Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of: 24 April 2008; 28 October 2010. If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause. The Saeima 1 has adopted and the President has proclaimed the following Law: Security Guard Activities Law Chapter I General Provisions Section 1. Terms Used in this Law The following terms are used in this Law: 1) security guard activities - provision of security services performed by a security guard merchant, as well as ensuring the security guarding and the internal security of an institution, merchant or organisation, which shall be performed by staff employees; 2) security guard employee – a natural person who performs security guard activities, has reached 18 years of age and has received a security guard certificate according to the procedures prescribed by this Law, or has received a security guard certificate or a comparable document certifying the professional competence of the person in another European Union Member State or European Economic Area State; 3) protected object – a natural person, freight and other movable property and valuables or immovable property, territory or another object, as well as the continuous activity or separate measures that take place in objects; 4) security guard services – a measure or a set of measures performed in order to secure the protected object against illegal or other kinds of threat; 5) security guard certificate - a document certifying the professional competence of a natural person; 6) technical security guard system - security and fire safety alarms, video surveillance or a set of mechanical or electronic equipment that functions in a unified system for the purpose of securing the protected object against illegal or other kind of threat; 7) security guard merchant – a merchant that has acquired a special permit (licence) to perform security guard activities and that provides security guard services; 8) internal security service – a unit of institutions, merchants or organisations that ensures the security guarding and internal security thereof; and, 9) third person – any natural or legal person insured for civil liability by the security guard merchant for whom the payment of insurance compensation is provided for. [24 April 2008] Section 2. Purpose and Scope of Application of this Law (1) The purpose of this Law is to establish a lawful basis for performing security guard activities in order to ensure the security of persons and society. (2) The Law shall apply to natural persons and legal persons that perform security guard activities, except for the activities of those institutions that are subordinate to the Ministry of 1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) the Interior, State security institutions, the National Armed Forces, the Office of the Prosecutor, the State Revenue Service, the Latvian Prison Administration, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau and local government police, which are performed in accordance with special laws. (3) A security guard merchant and security guard employee, as well as an institution, merchant and organisation, that has established an internal security service, in performing security guard services, shall co-operate with the State Police and other State institutions of direct administration and shall provide them assistance in ensuring public order and security. (4) Security guard activities shall be controlled by the State Police in accordance with the competence thereof. [24 April 2008] Section 3. Types of Security Guard Services A security guard merchant, on the basis of a written contract, may provide the following security guard services: 1) ensuring the security guarding of immovable property, freight or other movable property or valuables; 2) ensuring the security guarding of a natural person (body-guarding); 3) ensuring the internal security of protected objects; 4) designing, installing and servicing of technical security guard systems; and, 5) providing consultations regarding security guard issues. Section 4. Restrictions regarding Security Guard Activities (1) It is prohibited that in security guard activities: 1) such security technical equipment and substances are used, which are dangerous to human life or health; 2) firearms and special means are openly carried, if a security guard employee is not wearing a uniform (the uniform shall be different to civilian clothes; 3) firearms are used to ensure order at the time of a meeting, procession, picket and other public event; 4) a person that intends to perform or is performing a criminal offence is knowingly protected; 5) they are performed if a security guard certificate has not been acquired, except for the cases where the security guard merchant has employed or has taken for training practice, for a period not exceeding three months a trainee, who acquires necessary training at a certified educational establishment in order to receive a security guard certificate. A trainee shall perform security guard activities only under the leadership of a security guard employee; and 6) the performance of the duties of a security guard employee or internal control service employee is assigned to a person who has not received a security guard certificate. (2) An institution, merchant and organisation that has established an internal security service, shall be prohibited from issuing permits for the acquisition and storing of firearms, if the restrictions specified in the Law on the Handling of Weapons regarding the acquisition, possession and carrying of firearms and munitions apply to the participants, managers and persons that hold a leading position in administrative institutions, and employees for whom, in accordance with their duties, access to firearms and munitions is provided for of such institution, merchant or organisation. (3) A security guard merchant that has been registered in a European Union Member State or European