The procedure in preparing ACCCN Chinese worship slides by using PowerPoint Pre-requisites: 1. Know how to use any Chinese entry tool to enter Chinese in unicode, examples are: TwinBridge (3.0 for Win2000/NT or 5.0 for Win98) Microsoft IME for XP Chinese Windows 2. Unless special request elsewhere, ACCCN’s default font is “TSC Ukai M TT” 3. Each co-worker basically cover the whole month each time, including special worship and event within that month, if any. 4. Make sure to communicate with: Pastor/sister Hope: for source of information and proof reading Choir conductor: for the Choir Hymn Slide Projection Co-worker: to send final powpoint slides You need to work closely with these people to make sure the ppt is in time. You have to call them if you need to….that’s the center part of slide preparation, not the powerpoint itself. 5. Please always start from copy an existing ppt file and write it over. This could give you a more reliable results and save you all default settings. 6. If you using TwinBridge, try to open a Word file and type all contents in it and cut-andpaste to powerpoint pages. TwinBridge has lot less compatiablility issue in Word than Powerpoint. 7. Make sure you have all major source files handy, which includes: 2_510.doc : a all-in-one Hymns file containing all Hymns collected so far (excluded Choir’s), such as Long Hymns, Short Hymns, sister’s Hope’s list, Tian-Yun, etc. Choir_uni.doc : this file contains all Hymns collected from Choir everyweek. Usually will be passed from Choir leader. Bible_uni.doc : contains NIV version Chinese bible that you can cut-andpaste the weekly scripture from here. English part need to get it from web ( then enter the Chapter, e.g., Daniel 2:5 ) 8. Are you ready now? Let’s roll…… A. Input all Hymns for the week from the monthly worship agenda passed from Pastor/sister Hope: Make a backup copy of 2_510.doc, if possible, then enter all Hymns for that week into 2_510.doc, Cut and paste each Hymn into ppt file that you renamed from existing one, here is the general format guideline: o Make sure backgrounds are consistent. For example, the background for Hymn, Choir, scripture, or even in New comer section. Any other entry such as special report, can be properly changed to different background as needed. But make sure background used is fit to worship atmosphere. o Use a single black screen as divider in between any Hymn or scripture, o Read instruction on the monthly agenda closely and pay attention on joined worship which requires English portion additionally, o Font size: Heading of Hymn or Scripture is from 80-96, contents is 3660. make sure: Audience can see clearly, Due to the low ceiling, try not to put lines to more than half page. Copy Choir into choir_uni.doc and cut-and-paste to the pages. You can format up to 2/3 of the screen for Choir since audience are sit and don’t sing the Hymn when they listen the Choir to present. Scripture part font is 40-60, try to align the text neatly. Refer to the previous month’s slides in 2002 to get a feeling of what we discuss here. We currently use light blue or white text with black background. Whenever there is English and Chinese combined service, hymns and scripture should be in both Chinese and English. B. After finish the slide, make a screen capture of all sides by using C. Snagit. Send both screen capture file and powerpoint ppt file to Pastor/sister Hope for verify. D. E. Do the correction after you get the feedback from Pastor/sister Hope, and make sure you communicate with them to finalize the results. Pass the final results to the slide projection co-worker. Here is the Expected timeframe in this work flow: A– Starting anytime but better to finish by the end of Tuesday. That means, Choir’s hymn better to be ready by the end of Monday. B,C – as soon as you finish, assuming before Wed. D. – as soon as Pastor/sister Hope review it. Assume sometimes Wed or Thur. E. – No later than Thur evening or Friday morning.