Guidance Notes to Students: English Non-stop

Guidance Notes to Students:
English Non-stop - Continuous Study Programme
Welcome to the English Non-stop, the HKU SPACE General English Continuous Study
Programme. Please read the notes below and ask your teacher for clarification if you have any
Introduction to the course
Programme objective
Learning outcome
The textbook and the syllabus
Online support and e-learning
Attendance record and Learner Profile
How to benefit from the course
Attendance and punctuality
Electronic devices
Administrative inquiries
Introduction to the Course
English Non-stop is a continuous study programme in General English for students at upper
intermediate and advanced levels. The course features flexible enrolment, personalised
assignment programmes and a detailed Learner Profile available to students when they
complete their studies.
Programme Objective
The course helps students at upper intermediate and advanced levels reach CEFR* Mastery or
Proficiency in English at their own pace by providing instruction and practice in grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills.
As this can be a long process, often requiring some hundreds of hours of study, the course
does not 'finish' at the end of 120 hours. Students are encouraged to study for as long as they
feel they need in order to make the degree of progress they require. For this reason, the course
book is changed every 120 hours so that students avoiding repeating the same material from
one year to the next.
* Council of Europe Framework of Reference for Languages
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Learning Outcome
Individual students will have their own objectives with different emphasis on each of the four
skills. The following general descriptions apply to CEF C2 Mastery, (the highest level), and
C2, Effective Operational Proficiency.
A user of English at this level can
 understand with ease virtually everything heard or read;
 summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing
arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation; and
 express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer
shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
Effective Operational Proficiency
A user of English at this level can
 understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning;
 express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for
 use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes;
 produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled
use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
The Textbook and the Syllabus
Your course fee includes a textbook, which you will use in class. Your teacher will give you
your textbook on the first lesson.
The textbook for your course is Life Advanced Student's Book. The contents of this book
comprise the syllabus for English Non-stop 2015-16.
Online Support and E-learning
Online Support is provided via SOUL, our e-learning platform. This includes
weekly lesson summaries;
e-learning material for each unit (grammar and vocabulary quizzes, audio and video
material); and
the chance to post questions for the teacher to answer.
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All assignments are optional; however, in order to get feedback and monitor your progress,
motivate yourself and build a useful class profile, the following types of assignments are
available for those who wish to do them:
Unit Tests
Grammar, vocabulary, functions, writing and speaking (book the latter in advance)
Progress Tests
Every four units; grammar, vocabulary, functions, writing and speaking (book the
latter in advance)
Half year tests
Every six units; grammar, vocabulary, functions, writing and speaking (book the latter
in advance)
Writing Assignments
Short Writing Tasks (150 words max)
Writing Assignments (250 words max)
Extended Writing Task (500 words max)
Oral Assignments
One-to-one oral with class teacher (4-5 minutes)
Oral presentation (2 – 5 minutes)
Group discussion (10 – 15 minutes)
Role play / drama / sketch (5 minutes)
Story reading (pronunciation)
Play reading (pronunciation)
Reading and Listening
Reading comprehension
Listening comprehension
Learner Profile
When you have studied for at least 30 hours*, you can request a personal Learner Profile.
This will state your attendance and give a clear picture of your abilities in areas such as
grammar, vocabulary, and skills, along with details of assignments and projects you have
completed. Your Learner Profile will be of value to employers, academic institutions and
others who need a clear idea of your level of English.
* You must complete at least 30 hours to get a Learner Profile. You do not get a new Learner Profile
every time you complete another block, but your existing profile is updated.
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How to Benefit from Your Course
SPACE English courses use the communicative method of language teaching. The main idea
is that you learn by doing. This means your teacher will ask you to work in pairs and groups
for much of the time and will expect you to use English at all times during lessons. We offer
you the following advice to help you make progress:
Take a full part in all activities and exercises.
Try to use English as much as possible; do not use Cantonese or your native language.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes; you learn from mistakes.
Take an interest in your classmates and make the most of your chance to communicate
with them in English.
When you have questions, approach your teacher. He or she is there to help you.
Attendance and Punctuality
There are no formal requirements for English Non-stop, and a degree of flexibility in
attendance is feature of the course. However, students in any language class have elected to
take part in a collective undertaking, and that undertaking stands less chance of success if
members of the group attend irregularly and arrive late. In order for students to get the
maximum benefit from working together, some form of class etiquette is desirable.
You are, therefore, asked to
attend for at least 120 minutes of each lesson;
inform the teacher and the other members of your group if you know you will be absent
the following lesson; and
make a special effort to be present and punctual when you are taking part in scheduled
group work (e.g. group presentations, drama etc.).
Use of Electronic Devices
You are welcome to use the dictionary and other reference functions of your smart phone or
tablet during lessons. However, please follow your teacher’s guidance; there are times when
you should try to guess the meanings of words instead of using your dictionary.
During lessons, please do not make or receive calls on your mobile phone. If you need to
make or answer an urgent call, please leave the classroom.
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You will need access to a good learner’s dictionary. These are available in print, on websites,
or as downloadable apps. Learners’ dictionary websites and apps include the following
Clear definitions in simple English
Notes on grammar and usage
Examples of the words in context
Phonetic symbols to help with pronunciation
Sound files in both British and American English
Recommended Online Dictionaries
Cambridge Dictionaries Online
MacMillan Dictionary
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Recommended Dictionary Apps
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (with audio)
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (with audio)
Note: The content for the apps and the online dictionaries is similar; the advantage of buying the app is
that you can use it when you are offline.
Recommended Print Dictionaries
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
MacMillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners
Administrative Inquiries
For inquiries about administrative matters, please contact the clerk in charge of your course,
Mr Alvin Lau Tel: 3762 0804; Email:
We hope you will find this course enjoyable and beneficial.
Dr Karen Ngeow
Senior Programme Director
July 2015
Appendix A
Appendix B
Course Timetable
Special Weather Arrangements
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Course Timetable
July – December 2015
January – July 2016
ENS 2015-6 /Guidance-Notes/Appendix A
Special Weather Arrangements
If there is a Tropical Cyclone (typhoon) or Black Rainstorm Warning during your course,
you should follow the procedures below:
For classes and examinations that have not yet started
If Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or above or the Black Rainstorm Warning is in force during
the following time periods, or
When an announcement is made by the Hong Kong Observatory that the Tropical Cyclone
Signal No. 8 or above is likely to be issued during the following time periods, classes /
examinations will be cancelled as shown in the table.
6:00 am – 10:59 am
Classes / examinations that start before 2:00 pm will be cancelled.
11:00 am – 2:59 pm
Classes / examinations that start between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm will
be cancelled.
3:00 pm and onwards
Classes / examinations that start from 6:00 pm will be cancelled.
For classes and examinations that have already started
When the Tropical Cyclone Signal
No. 8 or above is in force
Immediately suspended
Continue until the end of
that examination session
unless told otherwise by the
When an announcement is made by
the Hong Kong Observatory that the
Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or
above is likely to be issued within
the next two hours
Continue until Tropical
Cyclone Signal No. 8 is
officially issued, then
classes will be suspended
immediately */#
Continue until the end of
that examination session
unless told otherwise by the
School */#
When Black Rainstorm Signal is in
Students may leave earlier if they wish. This may be advisable for those living in remote
areas or on outlying islands.
All outdoor activities will be suspended.
Source: (Effective 1 July 2010)
NOTE: If a class is affected by a tropical cyclone or rainstorm, the lost time will be made
up at the end of the course. The teacher will arrange these details with the class.
ENS/Guidance-Notes/Appendix B