Conceptual Change Through Processual Change Dr. A. Wasmann-Frahm, Dorfstr. 7, 25436 Groß Nordende; Poster presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Goteborg, 10-12 September 2008 Abstract Classification serves as a tool for conceptualizing the vertebrate concepts. A training of the method enhances the classification skills as well as class concepts of vertebrates. The introduction to the method is based on the ‘hybrid-model’ of comparison. This method comprises two independently working processes, the associative and the theory-based process. The development of classification skills initiates pupils to construct their own vertebrate concepts. Another important element in this approach is the insertion of the natural history of the vertebrates. The change from similarity-based classification to theory-based classification promotes the conceptual change of vertebrate concepts. This study investigates in three fifth grade classes the effectiveness of classification training. It examines in which way the classification skills influence the construction of vertebrate concepts. An associative test was developped to obtain results about the working of the two classification processes in the classroom. The results confirm that pupils changed from similarity- to theory-based classification and that a conceptual change of vertebrate concepts took place. Introduction Building up the concepts of vertebrates represents a well known learning difficulty since the pupils come with preconcepts (Hammann & Bayrhuber, 2001; Kattmann & Schmitt, 1996; Ryman, 1974). Psychologists consider the term of classification as being an important aspect of the cognitive process because pupils aquire the ability of constructing concepts that are integrated and memorised in the semantic memory. Learners build a network of mental representations. These concepts are important elements of knowledge. The common suggestions penguins, whales, seals were fish reveal a classification attributed to the habitat and locomotion criteria. Such misconceptions are the basic concepts children first learn. They stay for long and are resistant to change (Duit, 2000; Lakoff, 2003; Ryman, 1974). So, even fifteen year old students stick to this kind of everyday classification. Table 1 Classification of ‚untypical‘ vertebrates by fifteen years old pupils (n= 167); own investigations in 2004 Everyday Classification as Fish Species beaver seal penguin newt dolphin Concept of Fish 14 % 28 % 29 % 31 % 43 % 1 eel 91 % Theory The cognitive process of classification is considered as a construct of two parts, the associative part and the rule-based part (Hampton, 1998; Keil, Smith, Simons, & Levin, 1998; Lakoff, 2003; Rips, 1989; Sloman & Rips, 1998; Smith & Sloman, 1994) We call this the ‘hybrid model’. The associative part matches with many attributes of two or more objects or of a category and an object to be classified spontaneously. This kind of classification is common in everyday operations. The evaluation of similarity between objects changes depending on the situation. Similarity works best when there are clear categorial features. The use of similarity-based classification may provoke fundamental errors in living objects. If the classification basis on the perceptual feature ‘streamline’ a penguin as well as a whale is grouped to the class of fish. The explanatory part represents the rule-based process. Rules can be very different, for example logical, normative or describing. They are not compatible with the associative part and work independently from similarity. Rules determine the context of similarity and select the similarities that are demanded. This part works in domains of weak perceptive similarity or when the properties of objects fall between two categories. Rule-based classification is an alternative in cases without perceptible similarity. Both parts are active during a classification process and interact. The rule-based inference and selection process takes more time. Hybrid Model and Classification of a Penguin Associative Part • wings • fins • in water • eating fish • singing • swimming • flying • two legs • laying eggs • feathers • bill Interaction selection evaluation Explanatory Part database about criteria of the classes ......................................... • knowledge about the change of attributes • knowledge about homology and analogy • natural history of the vertebrates • adaptation – living space Figure 1: Classification of the penguin as a two part procedure, after the conception of Rips, Sloman, Keil et al. (Keil et al., 1998; Rips, 1989; Sloman & Rips, 1998; Smith & Sloman, 1994) Untypical specimens with few perceptual resemblances with their phylum cannot be classified on the basis of perceptual similarities. The more untypical a living organism is according to its class, the more necessary is a theory-orientated classification recurring to the explanatory part of the classification process. This is the case for whales, snakes, bats and penguins. Classification of the penguin for example cannot 2 recur to the typical but non-defining attribute ‘flying’, instead inference processes about defining attributes operated by the explanatory part are necessary. Scientific Question This study persued the question whether an enhancement of the method of classification combined with natural history information fosters the change of conceptions. Hypothesis 1 An improvement of the method of classification leads to a better conceptualisation of vertebrates. Hypothesis 2 A change in the classification process