U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIGITAL DATA SERIES DDS-5 National Energy Research Seismic Library -- Processed Seismic Data for 29 Lines in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska DATA BASE DOCUMENTATION INTRODUCTION This disc contains (1) processed seismic data for 29 lines in the NPRA, (2) seismic line location map image files and text files of side panel information for those lines, and (3) a data base of supporting text information built using the Borland International PARADOX data base management system. Table 1 is a list of the seismic line identification, the fold of the data, the field party number, the line miles per field party, and the total line miles for the seismic lines on this disc (Tetra Tech, 1982). SEISMIC DATA FILES The seismic data for each seismic line on disc are contained in nine different files having the seismic line identification as the file name and the file suffix identifying the type of information contained. Each seismic line was converted from SEGY format to a .VAL file, a .RMS file, and a .HDR file. The .VAL file contains the seismic data traces. The .RMS file contains the root mean square (RMS) amplitude value for each of those data traces. Any tape header information that may have existed is contained in the .HDR file. Side panel information, as is displayed on final sections describing the processing history of the data, is contained in a .SPN file. A shot point location map for each line, displayed graphically with the seismic data by the programs SEGMENT or SEGDB (see SEGMENT.DOC), is contained in a parameters used by the programs SEGMENT or SEGDB in displaying the data, and a .EPT, .VPT, and .XPT file used for EGA, VGA, and extended VGA displays, respectively. Additionally, each seismic line has location map image files .EMP (EGA) and .VMP (VGA). These image files are used independently from the seismic display by the program MAPPER (see MAPPER.DOC) from within the Display and Report System (see DRS.DOC) and display the specified seismic line highlighted within the seismic line grid as well as other features such as well locations, streams, water bodies, roads, etc. Table 2 summarizes each file type. As an example, seismic line 107-77 was converted from SEG-Y to 107-77.VAL, 107-77.RMS, and 107-77.HDR. It also has files 10777.SPN, 107-77.MAP, 107-77.LBL, 107-77.EPT, 107-77.VPT, and 107- 77.XPT, as well as location map image files 107-77.EMP and 10777.VMP. 1 A utility program, SEGYDISK, allows the reconstruction of the original SEG-Y data, which may then be uploaded to a seismic data processing system (see SEGYDISK.DOC). SUPPORTING DATA BASE SYSTEM In addition to the actual seismic data and the associated files discussed above, the disc also contains a data base of seismic and well data built using the Borland International PARADOX data base management system and consisting of a collection of related data tables. Tables containing seismic data are related to one another by the seismic line identifier. Well data tables are related through the well American Petroleum Institute (API) number, which uniquely identifies each well. Included with the data base is an interactive, menu-driven Display and Report System (DRS), which may be used to present the data to the user's screen or printer or to a disk file. Associated with each table are specific forms and reports used by the DRS to present that information to the user. Users owning the PARADOX data base management system may use the data tables directly, as well as use the DRS. Those not owning PARADOX may execute the DRS using the PARADOX Runtime System included. Information on the DRS and the PARADOX Runtime System is available in DRS.DOC. Table 3 is a list of the data base file types and describes their function. SEISMIC DATA BASE The seismic data base consists of eight tables of data related through the seismic line identification and an additional table used for display purposes by the DRS. Table 4 is a list of the data tables composing the seismic data base. The table Disk1 represents an index of the seismic data available on this disc. Table 5 displays the Disk1 table structure. Users may display this table to obtain a listing of available seismic lines, the starting and ending shot point numbers for that line, the starting and ending latitudes and longitudes, and the number of shot point locations for that line. Table Sptlocs contains the shot point locations for a given seismic line identifier. Each shot point has an associated latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. Table 6 displays the Sptlocs table structure. The shot point location data were obtained from