modifying EMSA Using the ACTFL Orientation," Al-'Arabiyya 23, 1991.
"The Arabic Speaking Proficiency Test and its Implementation." The Teaching of Arabic as a Foreign Language. Issues and
Directions (edited by Mahmoud Al-Batal). Al-'Arabiyya Monograph Series, 2, 1995.
"An Introductory Course on Arabic Language and Culture and Its Practical Implications." Al-'Arabiyya, 1997.
"Arabic Language Testing: State of the Art." Al-'Arabiyya,32, 1999.
“Case Study based on Arabic for Communication: Interactive Multimedia Program” to be included in 2004 Computerworld
Honors Collection, 2004.
“Integrating Media into Arabic Instruction: Advantages & Challenges.” ADFL. Vol.37, no.1, fall 2005.
“Great Books of Islamic Civilization Project” in Proceedings of Ibn Hindu Conference, Center for Muslim Contributions to
Civilization, under publication 2011.
November 1970. Read a paper on "Negation in Modern Literary Arabic Prose After World War II", at the MESA Seventh
Meeting held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
November 1973. Read a paper on "Individual Instruction and the Teaching of Modern Literary Arabic Phonology", at the
MESA Annual Meeting.
1976-Present. Provided consultant services on Islamic-Arabic material for World League and Islamic Conference.
March 1978. Read a paper entitled, "An Integrated Drill Method" (in Arabic) at the Conference on Teaching Arabic to
foreigners held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
November 1978. Chaired a panel on "Teaching Methodology" at the 1978 MESA meeting.
March 23-27, 1981. Invited by American Council on Education to evaluate Defense language Institute Arabic Program in
Monterey, California and to suggest credit recommendations.
April 1983. Invited by UAE University to coordinate and teach intensive Arabic for non-Arab students.
May 1-19, 1985. Conducted a workshop on Arabic Language Teaching for Non-Arabs at the Language Center of
International Islamic University in Malaysia.
March 1987. Read a paper on "Arabic Language Teacher Training Program", at Michigan Migrant Languages Education
Conference, Michigan State University.
August 1987. Invited by the American Council on Education to evaluate the Arabic Program at Defense Language Institute in
Monterey, California..
November 15, 1988. Gave a lecture on "Arabic Language Teaching in the United States between the Old and the New" at
Kuwait University..
April 1989. Gave a presentation on the Proficiency Movement and its implication to teaching Arabic to non-Arabs at the
Center for Advanced Studies of Arabic at the American University of Cairo. .
March 1991. Invited by the American Council on Education to review Arabic curriculum for credit recommendation at the
Berlitz Schools.
April 1-3, 1993. Conducted Training Workshop for Teachers of Arabic on the Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview at the
Conference on Languages and the Professions held at EMU
January 1-6, 1994. Conducted Training Workshop for Teachers of Arabic held in Atlanta, Georgia.
July 2-7, 1994. Invited by the director of the Virginia-Yarmouk Universities Summer Arabic Program to conduct a training
workshop for teachers of Arabic at the Language Center of Yarmouk University.
April 28-29, 1995. Presented a paper entitled "Designing Arabic Syllabus to Non-Arabs in Arab and Islamic Community
Schools in England" at the Symposium on Designing Arabic Programs for Arab and Islamic Community Schools in England,
held at Leister Islamic Foundation in England.
May 23,1998. Invited to deliver a paper entitled " Teaching Arabic in Arab and Islamic Schools in Britain and USA" at the
University of Kuwait, College of Arts Symposium on Language and Culture.
May 1 – 2, 1999. Delivered a paper entitled “Technology Assisted Multimedia Materials for Arabic Instruction.” at the
Arabic Language and Culture in an Open World Symposium held at Kuwait University.
November 18, 2000. Delivered a paper on “Interactive Multimedia Arabic Applications.” at the 2000 Annual MESA
Conference in Orlando, Florida.
October 15, 2002. Invited to read a paper on Teacher Training in NES at a conference convened by The Khartoum
International Institute for Arabic Language.
May 13-20, 2006. Invited by the University of Qatar to deliver a lecture on Arabic Studies in American Universities and
discuss scholarly cooperation.
December 28,2006. Conducted a Workshop for 22 teachers of Arabic in the Detroit-Dearborn-Ann arbor Public and Charter
Schools at Riverside Academy West in Dearborn.
May 30, 2008. Participated in discussions on training teachers of Arabic in Flagship domestic and overseas programs at the
Language Flagship Conference held in Austin, Texas.
October 2-3, 2008. Participated in qualitative and quantitative language assessment discussion at the Language Flagship
Conference held in Arizona State University.
May, 2009. Participated in discussions of Arabic Flagship domestic and
overseas Programs at the Language Flagship Center, held at Alexandria University
September, 2009. Participated in “Career for Language Majors” panel held by
LSA at the Language Resource Center.
April, 2010. Invited to give a lecture on “The Contributions of Great Books of
Islamic Civilization Translation Project to Arabic and Islamic Studies in the West”
at the Center for Muslim Contribution to Civilization Conference, held at Qatar
Foundation in Doha, Qatar.
May 2011. Conducted Arabic Flagship Assessment Workshop at UM.