fosters a conceptual change. Design of the Study An interventional treatment with three fifth grade classes (two experimental and one control group, n = 76) was performed. The first experimental group improved classification skills and was taught about the natural history of vertebrates, the second experimental group improved its classification skills while the third class as control group obtained traditional lessons without an explicit classification training and without natural history aspects. Table 2 Grouping of the Treatment Sample Subgroups Sample Classification Training Experimental group I Experimental group II Control group n = 26 n = 26 n = 24 + + - Natural History of Vertebrates + - Treatment The introduction into the method of classification represented the main part of a teaching sequence about vertebrates for experimental groups I and II. Animal cards served as the main teaching material. Pupils used them to classify species to vertebrate classes and to represent the variability of species in one vetrebrate class. There were about 50 different animal cards to be analysed. One side of the card showed a picture and the name of the animal, the other side described its characteristics. Pupils looked for the relevant properties to classify the animals valuating and selecting the given information. The student groups designed a poster for one out of the five vertebrate classes and presented it in front of the class (Wasmann-Frahm, 2006a, , 2006b). Method and Testing Material 3 A pre-, post- and follow-up test design was established and statistically evaluated. A two part classification test was developped to obtain results on the use of similarity and theory as well as on animal conceptions. The test consisted of three animal cards with a prototype organism, the stork, and two cards with untypical animals such as the whale and the penguin. The animal cards were identical for the pre- and post test. Six months later the test procedure was repeated, with other species, however, shown on the cards - a sea-lion, a stingray, and an orca. This was necessary to avoid learning and fatigue effects. First, the pupils noted their associative ideas when contemplating the animal picture. Second, they had to classify the animals. The classification immediately after notifying associations stimulates the automatically working part of the classification process, the so-called similarity-based classification. Dolphin Note your first ideas when you see this animal. Group the dolphin into a vertebrate class. Do you know this animal? □ yes □ no fish amphibian reptile bird mammal Figure 2 Picture card, first classification The time was limited to 4 minutes. At the end of 4 minutes the picture cards were collected. Dolphin / Tursiops tuncatus Dolphin Dolphins are very intelligent. They can communicate very well. They even recognize how humans feel. The form of their body is well adapted to live in water. They have to come up to the water surface for respiration. Dolphins are viviparous animals and bring forth young ones. At birth the dam helps its calf to the surface to get its first breath. They feed on sea animals like squid. Their skin is smooth and slimy. Their forelimbs are used as flippers. These dolphins are very sociable and they live in groups. Group the dolphin into a vertebrate class. fish amphibian reptile bird mammal Give reasons for your classification (catchwords) __________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Figure 3 Information card, second classification 4 The second card comprised textual information about the same animal. The pupils of the sample group had the task to classify the animals once again. This time they were asked to give arguments for their choice and they got as much time as they required. This classification card was supposed to reveal information on the theorybased classification. Results –Pre-test Associations The associations noted by the pupils were grouped into seven different categories. Most of their associations were attributed to locomotion. Aspects attributed to habitat were often mentioned as well. These results coincide with former investigations (Kattmann & Schmitt, 1996) and underline the dominance of locomotion and habitat aspects. Table 3 Categories of Associations and Percentages; Pretest; n=76 Association fields surface properties locomotion habitat nutrition relationship to humans Stork Penguin Dolphin 3.9% 10.4% 18.2% 23,4% 34.2% 29.9% 42.9% 28.9% 39.0% 26.0% 18.4% 7,8%% 3.9% 3,9% 1.3% 1% 1.3% 1.3% Classification Table 3 indicates very little difference between the first and second classification. The data clearly show that everyday classification based on the associative part dominates at this stage. Pupils are not able to take advantage of the information without having any theoretical knowledge about vertebrates and without any classification competences. Those pupils who so far have not understood the classification system containing inclusions indicated two vertebrate classes for one species. The errors reveal the difficulties children have when classifying untypical animals. Less than half of the testified sample group classified penguins as birds. These findings suggest the only use of the spontaneous associative part of the classification process. Table 4 1. Classifcation of the Penguin 1.classification(picture) and 2. classification (information); Pretest; n=76 2 animal classes 1. Classification 5.3% 2. Classification 2.6% 5 fish amphibian reptile bird mammal 10.7% 11.7% 1.3% 2,6% 2.7% 1.3% 44.0% 45.5% 36.0% 36.4% The classification