Economic Area State shall provide security guard services in the Republic of Latvia without a special permit (licence) for performing security guard activities [hereinafter – Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 2 special permit (licence)], if the provision of security guard services that has commenced in a corresponding European Union Member State or European Economic Area State is associated with temporarily entering the Republic of Latvia, but is not the continuous provision of security guard services in the Republic of Latvia. [24 April 2008; 28 October 2010] Section 4.1 Recording of Security Guard Merchants, Internal Security Services, Security Guard Employees, Special Permits (licences) and Security Guard Certificates (1) The State Police shall register in the Register of Licences and Certificates information regarding the special permits (licences) issued for the performance of security guard activities, regarding internal security service registration certificates and security guard certificates, as well as regarding security guard merchants, internal security services and the participants thereof, employees and administrative (representative) officials for whom restrictions are provided in this Law. The manager of the Register of Licences and Certificates shall be the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior. (2) The Cabinet shall determine the extent of information to be registered in the Register of Licences and Certificates, the procedures for the inclusion, use and deletion of information, as well as the institutions to be granted access to the information included in the Register. [28 October 2010] Chapter II Security Guard Merchant Section 5. A Special Permit (Licence) for the Performance of Security Guard Activities (1) A security guard merchant may commence security guard activities after acquiring a special permit (licence). (2) The security guard merchant is entitled to provide such security guard services that are specified in the special permit (licence). (3) There are two categories of special permits (licences): 1) in accordance with the first category special permit (licence) the security guard merchant has the right to engage in the design, installation, maintenance and servicing of technical security guard systems, as well as provide consultations regarding these issues; and 2) in accordance with the second category special permit (licence) the security guard merchant has the right to provide all the security guard services specified in this Law and to use technical security guard systems in security guard activities. (4) The special permit (licence) shall be issued by the State Police for five years and it shall be valid for performing security guard activities throughout the territory of the State. (5) The State Police is entitled to issue a duplicate of a special permit (licence), if the licence has been damaged, lost or stolen, as well as issue a repeat special permit (licence) if the information regarding the merchant specified in the licence has changed. (6) The Cabinet shall determine the specific requirements for the receipt of a special permit (licence) and the requirements to be fulfilled during the period of validity thereof, the procedures by which a special permit (licence) shall be issued to a merchant, the period of validity thereof shall be extended, a duplicate or repeat special permit (licence) shall be issued, and a special permit (licence) shall be cancelled, as well as determine the amount of the State fee to be paid for the issuing of a special permit (licence) and the procedures for payment thereof. (7) A decision regarding refusal to issue a special permit (licence) may be disputed and appealed according to the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law. [24 April 2008; 28 October 2010] Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 3 Section 6. Restrictions for Issuing Special Permits (Licences) (1) Individual merchants and commercial companies whose foreign investment (except European Union Member States and European Economic Area States) in equity capital does not exceed 50 per cent, are entitled to receive special permits (licences) for the performance of security guard activities. An individual merchant or person who is entitled to represent a commercial company, shall be a citizen of a European Union Member State or European Economic Area State who has not been convicted of committing a criminal offence, and for whom a mental illness, addiction to alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances has not been determined. (2) It is prohibited that a special permit (licence) for performing security guard activities is issued, if the competent state institutions have grounds to believe that an individual merchant or person who is entitled to represent a commercial company is engaged in an anti-state or illegal organisation or is a member thereof, and poses a threat to the safety of the State or society. (3) It is prohibited that a special permit (licence) for performing security guard activities is issued to a merchant: 1) to whom a special permit (licence) for performing security guard activities has been cancelled, if a year has not elapsed since the cancellation thereof; 2) a member of which is a legal person, which has had a special permit (licence) for performing security guard activities cancelled within the last year; or 3) a member or an official of the administrative institution of which is a natural person, which has been a member of such security guard merchant, which has had a special permit (licence) for performing security guard activities cancelled within the last year, or which was entitled to represent such security guard merchant, or for which the security guard certificate has been cancelled within the last year. [24 April 2008] Section 7. Cancellation of a Special Permit (Licence) (1) A special permit shall be cancelled if: 1) the