the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, 1981a). Table Vedindex represents an index to the available velocity information for the seismic lines contained on this disc. Not all seismic lines presented in this data set have associated velocity information. Users may display this table to obtain a listing of seismic lines having associated velocity information, the starting and ending shot point number associated with 2 velocity functions for a given seismic line, as well as the number of time, velocity, and depth records for that seismic line. Table 7 is a display of the Vedindex table structure. Table Vels contains the time, velocity, and depth (TVD) data by shot point for a given seismic line for those lines collected between 1974 and 1978. Table 8 displays the Vels table structure. The TVD data presented were derived from TVD data available through the NGDC (NOAA, 1981b). The TVD data obtained from the NGDC contained the seismic line identification, the shot point number of the velocity function, the latitude and longitude for that shot point, and the two-way traveltimes in milliseconds, the average velocities in feet per second, and depth in feet at those times calculated by using the corresponding average velocities. RMS and interval velocities were calculated by using those data. The interval velocity given with the first time value represents the interval velocity between time 0 and that first time value. A sample comparison between the RMS values calculated and those used by the contractor processing the data yielded a difference of 10 percent or less. Table Intersec contains the seismic line intersections for the 29 lines in the data set. The table contains the seismic line identification of the intersected line and its shot point and the identification of the intersecting line and its shot point. Table 9 is a display of the Intersec table structure. Table Field contains various field recording parameters for the seismic lines in the data set obtained from the "Petroleum Exploration of the NPRA, 1974 - 1981, Final Report" prepared by Tetra Tech (1982). Table 10 is a display of the Field table structure. Table Tapes contains the USGS Tape Library information of all processed tapes for the seismic lines in the data set. These tapes were turned over to the USGS by Tetra Tech at the conclusion of the NPRA project in 1982. Table 11 is a display of the Tapes table structure. Table Cdptable contains information allowing conversion between data trace number, common depth point (CDP) number, and shot point number. One can identify the sequential data trace number by its corresponding CDP number and shot point number. Table 12 is a display of the Cdptable table structure. Table Cdpdummy is used by the DRS as a template for displaying a combination of information contained in the Sptlocs and Cdptable tables. Table 13 is a display of the Cdpdummy table structure. 3 WELLS DATA BASE The wells data base contains information for 126 U.S. Government wells within or near the NPRA (Bird, 1988). It consists of three tables of data related through the well API number and an additional table used for display purposes by the Display and Report System. Table 14 is a list of the data tables composing the wells data base. Table Wellocs represents an index of the well data available on disc. The Wellocs table contains the API number, the well name, and the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. Table 15 is a display of the Wellocs table structure. Users may display this table to obtain an index of available well data. Table Wellhist gives the well history for a given well. Each well in the Wellhist table has an API number, the agency drilling the well, the spud and completion dates, the well class, the ground and kelly bushing elevations (in feet), and a general description. Table 16 is a description of the well classes used. Table 17 is a display of the Wellhist table structure. Table Welldeps gives the depths to sixteen different rock units, where they exist, measured from the kelly bushing and rounded to the nearest 5 feet; the table also gives total well depth. Table 18 is a list of the rock units selected. Table 19 is a display of the Welldeps table structure. Table Wellsful is used by the DRS as a template for displaying a combination of information contained in the Wellocs, Wellhist, and Welldeps tables. Table 20 is a display of the Wellsful table structure. 4 REFERENCES Bird, K.J., 1988, Alaskan North Slope stratigraphic nomenclature and data summary for Government-drilled wells, in Gryc, George, ed., Geology and exploration of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 1974 to 1982: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1399, p. 317-353. