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Earthwatch Working Party 7
Geneva, 10-11 December 2001
4 February 2002
Report of the Meeting
The seventh meeting of the Earthwatch Working Party was opened on
Monday 11 December 2001, on behalf of the UNEP Division of Early Warning and
Assessment by Mr. Arthur Dahl, Director, Coral Reef Unit, UNEP, who welcomed
the participants, outlined the origins of Earthwatch and noted the significance of the
current meeting in view of the lead-up to the World Summit on Sustainable
Development (WSSD) to be held in Johannesburg in 2002.
Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as proposed (Annex 1), and Mr. Dahl was requested
to chair the meeting. The list of participants is given in Annex 2 and the list of
documents for the meeting is given in Annex 3. All documents relevant to the meeting
are available on the documents page of the Earthwatch Website
Report by the secretariat on progress in Earthwatch
Mr. Arthur Dahl presented a report (UNEP/EWWP7/2) prepared by the
secretariat on the progress in implementation of the UN system-wide Earthwatch
since the sixth meeting, 13-14 March 2000. He indicated that while there had been a
slowing down of the Earthwatch process due to the reorganization of Earthwatch
coordination in UNEP, Earthwatch had undertaken a major task in assisting in the
preparation of background documentation for the ninth session of the Commission on
Sustainable Development (CSD-9), especially through the preparatory International
Expert Meeting on Information for Decision Making and Participation that was held
in Canada in September 2000 and the Ad-Hoc Intersessional Working Group held in
March 2001.
He briefly noted some of the other activities that had taken place since the last
reporting period and indicated that discussion on those issues would take place under
the relevant agenda items. Activities not covered under specific agenda items which
he also mentioned included the Dashboard of Sustainability developed at the
European Joint Research Centre at Ispra under the guidance of the Consultative Group
on Sustainable Development Indicators, which was described as a simple graphical
presentation of indicators which facilitated using complex data for decision-making.
Task Manager functions for Chapter 40
A presentation was made by Ms Anne Kerr, Chief, National Information,
Strategies and Institutions Branch of the UN Division for Sustainable Development,
outlining the outcome of the expert meeting on Information for Decision-Making and
Participation held in Canada and on the follow-up to the report of the Secretary
UN System-wide Earthwatch Coordination
The meeting in Canada was organized under three main themes: access to and
uses of information, data gaps and information systems, and new information
technologies. The principal conclusions of the meeting were that: reliable access to
information was essential for knowledge-based decision-making; access to sustainable
development data and information at the right time and at the right cost is critical; and
free, open and unrestricted access to sustainable development information is
indispensable. The meeting had addressed the widening gap between countries with
and without telecommunications infrastructure, (the “digital divide”) and had
suggested that one solution would be to take a step-by-step approach to
implementation of web-based information systems and to promote a combination of
on-line and off-line strategies to encompass those without access to the Internet. The
value of satellite remote sensing in providing vital information about the earth’s
ecosystem was recognized and it was recommended that the UN should promote
government, non-government and private sector partnerships to facilitate the sharing
of space science research, technologies and data between developed and developing
Regarding the follow-up to the Secretary General’s report, she noted that there
had been some confusion between countries’ understanding of indicators for the
coordinated follow-up to major UN conferences and CSD indicators, which had led to
reticence by some Governments to accept indicators which they feel might be linked
to conditionality of, for example, financing.
Relevant decisions of the ninth session of the CSD
Ms Kerr, speaking on the decisions made at CSD-9, said that the
recommendations emphasized the burden faced by countries, especially developing
countries, to respond to numerous requests for slightly different information on
similar themes using different formats. Several suggestions were made for improving
information for decision-making under headings of: improvements in functioning,
coherence and coordination; training and capacity building; and approaches to
indicators of sustainable development. A list of recommendations for activities at the
national level was also provided and is given in UNEP/EWWP7/Inf.4. Worthy of
particular mention were difficulties that existed in trying to get science and
monitoring information channeled into decision-making and the value of tapping into
traditional knowledge bases.
In the ensuing discussion it was noted that while the importance of training
courses on national data and information exchange could not be ignored, the need for
training in use of equipment and for operational support was vital and gaining
impetus. The problem of who owns data was also raised, given the importance of
determining valid and consistent data. In principle, primary data should be freely
obtainable while it is considered to be appropriate to charge for value-added
information products in certain circumstances. Further, concern was raised on the lack
of ability to apply environmental data to such issues as human health or energy trends.
The UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) study to investigate who asks for
what information and where it is going in the European region was considered to be
of wider interest to Earthwatch as it could provide a map of information flow. Many
agencies provided insight on their reporting procedures.
The representative of the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC), Mr.
Peter Pissierssens, reiterated the importance of linking training, equipment and
operational support in achieving a sustained impact of capacity building and noted
that such a strategy was now part of the IOC’s ODINAFRICA project. UN agencies
were invited to collaborate with IOC in Africa to address cross-sectoral issues. Mr.
Pissierssens also referred to IOC’s involvement in the ‘Partnership Conference’ which
was planned to take place prior to the WSSD and which has as an objective to bring
together African countries and donors to obtain funding for coastal management
Regarding the concerns expressed, especially while preparing for the WSSD,
over the lack of data required to prepare necessary reports on various issues, Mr.
Pissierssens pointed out that, as far as oceans were concerned, substantial data sets
were available within the data centres of the Committee for International
Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and the International Council
for Science Partner’s World Data Centres. He also stressed the importance of
metadata catalogues that had been developed at the national, regional and global
scale. For the latter he referred to NASA’s Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)
that covered land, atmosphere, space and water, and to Global Observing Systems
Information Center (GOSIC). It was recommended that Earthwatch seek cooperation
with the different data and metadata collecting agencies. Mr. Pissierssens also
informed the meeting on the IOC’s Ocean Portal initiative which currently included a
catalogue of ocean data and information sources on the web. As from 2002, IOC
would develop additional portals for example for Integrated Coastal Area
Management (ICAM), Coral Reefs and GOOS cataloguing websites pertaining to
those themes and programmes.
Indicators of Environment and Sustainable Development
Ms Kerr provided a report on the CSD work programme on indicators of
sustainable development (UNEP/EWWP/Inf.4) noting that the main objective of the
programme was to make indicators of sustainable development accessible to decision
makers at the national level. The framework employed to select those indicators
evolved from a driving force-pressure-state-response approach to one focusing on
themes and sub-themes of sustainable development in order to address considerations
such as: future risks, correlation between themes, sustainability goals and basic
societal needs. It was emphasized that any suggested set of indicators must be adapted
to country specific conditions and needs and be subject to revision and updating over
During the discussion mention was made of the need to develop multi-layered
indicators relevant to national and local as well as global and regional levels of
decision-making. Agencies noted other studies on-going under this mandate such as
the environmental impact of refugee camps, human environment index, human
vulnerability index, an index related to global disease burden, and a review of
environmental indicators initiatives. It was stressed that work on indicators should
avoid unnecessary duplication and the importance of communication amongst the
developers of global indicators was emphasized. Finally, the differences in processes
and partners between global, regional, sub-regional and national data collection
should be looked at.
Update on UN system input to GEO-3
Mr. Dave MacDevette, Environment Assessment Branch, UNEP, Division of
Early Warning and Assessment, made a presentation on the preparation of the Global
Environment Outlook (UNEP/EWWP7/5 and UNEP/EWWP7/Inf.6). He noted that
UN agencies contributed to the GEO process through Earthwatch. In particular,
substantive data and information on the many environmentally related issues that fall
under their respective mandates are provided by the UN agencies. Regional
consultations and other mechanisms to promote dialogue between scientists and
policy-makers were an essential element of the GEO process. Participation by the UN
system in GEO-3, however, had not been as good as for GEO-2 due, in part, to the
transition phase of Earthwatch. He noted that UNEP would work with members of the
Working Party to ensure their full participation in the development of GEO-4.
Preparation for and follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development
Ms Kerr informed the meeting that the dates for the WSSD would most likely
change to 26 August to 4 September 2002. She added that all the regional preparatory
meetings had taken place and that a substantive preparatory committee would be
meeting in early 2002. She noted that multi-stakeholder involvement would be
stressed at that meeting and that one of its goals was to put forward ideas to the
WSSD for strengthening implementation, and actions for the future. She added that
high-level input was being given to the substantive preparatory committee and that
bureau members were taking a very active role, looking at potential outcomes of the
summit and at the question of governance.
Earthwatch Working Party members provided summaries of their
organizations’ activities in the lead-up to WSSD which have been placed on the
Earthwatch website.
Harmonization of Global Environmental Assessments
Mr. MacDevette introduced the agenda item and, through a presentation
(UNEP/EWWP7/Inf.7) noted that there were a number of major environmental
assessments currently being undertaken, such as: the Global International Waters
Assessment, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the Forest Resource
Assessment, and the Land Degradation Assessment. At a meeting of the heads of the
major assessments held in November in Cambridge, United Kingdom, a number of
actions, detailed in the attached draft report were decided upon to promote the
development of a more effective global environmental assessment process.