activities of a security guard merchant are directed against the lawful interests of the State or society; 2) the security guard merchant violates or does not fulfil the requirements of this Law or other regulatory enactments; 3) the security guard merchant has knowingly provided false information in order to acquire a special permit (licence); 4) such is determined by another law or a court adjudication; or 5) it has been determined that the restrictions for issuing special permits (licences) prescribed in Section 6 of this Law are applicable to the security guard merchant. (2) A decision regarding the cancellation of a special permit (licence) may be disputed and appealed according to the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law. The appeal of the decision regarding the cancellation of a special permit (licence) shall not suspend the validity thereof. [24 April 2008; 28 October 2010] Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 4 Section 8. Rights and Duties of a Security Guard Merchant [24 April 2008] (1) A security guard merchant that has received the second category special permit (licence) has the right to: 1) acquire and store firearms with a State police permit in order to ensure security guard activities, as well as acquire and store special means according to the procedures specified in the Law on the Handling of Weapons; 2) employ and use firearms and special means in order to ensure security guard activities according to the procedures specified in this Law; 3) use radio frequencies according to specified procedures in order to ensure radio communications; 4) use service dogs in security guard activities; and, 5) use technical security guard systems in performing security guard activities. (2) The security guard merchant has a duty: 1) to assess if the performance of the duties of employees is related to a special risk, and to lessen to the minimum all risks, to which the employees are subjected when performing their duties; 2) when assessing if the performance of the duties of security guards is related to a special risk, to take into account that such employees are exposed to a special risk who dedicate 50% or more of their working time to the collection, transfer, carriage of money or movement of other material with a large value, who perform work duties in conditions of increased physical and psychological load, or in other conditions of increased risk, which cannot be eliminated or reduced to a permissible level; 3) when entering into a contract with a security guard employee, to issue an employment certificate thereto. The given name, surname, personal identity number or work permit number (for third-country nationals employed in Latvia) of the employee, the date of entering into the employment contract or work-performance contract of an undertaking, the number thereof and the name of the security guard merchant shall be indicated on the employment certificate. The stamp of the security guard merchant, as well as a photograph of the employee shall be included in the employment certificate; and 4) when performing security guard activities, to evaluate the potential risks to a protected object, to take the necessary measures in order to prevent potential threats to the security of the protected object, as well as violations of the law aimed towards the protected object. (3) The employees whose duties are related to a special risk (the work according to the working environment risk assessment is related to an increased physical load or increased risk to the safety and health of the employees, which cannot be eliminated or reduced to a permissible level with work protection measures) shall not be employed for more than 12 hours, and shall be paid a supplementary payment in the amount of 20-40% of the specified hourly or daily wage rate. The specific conditions for the granting and amount of supplements shall be determined by the employer. [24 April 2008; 28 October 2010] Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 5 Chapter III Internal Security Service Section 9. Registration of an Internal Security Service (1) Institutions, merchants and organisations the security guarding of which is performed by its employees, shall register their internal security service with the State police in accordance with the procedures specified by the Cabinet. (2) A State fee shall be paid for the registration of an internal security service in accordance with the procedures and in the amount specified by the Cabinet. (3) If the security guarding of an institution, merchant or organisation is performed by less than three employees, the internal security service need not be registered.3) I (31) An internal security service may commence security guard activities after registration thereof with the State Police, except the case provided for in Paragraph three of this Section. The internal security service shall not provide security guard services. (4) The head of an internal security service may be a person who has received a security guard certificate, has not been sentenced for committing a criminal offence and has not been diagnosed with a mental illness, addiction to alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances. (5) A decision regarding refusal to register an internal security service may be disputed and appealed according to the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law. [24 April 2008; 28 October 2010] Section 9.1 Cancellation of the Registration of an Internal Security Service (1) The registration of an internal security service of an institution, merchant or organisation shall be cancelled, if: 1) the activity of the internal security service is aimed against the lawful interests of the State or the society; 2) the internal security service violates or does not fulfil the requirements of this Law or other regulatory enactments; 3) the institution, merchant or organisation has deliberately provided