arguments show criteria pupils used for classifying vertebrates. The arguments were grouped into eight categories: four of them based on perceptual similarity and three categories consisting of a correct biological argumentation. Nonsense answers, no answers and circle arguments such as ‘because I know it’ were integrated within the first category of ‘no arguments’. The four everyday arguments are related to locomotion, habitat, nutrition, and perceptual similarity. The taxonomic arguments are divided into a superordinated argument (‘they have lungs’), an argumentation with one correct argument and with two or more correct arguments. percentage - 10 20 30 40 50 no arguments movement nutrition habitat similarity superordinated argument 1 argument, class related 2 arguments or more Figure 4 Arguments for the classification of the penguin, pre-test, n= 76, white bars: everyday arguments; dark bars: taxonomic arguments The data revealed that the largest part of the sample group was not able to argue, the next highest part of the sample group referred its answer to locomotion, followed by nutrition, habitat, and perceptual similarity. The use of taxonimically valuable arguments played a subordinated role. Locomotion takes the first place in spontaneous associations and in criteria for classification. These findings lead to the conclusion that only the associative part of the classification process is activated. These arguments coincide closely with 6 spontaneous associations. The high amount of false or no argumentation underlines that classification at this time is no solid tool to construct concepts. Results – Post-test In the post-test pupils out of the experimental group I and II showed a different behaviour on the occasion of the first and the second classification. This experience leads to the conclusion that they are now able to rely on the explanatory part of classification, if necessary. The mean scores in figure 5 show this improvement from the first to the second classification. The classification abilities of the control group are considerably behind the other two random groups. After having used the information the experimental group I and control group differed significantly (mean score: .9 to .55). The control group showed no improvement of classifying vertebrates. These pupils remain in everyday grouping habits. Those who corrected their own classification found the adequate information in the text for classifying vertebrates. The selection of arguments was based on theoretical knowledge of the explanatory part. The next graph illustrates this improvement. First and second classification - dolphin 0,9 0,8 0,7 mean 0,6 1. classification 2. classification 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 Exp. I Exp. II control Figure 5 1. Classification (picture) und 2. Classification of the dolphin (information); white pillar: 1. classification; rayed pillar: 2. classification; post-test The arguments of classification, too, indicate the improvement of competences in classification. They demonstrate that the experimental groups have gained much more skills in taxonimic classification. The next figure illustrates that the control group argues further on everyday reasons. They give locomotion orientated answers (25%) in the first place, habitat arguments (20%) in second place while the taxonomic arguments do not increase. Their understanding of classification did not change. Their classification process relied on similarity-based comparision. They did not change their behaviour during the process. 7 percent 0 10 20 30 40 50 no arguments locomotion nutrition habitat similarity superordinated argument 1 argument, related to the class 2 or more arguments Figure 6 Arguments for the classification of the dolphin, post test, control group n=24; white bars: everyday arguments; dark bars: biologically correct arguments percent 0 10 20 30 40 50 no arguments locomotion nutrition habitat similarity superordinated argument 1 argument, related to the class 2 or more arguments Figure 7 Arguments for the classification of the dolphin, post test, experimental group I, n=26; white bars: everyday arguments; dark bars: biologically correct arguments While a quarter of the control group based its classification on locomotion, this argument disappeared in the experimental group I. The class obtaining method training and natural history learning was able to shift from everyday criteria to taxonomically relevant criteria. These criteria consist of homologies such as skin, skeleton, reproduction system, lungs, and circulation. The control group, however, 8 could not rely on both parts of the classification process. This is the reason why they did not build appropriate biological concepts. Their difficulties affect the correct classification as well. Only 50% of the control sample group classified the dolphin as mammal while there were 88.5% in the experimental group I who classified this animal correctly. The analysis of the data suggest a shift from similarity-based classification to the use of the explanatory part that improves the classification abilities and the formation of correct concepts as well. In the experimental group II (classification training without natural history knowledge) 76% of the sample group classified the dolphin correctly to the class of mammals. The sums of everyday arguments are higher than those of the experimental I group. 