The meeting also noted that, with regard to global information systems, a
series of framework data sets was needed in accessible format that could be used with
minimal effort and that the standard metadata should be provided for the global
environmental data sets. A common information system framework should be used
across agencies, information on indicators should be shared and opportunities to
combine case studies from different regions should be explored.
New and Emerging Issues
The secretariat introduced document UNEP/EWWP7/3 on new and emerging
issues and noted that it had selected topics of global interest on which to make a
summary and to seek advice on whether a concerted response to the issues needed to
be planned by the Earthwatch partners. The subjects, while not exhaustive, included
invasive species, coral reefs, vulnerability and biosafety. Partner organizations also
submitted input on issues considered by their organizations to be of special interest
including biodiversity and health, harmful algal blooms, water resources in waterpoor areas, small island developing states and genetically modified organisms.
Participants were invited to provide information on new and emerging issues.
Mr. Pissierssens introduced UNESCO’s Unit for Disaster Reduction and IOC’s
related Tsunami Warning System, and UNESCO’s Programme on Man and Biosphere
(MAB) (http://earthwatch.unep.net/about/docs/ewwp7-4.html). Mr. Pissierssens
pointed out the possible links between, amongst others, the invasive species issue and
IOC’s Harmful Algal Blooms programme and the coral reef issue and IOC’s activities
in this regard (e.g. GCRMN). He offered to invite relevant UNESCO/IOC colleagues
to contact the Earthwatch secretariat with a view to providing additional content for
the Earthwatch website.
The issue of vulnerability raised much interest at the meeting and it was noted
that it was a key theme in the GEO-3 report. A paper was presented by IOC
(UNEP/EWWP7/Inf.2) on issues related to the WSSD of concern to IOC and included
reference to vulnerability topics such as Tsunami waves and disaster reduction. WHO
had clustered their vulnerability mandate in emergency and humanitarian action with
a focus on vulnerable groups i.e. women and children, and was also looking at climate
change including early warning for heat waves. Children’s susceptibility to pesticide
poisoning, and disaster management with pilot projects using space technology to
strengthen institutions and study disaster effects were also mentioned. UNEP had
undertaken a review of international work in the area of vulnerability assessment and
indices and was developing an index of human vulnerability to environmental
changes. It was recognized that there was a need to make an assessment of increasing
human vulnerability due to environmental changes and to develop vulnerability
indices, based on transparent and sound methodologies.
The meeting heard a report on environmental security from ECE. With a view
to pushing environment higher on the political agenda of many European nations,
linkages were being made between environment and security issues such as poverty
leading to social tension and social unrest, shared natural resources especially
transboundary waters, and the economic considerations of vulnerability to natural
disasters and industrial accidents. Global health security issues related to HIV/Aids
and communicable diseases in general and the vulnerability of down stream
communities to a variety of environmental pressures was also noted. Finally, the
attention of the meeting was drawn to 2002 being the year of the mountain and it was
recognized that many areas recently designated as requiring humanitarian action were
in mountainous regions. Assessment work was on going for mountains and a UN
Interagency task force had been set up on the issue.
The Working Party also discussed the environmental and human impact on
major ecosystems such as coral reefs and was informed of the on-going International
Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN)/UNEP work on that matter. Attention was
drawn to the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre World Atlas of Coral
Reefs. Regarding biosafety it was noted that not enough was being done in the WSSD
process on that issue. WHO was undertaking assessments on the impact of modern
food biotechnology on health, and on biosafety and transport.
Integrated Global Observing Strategy
A short report was presented on recent developments in the Integrated Global
Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership between the Global Observing Systems and
their sponsors, the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) of the space
agencies, the International Group of Funding Agencies (IGFA) and major global
research programmes (WCRP, IGBP). Details are available on the IGOS home page
created by Earthwatch and now hosted by IOC (http://www.igospartners.org).
Earthwatch was represented at the successful IGOS partners meetings in Paris, France
in June 2001 and in Kyoto, Japan in November 2001, which had demonstrated the
usefulness of the IGOS approach to reinforced cooperation and user-responsiveness.
