Regions of Texas TV Commercial

Regions of Texas TV Commercial
This is a problem solving group work activity. The students will be working
in groups to create a presentation for one of four regions of Texas as
designated in their textbook beginning on p.28. After scoring the Multiple
Intelligences Inventory place the students in one of four groups. Use the
results of the Multiple Intelligences Inventory to assign the students their
jobs. Job descriptions are listed in the Steps to Creating a TV Commercial
The Central Plains Region
The Great Plains Region
The Mountains and Basins Region
The Coastal Plains Region
Preview Regions of Texas is to be completed the night before beginning
the TV Commercial Regions of Texas activity.
Students will work in a group using the steps in their group packet. Pages
28-41 in their textbook provide the background information for their poster
and presentation.
The students will present a “commercial” for their region to the class using
their poster. All students will be taking notes during the commercials.
Upon completion of the presentations the students will complete a
Processing Assignment using a Venn diagram.
Materials needed:
1 Harcourt Horizons textbook
2 Poster board for each group
3 Colors and markers
4 Steps for Creating a TV Commercial-Regions of Texas packet-one
packet per group
5 Preview-Regions of Texas
6 Reading Notes on Regions of Texas-given to the students to take
notes when the other groups are presenting
(Teacher: Preview, reading Notes and Processing for each student.)
Regions of Texas
Go home tonight and watch several commercials. In the TV screen below, draw a scene from
your favorite one. Then answer the questions below.
What was the commercial trying to get you to do? For example, did it want you to buy a certain
food or toy or see a particular movie?
What techniques were used to help viewers remember the commercial? For example, did it use
humor or a slogan or have a famous person recommend the product?
Reading Notes
Regions of Texas
Central Plains
Reading Notes
Regions of Texas
Gulf Coastal Plains
Reading Notes
Regions of Texas
Great Plains
Reading Notes
Regions of Texas
Mountains and Basins
Regions of Texas
In the Venn diagram below, compare the region where you live to another region of your choice.
First, write the name of the two regions on the lines.
Next, in the area where the two circles overlap, write or draw symbols for at least two things that
are similar between these two regions.
Finally, in the areas where the two circles do not overlap, write or draw symbols for at least two
things that are different between your regions and the other region that you chose.
Region where I live:
Other region of my choice:
Steps for Creating a TV Commercial
Regions of Texas
Group Packet
Your group will create a television commercial to advertise the region you read about.
Your region is: ___________________________
Use pp. ___________ from your Social Studies book to get the information you need
about your region.
Step 1: Assign the four jobs for the activity. (To be completed by your teacher)
____________________________ will be the advertiser.
(Name of the group member)
____________________________ will be the artist.
(Name of the group member)
____________________________ will be the salesperson.
(Name of the group member)
____________________________ will be the director.
(Name of the group member)
Teacher Initials:________
Step 2: Create a slogan for the region in your commercial.
The advertiser leads a discussion to create a slogan about your region.
The slogan should summarize what you think are your regions
most outstanding features. Example:
Welcome to the Gulf Coastal Plain – It’s a Splash!
Write your slogan here:
Teacher Initials:_________
Step 3: Design a poster for your commercial.
The artists lead a discussion to decide on pictures for a
poster to be used in your commercial. The pictures on your
poster should relate to the ideas in your slogan. Also include:
1 Illustrations of the land
2 Resources
3 Memorable landmarks
Sketch the pictures in the box below. Remember to include your slogan. Once
your teacher has approved your sketch, you may complete your poster.
Step 4: Create a clever sales gimmick for your commercial.
Teacher Initials:________
The salesperson leads a discussion to create a sales gimmick to use in your
commercial. The gimmick should make people want to come to your region.
For example, you could pass out free samples of a product or resource from your
region, sing a short song (jingle) about your region, or have a famous person
recommend your region.
Describe your sales gimmick here:
Make a list of the materials you will need for your gimmick.
Teacher Initials:________
5: Plan your one-minute commercial.
The director leads a discussion of what will happen in your
one-minute commercial. The commercial should be
educational and funny.
It must include the slogan, poster and sales gimmick,
description of your region’s landforms and resources, and at least one landmark.
In the parentheses, write what each person will do. For example:
(Show the poster)
Then write what each person will say in the speech bubbles.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Step 5: continued…
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Teacher’s Initials:__________
Step 6: Prepare to present your commercial.
1 The Artists and the Advertiser work together to complete the poster. The
poster should include your slogan, illustrations of the land, regional
resources and memorable landmarks.
2 The Salesperson and the Director work together to prepare the sales
gimmick for the commercial.
3 The whole group works together to practice the commercial. It must be
one minute long or less.
Teacher Initials:________