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1981a, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA); Seismic reflection shot points for 1972 - 1980: National Geophysical Data Center, Data Set No. TGZ-0230-MT. [Available from National Geophysical Data Center, E/GC, Dept. CNP, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303.] ----- 1981b, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA); Time, velocity, and depth (TVD) information, 1972 - 1978: National Geophysical Data Center, Data Set No. TGZ-0220-MT. [Available from National Geophysical Data Center, E/GC, Dept. CNP, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303.] Tetra Tech, Inc., 1982, Petroleum exploration of the NPRA, 19741981, final report: Houston, Texas, Tetra Tech, Inc., vol. I, II, III, Rept. 8200, 183 p., 132 figs., 71 seismic maps. 5 Table 1: Summary of seismic data on disc. Line Number Fold Field Party field party Total line miles 107-77 12 G1184 12 G1186 107XE-78 12 G1173 107XW-78 6 G1186 133-76 6 G182 133-77 6 G1186 25-74 6 G184 25X-75 6 G195 25X-77 6 G1173 26-74 6 G184 26-76 6 G186 26X-75 6 G184 43-75 6 G184 46-75 6 G184 47-75 6 G195 47X-78 6 G1184 47XS-79 24 G1184 61-75 6 G186 61-76 6 G182 6 G186 62-75 6 G182 6 G186 24-79 6 G1182 63-75 6 G182 6 G186 630-79 12 G1186 65-75 6 G186 71-75 6 G184 71-77 6 G1173 711-80 6 G1182 726-80 6 G1186 728-80 6 G1182 U5-78 12 G1173 Total milage: Line miles per 45.3 35.7 33.9 17.3 38.0 33.0 31.2 25.5 34.4 79.3 81.3 42.3 50.5 70.5 94.8 63.9 18.2 13.8 16.8 72.0 41.5 14.8 9.5 33.8 87.5 48.0 14.5 18.8 20.3 10.3 26.2 15.7 25.3 81.0 33.9 17.3 38.0 33.0 31.2 25.5 34.4 79.3 81.3 42.3 50.5 70.5 94.8 63.9 18.2 13.8 88.8 56.3 9.5 121.3 48.0 14.5 18.8 20.3 10.3 26.2 15.7 25.3 1263.5 6 Table 2: Seismic data file types. File Suffix .VAL .RMS .HDR .MAP .SPN .LBL .EPT .VPT .XPT .EMP .VMP Format Binary Binary Binary Text Text Text Binary Binary Binary Binary Binary Description Converted seismic traces. RMS values for converted seismic traces. Tape header information. Shot point location map. Side panel information. Parameters for display software. EGA display. VGA display. Extended VGA display. EGA location map image. VGA location map image. Table 3: PARADOX data base file types. File Suffix .DB .PX .SET .F{n} .R{n} File Type and Function Database table containing the data. Primary index created by PARADOX for the table. Table characteristics, such as column widths. Form associated with a given table. Form number {n} may range from 1 to 15 Report associated with a given table. Report number {n} may range from 1 to 15. Table 4: Seismic data base data tables. Table Name Disk1 Sptlocs Vedindex Vels Intersec Field Tapes Cdptable Cdpdummy Description Index of seismic lines contained in this data set. Shot point locations of seismic lines in this data set. Index of velocity data contained in this data set. Time/Velocity/Depth information by seismic line. Seismic line intersections. Seismic line field recording parameters. USGS processed tape library information. Sequential trace number to CDP to shot point conversion information. Template used for the display of Cdptable and Sptlocs information. 7 Table 5: Disk1 table structure. Field Name Lineid Sp1 Lat1 Lon1 Sp2 Lat2 Lon2 Nspts Field Type A10 N N N N N N N Description Seismic line identification. Starting shot point number. Starting latitude, decimal degrees. Starting longitude, decimal degrees. Ending shot point number. Ending latitude, decimal degrees. Ending longitude, decimal degrees. Number of shot points in data base. Table 6: Sptlocs table structure. Field Name Lineid Spt Lat Lon Field Type A10 N N N Description Seismic line identification. Shot point number. Latitude, decimal degrees. Longitude, decimal degrees. Table 7: Vedindex table structure. Field Name Lineid Sp1 Lat1 Lon1 Sp2 Lat2 Lon2 Numrecs Field Type A10 N N N N N N N Description Seismic line identification. Starting shot point number. Starting latitude, decimal degrees. Starting longitude, decimal degrees. Ending shot point number. Ending latitude, decimal degrees. Ending longitude, decimal degrees. Number of time, velocity, and depth entries. Table 8: Vels table structure. Field Name Lineid Spt Time Vrms Vint Vavg Depth Field Type A10 N N N N N N Description Seismic line identification. Shot point number. Two-way traveltime, msec. RMS velocity, ft/sec. Interval velocity, ft/sec. Average velocity, ft/sec. Depth, ft. 8 Table 9: Intersec table structure. Field Name Lineid Spt Interid Interspt Field Type A10 N A10 N Description Seismic line identification. Shot point number. Intersecting seismic line identification. Intersecting seismic line