Modeling Refractory Material Production by Selfpropagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS) Conduction Heat Transfer MEAE 6630 Dianbo Li ABSTRACT Self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) can be used to prepare near net refractory shapes which are difficult to produce by other methods. Once initiated, highly exothermic reactions can become selfsustaining and will propagate through the reactant mixture in the form of a combustion wave, and reactants turn into products as the combustion wave goes through. Physical processes involved in SHS include chemical kinetics, macroscopic transport phenomena and phase transformations. This project describes a simplified mathematical model using numerical method to simulate the process of the SHS and investigate behaviors of SHS process. INTRODUCTION The basic mathematical foundation for self-propagating exothermic reaction was developed more than 35 years ago. Over the past 20 years many materials have been synthesized by this method, including metallic, ceramic, and composite phases. Credits should be given to formal Soviet Union because vast majority of literature accounts of the SHS process has been done in CCCP. Formal USSR had commercial production using SHS process. Recent reports show that Russia had produced more than 300 materials using SHS process. USSR’s progresses in the field of SHS have attracted international attention as a result of the special importance given to this process. SHS has many advantages as a process for the synthesis of materials. The most important of these include the energy savings associated with the use of self-sustaining reactions, the simplicity of the process, the relative purity of the products, and the possibility of simultaneous formation and densification of the product. Also, products created by the SHS process are superior to those created by conventional methods in some cases. The shape-recovery force associated with SHS alloys is believed to be greater than that observed in alloys produced by conventional methods. The products of synthesis by combustion can be in powder form. The powder products have been used as filters or as crucible materials. Also, SHS process can products highly dense bodies which involving the application of pressure and molten state of the products. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATION The SHS process depends on a highly exothermic reaction, which occurs in the form of a traveling or combustion wave. The process in initialed by providing a heat source, such as tungsten coil or laser, at one end of a compacted powder sample. The sample end is heated until the temperature reaches a point where the exothermal reaction begins. This temperature, which initiates the reaction, is defined as the ignition temperature Tig. Another important temperature parameter is the adiabatic temperature of combustion T ad. Tad is defined as the temperature to which the product is raised under adiabatic conditions due to the heat generated by the exothermic reaction. When the exothermic reaction is initiated, a combustion wave forms at the heated end of the sample and proceeds to propagate along the sample’s axis of symmetry. The SHS process is self-propagating. So the energy required to continue the exothermic reaction is provided solely from the combustion wave itself. Therefore, no external heat source is required other than that to initiate the process. During the process, the rate of propagation of a combustion wave through the reactant mixture is dictated by thermophysical and heat transfer criteria. In this project one assumption is that convection is negligible and only radiation occurred at end of material is considered. PROBLEM & FORMULATION Consider a compacted powder cylindrical rod of uniform stoichiometric metal-nonmetal composition. As a class of materials, nitrides possess relatively unique properties which make them highly desirable in a variety of applications. They are generally hard, refractory, and chemically stable materials. In this project mixture is titanium powder and nitrogen gas. For the general case of a reaction between porous solid and gaseous nitrogen, two considerations must be examined. The local availability of nitrogen and the pressure of the nitrogen gas. Pressure PN must exceed the thermodynamically calculated dissociation pressure of the nitride phase at the ignition temperature. However, this is not the focus of this paper. We just simply assume the environment meets these pressure criteria. The chemical reaction is Ti + N2 ---- > TiN + N + Heat Since the heat flux to the plane of a combustion wave is the sum of the heat transferred to it prior to the arrival of the wave and the heat generated by the chemical reaction associated with the wave itself. The following expression has been derived for self-propagating combustion reactions: Qin – Qout + Qgenerated = Qstored Here Qin rate of energy entering the control volume Qout rate of energy exiting the control volume element Q generated energy generation rate within the control volume element Q stored rate of energy stored within the control volume element In order to simplify the problem, following assumptions are made: a. Thermal properties are constant and independent of temperature. Although we know these properties are not really independent of temperature (. i.e. specific heat is a function of temperature.), we set all thermal properties constant to approach a simplified computer model. b. One-dimensional transient heat conduction. If we consider convection and side radiation are significant, a two-dimensional model has to be developed. c. Assuming velocity of combustion wave is constant through the rod. Sometimes the reaction can be so complex as to lead to the formation of multiple wave propagation. The existence of two-wave combustion in nitride formation is believed to be the consequence of the complex nature of the reaction between gaseous nitrogen and the refractory metals. d. Any phase change will occur prior to the arrival of the combustion wave, so that temperature profile is not affected. e. the chemical reaction is completed after the passage of the combustion wave along any point on the rod, reaction granularity is not significant, and the width of the wave (reaction zone) is narrow