RESPONSES ARE REQUIRED IN ALL FIELDS CONFIDENTIAL (NCARS and NCSU Office of Technology Transfer Use Only) NCSU File No. (Assigned by OTT) Law Firm File No. NCSU PROPOSAL FOR PLANT CULTIVAR RELEASE This form must be signed by the Department Head and the College Dean/Associate Dean prior to submission. Submission is not complete without including breeding history and comparisons to other varieties. Inventor's Name (Primary Point of Contact): ______________________________________________ Citizenship: Title: Department: Campus Address: Telephone: Email: Permanent Address: City: Telephone: Country: State: Inventor's Name: Title: Campus Address: Citizenship: Department: Telephone: Email: Permanent Address: City: Telephone: Country: State: Inventor's Name: Title: Campus Address: Citizenship: Department: Telephone: Email: Permanent Address: City: Telephone: Country: State: Inventor's Name: Title: Campus Address: Citizenship: Department: Telephone: Email: Permanent Address: City: Telephone: Country: State: North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 1/8 1. Type of plant/crop proposed for release:______________________________________________________ 2. Date Variety Conceived or Generated (Conception Date): 3. Supporting Data Notebook No. ____________________________________________________________ Pages 4. Has information related to the Variety been published or disclosed: (Note: Publications may include posters, abstracts, funded grants, grant applications, manuscripts, theses, research reports to funding agencies, seminars, press releases, interviews, etc.) Orally: Yes No In writing Yes No If Yes, please explain below; a. b. c. When: Authors: Any changes in the Invention since public disclosure (please attach copies of any publications, if available): 5. Designation used for breeding line/variety used in experimental and developmental stages: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Proposed cultivar name to be used after release: _______________________________________________ 7. Please provide a summary of the unique, novel or superior characteristics justifying release (if justification is based on broadening of genetic base to reduce vulnerability, please note). Attach to this form a detailed statement of performance of the proposed cultivar, including statistical comparison with standard cultivars, information needed to establish is as “unique” or “novel” and also concerning its development (dates of establishment as “novel” cultivar (see item 1) or actual production, etc.). See Rules and Regulations at ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 2/8 OTHER PERTINENT DATA 8. Is a publication or oral disclosure descriptive of the Invention planned within the next six months? (This includes dissertations, and presentations to anybody outside of NCSU). Yes No If yes, please give the date (estimate, if known) and attach copies of any existing manuscripts, preprints, abstracts or poster material. 9. Recommended Procedure for release (Please review Section B of NCARS Plant Variety Protection Policy and Procedure Statement). a. b. c. Unconditional Public Release Non- Exclusive Release (License to one or more agents) Exclusive Release (Bid Process to identify single agent) 10. Should a plant patent application or an application for plant variety protection be filed? Yes No If yes, please describe and estimate the likelihood that a similar variety may be developed elsewhere or the reason there is urgency (sale of variety, etc). ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Should a utility patent be filed associated with this plant variety? (Utility patents are issued for an invention of a new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or a new and useful improvement thereof) Yes No 12. Should royalties resulting from licensing activities associated with this variety be equally shared by all inventors listed? (You will be contact by a representative from NCARS or OTT if a non-standard distribution is suggested) Yes No 13. Certification of seed or materials required: Yes No 14. Please note the availability of breeder seed or other plant material as required and who will be responsible for maintaining seed. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15. If applicable, proposed arrangement for Foundation Stock increase and which party is responsible for distribution of Stock. ______________________________________________________________________________________ North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 3/8 16. Have any graduate students and/or other technicians been involved in this research? Yes No If yes, should the individual(s) be included as a co-inventor? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What source(s) of funding was/were used to develop the Invention and was the Invention sponsored by industry or funded by State or Federal appropriations? If so, attach a copy of the contract or agreement and fill in any applicable appropriate blanks below. One of the below MUST be completed. (This includes the source(s) of funds for the salary of each inventor.) a. Complete Name of Government Agency: ___________________________________________________ Contract or Grant No. ___________________________________________________________________ b. Name of Industrial Company: _____________________________________________________________ c. Name of Private Sponsor: ________________________________________________________________ d. State or Federal Appropriations: __________________________________________________________ e. Please list all relevant NCSU Account Numbers: ______________________________________________ 18. a. Please list any companies that have been contacted or should be contacted about licensing and commercializing the variety: Company Name: Contact Information: b. Please check all that apply Contacted about the technology – only provided non-confidential information Disclosed information about this invention under Confidentiality Agreement Company was not contacted, but inventors feel that the company might be interested. Disclosed confidential information to the company without signing a Confidentiality Agreement 19. Has the variety been disclosed to industry representatives? Yes No Has any commercial interest been shown in it? Yes No If Yes, please name companies; listing specific individuals and their titles if you know them. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 20. Have any materials or information been supplied to non-industry contacts (breeders or collaborators at other institutions under terms and conditions of a NCSU MTA or CDA)? Yes No North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 4/8 21. Were any patented traits, genes, genetic sequences, or methods used in the development of the germplasm proposed for release? Yes No If Yes, please identify the components used. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 22. Have any materials or confidential information belonging to another institution or company been used in the conception or development of the invention? (e.g. have materials been received from colleagues at NCSU or at another institution; have you received a request to sign a Material Transfer Agreement, etc.) Yes No If Yes, please include the following: Description of Material or Information: ______________________________________________________ Company or University providing the Material or Information: ___________________________________ 23. If response to Question (22) was yes, has a Material Transfer Agreement/ Confidentiality Agreement (or License, Purchase or any other Agreement) been signed? Yes No If Yes, please list all Agreements that apply:__________________________________________________ North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 5/8 Invention Disclosure Form – Final Checklist (for inventors, department heads, and deans) a) Have all potential inventors been listed on the first page(s) of the form? Please note that inventorship differs greatly from authorship. Inventorship is determined by U.S. Patent Law and may apply to anyone who contributed to the conception of the invention as described in the disclosure, including refinements or improvements that were essential to the success of the invention. Any employee (including technicians) or student (graduate and undergraduate) can be an inventor – inventorship is NOT limited to faculty or to EPA employees. b) Have all of the inventors signed the disclosure in blue ink on the last page of the form? c) Have the appropriate department head(s) and dean(s) also signed the disclosure in blue ink? d) Has a funding source(s) been indicated for question 20? At least one funding source MUST be indicated. If nothing else, the source of funds for the inventor’s salary should be listed. If the research was funded by a federal agency, even if the research is outside the scope of the relevant grant proposal, that federal funding MUST be indicated. e) Have the relevant NCSU account numbers been provided for the funding source(s), at the bottom of the same question 20? f) Has the variety been described in sufficient detail to allow a technical review by the Breeders Release Board and the NCSU Intellectual Property Committee (Question 7)? g) Has there been sales or commercial distribution of this variety more than one year prior to the date the plant variety disclosure form was submitted? h) Has every question on the invention disclosure form been answered? Please note that responses to all questions are required. If the answer is not known or is not applicable, please indicate that on the form. i) Have all additional pages attached to the disclosure been marked “Confidential”? j) For questions 22 and 23, inventors should check “yes” if they’ve received materials from colleagues at NCSU (especially if they are not listed as inventors on page 1 of the form) or from another institution which were used in the development of this variety. They should also check “yes” if they have received a request to fill out a material transfer agreement from any other organization (university or company). North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 6/8 SIGNATURE OF INVENTOR(S)* (All signatures should be in BLUE ink) (date) (date) (date) (date) Disclosed and Understood by me: (witness) (date) (witness) (date) (witness) (date)) (witness) (date) (witness) (date) Department Authorization: Department Head/Center Director College Dean/Associate Dean for Research Disclosures must be submitted with original signatures to NCARS Photocopied signatures will not be accepted North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 7/8 Please fill and submit this data sheet ONLY if you are submitting a disclosure to NCARS and OTT for the first time OR if your contact information has changed since you last submitted a disclosure. CONFIDENTIAL NCSU File No. North Carolina State University Office of Technology Transfer Box 8210 – 2401Research Drive, Suite 1122, Raleigh, NC 27695-8210 (919) 515-7199 FAX (919) 515-3773 INVENTOR DATA SHEET Dr./Ms./Mr. Inventor’s Name: (First, Middle, Last) SSN# NCSU Employee? Title: Email: yes / no _______ Department: Business/ Campus Address: Mailing/ Home Address: Phone: ( ) FAX: ( ) Phone: ( ) Citizenship: Date: _______ Please note: If any of the above data changes, you must provide updated information to the Office of Technology Transfer. North Carolina State University Invention Disclosure Form CONFIDENTIAL 8/8