Edward Baring History Department, Drew University, 36 Madison Ave. Madison, NJ 07940 40 Western Way, Princeton, NJ 08540 ebaring@drew.edu (609) 216-2461 ACADEMIC POSITIONS September 2010- Present Assistant Professor of Modern European Intellectual and Cultural History, Drew University September 2009- July 2010 Lecturer at the Writing Program, Princeton University EDUCATION 2003-2009, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Ph.D. in Modern European Intellectual History, June 2009. Dissertation: “The Young Derrida and French Philosophy, 1946-1967,” Committee: Professors Peter Gordon (advisor), David Blackbourn, Judith Surkis, Sean Kelly. (Awarded the Harold K. Gross Prize by the Department of History, Harvard University, for the dissertation, which “gave greatest promise of a distinguished career of historical research.”) A.M. in History, June 2005. With specialization in: Modern Intellectual History, Modern German History, Early Modern Intellectual History, History and Philosophy of Physics. 1999-2003, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. B.A. (hons.) Double First in Mathematics and History, June 2003. PUBLICATIONS Books The Young Derrida and French Philosophy, 1945-1968, Ideas in Context, Cambridge University Press, 2011. Articles “Derrida, Lévi-Strauss, and the Cercle d’Epistémologie; or, How to be a Good Structuralist,” forthcoming in Knox Peden and Peter Hallward eds., Concept and Form: The Cahiers pour l'analyse and Contemporary French Thought, vol. 2, London: Verso, 2012. “Humanist Pretensions: Catholics, Communists, and Sartre’s Struggle for Existentialism in PostWar France,” in Modern Intellectual History, vol. 7, Number 3, November 2010. pp. 581-609 “Liberalism and the Algerian War: The Case of Jacques Derrida,” Critical Inquiry vol. 36, Number 2, Winter 2010. pp. 239-261. Reprinted in Kathy Darrow ed., Twentieth-Century Literature Criticism, vol. 262. Gale, 2012. Edward Baring, curriculum vitae 2 Shorter Essays and Reviews “Misplaced Radicalism,” review of Niilo Kauppi, Radicalism in French Culture: A Sociology of French Theory in the 1960s, in Radical Philosophy, November 2011. Synopsis of Jacques Derrida, “Nature, Culture, Écriture (de Lévi-Strauss à Rousseau)” at “Concept and Form: The Cahiers pour l’Analyse and Contemporary French Thought” (http://cahiers.kingston.ac.uk/synopses.html) (Published on-line 2011). Work in Progress The Trace of God: Derrida and Religion ed. Edward Baring and Peter E. Gordon, under consideration by Fordham University Press. (volume includes essays by John Caputo, Richard Kearney, Hent de Vries, Amy Hollywood, Martin Hägglund, Judith Surkis, Peter Gordon, Ethan Kleinberg, Sarah Hammerschlag, Joseph Cohen) “Introduction” in Edward Baring and Peter E. Gordon ed. The Trace of God: Derrida and Religion, under consideration by Fordham University Press. “Theism and Atheism at Play: Jacques Derrida and Henri Birault,” in Edward Baring and Peter E. Gordon ed. The Trace of God: Derrida and Religion, under consideration by Fordham University Press. “Ne me raconte plus d’histoires: Derrida and the Problem of the History of Philosophy,” article length manuscript. “The Europeanization of Phenomenology,” book-length project. AWARDS/ PRIZES Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University, Research Grant, College of the Liberal Arts, Drew University, Research Grant, Harold K. Gross Dissertation Prize, Harvard University, DAAD Grant for research in Germany (Declined) ACLS Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellow, Krupp Foundation Dissertation Finishing Grant, (Declined) Frank Sheldon Traveling Fellow, Harvard University, Krupp Foundation Traveling Fellow, Harvard University, Derek C. Bok Center, Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Center For European Studies, Opportunity Grant, Harvard University History Department Summer Research Grants, Morgan Prize for History, Queens’ College, Cambridge, Bibby Prize for Service to the Community, Queens’ College, Cambridge, Bachelor Scholar, Queens’ College, Cambridge, Openshaw Prize, Queens’ College, Cambridge, Foundation Scholar, Queens’ College, Cambridge, College Exhibitioner, Queens’ College, Cambridge, 2011 2011 2010 2010-11 2008-9 2008-9 2006-7 2006-7 2006 2005, 2007 2004, 2005, 2006 2003 2003 2002 2001 2001 2000 Edward Baring, curriculum vitae 3 TEACHING Drew University, Madison, NJ. “Modern Germany: 1870-Present” Intermediate Undergraduate course History Research Seminar Capstone History Course Fall 2011 Fall 2011 & Spring 2011 “Nineteenth Century European Intellectual History” Graduate Seminar Spring 2011 “Modern European History” Introductory Undergraduate Course. Spring 2011 “1968 in Europe” Advanced Undergraduate Course. Fall 2010 “The Making of Modern France, 1870-Present” Intermediate Undergraduate Course. Fall 2010 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. “Existentialism and the Death of God,” Freshman Seminar at the Princeton Writing Program. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. “Modern Intellectual History” (Professor Peter Gordon), Head Teaching Fellow, Taught two undergraduate sections, and led a graduate group. “French History 1848-present” (Professor Judith Surkis), Taught an undergraduate section. “French Social Thought” (Professor Judith Surkis), Taught two undergraduate sections, and led a graduate group. Received Certificate of Distinction in Teaching. “Reason and Faith in the West” (Professor Ann Blair), Taught two undergraduate sections of an introductory course. INVITED TALKS AND CONFERENCE PAPERS Spring 2010 & Fall 2009 Spring 2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2006 Fall 2005 Edward Baring, curriculum vitae 4 Response to Glen Mazis, “Animals Before Me, With Whom I Live, By Whom I Am Addressed,” “Divinanimality: Creaturely Theology” 11th Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquium, Drew Theological School, September-October 2011. “Ethics Classes in the Existentialist School,” Conference presentation at the Society for French Historical Studies, April, 2010. “Theism and Atheism at Play: Jacques Derrida and Henri Birault,” Presentation at Derrida and Religion conference at Harvard University, March 2010. “Reading Lévi-Strauss at the ENS; or, How to be a Good Structuralist,” Invited talk at the New York Consortium for Intellectual History, January 2010. “Sartre, Heidegger, and the Humanism debate,” Guest lecture in Professor Peter Gordon’s course Modern European Intellectual History, Harvard University, April 2008. “The Algerian War,” Guest lecture in Professor Judith Surkis’s course Modern France, Harvard University, November 2007. “Derrida, post-existentialist,” Invited talk at the Queens’ College Humanities Society, University of Cambridge, April 2007. “Can one write a history of Jacques Derrida?” Invited talk at the Queens’ College History Society, University of Cambridge, April 2007. “A Curious Forty Pages in Derrida’s De la grammatologie,” at Cornell University Graduate Student Conference, Tracing the Temporal, April 2006. “Nietzsche, Husserl, and the Crisis of the Sciences,” Guest lecture in Professor Ann Blair’s course Reason and Faith in the West, Harvard University, November 2005. SERVICE Faculty sponsor for the History Honors Society Co-organizer Oscar Wilde Conference at Drew University Referee for Modern Intellectual History Referee for Derrida Today Co-organizer, Derrida and Religion Conference at Harvard University, Co-chair Intellectual History Reading Group, www.intellectualhistory.org, Co-chair Center for European Studies Dissertation Workshop, President, Henry Adams Harvard History Graduate Society, Vice President and Treasurer, Queens’ College, Cambridge, JCR, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Historical Association. New York Consortium for Intellectual History. Society for French Historical Studies. 2011June 2012 20102010March 2010 2005-9 2005-6, 2007-8 2005-6 2001-2 Edward Baring, curriculum vitae 5 Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University (2005-9). RESEARCH LANGUAGES French (reading, speaking, and writing). German (reading, speaking, and writing). Italian (reading) REFERENCES Professor Peter Gordon, Professor of History, Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 pgordon@fas.harvard.edu 617-495-4303 x290 Professor Judith Surkis, Institute for Advanced Studies Princeton, NJ surkis@ias.edu Professor David Blackbourn, Coolidge Professor of History, Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 dgblackb@fas.harvard.edu 617-495-4303 x228 Professor Samuel Moyn, Professor of History, 616 Fayerweather Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 s.moyn@columbia.edu 212-854-3009