Status of UNEP.Net and the Earthwatch website
Mr. MacDevette made a presentation on UNEP.Net (UNEP/EWWP7/Inf.8)
and said that UNEP.Net was an environmental information system built on a
standards based information infrastructure that is being adopted by various UN
agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, to support the
sharing of environmental information amongst UN and other partners. It was noted
that the design of UNEP.Net was very much in line with the principles for a global
environmental information system developed by Earthwatch.
A presentation was made on the GEO Data Portal http://geo3.grid.unep.ch/
that provides environmental data to support the development of UNEP's GEO
and other assessments. It was noted in the ensuing discussion that quality
control of the data would be necessary and that additional local and
regional data should be included as well as economic and social data.
Further suggestions were made for improving the site including adding
population data subdivided by gender, age and economic level, land and
forest cover and composition, biodiversity and its impact.
A presentation was also made on the new Earthwatch website. While the
improved look of the site was commended as being professional, several suggestions
were made for focusing the information provided. It was suggested that additional
information should be provided on methodologies such as the use of satellite imagery,
information systems, global navigation satellite systems and indicators. It was also
considered that the website should focus on global data and should use agencies’
information database with cross linkages.
Future strategy and work programme for Earthwatch coordination
In the light of the consultation under previous agenda items on the different
strategic elements and activities across the UN system and beyond of relevance to
Earthwatch, the meeting recommended that Earthwatch coordination should give the
following activities priority in the year ahead:
A technical meeting on global reporting and related data base development
will be convened by Earthwatch, in Geneva, in June 2002. The meeting will
aim to share experience on global reporting amongst major UN agencies and
partner organizations such as the World Resources Institute and to develop
practical proposals for improving the information base for global and regional
reporting. The major UN agencies involved in reporting will be invited as well
as key partners and data providers such as the UN Statistics Division.
In view of the need to identify issues that would spark interest in information
exchange, assessment and monitoring, it was agreed that Earthwatch should
select key themes such as climate change, biodiversity, desertification,
deforestation, water and sanitation, and air pollution on which to collaborate in
particular for placing information on the website and to carry forth to WSSD.
In view of the WSSD, Earthwatch might promote linkages between agencies
working on environmental information and assessment programmes in Africa
in order to demonstrate the joint work of UN agencies in a UNEP led decision
support system process being prepared for the WSSD (Earthwatch Decision
Support System). This system would demonstrate specific aspects of decision
support while relying on contributions from a range of UN agencies and other
partners. In addition, data gaps for Africa could be identified and
communicated to agencies that could promote filling those gaps through any
data collection programmes that might be underway on the ground.
Earthwatch partners should work together to develop a common information
framework to be used by agencies focusing on sharing of information. UNEP
could take the initiative of producing a summary of the information
framework and metadata system being used in UNEP.Net as an example of a
standards based information system working directly with other UN Agencies
Regarding environmental reporting Earthwatch could coordinate a study
looking at the issue of environmental reporting by developing countries and
identifying practical steps to improve the reporting process. This study would build on
the work currently being undertaken by UNEP’s Division of Environmental
Conventions on reporting to environmental conventions Earthwatch might also assist
in involving the private sector in the provision of information.
Concerning indicators of environment and sustainable development,
Earthwatch, by informing and involving different agencies, should act as a catalyst to
highlight the benefits of indicators for local and national use especially by working
with country offices of, for example, FAO, WHO and UNDP. Agencies were
requested to share information on indicators initiatives through the Earthwatch
website and interacting with other appropriate agencies on the topic.
Concerning new and emerging issues, summaries on issues related to
agencies’ activities on vulnerability, and on mountains should also be placed on the
Earthwatch website. It was suggested that the Earthwatch secretariat, to improve its
website, should (i) create a media list; (ii) identify themes and request most relevant
URLs from agencies, index the web; (iii) create a subscriber list with monthly
highlights by e-mail; and (iv) prepare a concise abstract on the site that should be
distributed to partners. Agencies should continue to provide critical feedback on the
website to update and improve it, especially related to linkages to their sites, and,
where possible, should provide a contact point within their agencies. There should be
an informal method for placing information on the Earthwatch website and all
agencies should audit that information.
The Earthwatch secretariat would shortly be updating and reformatting the
compendium of information on each partner organization on the Earthwatch web site,
which could become a map to relevant information sources within each organization.
Agencies cooperation in that updating process was requested.
Other business
There was no other business.
Date and venue of the next meeting
It was agreed that the eighth meeting of the Earthwatch Working Party would
be held in Geneva in November of 2002 to take into account the outcome of WSSD.