false information in order to register the internal security service; 4) it is determined by another law or court adjudication; or 5) it has been established that the restrictions specified in Section 9 of this Law apply to the head of the internal security service. (2) A decision regarding the cancellation of the registration of an internal security service of an institution, merchant or organisation may be contested and appealed in accordance with the procedures specified by the Administrative Procedure Law. The contesting and appeal of the decision shall not suspend the operation thereof. [28 October 2010] Section 9.2 Rights and Duties of an Internal Security Service An internal security service of an institution, merchant or organisation has the rights and duties specified in Section 8 of this Law. [28 October 2010] Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 6 Section 10. Employees of an Internal Security Service Persons who have received a security certificate and who have been employed by an institution, merchant or organisation according to the procedures specified in the Labour Law, may perform the security guard activities of the relevant institution, merchant or organisation. Chapter IV Security Guard Employee Section 11. Security Guard Certificate (1) A security guard certificate shall be issued to a natural person in accordance with the procedures specified by the Cabinet after the relevant training and the passing of the qualification examination. The term of validity of the security guard certificate shall be five years. (2) It is prohibited to issue a security guard certificate to a person: 1) who has been punished for committing an intentional criminal offence or for a criminal offence committed under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or other intoxicating substances – prior to the extinguishment or setting aside of the conviction; 2) who has been convicted for committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1 of this Paragraph, releasing from sentence or serving of the sentence – earlier than one year after entering into effect of the decision to release from sentence or serving of the sentence; 3) who has been released from criminal liability for committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1 one of this Paragraph – earlier than one year after entering into effect of the decision; 4) who has been conditionally released from criminal liability for committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1 of this Paragraph – prior to expiration of the probationary period; 5) who has been applied the status of the accused for committing the criminal offence provided for in Clause 1 of this Paragraph; or 6) who has been administratively punished for violations committed under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances, for refusal to submit to a test for alcohol concentration, as well as a test for narcotic or other intoxicating substances, for petty hooliganism or malicious non-compliance with lawful orders or requests of a police employee or a border guard, as well as a soldier – if a year has not passed after execution of the administrative punishment. (3) A State fee shall be paid for the organisation of the qualification examination for security guard activities and the issuing of a security guard certificate, as well as for the extension of the period of validity of the security guard certificate and the issuing of a duplicate of the security guard certificate, in accordance with the procedures and in the amount specified by the Cabinet. (4) The State Police shall cancel a security guard certificate, if: 1) a security guard employee violates the rights of the security guard employee specified in this Law or does not fulfil duties; 2) a security guard employee does not observe the conditions for the use of physical force, special means and service dogs specified in this Law; or 3) the restrictions provided for in Paragraph two of this Section have been established. (5) A decision regarding refusal to issue a security guard certificate or to extend the term of validity thereof may be contested and appealed in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law. A decision regarding contesting or appeal of the cancellation of a security guard certificate shall not suspend the operation thereof. Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 7 (6) A person who has had a security guard certificate cancelled, is entitled to receive a new certificate after passing the qualification examination of security guard activities provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, but not earlier than a year after the decision was taken to cancel the security guard certificate. (7) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which a security guard certificate and the duplicate thereof shall be issued to a natural person, the procedures by which the term of validity of a security guard certificate shall be extended, the procedures by which a security guard certificate shall be cancelled, as well as the procedures and amount in which a State fee shall be payable for the taking of a qualification examination of security guard activities, the issuance of a security guard certificate, the extension of the term of validity of a security guard certificate and the issuance of a duplicate of a security guard certificate. [28 October 2010] Section 12. Rights and Duties of a Security Guard Employee (1) In performing security guard activities, a security guard employee has a duty to: 1) carry with them the security guard certificate and employment certificate and present it upon the request to representatives of controlling State institutions; 2) when restricting the rights of persons in the cases specified in this Law, to state his or her surname and the name of the security guard merchant upon the request of the person, presenting the employment certificate, as well