in comparison with thermally affected zone. within the rod, energies entering and exiting the control volume are simply due to heat conduction through the rod material. Therefore Q in = q x Q out = q x+x where q = -K T/x K is the thermal conductivity Formula for heat generated by chemical reaction is as follow Q generated = Hr p Ko (1-) n e(- E /RT ) here Hr is the heat of reaction, is the density, Ko is a constant and is the fraction reacted of the reactant mixture, n is the reaction kinetic order, E is the apparent activation energy of the reaction, and R is the specific gas constant. The energy stored within the control volume element represents the time lag that occurs for heat conduction through the element and is based on the properties of the material: Q stored = Cp T/t therefore, governing equation is as following: E K 2T T n H r Ko 1 e RT CP 2 x t Also, at each end of the rod, radiation heat transfer is significant and can’t be ignored. Q radiation = T2 Where is radiation constant, then governing equation is E K 2T T n H r Ko 1 e RT T 4 CP 2 x t Solution The governing equation shown previously is a non-linear one-dimensional Fourier equation. In this project, numerical solution techniques will be introduced to solve this equation. This differential equation can be approximated using an explicit finite difference method. Ti n 1 rTi n1 (1 2r )Ti n rTi n1 where r = t / (x2) < 0.5 Substitute the upper equation into governing heat transfer equation and rearrange, the resulting equation is as follows: Ti E t Ti j 1 2Ti j Ti j 1 n RT K Ti H r Ko 1 e CP x 2 j 1 j while at the end of the rod, involving radiation heat transfer: Ti j 1 E t Ti j 1 2Ti j Ti j 1 n RT Ti K H r Ko 1 e (Ti j ) 4 2 C P x j The initial and boundary condition used in solving the upper equation is: T 10 = T start T0j = T 1jT nj = T jn-1 A simple computer model was developed using the above finite difference scheme to approximate the temperature distribution at different times using the SHS process. The resulting algorithm was code in Fortran 77 and run on a Sun workstation. Input parameters are as table I Table I Material properties approximated for titanium nitride. Sample Length 0.01 m To ( initial temperate) 298 K R (Gas constant ) 8.31 kJ/(kg mol K) K (thermal conductivity) 50 W/m K (density) 5430 kg/ m3 Cp 1373 J/kg K E (activation energy) 2.0 e5 J/kg mol n (reaction order) 1 Hr (enthalpy of reaction) 3e5 J/m3 Atomic weight of TiN 61.88 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In this project, Several points are being investigated to see their impacts on SHS process. When varying one point, all other parameters are kept constant. Points of interest are: 1. The effect of QA (igniting heat flux) to induce the SHS process. 2. The influence of the reaction kinetic order (n) on the solution of the mathematical model. 3. The effect of the combustion process fraction reacted, i.e. the rate of conversion from reactants to products. Below is a general shape plot of the computed temperature distribution. X axis represents different section of sample in its axial direction. Y-axis is temperature in Calvin. And different color lines represent different time step. 1) Initial heat flux (QA) & Time on for QA To determine the effect of QA on the SHS process. The Fortran code was run using various initial heat fluxes while other parameters are the same. The simulation time used in the code is 0.01 s. From following plots, we can tell that Ti rod has normal heat conduction transfer as long as the temperature not reach T ignite. According to plots, T ignite is around 1600 K. Once temperature passes T ignite, chemical reaction happens rapidly (See Fig 3 & 4). Heat releases from combustion along with initial heat flux, push the temperature up to 4500 K. Away from the rod, maximum temperature is almost a constant which is close to maximum adiabatic temperature of combustion. However, T ad at location away from left end does not have obvious change when QA increases. Fig 3 and Fig 5 show QA = 1E9 W/m2 and QA = 2E9 W/m2 and prove that Tad keeps constant while QA changes. Fig 1 Fig 2 d Fig 3 Fig 5 Fig 4 Enlarge Area of Fig 3 Fig 6 enlarge area of Fig 5 2. Effect of kinetic reaction order to SHS process. The following plots are created using ENE (reaction order) of 0.5, 1, 2, and 3. Temperature distributions at different reaction orders vary rapidly. When other parameters are unchanged, SHS process only happens at narrow zone. Plots indicate that stable combustion wave happens around order of 1. When change of reaction order is significant, combustion can't occur ( Fig 7)or combustion is unstable (Fig 9 & 10). The instability of the combustion wave, which leads to the transformation from a steady state to a non steadystate mode, can lead ultimately to the extinction of the combustion process. Change of reaction order may result in insufficient heat generation and therefore cause combustion to stop. 3 Fig 7 Fig 8 Fig 9 Fig 10 Impact of the rate of conversion from reactants to products. In the computer model, rate of conversion is expressed as = ACH E-ECH/(RT). Therefore, we can vary the value of ACH ( frequency factor) to change the value of reaction rate. ACH values for plots 11~14 are 9.0E7, 1.0E8, 2.0E8 and 10E8. According to the plots, when the rate of reaction is small, then combustion is not going to happen. Also, when the rate keeps increasing, T ad is decreasing. When the Tad is drop below the ignition temperature, SHS process will extinct due to insufficient heat generation. Therefore, there is a zone of reaction rate which SHS process can happen. Fig 11 Fig 13 Fig 12 Fig 14 SUMMARY The mathematical model discussed in this project is based on many assumptions made previously. The model provides a simple means to approximate the SHS process. To increase the accuracy of the results, the model can be improved by disregarding some of the assumptions. For example, expanding the model to two-dimensional to include the surface heat losses; considering the impact of phase changes occurring near combustion wave and eliminating other assumptions will provide us a higher accuracy model. It is worth investigating the behavior of SHS process since SHS process has so many advantages in preparing material with superior properties comparing to conventional methods.