What I am Grateful For Essay

For What Are You Grateful
By Paige Whistler, grade 6
Everyday I look around myself and each day I see something new and
something old that are all special contributions adding to the world around us.
Each one, no matter what shape, color, or personality that he or she has is a
special gift to us that all should be grateful for.
In my life I am grateful for many things but I am especially grateful for my
health because then I do not get sick easily and am able to do all of my fun filled
activities. If I did not do these activities, my life would be very dull. By exercising
a good amount it keeps my body stronger and it is a good benefit to my health.
Additionally to this, I am grateful for my ability to learn things quickly, get things
done easily, and progress swiftly. This aspect in my life helps me to conquer my
tasks in an orderly matter.
Progressing is a good thing, but it is not as crucial as the right of freedom. If
we did not have this in our lives, we would not be able to express our creativity
and our feelings about anything that is important to us. Since we have freedom
everyday in our lives, we are able to do activities that many other people and
countries are not allowed to. By expressing ourselves we can make the world a
better place and that is a very important aspect in our lives when it comes to
helping people in countries that are less fortunate than we are.
To me, freedom and free speech are not the only things to be grateful for.
I am very grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, and how I
have many privileges each day in my life. Everything that is around me such as
plants, animals, water, mountains, people, air, the list could go on and on I am
grateful for because it makes the world a better place. I am especially grateful for
my heart and everyone else’s too. Our hearts give love to each other and help us
to make the right decisions. If we give it our all and put our heart into what we
believe in, we can see endurance, faith, hope, persistence, energy, motivation, and
reassurance to each other. With our heart, we are all colorful, filled with
personality, and special in many different ways.
Another thing that I am really thankful for is my family and friends.
Without them there would only be half of my heart because then I would not
have someone who cares for me and whom I care for as well. I am very grateful
to have amazing and caring parents that are with me everyday. I would be lost
without my parents because they love and support me greatly in everything that I
do and help me to do anything that I wish so that I can be the best that I can be.
In my family I am also very appreciative of my grandparents. Spending time with
my grandparents is really important to me because they can tell me wonderful
stories about my family and their childhood, and I can learn about all of the hard
times that they have gone through. By telling me these many memorable things, I
know that they greatly care for and love me. My parents and grandparents are
very important to me but, in addition to them, my supporting friends are
important to me as well. If I did not have my friends, I would be very lonely
because then I would have no one to laugh, cry, and be with. Friends are very
essential in my life, and I would be very lonely without them. To me, it is
amazing to be with my friends and family because it is a great way to get
Other than friends and family I am profoundly grateful for everything that
is and comes from the heavens high above me. One of the things that I am
especially grateful for is snow. I love snow because you can do everything in it.
You could do informal activities in it like flips, somersaults, cartwheels, crossing
your tips, and getting buried, but also you can just play in it for fun like building
forts, having snowball fights, making snow angels, and just running in it and
adoring the beauty that is everywhere surrounding you. Adding to the playing
opportunities, it is great to have snow ubiquitously and then sun shining. If the
sun is shining, everything is absolutely beautiful.
If we did not have the sun shining, we would not have trees, crops, and
the light that shines all around us. Though we can never fully see the sun when we
look to the sky, the best time to look is at night. That is why I am grateful for the
moon and the stars. When we look to the sky, the light from a million stars shines
down onto us, and we know that somewhere up there are all of our ancestors
watching over everything that we do. This comfort from just a shining light makes
us feel very reassured and know that everywhere surrounding us is love especially
when it shines down on us from the moon.
All of these things are very important to me. Overall, I am extremely
appreciative for the greatest secret around us. What is the greatest secret to you? Is
it the way that we believe and how we are persistent? Is it how any challenge or
fear can be overcome and confronted if we are brave and do what we know is
right? Maybe it is the way that one drip of water can ripple and show how Karma
is true and all of our actions are consequences. It could be the way that the tree of
life tells what we were and what we will become because each leaf represents
each one of us in a different way. Or is it the way that wonder separates the stars
and how the window of opportunity with the stars that shine like sequins on a
black velvet sky will open to everyone who wishes to reach for, follow, and catch
whatever dreams that he or she has forever been wishing for. To me, the greatest
secret is everything. That is why I am grateful for everything and everyone,
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