as to provide an explanation, justifying each specific restriction; 3) provide information to the State Police, without delay, regarding a prepared or committed criminal offence; 4) detain a person who is suspected of committing a criminal offence or administrative violation in a protected object, and inform the State Police thereof without delay, to record witnesses, to protect the location of the incident and to ensure the inviolability thereof; and 5) not disclose information to third persons regarding technical systems of the protected object, security guard organisation and other information which has become available, when performing the duties of a security guard employee. (2) A security guard employee, when performing security guard activities, has the right to: 1) request a person to stop unlawful activities and to observe the specified procedures in the protected object, or depending on the activities performed therein, request the relevant person to leave the protected object, as well as to expel the person from the protected object, if he or she disobeys the request and continues to breach the procedures specified in the protected object and if such expulsion is provided for in the security guard regulations of the protected object; 2) check passes or other personal identification documents in the protected object if it are necessary in order to comply with the security guard regulations, fulfilment of which has been entrusted to the security guard employees; and 3) request that a person voluntarily produces personal belongings, a vehicle or freight thereof and documents corroborating the compliance thereof, if such activities are provided for in the security guard regulations of the protected object. If a person has not reached 14 years of age, his or her personal belongings shall only be checked in the presence of his or her parents or lawful representatives and with their permission. If parents or lawful representatives of the referred to person are not present, the security guard employee shall summon the State Police. [28 October 2010] Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 8 Chapter V Use of Physical Force, Special Means, Service Dogs and Firearms in Security Guard Activities Section 13. Conditions for the Use of Physical Force, Special Means and Service Dogs (1) If a person violating the law poses, by his or her illegal actions, an actual threat to the life or health of the security guard employee assigned to perform security guard activities or other persons or to the protected object, the security guard employee may after giving an oral warning regarding the use of physical force, special means or a service dog, use physical force, special means or a service dog in order to terminate the illegal actions and arrest the person violating the law. The arrested person shall be transferred without delay to the State police. (2) Physical force, special means or service dogs may be used without an oral warning if the violation of the law is associated with breaking into the protected object or a sudden attack on the security guard employee, another person or the protected object. (3) If necessary, first aid shall be given to the arrested person against whom physical force, special means or a service dog has been used, and the call-out of emergency medical services shall be ensured. (4) When using physical force, special means or a service dog, it is prohibited to breach the limits of necessary self-defence and inflict harm on a person that does not evidently match the character of offence, non-compliance or resistance It is prohibited that a service dog is used, if other persons against whom the service dog is not being used may be harmed. Section 14. Keeping of Service Dogs (1) On performing rounds with a service dog, the service guard employee shall keep it on a leash and bearing a muzzle, except for the cases specified in Section 13 of this Law. (2) In enclosed territories, where humans are not present, dogs may be kept not tethered, if clearly legible warning notices have been placed in visible places. Section 15. Firearms and Special Means to Be Used in Security Guard Activities (1) For the performance of security guard activities, category B semi-automatic, nonautomatic or single-shot firearms and category B, C or D long-barrelled-smooth-bore firearms that are classified as service firearms may be used. (2) In performing security guard activities, the security guard employee may carry personal category B semi-automatic, non-automatic or single-shot firearms or service firearms if the State police have issued a permit for the carrying thereof according to the procedures specified in the Law on the Handling of Weapons. Service firearms shall be issued to security guard employees only while security guard duties are being performed. (3) For the performance of security guard activities, according to procedures specified by law, the following special means may be used – gas pistols (revolvers), gas cylinders, electric shock devices, truncheons, handcuffs and other means of binding. (4) In the case specified in Section 4, Paragraph three of this Law, a security guard merchant registered in a European Union Member State or European Economic Area State shall perform the security guarding of a protected object using firearms, if a permit issued by the competent institution of the corresponding state has been received for the bringing out of firearms and ammunition from the corresponding state for ensuring security guard activities, as well as the corresponding permit from the State police according to the procedures specified by the Law on the Handling of Weapons. Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 9 Section 16. Conditions for the Use and Utilisation of Firearms (1) Security guard employees may use firearms in security guard activities in order to: 1) protect himself or herself or other persons against an attack that actually endangers human life or health, or may cause substantial material damage; 2) avert an illegal attempt to take a firearm away by force; 3) detain a person violating the law, who has been surprised in the act of breaking in or otherwise illegally entering the protected object or performing another criminal offence, if the person violating the law demonstrates non-compliance; and 4) render harmless an animal which endangers human life, health or property. (2) A security guard employee may use a firearm to warn of the use of a firearm or frighten away an animal that endangers human life, health or property. (3) It is prohibited to use and utilise a firearm, if other persons against whom the weapon is not directed may suffer as a result of the employment or utilisation thereof. (4) In using a firearm it is prohibited to breach the boundaries required for self-defence and inflict harm on a person that does not obviously correspond to the character of an offence, non-compliance or resistance. Section 17. Procedures for the Use of Firearms (1) A warning regarding an intention to use a firearm shall be made by firing a warning shot. A firearm may be used without warning if: 1) an attack that endangers a person’s life or health is sudden; 2) weapons or objects that endanger human life or health are employed or mechanical means of transport are utilised in the attack; or, 3) the person to be arrested shows resistance by using weapons or objects that endanger the life or health of another person. (2) If a firearm is used, the security guard employee shall do his or her utmost to reduce harm. (3) Security guard employees shall notify the State police and their direct manager of every instance of the use of a firearm. If harm has been caused to human life, health or property, the circumstances of the place of the event shall be preserved, but if there are victims they shall be immediately provided with first aid and the call-out of emergency medical services shall be ensured. Chapter VI Liability and Insurance in Security Guard Activities [24 April 2008] Section 18. Responsibility for Compensation for Losses It shall be the duty of the security guard merchant to remunerate the third persons for their losses that have been inflicted with the activities or non-activities of the merchant according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments. Section 19. Civil Liability Insurance for a Security Guard Merchant (1) A security guard merchant who has received the Category 2 special permit (licence) for the performance of security guard activities shall be responsible for insuring his or her civil liability regarding damage inflicted to a third person’s life or health and losses caused to the property belonging to the third person as a result of his or her activities or non-activities thereof, and shall inform the issuer of the special permit (licence) regarding the existence of the existence of obligatory civil liability insurance thereof. Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 10 (2) The losses caused to the property belonging to a third person shall be evaluated, taking into account the principles of compensation in accordance with the Law On Insurance Contracts. The amount of insurance compensation shall be determined by agreement of the parties. (3) If, with the occurrence of an insurance event, losses have been incurred to several persons and the amount thereof exceeds the limit of liability specified in the insurance contract (policy), insurance compensation shall be calculated for each claimant in proportion to the losses incurred to him or her for an amount so that the total compensation payable would not exceed the limit of liability for one insurance event specified in the insurance contract (policy). (4) The procedures for civil liability insurance and the limit of the amount of civil liability insurance shall be determined by the Cabinet. [28 October 2010] Transitional Provisions 1. With the coming into force of this Law, the Security Guard Activities Law of 29 October 1998 is repealed (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1998, No. 24). 2001, No. 3; 2002, No. 13; 2003, No. 14; 2004, 2, No. 10; 2005, No. 24). 2. Until the day of the coming into force of the new Cabinet regulations, but not later than until 31 December 2006, the following Cabinet regulations shall be in force: 1) Cabinet Regulation No. 104 of 9 March 1999, Procedures for the Registration of Internal Security Services; 2) Cabinet Regulation No. 417 of 25 September 2001, Regulations on the Licensing of Security Guard Activities; and 3) Cabinet Regulation No. 584 of 27 December 2002, Regulations on the Issuance of Security Guard Certificates to Natural Persons. 3. By 31 December 2006 the Cabinet shall adopt the regulatory enactments referred to in Section 23 of this Law. 4. Sections 19, 20, 21, and 22 of this Law shall come into force on 1 January 2007. 5. Until the day of the coming into force of the Cabinet regulations referred to in Section 11, Paragraph seven of this Law, but not later than until 1 July 2011, Cabinet Regulation No. 945 of 20 November 2008, Regulations Regarding the Procedures for the Issuance, Extension and Cancellation of Security Guard Certificates and the Procedures for the Payment and Amount of the State Fee, shall be in force. [28 October 2010] Informative Reference to European Union Directives This Law contains legal norms arising from: 1) Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules of Information Society services; and, 2) Directive 98/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July 1998 amending Directive 98/34/EC laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations. Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 11 This Law was adopted by the Saeima on 11 May 2000. President V. Vīķe-Freiberga Rīga, 30 May 2006 Translation © 2011 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) 12