Adoption of the report of the meeting
The Earthwatch secretariat would prepare and send out the draft report for
comments to the participants prior to its distribution to all Earthwatch partners.
Closure of the Meeting
The meeting was closed at midday on Tuesday, 11 December 2001.
Earthwatch Working Party 7
10-11 December 2001
10 December 2001
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Approval of the agenda and adoption of working procedures
3. Report by the secretariat on progress in Earthwatch
4. Task Manager functions for Chapter 40
5. Relevant decisions of the ninth session of the Commission on Sustainable
6. Indicators of environment and sustainable development
7. Update on UN system input to GEO-3
8. Preparation for and follow up to World Summit on Sustainable Development
9. Harmonization of Global Environment Assessments
10. New and emerging issues
11. Integrated Global Observing Strategy
12. Status of UNEP.Net
13. Future strategy and work programme for Earthwatch coordination
14. Other business
15. Date and venue of the next meeting
16. Adoption of the report of the meeting
17. Closure of the meeting
- 10 -
Earthwatch Working Party 7
Geneva, 10-11 December 2001
11 December 2001
Mr Mikhail G. Kokine
Environment and Human Settlements Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, Room 319
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 23 47
Fax. +41 22 917 06 30
Ms Anne Kerr
Chief, National Information,
Strategies and Institutions Branch
Division for Sustainable Development
2 UN Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A.
Tel. +917 367 3072
Ms Christa Schwaller
UNFPA Office in Geneva
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 85 74
Fax. +41 22 917 80 16
Ms Yasmin von Schirnding
Focal Point : Agenda 21
Department of Health and Development
Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments
World Health Organization
Ch-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 791 3533
Fax. +41 22 791 41 53
- 11 -
Mr Carlos Corvalan
Department of Protection of the Human Environment
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 791 42 08
Fax. +41 22 791 41 23
Mr M. Coughlan
Director Coordinator for Climate Activities Programme
Case postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 730 81 11
Fax. +41 22 730 61 81
Mr A. Karpov
Acting Chief
Observing System Division
Case postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 730 81 11
Fax. +41 22 730 61 81
Office for Outer
Space Affairs
Mr David Stevens
Programme Officer
Office for Outer Space Affairs
P.O. Box 500
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 26060-5631
Fax. +43 1 26060-5830
Mr Jocelyn Fenard
Programme Officer
11-13 chemin des Anemones
CH-1219 Chatelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 85 20
Fax. +41 22 917 80 47
Basel Convention
Ms Nalini Basavaraj
Programme Officer
Secretariat of the Basel Convention
15 chemin des Anemones
CH-1219 Chatelaine, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 83 83
Fax. +41 22 797 34 54
- 12 -
Mr Ibrahim Sow
Secretariat of the Basel Convention
15 chemin des Anemones
CH-1219 Chatelaine, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 82 18
Fax. +41 22 797 34 54
Mr Peter Pissierssens
Head, Ocean Services IOC (IOC/OCS)
1 rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Tel. +33 1 45 68 40 46
Fax. +33 1 45 68 58 12
UNEP Chemicals
Mr Bo Wahlström
Senior Scientific Advisor
UNEP Chemicals
International Environment House
11-13 chemin des Anemones
CH-1219 Chatelaine, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 81 95
Fax. +41 22 797 34 60
Mr Mark Collins
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
219 Huntingdon Road
Cambridge CB3 0DL, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 1223 277314
Fax. +44 1223 277365
Mr Dave MacDevette
Environment Assessment Branch
Division of Early Warning and Assessment
P.O. Box 30552
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel. +254 2 62 4526
Fax. +254 2 62 4269
Mr Arthur Dahl
Coral Reef Unit
15 chemin des Anemones
1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 82 07
Fax. +41 22 797 34 71
- 13 -
Ms Meera Laurijssen
15 chemin des Anemones
CH-1219 Chatelaine, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 917 81 76
Fax. +41 22 797 34 71
- 14 -
Earthwatch Working Party 7
Geneva, 10-11 December 2001
11 December 2001
Annotated Agenda
Earthwatch Progress Report
New and Emerging Issues
Note by the Secretariat
New and Emerging Issues
Submissions received from Partner Organizations
New and Emerging Issues
Submitted by SBSTTA
GEO-3 Report
Report of the Meeting
List of Participants
List of Documents
Information Documents
IOC Declaration
IOC WSSD Preparation
UNSD Report
CSD Background Documents
WHO Status Paper
GEO Presentation
Harmonization of assessment
Basel Convention WSSD