Miss Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Eta Delta Delta Chapter - George Mason University
Chartered July 27th, 1988
P.O. Box 244
Fairfax, Virginia 22038-0224
Miss Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. Scholarship Pageant Application
Application due October 20th, 2008
Please turn in completed applications to Student Activities Office in SUB I or email to hdd_ques@yahoo.com
Date of Birth:
Preferred contact phone #:(
T-shirt size:
Include current class schedule, unofficial transcript, and a short description of your talent that you
plan to perform.
**Note: This pageant is open to all women that are current undergraduate Mason students. If you are a Freshman, please put
down your graduating High School GPA and first semester mid-term*(if possible) GPA from Mason.
Your class schedule and unofficial transcript can be found on Patriot Web.
Applicant Questions (please type on separate sheet and attach)
1. Why are you interested in the Miss Omega Psi Phi Scholarship Pageant?
2. What community service projects have you been a part of (list the most recent)?
3. How do you plan to help the chapter and its members promote community service
and leadership on campus?
Please visit our website at, www.gmu.edu/org/opp to learn more about our fraternity, our
chapter, and our past events.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Eta Delta Delta Chapter - George Mason University
Chartered July 27th, 1988
P.O. Box 244
Fairfax, Virginia 22038-0224
Frequently asked Questions
Q: What does Miss Omega Psi Phi and her court do?
A: Miss Omega Psi Phi and her court are considered to be the Chapter’s female
representatives on the campus. She and her court have to conduct one program on their
own with the Chapter’s approval. They are also expected to attend as many Fraternity
events as possible.
Q: How is the scholarship awarded?
A: The scholarship is awarded after the pageant to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The
remaining contestants are given their portion of the fundraised monies.
Q: I don’t have a talent, what do I do?
A: Your talent can be anything, from reading poetry, singing, reciting spoken word,
juggling milk bottles, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. The Chapter will help
you prepare your talent.
Q: I don’t feel comfortable in a bathing suit in front of the entire university, what do
I do?
A: The beach wear portion of the program is designed to be an inventive portion for the
contestants. We would like to see the contestant’s creativity. This is not limited to a onepiece or two-piece bathing suit. You will receive more points for originality. Please
notice that we call this portion “beach wear” not “swimsuit”.
Q: If I become Miss Omega Psi Phi or a member of her court, do I get to throw up
the Fraternity’s signs and do the Fraternity’s call?
A: No, those are unofficial trademarks of the Fraternity and its members only. If there is
abuse of this, the contestant will be asked to leave the pageant and return all scholarship
Q: I am a Freshman and I don’t have a George Mason GPA, can I still compete?
A: Yes you can. When you fill out your application please put down your last High
School GPA and First Semester Mid-term GPA from Mason.
Q: I don’t have a lot of money to spend on the pageant, will there be financial help
preparing for the pageant?
A: We want you to spend as LITTLE money as possible on the pageant. But we have
sponsors at local shops that are willing to donate and give discounts on purchases for the
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Eta Delta Delta Chapter - George Mason University
Chartered July 27th, 1988
P.O. Box 244
Fairfax, Virginia 22038-0224
Q: I decided to be in the pageant but realized I don’t have enough time to commit to
it, will I be charged for anything?
A: You could be. The Chapter reserves the right to charge any applicant damages
incurred by the applicant not participating in the pageant. Once the application is
submitted the applicant must compete in the pageant or give just cause as to why they
Q: How many practices and meetings will there be?
A: There will be a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of two (2) practices per week
leading up to the week of the pageant.
Q: How is the winner decided?
A: A panel of judges will have a set scoring rubric to judge each contestant on. That
scoring rubric is based on primarily on GPA, then Chapter score, talent, business attire,
question and answer, beach wear, and evening wear.
Q: I have additional questions, who do I talk to about them?
A: Anyone in the Chapter can answer your questions, but please direct all your questions
to the pageant Chairman, Brother Craig Ellis 804-647-1833 cellis1@gmu.edu or CoChairman, Brother Lenny Coleman 703-615-6348 lcolema1@gmu.edu.
Q: How much time per week should I commit to preparing for the pageant?
A: You should be prepared to spend 4 hours per practice per week leading up to the
pageant and anytime for fundraising.
Q: Do I need to know anything about the Fraternity or the Chapter?
A: All contestants will be receiving a packet of information on the Fraternity and
Chapter. The question and answer portion of the competition will come from that packet.
Q: How is the scholarship raised?
A: The scholarship money will consist of private donations, sponsorship, the Chapter’s
endowment fund for this scholarship, and various fundraising projects that the Chapter
and contestants will participate in leading up to the pageant. All contestants will receive a
portion of the money they individually fundraised.
Q: When is the pageant and how long will the program be?
A: The pageant will take place in Dewberry Hall November 21st, 2008 in the evening and
should take roughly 3 hours. If the Chapter elects to not have a pageant, the three titles
will be awarded to the applicants by the Chapter.
Q: What categories will the pageant consist of?
A: The pageant will have the following categories: talent, beachwear, business attire,
question and answer, and evening wear.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Eta Delta Delta Chapter - George Mason University
Chartered July 27th, 1988
P.O. Box 244
Fairfax, Virginia 22038-0224
Contestant Agreement
, understand that participating in the
Eta Delta Delta Chapter Miss Omega Psi Phi Scholarship Pageant is a privilege and that
Eta Delta Delta reserves the right to revoke participation and any awards to any
contestant if they do not attend practices, perform official duties outlined at the
informational meeting, or falsify any documents. Upon submission of application, the
applicant must compete in the pageant barring extenuating circumstances deemed to be
appropriate dismissal from the pageant by Eta Delta Delta. If the applicant does not
compete in the pageant, Eta Delta Delta reserves the right to charge the applicant for any
expenses incurred due to them not competing.
Eta Delta Delta has the right to verify information given in the application. All
information provided to Eta Delta Delta will be private and privileged. There is no
expectation of favors, payment to individuals, or any other sort of bribery in order to
obtain any awards.
The title of “Miss Omega Psi Phi”, “Miss Eta Delta Delta”, and “Miss Purple and Gold”
are the sole naming rights of Eta Delta Delta, and those titles will remain with the
winners until one (1) year and one (1) day from attaining the title. In addition, any sashes
or crowns awarded to the winners are the property of Eta Delta Delta and will be returned
to the Chapter after the one (1) year reign is completed. If any of these items are not
returned, the winner will pay Eta Delta Delta the replacement cost(s) of the material(s).
Contestants may be asked to withdraw from the pageant or relinquish their title (and may
be charged) for damages incurred to George Mason University property, Eta Delta Delta
property (to include crowns, sashes, etc.), or physical injuries to other contestants or Eta
Delta Delta members or invited guests. Any contestant that withdraws or is excused from
the competition will relinquish all raised funds back to their original donors.
The recipient of the title “Miss Omega Psi Phi” along with her court, “Miss Eta Delta
Delta” and “Miss Purple and Gold” are required to plan, conduct, and facilitate at least
one (1) event with the help of the current Eta Delta Delta chapter members. “Miss
Omega Psi Phi” along with her court may also be required to attend certain Eta Delta
Delta events.
By signing this document I certify that I have read the above statement and agree to the
Pageant’s terms and conditions.