14% argued with habitat and 4.8% still relied on similarity. The locomotion argument disappeared as well. The improvements of this group reached almost the progression of the experimental group I. The difference between the experimental groups I and II may be explained by the more theory-orientated classification in group I. It can be deducted from this observation that the natural history knowledge supports the selection of features. No one in group I returned to similarity-based nor to locomotion nor to habitat orientation. These results were found for all three animal cards. The experimental I sample group showed a solid quality of classification since these pupils argued consequently with more than 80% of biologically correct reasoning. Consequently these data allow to deduct that the combination of classification training and theory was successful. Sticking to similarity-based classification of the control group means sticking to everyday classification patterns. This leads to a lack of biologically based vertebrate concepts. A t-test (paired samples between pre- and post-test) revealed significant differences between the three groups (two-sided, on .01 level for mean scores). Another t-test proved that only the experimental I sample group showed a significant shift from the pre- to the post-test by using taxonomic criteria (two-sided, on .05 level). This result underlines that a shift from similaritybased to theory-based classification is due to process-orientated learning. It supports the result that this method offers a way to improve the individual construction of vertebrate concepts. Results – Follow-Up Test The following table shows the classification behaviour after six months, referring to the stingray. Table 5 Arguments for a classification of the stingray, follow up-test, all three sample groups Arguments no arguments locomotion nutrition habitat similarity superordinated argument 1 argument, related to the class 2 or more arguments Control Group Experimental Group II Experimental Group I (n=20) (n=20) (n=23) 35% 0% 0% 5% 0% 4.3% 5% 0% 4.3% 15% 15% 17.3% 10% 0% 0% 25% 15% 26.1% 5% 0% 30% 40% 21.7% 26.1% 9 The experimental groups continued basing their arguments on taxonomic criteria. These pupils have left behind them similarity-based classification. The experimental II group, for example, used up to 85% biological arguments for their classification. They obviously inserted the new sight of classification to their previous concepts and built up reliable vertebrate class concepts. A high percentage of the control group, however, did not find any argument for their classification (35%). And another 35% of those sticked to everyday arguments. Table 6 Correct classification of the dolphin and orca, pre-, post- and follow up test; all three groups sample control experimental II experimental I Pre-test dolphin 32% 57.7% 61.6% Post-test dolphin 54.2% 76.2% 88.5% Follow-up Test Orca 65% 100% 95.7% The table showing the correct classification of dolphin and orca underlines the findings about long-term learning. While almost each of the experimental groups was able to classify an untypical vertebrate, 65% only of the control group classified it correctly. Both the experimental groups could significantly enhance their ability of classification (t-test, paired samples, significant at .05 level). It can be concluded that method training and close connecting of method and content improve conceptualisation of vertebrate concepts and anchor them deeper in the mental representation where they stay for long. Conclusions This study demonstrates that the improvement of classification skills in the theorybased process enables children to classify more independently from perceptual similarity. A shift from analogy-based criteria to homology-oriented criteria has taken place. In this sense, the experimental groups have accomplished a change of comparision process. The teaching and learning of classification skills promotes the shift in direction of theory-based classification. A theory-based part filled with theoretical knowledge like natural history of vertebrates and change of species improves the conceptualisation of vertebrates. Acquiring more competences in classification pupils are able to enlarge or reconstruct actively vertebrate concepts. Hence, the conceptual change of vertebrate concepts is possible. This investigation shows also that self constructed enlargements of animal concepts or reconstructions are deeply anchored in the mental representation system and stay there for long. References Duit, R. (2000). Konzeptwechsel und Lernen in den Naturwissenschaften in einem mehrperspektivischen Ansatz. In R. Duit, von Rhöneck, C. (Ed.), Ergebnisse 10 fachdidaktischer und psychologischer Lehr-Lern-Forschung (Vol. 169, pp. 77-103). Kiel: IPN. Hammann, M., & Bayrhuber, H. (2001). Biodiversity and the comparative method: A teaching intervention at age 11-12. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the III. Conference of European Researchers in Didactic of Biology (ERIDOB), Santiago de Compostela. Hampton, J. A. (1998). Similarity-based categorization and fuzziness of natural categories. Cognition, 65, 137-165. Kattmann, U., & Schmitt, A. (1996). Elementares Ordnen: Wie Schüler Tiere klassifizieren. 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Vergleichen und Ordnen von Tieren - Wirbeltiere im Zusammenhang unterrichten. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Biologie in der Schule, 55(1), 30-38. Wasmann-Frahm, A. (2006b). Aufgaben für eine neue Lernkultur. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Biologie in der Schule, 55(2), 32-38. This document was added to the Education-line database on 5 December 2008 11