shot point. Table 10: Field table structure. Field Name Lineid Party LineMiles Source SpVpRange NumChans Fold GrpInt Spread Geophones SampRate RecLen SpVpSpace VibrPt VibrNumX VibrPatch Filter SpOffset Charge Depth Field Type A10 A10 N A10 A13 N N N A10 N N N N N A6 N A7 N N N Description Seismic line identification. Survey party identification. Number of line miles recorded. Energy source type. Shot point/vibroseis point range. Number of channels recorded. Multiplicity of data recorded. Group interval, ft. Spread, symmetrical, ft. Number of geophones per group. Recording sample rate, ms. Recording record length, ms. Shot point/vibroseis spacing, ft. Vibroseis point. Vibroseis separation, in-line, ft. Vibroseis location patch, in-line, ft. Field recording filter, Hz. Shot point offset, ft. Dynamite charge, lbs. Dynamite charge depth, ft. 9 Table 11: Tapes table structure. Field Name Lineid Slot Reel Year Setname Type Format Density Proccomputer Medium Reclength Samplerate Numchans Spts Files Fold Field Type A10 N A20 N A16 A20 A15 A10 A15 A8 N N N A11 A11 N Description Seismic line identification. Tape library slot number. Tape reel number. Year collected. Data set name. Data type. Data format. Recording density. Processing computer. Recording medium. Record length, ms. Sample rate, ms. Number of channels. Shot point range. Files range. Multiplicity. Table 12: Cdptable table structure. Field Name Lineid Spt Trace Cdp Field Type A10 N N N Description Seismic line identification. Shot point number. Sequential trace number. Common depth point number. Table 13: Cdpdummy table structure. Field Name Lineid Spt Trace Cdp Lat Lon Field Type A10 N N N N N Description Seismic length identification. Shot point number. Sequential trace number. CDP number. Shot point latitude. Shot point longitude. 10 Table 14: Wells data base data tables. Table Name Wellocs Wellhist Welldeps Wellful Description Index of wells contained in this data set. Well histories of wells in this data set. Depths to selected rock units. Template used for a full display of well information. Table 15: Wellocs table structure. Field Name API Name Lat Lon Field Type A12 A25 N N Description Well API number. Well name. Latitude, decimal degrees. Longitude, decimal degrees. Table 16: Well classes used. Class DA-0 DA-1 DA-2 DA-0 DA-1 DA-2 DA-3 AP-1 AP-2 AP-4 AP-5 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 SP-1 Description Dry, no shows, abandoned. Dry, oil shows, abandoned. Dry, gas shows, abandcription Dry, no shows, abandoned. Dry, oil shows, abandoned. Dry, gas shows, abandoned. Dry, oil and gas shows, abandoned. Producing, oil, abandoned. Producing, gas, abandoned. Producing, oil with gas shows, abandoned. Producing, gas with oil shows, abandoned. Producing, gas. Producing, oil and gas. Producing, oil with gas shows. Producing, gas with oil shows. Producing, oil, suspended. 11 Table 17: Wellhist table structure. Field Name API Agency Spud Completed Class Grnd KB Descrip Field Type A12 A4 D D A4 N N A80 Description Well API number. Agency drilling well. Spud date, mm/dd/yy. Completion date, mm/dd/yy. Well class. Ground elevation, ft. Kelly bushing elevation, ft. Description. Table 18: Rock units selected. Designation T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 Rock Unit Surficial deposits and/or Gubik Formation. Sandstone of the Colville Group and Sagavanirktok Formation, undivided. Shale of the Colville Group. Nanushuk Group. Torok Formation. Pebble shale unit. Kingak Shale. Sag River Sandstone. Shublik Formation. Fire Creek Siltstone Member of the Ivishak Formation, Sadlerochit Group. Ledge Sandstone Member of the Ivishak Formation, Sadlerochit Group. Kavik Member of the Ivishak Formation, Sadlerochit Group. Echooka Formation, Sadlerochit Group. Lisburne Group. Endicott Group. Basement complex. 12 Table 19: Welldeps table structure. Field Name API Total T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 Field Type A12 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Description Well API number. Total depth, ft. Depth to top of rock units as described in Table 18, ft. 13 Table 20: Wellsful table structure. Field Name API Agency Spud Completed Class Grnd KB Descrip Name Lat Lon Total T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 Field Type A12 A4 D D A4 N N A80 A25 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Description Well API number. Agency drilling well. Spud date, mm/dd/yy. Completion date, mm/dd/yy. Well class. Ground elevation, ft. Kelly bushing elevation, ft. Description. Well name. Latitude, decimal degrees. Longitude, decimal degrees. Total depth, ft. Depth to top of rock units as described in Table 18. 14